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Новости за 15.05.2018

The Seattle Times 

Jay-Z questioned by SEC in New York

NEW YORK (AP) — The rapper and entrepreneur Jay-Z has spent a long afternoon at the New York offices of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Jay-Z was scheduled to spend much of the day Tuesday answering questions from SEC investigators as part of their probe of the Iconix Brand Group. The company bought assets of […]

The Seattle Times 

SC lawmakers return to work to finalize state budget

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A committee of South Carolina lawmakers has returned to the Statehouse to finalize their proposed $8 billion spending plan for the upcoming fiscal year. Members of the House and Senate held a joint committee meeting Tuesday, a few days after the General Assembly adjourned their 2018 regular session. During the brief […]

The Seattle Times 

Motel site of Atlantic City political sex scandal to fall

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — A seedy, soggy motel that was the site of one of Atlantic City’s most memorable political sex scandals will be torn down. The Casino Reinvestment Development Authority has agreed to help fund demolition of the Bayview Motel. It was the scene of a 2006 sex sting orchestrated by a city […]

The Seattle Times 

Security company seeks settlement in Dakota Access dispute

MANDAN, N.D. (AP) — A private security company accused of operating illegally in North Dakota during protests against the Dakota Access oil pipeline says it would be willing to pay fines to settle the legal dispute as long as it’s not required to admit any wrongdoing. North Dakota’s Private Investigative and Security Board on Tuesday […]

The Seattle Times 

How major US stock indexes fared Tuesday

Stocks closed lower Tuesday, breaking an eight-day winning streak for the Dow Jones industrial average. The broad sell-off followed a slump in bond prices, which sent the 10-year Treasury yield to its highest level in almost seven years. Technology and health care sector companies took some of the worst losses. Homebuilders also fell. On Tuesday: […]

The Seattle Times 

ICE officials arrest 78 in five-state immigration sweep

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have arrested 78 people in a five-state immigration sweep in the Midwest. Officials say the arrests happened over six days. Iowa and Nebraska each saw 25 arrests, while there were 15 arrests in Minnesota, 10 in South Dakota and three in North Dakota. ICE says the operation […]

The Seattle Times 

Business, medical leaders join medical pot opposition group

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A coalition that includes law enforcement, prosecutors and members of the business and medical community is opposing a medical marijuana question on Oklahoma’s June 26 primary election ballot. The group, known as SQ 788 is Not Medical, registered as an unlimited political action committee on Tuesday with the Oklahoma Ethics Commission. […]

The Seattle Times 

Tennessee baby sitter charged in death of 2-year-old boy

GALLATIN, Tenn. (AP) — A Tennessee woman has been charged with murder and child abuse in the death of a toddler she was babysitting. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said in a news release that 25-year-old Kayla Nicole Pauze of Sumner County was arrested Tuesday. The release said an investigation indicated Pauze injured 2-year-old Aiden […]

The Seattle Times 

Vermont urges caution after stray cat found to be rabid

BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — The Vermont Health Department is urging people in Charlotte to take precautions after a stray cat tested positive for rabies. The Health Department says the cat appeared to be healthy on May 6, but two days later was showing symptoms of rabies. The cat was an 11-pound gray tabby that had […]

The Seattle Times 

St. Paul police chief helps pull woman to safety from bridge

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — St. Paul’s police chief and another officer have rescued a woman who was threatening to jump from a bridge. Chief Todd Axtell was heading to police headquarters about 8:30 a.m. Tuesday when he heard a call about a woman about to jump from Robert Street Bridge. Axtell was about two […]

The Seattle Times 

Watertown Republican says he’ll run in 5th District primary

WATERTOWN, Conn. (AP) — Watertown Republican Rich Dupont says he will participate in the GOP’s primary for the 5th congressional district seat. The manufacturing consultant said Tuesday he’s decided to challenge former Meriden Mayor Manny Santos after receiving sufficient delegate support at the May 12 convention. Retired university professor Ruby O’Neill of Southbury also received […]

The Seattle Times 

Court cites double jeopardy in vacating murder conviction

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina judges have vacated a second-degree murder conviction after finding that prosecutors violated double-jeopardy principles when they tried the defendant a second time. The state Court of Appeals ruling Tuesday throws out the guilty verdict against James Harold Courtney. Courtney’s first trial in the 2009 shooting death of James Deberry […]

The Seattle Times 

Colorado boosts savings to $730 million, may need more

DENVER (AP) — Thanks to a boost from a recent tobacco industry settlement, Colorado plans to sock away an extra $90 million next year in the state’s reserves. But by one credit rating agency’s analysis, it’s still woefully unprepared for the next economic downturn. In the waning days of the 2018 legislative session, lawmakers voted […]

The Seattle Times 

Florida sues 5 major drug companies over opioids

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is suing five major drug manufacturers, as well as drug distributors in a “comprehensive” lawsuit aimed at punishing them for the spread of opioid addiction. Florida’s move came the same day that five other states sued pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma and accused the company of using […]

The Seattle Times 

Pawlenty: Won’t seek endorsement in governor race

EAGAN, Minn. (AP) — Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he plans to skip next month’s Republican state convention and go straight to the August primary. Pawlenty’s move means he won’t seek the party endorsement. In a statement Tuesday, his campaign says the two-term governor entered the race too late for to have a “fair […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge: Lawmakers’ private pension meeting broke the law

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — A judge has ruled Kentucky lawmakers broke the law when they held a private meeting to discuss changes to the state’s public pension system. The House of Representatives held a closed-door meeting in August to discuss the state’s struggling pension plan. Lawmakers justified the private meeting by calling it a gathering […]

The Seattle Times 

Trump to sign order to reform US infrastructure technology

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is signing an executive order to try to reform the federal government’s confounding information technology structure. The White House says Trump will order agencies to strengthen the roles of their chief information officers, requiring that they report directly to the agency heads. The order being signed Tuesday was developed […]

The Seattle Times 

Man charged with breaking into Mormon temple, causing damage

ST. GEORGE, Utah (AP) — Prosecutors have filed charges of mischief, burglary and other crimes against a southern Utah man accused of breaking into a Mormon temple in St. George over the weekend. The Spectrum reports the man broke a window and entered The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints temple around 5 a.m. […]

The Seattle Times 

County could snatch $1M in wedding license money from agency

LAS VEGAS (AP) — The Las Vegas Visitors and Convention Authority soon could lose a big chunk of its funding used to promote wedding tourism. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports Clark County Commissioners on Tuesday will weigh ending an agreement between the authority and Clark County that gives the authority $14 each year for every […]

The Seattle Times 

Lynn hospital closes operating rooms

LYNN, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts hospital has shut down its operating rooms ahead of its impending closure. The Daily Item reports the North Shore Medical Center in Lynn closed its operating unit at Union Hospital last Thursday. A $23 million medical village will replace the hospital when it closes in fall 2019. Union patients […]

The Seattle Times 

Former YMCA employee sentenced in Missouri child porn case

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP) — Prosecutors say a former Springfield YMCA employee has been sentenced for receiving and distributing child pornography over the Internet. The U.S. Attorney’s Office says in a news release that 28-year-old Benjamin Goodwin of Springfield was sentenced to 10 years and one month in federal prison without parole. The court also sentenced […]

The Seattle Times 

State denies improper restraint of boy at detention center

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — State officials say an advocacy group’s allegations of abuse and neglect at New Hampshire’s youth detention center are unfounded and irresponsible. The Disability Rights Center issued a report last week saying staff at the Sununu Youth Services Center used excessive force in December when they restrained and fractured the shoulder of […]

The Seattle Times 

Polygamous community targets outsider for police chief

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A polygamous community on the Utah-Arizona border is planning to hire an outsider to lead a police department that was found to have discriminated against people who aren’t members of the dominant religious sect. Donia Jessop, the new mayor of Hildale, Utah, said Tuesday that none of the current town […]

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Экология в России и мире

Ключевой аспект успеха: как построить долгие и хорошие отношения с клиентом

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Григорий Лепс

«Я не джентльмен»: Лепс вновь объяснился за инцидент с телефоном фанатки


Личка: В РПЛ пока не всё в руках «Динамо»

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