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Новости за 27.03.2024


Budget watchdog warns US could suffer market shock over national debt

Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Phillip Swagel warned the United States could suffer a similar market shock as seen in the United Kingdom during former Prime Minister Liz Truss’s brief stint leading Britain, citing the nation's “unprecedented” fiscal trajectory.  In an interview with the Financial Times this week, Swagel discussed the country’s rising debt, while...


Israel agrees to reschedule delegation to discuss Rafah operation: White House

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office has agreed to reschedule a high-level delegation meant to travel from Israel to Washington to discuss the ally’s plans for an operation in Rafah, the White House confirmed Wednesday. Days earlier, Netanyahu had canceled the delegation set to visit with top Biden administration officials this week as retribution for the...


Trump's proposed tariffs could cost US households $1,500 a year: Report

A blanket 10 percent tariff on imported goods floated by former President Trump could cost U.S. households around $1,500 a year, a new economic analysis has found. Trump, who is on track to clinch the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has pledged to impose a 10 percent tariff on all foreign products if reelected. Broken down...


Evening Report — Officials plotting path forward after catastrophic bridge collapse

A quick recap of the day and what to look forward to tomorrow {beacon} Evening Report   © UPI Officials plotting path forward after Baltimore bridge collapse Officials are investigating the cause of the crash that led to the collapse of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge early Tuesday. But they aren't ready to say...


Most Americans support cannabis legalization for medical, recreational use: Pew

Story at a glance Most Americans — 88 percent — think cannabis should be legal for medical or recreational use, according to a recently published Pew Research Center survey.   Close to six out of 10 Americans believe marijuana should be legal for medical and recreational purposes, while about a third think that cannabis should...


State Department human rights staffer resigns over Biden’s Gaza policy

A State Department human rights staffer said she is resigning in response to the Biden administration's policy on Gaza in a CNN opinion piece Wednesday. “For the past year, I worked for the office devoted to promoting human rights in the Middle East. I believe strongly in the mission and in the important work of...


Title IX sports are booming. They're also a legal house of cards.

So here’s my pitch: Why drag this out? Why not remove girls’ and women’s sports from our increasingly fragile administrative law and add “competitive athletics”—coupled with a formal equality mandate—to the statute’s list of exceptions?


Biden administration announces $1.5 billion loan for first reopening of a shuttered nuclear plant

The Biden administration on Wednesday announced a $1.5 billion loan to restart a Michigan nuclear power plant. The loan, made through the Energy Department’s Loan Program’s Office with Inflation Reduction Act funds, will allow Holtec to restart the Palisades Nuclear Plant in Covert Township. The restoration, if approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, would be...


Lego asks police department to stop using toy heads on suspect photos

A California police department said it would no longer use Lego heads to obscure suspects’ faces in social media posts, after the Lego Group requested the department cease the practice, citing intellectual property concerns. “The Lego Group reached out to me on March 19th and respectfully asked us to refrain from using their intellectual property...


State Department offers $10 million reward for info on UnitedHealthcare hackers

The State Department announced Wednesday it would provide a $10 million reward for information about the Blackcat ransomware group that hacked UnitedHealth Group in February. “The ALPHV BlackCat ransomware-as-a-service group compromised computer networks of critical infrastructure sectors in the United States and worldwide, deploying ransomware on the targeted systems, disabling security features within the victim’s...


Biden narrowly leads Trump, trails when third-party candidates factored in: Poll

President Biden is narrowly ahead of former President Trump in a new national poll, but the survey found Trump benefits from the inclusion of independent and third-party candidates. A Quinnipiac University poll, released Wednesday, found Biden polling at 48 percent support and Trump at 45 percent in a head-to-head match-up between the major parties' presumptive...


Former Watergate prosecutor weighs in on recent Trump gag order: 'This is so unusual'

Former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman said Wednesday that the gag order recently imposed on former President Trump in his New York hush money trial is “so unusual.”  “I think what the viewers have to understand is, this is so unusual,” Akerman told CNN's Fredricka Whitfield in an interview. “This never happens, in over 50 years...


Buttigieg: No timeline yet on Baltimore port reopening

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said Wednesday that there's no timeline to provide for when the Port of Baltimore can reopen following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge a day prior. “Too soon to venture an estimate,” he told reporters during the White House daily press briefing. “The vast majority of the port is...


House adds Rutgers to list of schools under antisemitism investigation

The House Education Committee announced Wednesday it has sent a letter to Rutgers University requesting information regarding its handling of antisemitism on campus, making it the fifth college the panel is probing on the issue.   “The Committee on Education and the Workforce (the Committee) is investigating Rutgers University’s response to antisemitism and its failure...


Record growth in renewables, with a long way to go

Welcome to The Hill's Sustainability newsletter {beacon} Sustainability Sustainability   The Big Story Record growth in renewables, with a long way to go World nations achieved record renewable energy deployment in 2023, with the sector accounting for 86 percent of all power capacity additions, a new report has found. © AP Photo/Michael Sohn Yet despite...


Climate change endangers 70 percent of world's wine regions: Study

Rising global temperatures could decimate global wine production over the new few decades, according to a study published Tuesday in the science journal Nature. Researchers estimated that as much as 70 percent of the world’s suitable regions for wine will become too warm this century, including as much as 90 percent of wine’s best traditional...


Nearly 30 percent of LGBTQ women candidates discouraged from running for office because of gender, gender identity: Report

Nearly 30 percent of LGBTQ women candidates for office were discouraged to run due to their gender or gender identity, according to a report released Wednesday. The new report from the LGBTQ+ Victory Institute and Loyola Marymount University’s LGBTQ+ Politics Research Initiative found that 27.2 percent of LGBTQ women candidates in the survey were discouraged...


Hunter Biden's lawyers seek to toss tax charges in LA court

Attorneys for Hunter Biden are seeking to have his tax charges dismissed in a hearing in a Los Angeles federal court Wednesday afternoon. Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty in January to three felony charges and six misdemeanor charges in connection to tax evasion, filing a false return and failing to pay taxes between 2016 and 2019. He is...


NBC comes under fire from right for McDaniel ouster

NBC is coming under heavy criticism from the right for terminating a deal to use former Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel as a contributor. McDaniel’s abrupt exit followed vocal protests from some of the network’s most prominent on-air hosts, who took issue with her past rhetoric on the 2020 election and the Jan. 6,...


Bill Maher: 'I'll do everything I can to make sure' Trump isn't president again

Bill Maher says he’s committed to ensuring that former President Trump doesn’t return to the Oval Office. “I’ll do everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen, but none of us have much influence,” the HBO “Real Time” host said of Trump winning his rematch against President Biden, in an interview with Variety that published Wednesday....


Reproductive rights deliver Dems another election win 

Welcome to The Hill's Campaign newsletter {beacon} Campaign Report Campaign Report   The Big Story Reproductive rights deliver Dems another election win Democrats notched a win in the special election for an Alabama state House seat on Tuesday, spotlighting the influence of issues like abortion and in vitro fertilization (IVF) in 2024. © Marilyn Lands...


Abbott signs executive order to combat antisemitism at Texas universities

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed an executive order Wednesday to combat antisemitism at universities in the state amid a surge in the problem across the nation and the world. The order requires colleges to add a definition of antisemitism to their free speech policies and ensure those policies lay out clear punishments for antisemitic...


UN chief calls for slavery reparations

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called for slavery reparations over the transatlantic slave trade, which deprived enslaved people of “education, healthcare, opportunity and prosperity.”  “We call for reparatory justice frameworks, to help overcome generations of exclusion and discrimination,” Guterres said Monday, which marked the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and...

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Экология в России и мире

Концентрация песка в городском воздухе возвращается к обычным значениям

Путин в России и мире

Поведение Путина вызвало резонанс, потерянные в 90–е заводы возвращаются РФ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Рэпер Джиган вызвал Тимати на поединок после публичных насмешек в свою сторону прямо во время шоу


Московский код. Жители и гости столицы пишут краеведческий диктант

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