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Новости за 28.03.2024


Army suffers two Apache helicopter crashes within 48 hours

The Army has had two Apache helicopter crashes within 48 hours, with the latest sending two soldiers to the hospital when their aircraft went down Wednesday evening near Fort Carson, Colo., the service confirmed Thursday. The AH-64 Apache from the 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division crashed around 6:30 p.m. during a routine training exercise. The...


GOP Michigan state rep mistakenly claims Gonzaga team buses are for 'illegal invaders’

A Republican state legislator in Michigan railed against buses of “illegal invaders” landing at his local airport Wednesday, but he garnered criticism after it was discovered the buses carried a college basketball team. Rep. Matt Maddock (R) said the Gonzaga University basketball team, which was in Detroit for its March Madness Sweet 16 match-up on...


Russia to remain quiet on prisoner swap talks, as Evan Gershkovich marks a year in custody

Russia said silence is paramount when discussing talks about prison swaps potentially including the Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich whose detention reaches a one-year mark this week. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday that “certain contacts” are made when potential prisoner exchanges are mentioned, but they would have to be carried out...


Kentucky bill strips governor of power to appoint senator

The Kentucky Senate sent a bill to Gov. Andy Beshear (D) Thursday that would strip him of his power to appoint people to the U.S. Senate. The bill seeks to hold special elections for Senate vacancies in Kentucky, according to The Associated Press. The legislation's passage through the state Senate follows the late February announcement...


Biden, Obama, Clinton join 'SmartLess' podcast ahead of NYC fundraiser

President Biden and former Presidents Obama and Clinton joined the “SmartLess” podcast on Thursday while they were all together in New York ahead of a fundraiser. The episode with the three presidents on “SmartLess,” which is hosted by comedians Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes and Will Arnett, will air at a later date, according to the...


Hillary Clinton argues tech companies should be stripped of legal immunity

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton argued Thursday that major tech companies should no longer receive widespread legal immunity for content posted on their websites under Section 230. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act broadly protects social media platforms from being sued over the material people post to their sites. However, Clinton said these...


Lee Greenwood hits back at critics of 'God Bless the USA' Bible sales: 'Trump haters'

Country musician Lee Greenwood is defending the “God Bless the USA” Bibles he's selling in partnership with former President Trump, who is set to go on trial next month over hush money payments made to an adult film star. Trump shared a video to his Truth Social platform earlier this week to promote the Bibles...


Ramaswamy says RFK Jr. 'could be a good thing' for Trump

Conservative entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy said Robert F. Kennedy Jr. making a long-shot independent run for the White House “could be a good thing” for former President Trump. Ramaswamy said Wednesday on Fox News’s “Hannity” that Kennedy’s positions are “not aligned with the Republican Party and better aligned with Democrats,” suggesting his candidacy could take votes away from...


'Abandon Biden' protesters to descend on star-studded Radio City fundraiser

The "Abandon Biden" campaign is calling for protesters to descend upon President Biden’s star-studded fundraising event Thursday at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. The group, which formed to protest Biden’s “reluctance to call for a ceasefire in Gaza,” told its supporters that the protest will consist of a rally and a march...


Biden turns to old friends in fundraising battle

Welcome to The Hill's Campaign newsletter {beacon} Campaign Report Campaign Report   The Big Story Biden turns to old friends in fundraising battle A president, two former presidents and a Queen (Latifa): President Biden is holding a star-studded reelection fundraiser in New York that is expected to bring in more than $25 million for his...


UN high court again orders Israel to alleviate crisis in Gaza

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Thursday ordered Israel to take more steps to protect civilians in Gaza and alleviate the humanitarian crisis in the coastal strip where Israeli troops are fighting against Palestinian militant group Hamas. The court ordered Israel to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid into Gaza, noting there is no...


The Atlantic tops 1 million subscribers and is profitable

The Atlantic has topped 1 million subscribers and is profitable, the company announced this week. Overall revenue for the company is up more than 10 percent year over year, while advertising booked year-to-date is also up 33 percent from 2023, it said. Subscriptions to The Atlantic have spiked by double-digit percentages in each of the past four years...


Top Latino grassroots organization seeks to expand its reach

Mi Familia Vota, a Latino political organization known for its voter turnout efforts, is aggressively expanding its reach as an issues-based advocacy group and as a political clearinghouse to quantify, reach and promote the Latino vote. Mi Familia Vota President and CEO Héctor Sánchez, at the helm since 2019, told The Hill the group has...


Support for legal abortion hits new high among US voters: Fox News poll

A record 59 percent of surveyed Americans believe abortion should be legal, according to a new Fox News poll published Wednesday, as the Supreme Court argued over whether abortion pills should be outlawed, and GOP politicians consider support for a national abortion ban. Support for abortion rights has increased by double digits since early 2022,...


Kansas lawmakers send bill banning gender-affirming care for minors to governor's desk

Kansas could become the latest state to ban gender-affirming health care for minors after its Republican-dominated Legislature sent a bill prohibiting transgender youth from accessing treatments such as puberty blockers and hormones to the governor’s desk. The bill, which passed both the state House and Senate on Wednesday, is expected to be rejected by Democratic Gov....


Celebrating 45 years of C-SPAN

The first day of C-SPAN, March 19, 1979, was the day the House began televising its proceedings to the public — hence the cable company’s 45th birthday celebration last week.


Port of Baltimore closure shuts down No. 2 US coal export hub

The closure of the Port of Baltimore due to the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge could have major implications for coal exports, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). The bridge collapsed into the Patapsco River on Tuesday after it was struck by a container ship, leading to a temporary shutdown of the port....


US tuberculosis cases rise for third year in a row: CDC

Tuberculosis rates in the U.S. rose by 16 percent in 2023, marking the third year that cases went up following nearly 30 years of decline. In the most recent Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of TB cases in 2023 totaled at 9,615, a jump...


House to send Mayorkas impeachment charges to Senate on April 10

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and House Republican impeachment managers informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) in a letter Thursday that they will send two impeachment charges against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate on April 10. House Republicans are accusing Mayorkas of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” including “willful and systemic refusal to...


Biden rolls back Trump expansion of short-term 'junk' insurance plans

The Biden administration is cracking down on insubstantial health insurance plans that don't have to meet ObamaCare’s consumer protection requirements.  A final rule issued Thursday would roll back a Trump-era policy that drastically expanded what Biden officials and critics call “junk” plans. The final rule limits the duration of the insurance plans to three months, with...


Biden administration finalizes reversal of Trump Endangered Species Act rollback

The Biden administration on Thursday announced a finalized update to Endangered Species Act (ESA) rules that advocates say reverses some Trump administration rollbacks but fails to fully restore them. In 2019, the Trump administration made a number of alterations to the ESA rules, including adding language to protection criteria to allow consideration of economic impacts...


Maryland senator: Federal government to cover 90 percent of bridge rebuild costs

Maryland lawmakers are expecting the federal government to cover the lion’s share of the cost of the collapse and subsequent rebuilding of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge — with Congress potentially on the hook for only a fraction of the total as talk about an emergency supplemental bill increases.  Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) told...

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Экология в России и мире

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Путин в России и мире

Путин: Россия и Китай работают над формированием справедливого мироустройства

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Шнуров

Mash: певец Сергей Шнуров задолжал ФНС больше 4,5 млн рублей


Культурная бессонница: куда сходить во время «Ночи музеев» в Москве

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