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Новости за 20.05.2018

The Seattle Times 

Gas leak prompts evacuation in downtown Danville

DANVILLE, Va. (AP) — Officials were forced to evacuate a block along Main Street in downtown Danville after a gas leak caused by a roof collapse. The Danville Register and Bee reports that the roof collapse occurred at a building called The Venue about 4 p.m. Saturday. Customers at a pizza restaurant next door smelled […]

The Seattle Times 

Some municipalities still without power following storm

BERLIN, Conn. (AP) — Connecticut municipalities continue to make repairs following two tornados that swept through the area. The storms downed scores of trees and power lines. Eversource says Sunday that is has restored power to approximately 150,000 homes and businesses, adding the remaining customers will have power by midnight Monday. The state’s largest utility […]

The Seattle Times 

Regulators: No foul play suspect in West Virginia fish kill

MILTON, W.Va. (AP) — West Virginia natural resources officials say no foul play is suspected after hundreds of dead fish were found in a private pond. Media outlets report the fish were found in a pond in Milton on Saturday. The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources says high waters on the Mud River sent […]

The Seattle Times 

N Carolina officials assess damage from fatal mudslides

SALUDA, N.C. (AP) — Officials in one North Carolina county are assessing damage from floods and mudslides in hopes of qualifying for federal disaster aid. The Times-News of Hendersonville reports Polk County crews and engineers with the state Transportation Department were assessing damage to homes, roads and bridges. One person died in the storms, which […]

The Seattle Times 

Detroit conference to focus on land policy, economic health

DETROIT (AP) — Detroit is hosting a global conference that aims to highlight economic challenges facing cities and examine ideas to boost their financial health. The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy on Monday kicks off its three-day International Conference on Municipal Fiscal Health at the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel. Among the policy makers and government […]

The Seattle Times 

Parents of slain student accept diploma on his behalf

SALEM, Mass. (AP) — The parents of a young man killed by gunfire have accepted a diploma on his behalf from a Massachusetts university. WBZ-TV reports the parents of 23-year-old Christopher Joyce fought back tears as they accepted a diploma from Salem State University for their son Saturday. Joyce was killed May 5 as an […]

The Seattle Times 

University of Oregon sorry for statement on student death

EUGENE, Ore. (AP) — The University of Oregon has apologized for a statement it put out after a student was found dead during a trip to Shasta Lake in Northern California. The 21-year-old student, identified as business administration major Dylan Pietrs, was found dead at a boat-in campground Saturday morning. There were no signs of […]

The Seattle Times 

Man, 89, arrested on murder charge for running over woman

SAN ANTONIO (AP) — San Antonio authorities say an 89-year-old man is charged with murder after a woman was run over with a car several times. Police arrested John Bogard at his home Saturday after witnesses said he ran over the woman, described as in her 80s, following an argument in an elementary school parking […]

The Seattle Times 

SC wreck kills 2 when vehicle hits tree during brief case

POWDERSVILLE, S.C. (AP) — Authorities say a man and woman died in a car wreck that happened while South Carolina law enforcement officers were chasing them. Local media outlets report that two Greenville residents died Sunday morning in a wreck after a brief chase in Powdersville. The Anderson County Coroner’s Office identified the two killed […]

The Seattle Times 

Male cat found in Perris with arrow stuck in its body

SAN JACINTO, Calif. (AP) — Staff at a San Jacinto animal shelter say they were able to safely remove an arrow from a cat’s body during an emergency surgery. KABC-TV reported Sunday that a Perris animal control officer found a 2-year-old male cat with an arrow stuck in its body. The cat was alert and […]

The Seattle Times 

Officials say 3 monk seals found dead on Oahu in 1 week

HONOLULU (AP) — Officials are investigating the causes of death for three monk seals that were found on Oahu. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries said in a statement that an adult female seal identified as RK60 was found floating offshore on Tuesday. They believe she may have been “floating listlessly” in Kaneohe Bay days […]

The Seattle Times 

Appeals court: pardons render resentencing hearing moot

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A federal appeals court says a man who received two partial pardons from Virginia governors is not entitled to further judicial review. Travion Blount was initially sentenced to six life terms for his role in a 2006 Norfolk house-party robbery he committed when he was 15 years old. But then-Gov. Bob […]

The Seattle Times 

Cause sought for massive Philadelphia warehouse fire

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Fire investigators are trying to find the cause of a massive fire that destroyed a vacant north Philadelphia warehouse over the weekend. No injuries were reported from the blaze in the four-story building, which was reported at about 6:30 p.m. Friday. Fire Commissioner Adam Thiel “We essentially used most of the Philadelphia […]

The Seattle Times 

Williston police officer rescue man trapped in burning home

WILLISTON, N.D. (AP) — Williston police say officers rescued a man trapped in a burning home. KFYR-TV reports the blaze was reported at about 8:30 p.m. on Saturday. Police say officers rescued the man who was in the back of the burning home. Police say two people and two officers were taken to a local […]

The Seattle Times 

Louisiana man convicted of sex crimes, faces life sentences

PLATTE CITY, Mo. (AP) — A Louisiana man faces multiple mandatory life sentences in prison for sexually abusing a young girl and for being a predatory sex offender. Platte County Attorney Eric Zahnd said 49-year-old Robert McDonald, of Coushatta, Louisiana, was found guilty Thursday of 10 felonies. The jury also found McDonald to be a […]

The Seattle Times 

Eastern Iowa county investing in body cameras for officers

DUBUQUE, Iowa (AP) — Sheriff’s deputies and jail officers in Dubuque County will soon begin wearing body cameras when they are on duty. The Telegraph Herald reports the county recently approved purchasing 100 of the cameras for all the sworn officers in the department. Sheriff Joe Kennedy says 60 of the cameras will be used […]

The Seattle Times 

Becoming an Outdoors Woman program sets handgun sessions

LOUISVILLE, Neb. (AP) — The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is offering an introductory series to women who want to learn how to shoot and increase their knowledge of handguns. The June sessions at Platte River State Park is part of the Becoming an Outdoors Woman program. There will be four sessions: June 6, 13, […]

The Seattle Times 

Police officer expected to recover from stab wounds

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — A Hartford police officer is expected to make a full recovery from stabbing injuries sustained when she responded to a tenant-landlord dispute. The Hartford Courant reports Officer Jill Kidik is expected to survive. Hartford Deputy Chief Brian Foley made the announcement Sunday. Kidik was stabbed multiple times Thursday when Chevoughn Augustin […]

The Seattle Times 

2 state highway projects may delay travelers

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — State highway projects are expected to delay travelers in western and southeastern Nebraska. The Nebraska Transportation Department says work is scheduled to begin Monday on Nebraska Highway 61 in the Grant area of Perkins County. There will be concrete patching, asphalt overlay and shoulder work. Traffic will be maintained by lane […]

The Seattle Times 

Nebraska mushroom hunters urged to get landowner permission

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Nebraska officials are reminding mushroom hunters to get permission from landowners before hunting for morel mushrooms on private land. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is reminding mushroom hunters to respect landowners by getting permission. Mushroom hunting is permitted on most state park land. But mushroom hunters should watch out for […]

The Seattle Times 

Greeley nonprofit suspected of violating state alcohol laws

GREELEY, Colo. (AP) — Authorities say a nonprofit that organizes an annual rodeo and carnival in Greeley has been violating state liquor laws for years. The Greeley Tribune reported earlier this week that the investigation involving Greeley Independence Stampede Inc. may put the organization’s ability to serve alcohol at this year’s weeklong rodeo and entertainment […]

The Seattle Times 

Seattle, it’s time to take back City Hall

The city has spent hundreds of millions of dollars degrading the quality of life for most residents, all of it based on ideology, never sound analysis or evidence.

The Seattle Times 

Principal apologizes for ‘insensitive’ prom tickets language

CHERRY HILL, N.J. (AP) — The principal of a New Jersey high school has apologized for what he called “insensitive” language on tickets for the upcoming senior prom. The Courier Post reports that the Cherry Hill High School East senior prom tickets urged students to “party like it’s 1776” during the event at Philadelphia’s National […]

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Экология в России и мире

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Дугин в интервью Такеру Карлсону: "Путин — это традиционный лидер"

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт «7 хитов И.С.Баха» в Эрмитажном театре


В Москве проходит Благотворительный фестиваль «Пасхальный дар»

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