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Новости за 05.03.2024


White House weighs in on Cookie Monster's 'shrinkflation' post

The White House on Monday seized on Cookie Monster’s post complaining about “shrinkflation." “C is for consumers getting ripped off,” the official White House account on X, formerly known as Twitter, posted in response to an earlier post by the “Sesame Street” character. “President Biden is calling on companies to put a stop to shrinkflation.”...


Trump on war in Gaza: 'You've got to finish the problem'

Former President Trump on Tuesday said Israel has to "finish the problem" in its war against Hamas as Israeli leaders face mounting criticism for their handling of the war in Gaza. Trump called into "Fox and Friends" ahead of Super Tuesday voting, and co-host Brian Kilmeade asked the former president whether he was "on board"...


Harvard highlights its efforts in antisemitism battle in subpoena response to House GOP

Harvard University submitted more documents Monday in response to a subpoena from the House Education Committee, which has accused the school of not being cooperative with its probe into antisemitism on college campuses.   Harvard turned over more than 1,500 documents, including an overview of how it has been battling antisemitism. “Harvard denounced antisemitism...


John Barrasso forgoes bid for GOP leader to run for No. 2 spot

Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) will forgo a bid to replace Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and will instead run to become the No. 2 Senate Republican, sources tell The Hill. Barrasso had been one of the “Three Johns” seen as likely to run for the top spot in the conference alongside Sens. John Thune...


Man charged with smuggling greenhouse gases into US from Mexico

A California man was arrested and charged for allegedly smuggling greenhouse gases into the United States from Mexico and selling them for profit, federal prosecutors announced Monday. Michael Hart, of San Diego, is accused of purchasing refrigerants in Mexico and bringing them into the U.S. in his vehicle, where they were hidden under a tarp...


FAA faults Boeing over quality control problems

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) faulted Boeing for quality control problems in the wake of a midair blowout earlier this year. In a statement Monday, the agency said its six-week audit of the aviation giant and Spirit AeroSystems, the manufacturer linked to the incident that sparked the audit, found “multiple instances when the companies allegedly...


Biden admin cements new rule to limit credit card late fees

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) finalized a rule Tuesday to limit late payment fees issued by credit card companies, a move the agency says will reduce the typical fee by 75 percent and save U.S. consumers an average of $220 per year. The consumer watchdog agency estimated the rule would save Americans more than...


Axelrod says indictments make Trump look 'indomitable' and 'strong'

David Axelrod said Monday the indictments former President Trump faces have made him look “indomitable” and “strong." “I think we have to stop and acknowledge, the sort of moment that we’re in, where a guy who engineered an insurrection at the Capitol is on the verge of being his party’s nominee again, and I don’t...


Jill Biden congratulates Jason Kelce on his retirement

Jill Biden is among the Philadelphia Eagles mega-fans lauding Jason Kelce following the longtime center’s retirement announcement. “Congratulations on a legendary career,” the first lady said in a Monday post on social media. Biden’s celebratory message came just hours after a teary-eyed Kelce announced his NFL retirement during a news conference. The 36-year-old Super Bowl LII champion played his whole...


George Conway says he can't 'make heads or tails' out of Trump Supreme Court ballot opinions

Conservative legal commentator George Conway ripped into the Supreme Court justices’ majority and concurring opinions when restoring former President Trump to Colorado’s primary ballot, calling it “shoddy legal work all around.” “I think they did have a very difficult time with it because I don’t think any of the three opinions make any sense whatsoever,"...


Cuban says he'd vote for Biden even if 'he was being given last rites'

Mark Cuban, the former owner of the Dallas Mavericks, said he would cast his vote for President Biden over former President Trump in November, even if “he was being given last rites.” “If they were having his last wake, and it was him versus Trump, and he was being given last rites, I would still...


Toobin on Trump Supreme Court win: 'There were some pissed off justices'

Legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin noted there were high tempers on the Supreme Court after it ruled Monday that Colorado could not disqualify former President Trump from the ballot under the 14th Amendment. “There was a paradox, about today, at The Supreme Court,” Toobin told CNN anchor John King on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” in a...


Plastic food packaging contains thousands of hormone-mimicking chemicals: Study

Plastic food packaging contains chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system — and that can leach into food, a new study has found. Once there, these chemicals can mimic — or disrupt — the effects of the hormones estrogen and testosterone on the body, according to the study published on Tuesday in Environmental Science & Technology. Other...


Scott narrowly leads Mucarsel-Powell in Florida Senate race: poll  

Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) is narrowly leading Democrat challenger Debbie Mucarsel-Powell by 3 points, according to a new poll. A survey from the left-leaning firm Public Policy Polling, paid for by Emily’s List and first shared with The Hill, shows Scott leading Mucarsel-Powell 44 percent to 41 percent, respectively. Because the margin of error is...


Morning Report — Supreme Court, Super Tuesday voters tip the scales    

Former President Trump exulted in a favorable ruling from a unanimous Supreme Court on Monday and projections of triumph in today’s Super Tuesday contests in 15 states amid evident Republican Party divisions. All nine justices agreed that Colorado, which holds its primary today, can’t knock Trump off ballots based on a clause in the Constitution’s 14th Amendment. The upshot...


Earmark battle emerges as late threat to spending bill

A package of six bills that needs to pass by Friday to avoid a partial government shutdown is drawing intense fire from conservatives in both chambers who are zeroing in on more than 6,000 earmarks buried in the package. The spending package was initially expected to pass easily but now faces a rocky path in...


House conservatives fume over deal backed by Johnson

Hard-line conservatives are up in arms over the bipartisan government funding deal endorsed by Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), but heading into this week’s vote to prevent a partial shutdown, they've been forced to acknowledge they're all but powerless to block it. Members of the hard-line conservative House Freedom Caucus have urged Johnson to demand deep...


Foreign agent law faces sweeping changes

The Department of Justice is expected to propose sweeping updates to influence disclosure rules for agents of foreign clients next month that could reshape the contours of the World War II-era law. It has been decades since there have been major legislative or regulatory updates to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), which imposed registration...


The Memo: Trump set to tighten grip on GOP nomination with possible Super Tuesday sweep

Former President Trump is set to tighten his lock on the GOP presidential nomination on Super Tuesday, with plausible expectations that he could sweep all ​15 contests that are taking place. The main hope for his last remaining rival, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, would appear to be a victory in Virginia, buoyed by the moderate voters...

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Экология в России и мире

Биологи столицы рассказали, каких животных фотоловушки снимают чаще всего

Путин в России и мире

Что за женщина-ветеран сидела рядом с Путиным на параде Победы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Марина Василевская передала Александру Лукашенко флаг Беларуси, побывавший на МКС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Святая миссия русского солдата

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




У Моргенштерна* что-то случилось? Рэпер пообещал рассказать все на стриме


Тороп берет: как вратарь ЦСКА повлиял на расклад в чемпионской гонке

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