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Новости за 11.01.2017

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Falcons' x-factor Gabriel a 'big problem' for Terrell, Seahawks

Taylor Gabriel, 25, has become an x-factor for the Falcons offense after Atlanta claimed him off waivers on Sept. 4, one day after he was cut by the Browns. And while Cleveland went on to finish an NFL-worst 1-15 on the season, Gabriel became a key component of one of the NFL's best offenses.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Los Angeles beats San Francisco for George Lucas museum site

"Star Wars" creator George Lucas and his team were on the side of the City of Angels over the City by the Bay on Tuesday, choosing LA as the home of a museum that will showcase his life's work along with a huge collection of exhibits on film history and art. After what organizers called "extensive due diligence and deliberation," they announced that the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art will be built in Exposition Park, where it will sit alongside the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and the California Science Center... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

KEXP unveils new Live Room with Microsoft

KEXP, in collaboration with Microsoft, unleashed its new recording and video studio's final form Tuesday afternoon, complete with 1,800 customizable LED lights. Seattle-based indie rock band Car Seat Headrest was the first to perform under the lights.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Seahawks headed back to Atlanta where loss still lingers

A 30-28 loss to the Falcons in the divisional round of the NFC playoffs stung and lingered. [...] that loss also became the foundation for two NFC championships, a Super Bowl title and two more playoff appearances. [...] while the people involved have changed significantly since that game, the circumstances are just as meaningful for Seattle when it travels to Atlanta for a divisional round playoff game on Saturday. Led by then-rookie quarterback Russell Wilson, the Seahawks earned a wild-card... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Next test for Seahawks D? 'Good at everything' Falcons offense

Led by first-team All-Pros in quarterback Matt Ryan and wide receiver Julio Jones, Atlanta averaged a league-high 33.4 points per game (the division-rival New Orleans Saints finished a distant second at 29.3). The Falcons tied with the New England Patriots for the fewest turnovers in the NFL with 11 on the season. For comparison's sake, Russell Wilson had 13 turnovers by himself on the season with 11 interceptions and two fumbles lost. Atlanta finished second in the NFL in total yards, just 163... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Avalanche blocks key route to Vail ski area in Colorado

DENVER (AP) — An avalanche swept across a Colorado highway that is a key route to the popular Vail ski resort, blocking access for some skiers heading to the mountain and trapping three commercial trucks, authorities said Tuesday. Monarch Mountain ski area closed because of avalanche control work on Monarch Pass, and Arapahoe Basin Ski area closed early because of the avalanche danger on Loveland Pass.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Old seminary in Saint Edward State Park to become lodge

In an historic decision earlier this week, the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission voted unanimously to approve a lease agreement that would save a seminary building in the Saint Edward State Park near Kenmore.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

World Bank forecasting brighter prospects for 2017

A big fall in oil prices also triggered a sharp reduction in investment spending by energy companies. Trump pledged during the campaign to cut taxes, roll back burdensome regulations and boost infrastructure spending. Because of the outsize role the United States plays in the world economy, changes in policy direction may have global ripple effects,' said World Bank economists Ayhan Kose. The World Bank said growth prospects for this group of countries was being dampened by tepid international trade growth... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

US warns of unusual cybersecurity flaw in heart devices

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Homeland Security Department warned Tuesday about an unusual cybersecurity flaw for one manufacturer's implantable heart devices that it said could allow hackers to remotely take control of a person's defibrillator or pacemaker. Information on the security flaw, identified by researchers at MedSec Holdings in reports months ago, was only formally made public after the manufacturer, St. Jude Medical, made a software repair available Monday. The government advisory said security... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Harmon Brewing opens a new Hub this Friday in Puyallup

Story by Kendall Jones, via Washington Beer Blog. Story by Kendall Jones, via Washington Beer Blog. Harmon Brewing of Tacoma opens its third Hub location this Friday, January 13th The post Harmon Brewing opens a new Hub this Friday in Puyallup appeared first on Washington Beer Blog.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Daugaard: Amazon to begin collecting taxes in South Dakota

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — Online retail giant Amazon has agreed to begin collecting state and local sales taxes on purchases in South Dakota, Gov. Dennis Daugaard announced Tuesday in his State of the State address. The company's website says purchases shipped to over 30 states are subject to sales taxes. A 1992 U.S. Supreme Court decision bans states from forcing out-of-state retailers to collect taxes if they don't have a physical presence in the state. The lawsuit against several remote retailers... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Southwest makes executive changes with an eye on succession

DALLAS (AP) — Southwest Airlines Co. is making changes in the front office that could offer clues as to who will eventually succeed Gary Kelly as CEO and chairman. Nealon is a former Southwest chief information officer and board member who rejoined the company a year ago in a strategy job. Nealon and Michael Van de Ven, also 55 and the airline's chief operating officer, will both report to Kelly, who has led the Dallas-based airline for 12 years.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

AP PHOTOS: Eerie, icy-looking: Vineyard flooding catches eye

[...] after one of the biggest storms in a decade, the landscape transformed, with floodwaters submerging vineyards and fog hanging an eerie shroud across the Northern California sky. The photos were striking, appearing almost black and white and even snowy or icy, with just the tips of the vines poking above floodwaters and the reflection of a large, spiny tree. Parts of wine country have received up to 13 inches of rain since Friday, overwhelming the Russian River.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Jayapal sets rally for 'outrage and uproar' on health care rollback

Rep. Pramila Jayapal has brought Seattle's left activist to the "other" Washington, and is now coming home to a "Our 1st Stand: Save Health Care Rally"  Sunday at Westlake Park.  The goal:  Raise "outrage and uproar" across the country to block repeal of the Affordable Care Act. 

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Business Highlights

Despite scandal, VW in running for global sales crown Booming business in China helped Volkswagen increase its sales to 10.31 million vehicles last year across all its brands, which include Audi, Porsche and Skoda, the company said Tuesday. Johnson & Johnson plans next month to disclose average price increases of its prescription drugs, as the industry tries to calm the storm over soaring prices. The global economy faced a number of headwinds last year, from economic troubles in China to bouts of financial market turmoil. Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

How major US stock market indexes fared on Tuesday

How major US stock market indexes fared on Tuesday The major U.S. stock indexes closed unevenly Tuesday, even as the Nasdaq composite closing at another all-time high and extending its winning streak to six days. The Dow Jones industrial average edged lower, while the Standard & Poor's 500 index was unchanged.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Williams and Ascena Retail sink while Illumina, Valeant jump

The company gave more details on its intentions following the planned sale of its internet business to Verizon. The retailer cut its guidance after its holiday season sales fell at most of its brands, including Ann Taylor, Lane Bryant and Dressbarn. The pipeline company said it will sell 65 million shares of stock for $29 a share.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Seahawks injuries: Marcel Reece, C.J. Prosise practice Tuesday

RENTON -- The Seahawks should be nearly full strength when they travel to Atlanta to take on the Falcons in a divisional-round playoff game, with fullback Marcel Reece and running back C.J. Prosise, practicing on Tuesday. The status of defensive tackle Tony McDaniel remains up in the air after the 31-year-old missed last week's win over the Lions with a concussion.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

3 Italian doctors suspended for tending ER patients on floor

Antonietta Costantini, manager of the public health district that includes Nola hospital, justified the suspensions, saying Tuesday that the physicians should have told administrators the ER had a stretcher shortage.

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о повышении экологического статуса целлюлозно-бумажных технологий в России

Путин в России и мире

Президент Путин вернулся в Москву и встретился в Кремле с главой Ингушетии

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск приостановил участие в договоре о вооруженных силах в Европе

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Суд Москвы продлил арест трем адвокатам Навального по делу об экстремизме

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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