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Новости за 01.05.2018

The Seattle Times 

Texas suing to end ‘Dreamers’ program once and for all

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas and six other states are suing to end once and for all a program that would protect some young immigrants from deportation. The lawsuit announced Tuesday comes a week after a federal judge in Washington ordered the Trump administration to resume the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Immigrants under […]

The Seattle Times 

$3.7B Louisiana school funding plan wins easy Senate passage

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — The Louisiana Senate has quickly signed off on a $3.7 billion financing formula to pay for K-12 public schools next year. The formula was submitted by the state education board. It would pay for more than 700,000 students in the 2018-19 school year. The proposal contains no inflationary increases. But […]

The Seattle Times 

NY Senate approves parole reforms after cop killer’s release

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Republicans who control the New York Senate have passed a series of parole reform measures four days after a man who killed two New York City police officers in 1971 was released from prison. None of the measures approved Tuesday would impact the parole of 70-year-old Herman Bell. He was released […]

The Seattle Times 

U.S. Postal Service: GOP intentions clear

Thanks. Jon Talton, for describing the egregious congressional order that is crippling our U.S. Postal Service [“The real problems facing the Postal Service,” Business, April 29]. Congress’ 2006 order requiring the USPS to pre-fund 75 years of retiree health and pension benefits was an excellent example of big corporations’ influence on our commons. Republicans have […]

The Seattle Times 

Coyote that attacked girl on NY playground was rabid

THORNWOOD, N.Y. (AP) — The coyote that attacked a 5-year-old girl on a suburban New York playground has tested positive for rabies. The coyote was captured on Monday in Thornwood by an off-duty police officer and shot by another police officer after the animal chased and bit the girl in the arm. Everyone got rabies […]

The Seattle Times 

Carbon taxes: Do we care?

“Will Washington voters warm to a new carbon tax initiative?” [seattletimes.com, April 26.] With all the available evidence it is hard to believe that anyone not solely reliant on “Fox and Friends” could deny global warming. The sad fact is that much of the population just does not care. It is easier to continue with […]

The Seattle Times 

Education levy: Invest in our children

As a student in the Master’s in Education Policy Program at the University of Washington, I know how crucial investing in Seattle’s youngest population is firsthand [“What Seattleites would pay for education levy,” NWThursday, April 25]. Investing in the Seattle Preschool Program is critical because it is giving our most-vulnerable children the foundation necessary to […]

The Seattle Times 

Prosecutor clears western Michigan officer in fatal shooting

WEST OLIVE, Mich. (AP) — A prosecutor has cleared a western Michigan police officer in the fatal shooting of a man who was holding his estranged wife at gunpoint after killing a man he believed was having an affair with her. The Ottawa County prosecutor announced Tuesday that a Holland police officer was justified in […]

The Seattle Times 

Nebraska AG sues lawmakers to block subpoena of prisons head

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Nebraska’s attorney general is suing 16 state lawmakers to prevent the state corrections director from having to testify before a committee about his department’s lethal injection protocol. Attorney General Doug Peterson filed the lawsuit Tuesday on behalf of Nebraska Department of Correctional Services Director Scott Frakes. The lawsuit seeks to block […]

The Seattle Times 

Father charged with abusing child during broom hockey game

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Prosecutors are charging a 37-year-old Utah man with felony child abuse, saying he knocked down and fractured the elbow of a 13-year-old boy during a broom hockey game. Davis County prosecutors on Tuesday accused Ryan Reed Stettler of recklessly inflicting serious physical injury on a child during a game at […]

The Seattle Times 

Seagate, Pfizer and Cummins skid while AbbVie jumps

NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks that moved substantially or traded heavily Tuesday: Tapestry Inc., down $6.31 to $47.46 The company’s Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman brands had a weak first quarter. AbbVie Inc., up $5.52 to $102.07 Most Read StoriesAfter 14 years, I’ve had it. I’m leaving Seattle | Op-EdHe froze to death inside a […]

The Seattle Times 

2 wild ponies stuck in mud on Virginia island die, 1 rescued

CHINCOTEAGUE ISLAND, Va. (AP) — A Virginia island’s “saltwater cowboys” say two ponies that got stuck in marsh mud have died. News outlets cite Facebook posts from the organization formally known as the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company that say 24-year-old mare Wild Island Orchid was pronounced dead at the scene Sunday morning, when the cowboys […]

The Seattle Times 

NV inmate with red-lips tattoo missing from prison camp

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — Northern Nevada authorities are looking for an inmate who walked away from a prison camp in Carson City where he was serving up to 30 months for attempting to steal a car. State corrections officials say 28-year-old Billy Joe Williamson II was discovered missing from his bunk at the Stewart […]

The Seattle Times 

Idaho’s ‘food truck’ voting at Micron sparks complaint

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Ada County election officials say an early voting location near the Micron campus is appropriate despite concerns raised by GOP gubernatorial candidate Tommy Ahlquist’s campaign. The state’s most populous county announced earlier this month officials would park a food truck-inspired voting station outside the company’s southeast Boise headquarters as part of […]

The Seattle Times 

House Democrats unveil rewrite of transportation bill

DENVER (AP) — Colorado House Democrats have unveiled a complete rewrite of a transportation plan moving through the legislature. The counter-proposal nixes a Senate Republican plan to issue $3.5 billion in bonds to pay for roads. Instead, the state would commit $1.3 billion over the next six years to transportation. It would retain an additional […]

The Seattle Times 

Army soldier in Alaska brigade dies in Afghanistan

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The Army says a 22-year-old soldier assigned to an Alaska post has died in Afghanistan. Spc. Gabriel David Conde was killed Monday by enemy small arms fire in Tagab District. Conde enlisted in August 2015 in Loveland, Colorado. He was assigned in April 2016 to U.S. Army Alaska and stationed at […]

The Seattle Times 

Florida Supreme Court to consider school funding lawsuit

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida’s highest court is going to take up a far-reaching lawsuit that contends the state is not properly funding public schools. The Florida Supreme Court late Monday agreed to consider the lawsuit that was first filed in 2009 by education groups and parents. The lawsuit asserts that a lack of a […]

The Seattle Times 

Court scratches forgery conviction of Benton Harbor activist

BENTON HARBOR, Mich. (AP) — The Michigan Supreme Court has thrown out the conviction of an activist who was charged with forgery after submitting petitions to recall a Benton Harbor mayor. Edward Pinkney was sentenced to at least 30 months in prison in 2014 and has been on parole since last June. The Supreme Court […]

The Seattle Times 

Man with gunshot wound in critical condition

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — A man is in critical condition following a shoulder injury during a Hartford shooting. The Hartford Courant reports 29-year-old Byron Carter of Hartford was shot in the shoulder Monday morning on Westland Street. Police say Carter is being treated at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, where he is in stable, […]

The Seattle Times 

Police officer can sue over firing for political beliefs

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina appeals court is giving a former police officer a new shot at suing local officials over his firing weeks after running for Jackson County sheriff. The state Court of Appeals on Tuesday ruled a judge shouldn’t have dismissed Curtis Lambert’s lawsuit against the town of Sylva before a […]

The Seattle Times 

Mariners, Athletics to play next season’s opener in Japan

NEW YORK (AP) — The Oakland Athletics and Seattle Mariners will play an opening two-game series in Tokyo on March 20 and 21, the fifth time Major League Baseball will start its season in Japan. Major League Baseball said Tuesday that Oakland will be the home team for both games. Both the Athletics and Mariners […]

The Seattle Times 

Senators say NOAA should prioritize warming Gulf of Maine

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Maine’s U.S. senators are calling on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to focus more research on the warming temperatures of the Gulf of Maine. Republican Sen. Susan Collins and independent Sen. Angus King made the call to NOAA on Monday. They say the agency should prioritize the warming of the […]

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Экология в России и мире

Бестопливные Neutrinovoltaic электромобили проектируются в Индии

Путин в России и мире

Президент России утвердил Основы государственной политики РФ в области исторического просвещения: комментарий экспертов Президентской академии в СЗФО

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Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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ЖКП: музыкант Игорь Бутман описал Пугачеву тремя буквами


Более чем трети россиян нервная обстановка на работе мешает высыпаться

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