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Новости за 07.02.2017

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

New piece inspired by human migrations

“Memory/Place” will have its world premiere when Nancy Karp + Dancers perform the three-part piece about human mass migration at ODC this weekend. Karp collaborated on the piece with cellist Gianna Abondolo, pianist Sarah Cahill and violinist Kate Stenberg as well as visual artist Thekla Hammond. “My new project draws on the experiences of people who have moved into new circumstances, whether by choice or necessity,” Karp said.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Police face complaints about 'third-shift terror squad'

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — A lawyer calls it the "third-shift terror squad": a band of white officers who patrol the South Side of Providence at night and, residents say, strike fear into blacks and Latinos by harassing and in some cases beating them. A drive through the neighborhood for pizza in July 2015 ended with Howie splayed against a car and charged with disorderly conduct, assault and resisting arrest by the white rookie officers who stopped him for a broken headlight. In interviews, Providence's... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Fast and Furious’ to Become ‘Physics-Defying’ Live Arena Show

Universal has joined forces with Brand Events to present “Fast & Furious Live,” a stunt show based on memorable scenes and using favorite cars from the franchise’s eight films, treating audiences to flaming exhausts and vehicular acrobatics on a set recreating the underground streets of Los Angeles. “‘Fast & Furious Live’ will transform the live-entertainment industry in the same way the global box-office franchise has redefined the action genre,” said Vince Klaseus, President of Universal Brand Development. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Exhibición muestra 500 años de evolución de los robots

En la exhibición está el inexorable Terminator interpretado por Arnold Schwarzenegger, al igual que Robby the Robot, astro de la película de 1956 "Forbidden Planet", que representa el horror y la fantasía de los robots con mentes propias. Para Rich Walker, director administrativo de Shadow Robot Company en Londres, la robótica puede hacer mucho para facilitarle la vida a los seres humanos, en particular a los ancianos o discapacitados.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

KatyCats rejoice! Katy Perry returns to Grammys

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Katy Perry is returning to the Grammy Awards to the delight of fans who have been waiting to hear new music from the pop singer whose last album, "Prism," came out in 2013. Previously announced performers include Adele, Bruno Mars, the Weeknd, Daft Punk, A Tribe Called Quest and Alicia Keys.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Elton John: George Michael was 'kindest, most generous man'

John paid tribute to Michael during his Beats 1 Radio show Monday, calling him one of Britain's "most brilliant songwriters." John and Michael famously collaborated on the 1991 version of John's classic "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me. "But John says they had been friends for years before the duet.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘The Insider’ Canceled After 13 Seasons

CBS’ syndicated entertainment news program “The Insider” will end in September after 13 seasons on the air, TheWrap has learned. “The Insider” went through several iterations and formats, seguing from tabloid fare and true crime features into more straightforward entertainment news rundowns.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Final Defender Arrives in New York in Marvel’s First Full ‘Iron Fist’ Trailer (Video)

Finn Jones plays the heir to a corporate empire who is transformed into a martial arts superhero after a plane crash Netflix has released the first trailer for “Iron Fist,” Marvel’s last TV series before the highly-anticipated crossover event, “Defenders.” The new series, which premieres next month, shows the transformation of Danny Rand (Finn Jones) from the heir of a major corporation to a martial arts superhero.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

BAFTAs Respond to Their Own #SoWhite Problem With New Diversity Study

In the wake of criticism leveled at the British Academy of Film and Television for a lack of diversity among this year’s nominees (Denzel Washington and “Moonlight” director Barry Jenkins were both snubbed), the organization released a 22-page report on Tuesday, aimed to help create a more diverse entertainment business. Titled “Succeeding in the film, television and Games industries,” and commissioned with the Creative Skillset and British Film Institute, the report highlights efforts which have... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

La mansión más cara de EEUU cuesta 250 millones de dólares

LOS ÁNGELES (AP) — Una megamansión en la exclusiva zona residencial de Bel Air en Los Ángeles es la casa más cara que aparece en listas en Estados Unidos: piden 250 millones de dólares. En una entrevista reciente con The Associated Press, se le preguntó a Makowksy por qué cree que vale esa cantidad. La casa se vende con un personal de siete trabajadores de tiempo completo, algo que es una locura, agregó. Las casas no iban al ritmo de los juguetes, así que mi sensación era de 'si vas a pasar más de 12 horas al día en tu casa... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Whose Streets?’ Sundance Doc Acquired by Magnolia Pictures

Magnolia Pictures has acquired the North American rights to the acclaimed Sundance documentary “Whose Streets?” by filmmakers Sabaah Folayan and Damon Davis. “‘Whose Streets?’ is an incredibly artful and powerful film that evokes the works of great documentary filmmakers like Wiseman and Pennebaker,” said Magnolia President Eamonn Bowles. Zoe Lister-Jones Comedy 'Band Aid' Picked Up by IFC Films

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

SFO flight loses title as world's longest, but it's up for debate

Singapore Airlines Ltd.’s planned resumption of direct flights from its home hub to New York in 2018 would comfortably beat both services, with a distance of more than 9,500 miles. While demand will come chiefly from Europe, the carrier also expects to attract passengers from the U.S. East Coast, even with the long journey time, Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker said at a press briefing after the first service touched down. Across the region, Qatar Air also serves Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth in Australia... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Trump Supporters Fat Shame Lena Dunham Over Weight-Loss Comment

Trump Supporters Fat Shame Lena Dunham Over Weight-Loss Comment Trump supporters have taken to Twitter to shame Lena Dunham after she said President Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election has helped her lose weight. “Donald Trump became president and I stopped being able to eat food,” Dunham said Monday on Howard Stern’s SiriusXM radio show. Everyone’s been asking like, ‘What have you been doing?’ And I’m like, ‘Try soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness and you, too, will lose... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

'9th Circus'? Scholars say court's liberal rep is overblown

SEATTLE (AP) — The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which is weighing the appeal of President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration, is the federal appeals court conservatives have long ridiculed as the "nutty 9th" or the "9th Circus." Covering a huge swath of territory — nine western states plus Guam — the San Francisco-based court handles far more cases than any other federal appeals court, including some rulings that have invoked furor from conservatives over the years. Among them... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Nearly 80 flights at SFO canceled due to bad weather

Nearly 80 flights at SFO canceled due to bad weather Nearly 80 flights in and out of San Francisco International Airport were canceled Tuesday morning due to heavy rain and gusts of up to 50 mph, officials said. Travelers are being advised to expect up delays of up to an hour on flights leaving and arriving, said airport duty manager Maria Buyco.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Group seeks museum at Old McKenzie Fish Hatchery site

The group would not ask the county for money for the project, but would instead start a large-scale fundraising venture, he said. The 30,000-square-foot center, which the nonprofit group would build in the shape of a drift boat, would feature exhibits on river boats, guides, the watershed, and fish and ecology. The group also would build an interactive virtual ride in a theater that would take participants through a video of Martin's Rapids on different boats. The group also wants to create a... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Latest: Should man face trial in officer's '72 shooting?

A judge is weighing arguments for and against bringing an 82-year-old suspect to trial in the nonfatal shooting of an Ohio police officer almost 45 years ago. Columbus police officer Niki Cooper was hit in the left arm in March 1972 when he and his partner interrupted a burglary. A judge is weighing arguments for and against bringing an 82-year-old suspect to trial in the nonfatal shooting of an Ohio police officer almost 45 years ago. Columbus police officer Niki Cooper was hit in the left arm... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Liberty and Justice are expecting; Egg in DC bald eagle nest

The city announced Monday that an egg recently appeared in the nest of a mating pair named Liberty and Justice, who have made the D.C. police academy in Southwest Washington their home for more than a decade. Department of Energy and the Environment spokesman Dan Rauch told local media that Liberty could lay as many as two more eggs in the next few days, with eaglets hatching 35 days later.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

US stock indexes veer higher in morning trading; oil slides

Technology and industrial companies led U.S. stocks modestly higher in morning trading Tuesday as indexes bounced back from small losses the day before. Energy stocks lagged the most as the price of crude oil headed lower. Investors were sizing up earnings reports from General Motors, Michael Kors and other big companies. More than half of the companies in the S&P 500 index have reported quarterly results so far, and more than 60 percent have posted earnings that beat financial analysts' estimates... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Reno police shoot man allegedly armed with knife in fight

(AP) — The Washoe County sheriff's office is investigating after a Reno police officer shot a suspect who allegedly refused to drop a knife during a fight with another man at a downtown motel. Sheriff's spokesman Bob Harmon says police responded to a report of the fight at the Motor Lodge motel on West Second Street at about 4:30 p.m. Monday

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Экология в России и мире

Источник 360.ru: в реке Сетунь в Москве произошел разлив нефтепродуктов

Путин в России и мире

Ветераны СВО с тяжелыми ранениями смогут получить машины с ручным приводом

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск приостановил участие в договоре о вооруженных силах в Европе

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Глава Совета отцов прокомментировал скандал с концертом Элджея в Новосибирске


Ушел из жизни актер фильма «Кин-дза-дза!» из города Шахты

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