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Новости за 01.05.2018

The Seattle Times 

Officials: 7 recent deaths are suspected drug overdoses

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Officials in Delaware say suspected drug overdoses have recently claimed the lives of seven people in the state. The News Journal in Wilmington reported Tuesday that the deaths occurred over the weekend. Wendy Hudson, a spokeswoman for the Division of Forensic Science, said pending toxicology reports will confirm whether the deaths […]

The Seattle Times 

AP Explains: The migrant caravan at the U.S. border

TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) — The caravan of largely Central American migrants waiting to request asylum at the U.S. border is bigger and far more visible than in previous years. Here’s a look at why this year’s caravan had more attention and more participants. ___ WHAT IS THE CARAVAN? Caravans have been a fairly common tactic […]

The Seattle Times 

Water temperature issue delays Patrick’s practice at Indy

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Danica Patrick’s highly anticipated return to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway has been delayed. She turned one lap during a refresher course on the 2.5-mile oval Tuesday then pulled back onto pit road because of a water temperature problem in the No. 13 car. She’s expected to be back on the track within […]

The Seattle Times 

Sean Hannity’s battle of sourcing with New York Times

NEW YORK (AP) — Sean Hannity wants his viewers to put a New York Times article on the special counsel investigation of President Donald Trump “in your fireplace and burn it.” He’s instead offering a tutorial on the importance of reading. The Times’ story on a list of questions that Special Counsel Robert Mueller wanted […]

The Seattle Times 

Invasive fist-sized Cuban treefrogs found in New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Invasive, noxious Cuban treefrogs that eat smaller frogs and grow as big as a human fist have established a population in New Orleans, and officials say they could soon pose a threat to native frogs across the Mississippi River. The U.S. Geological Survey says frogs caught at the Audubon Zoo in […]

The Seattle Times 

Trump: Location, date for Kim meeting could be revealed soon

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump says the date and location of his upcoming meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un could be announced soon. Trump says, “I think it’s probably going to be announced over the next couple of days.” The president recently floated the idea of holding the meeting on the Demilitarized […]

The Seattle Times 

Man sentenced to prison for death of Albuquerque cab driver

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A man who stabbed to death an Albuquerque cab driver has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. Luke Waruszewski was sentenced Monday after pleading no contest in February to a second-degree murder charge for the death of 58-year-old Larry Mullin. Authorities say Waruszewski killed Mullin in February 2017 after the […]

The Seattle Times 

Israel’s Mossad spy agency shrouded in mystery and mystique

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s seizure of Iran’s purported nuclear program archive and the dramatic display of the documents taken from a facility in the heart of Tehran marked a rare case of Israel going public about the operations of its top-secret Mossad spy agency. The Mossad, long shrouded in mystery and mythology, is legendary in […]

The Seattle Times 

Board of Regents releases $510K offer to ex-KU chancellor

LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) — The Kansas Board of Regents has released documentation outlining terms of the former University of Kansas chancellor, who’s earning the same salary after stepping down to another position. The Lawrence Journal-World filed an open records request last week after university officials confirmed Bernadette Gray-Little’s more than $510,000 salary to serve as […]

The Seattle Times 

USDA approves $340M to help Florida citrus recover from Irma

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — The federal government will provide $340 million to help Florida citrus farmers recover from Hurricane Irma. The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the grant on Tuesday, nearly eight months after Irma struck the state causing more than $2.5 billion in damage to the state’s agriculture industry. The money will help citrus […]

The Seattle Times 

New Jersey man gets 8 years for conspiring to aid ISIS

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — A New Jersey man who admitted taking part in a conspiracy to support the Islamic State group has been sentenced to 8 years in prison. Samuel Rahamin Topaz will also be on lifetime supervised release under the sentence imposed Tuesday. The 24-year-old Fort Lee man had pleaded guilty to conspiring with […]

The Seattle Times 

Eugene woman sentenced to prison for killing boyfriend

EUGENE, Ore. (AP) — A woman convicted of murdering her boyfriend at a popular park in Eugene has been sentenced to at least 30 years in prison. The Register-Guard reports 35-year-old Lacy Lyons declined to make a statement at Tuesday’s sentencing. Lane County Judge Suzanne Chanti said she had been watching Lyons in court, searching […]

The Seattle Times 

Maple, honey producers decry FDA added sugars label

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — Maple syrup and honey producers are decrying the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s plan for updated nutrition labeling that would delineate their naturally produced products as containing added sugars. They say the labeling is misleading and will confuse consumers. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb (GOT’-leeb) says the current nutrition fact panel lists […]

The Seattle Times 

Missouri county pays $150K in wrongful death settlement

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — A western Missouri county is paying a $150,000 settlement to the family of a man who died after being restrained in a chair at a detention center. The Kansas City Star reports Jackson County approved the wrongful death settlement Monday. County officials say 35-year-old Richard DeGraffenreid was arrested in July […]

The Seattle Times 

Alabama Power customers to see slightly lower bills

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Alabama Power Co. customers will see slightly lower power bills because of a federal tax cut given to utilities. The Alabama Public Service Commission on Tuesday discussed the utility giant’s plans to pass the savings on to consumers in the form of a bill credit. Commissioners approved a number of related […]

The Seattle Times 

Wyoming’s appointed secretary of state running for job

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Wyoming Secretary of State Ed Buchanan is now running for the job he was appointed to earlier this year. The Republican from Torrington served in the Wyoming House of Representatives for 10 years, including two years as House speaker. He ran unsuccessfully for secretary of state in 2014. Gov. Matt Mead […]

The Seattle Times 

West Virginia reaches $2.65M settlement with Volkswagen

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — West Virginia has reached a $2.65 million settlement with Volkswagen AG and two of its affiliates in a lawsuit over the automaker’s emissions-rigging scandal. Attorney General Patrick Morrisey announced the settlement Tuesday against Volkswagen and its Audi and Porsche brands. German automaker Volkswagen admitted rigging diesel emissions technology to pass U.S. […]

The Seattle Times 

Worker killed in accident at northern Utah pet food plant

OGDEN, Utah (AP) — Pet food company American Nutrition says one of its workers has been killed in an accident at the company’s northern Utah plant. American Nutrition CEO Bill Behnken says 33-year-old Raul Ortiz of Roy was killed around 3 a.m. Tuesday while working on a packing line at the Ogden plant. Behken says […]

The Seattle Times 

Officials impose early fire restrictions in Mesa County

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (AP) — Authorities in Mesa County are establishing fire restrictions early this season following two destructive wildfires. The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel reports the Mesa County Sheriff’s Office and fire chiefs of several municipalities and fire-protection districts say Stage I fire restrictions are to go into effect on Friday. Authorities say this […]

The Seattle Times 

Kansas experiences earthquake increase in April

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Geologists are blaming a spate of small Kansas earthquakes on an underground pressure wave that is slowly creeping northward into the state from the Oklahoma border region. The Wichita Eagle reports that there were 13 earthquakes that originated in Kansas last month and were strong enough to feel. There were just […]

The Seattle Times 

Annual Supreme Court guessing game: Will Kennedy stay or go?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Justice Anthony Kennedy has his law clerks lined up for next year. He plans to teach in Salzburg, Austria, in July, as he has done almost every summer for more than two decades. In short, there are no outward signs that the 81-year-old justice is in his final months on the Supreme […]

The Seattle Times 

Revamped Indiana workforce training panel meets for 1st time

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb’s newly revamped workforce training cabinet is aiming to tackle the shortage of skilled workers in Indiana. The group’s 21 members for the first time Tuesday. Cabinet Chairman Danny Lopez says there’s urgency because businesses are having trouble finding skilled workers to fill jobs in growing economy. Business leaders […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о повышении экологического статуса целлюлозно-бумажных технологий в России

Путин в России и мире

Президент Путин вернулся в Москву и встретился в Кремле с главой Ингушетии

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Белорусская филармония и хор готовы приехать на гастроли в Алтайский край — Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Суд Москвы продлил арест трем адвокатам Навального по делу об экстремизме

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Uriah Heep

Uriah Heep. Come Back To Me


В Москве прошло Drumkaraoke

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