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Новости за 22.04.2020

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Martin Clawson

Big lads mate wrote:

Says it how it is, good on him. We’ll have to wait and see who he’s referring to.

Great piece...
Well, at least Pauli wont be getting any stick from people BLM.....

Statistics: Posted by BarnsleyGull — Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:20 pm — Replies 3 — Views 960

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos - southstander.com • Help needed

It's ridiculous who the fans slate. Some players just got injured and were unlucky. Others were on low wage and were a long shot.
Achurch was given a 4 year contract.
I repeat he played for Leeds for 4 years!

Statistics: Posted by Shabino — Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:15 pm — Replies 26 — Views 1899

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Sky subscription

puroresu_boy wrote:

The market dictates how much the broadcaster pays.

It's difficult to get more money when no other broadcaster is interested.

Terrestrial broadcasters are facing a huge change as technology allows competition from multiple platforms. It is unlikely that a single platform will provide us with the kind of income that we aspired to in the past. What we need is someone who can read the tea leaves and position us in the new age. Despite benefitting from... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • The rocket

sally cinnamon wrote:

I have that brain fug for around 96-98, I realised that on the memories of 1997 thread. Although through the 1990s I was obsessional about RL, there were so many comings and goings at the time that I lose track of who signed for us when. I remember Paul Hulme joining us but can't remember exactly what point or whether he was hooker or back row or even if he played much. My memory is much sharper about the Brian Johnson era than the Dorahy era.

It was summer of 96 for paul hulme... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

London Broncos • Reserve League

[quote RFL Reserves League to be shelved for 2020
As part of its ongoing dialogue and consultation regarding the impact of Coronavirus on the sport, the RFL has liaised with clubs regarding appropriate amends to the Operational Rules for 2020, and has also worked with clubs on arrangements for the Reserves League, (Under-18) Academy Championship and Under-16 Scholarships for the rest of the year.
In consultation with clubs, the RFL has determined that the Reserves League should be cancelled for 2020. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

London Broncos • Re: B A flights for Toulouse game in May..

Bostwick wrote:

You are quite right not accepting vouchers for later use as your consumer rights are not the same. Should having accepted vouchers your operator go bust, you have lost your money. Always take the cash, even if you have to twist their arm to do so.

If you are covered by ATOL or ABTA and you accept vouchers you will get the money back but it may take along time. I think you are also covered if you paid by credit card.

Statistics: Posted by wantawin — Wed Apr 22... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

London Broncos • Season resumption

I don't see anything starting for several months so unlikely to be that many games. They will just have to play it by ear and come up with a suitable format when things are clearer.

Statistics: Posted by jbuzza — Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:56 pm — Replies 4 — Views 169

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos - southstander.com • Re: Help needed

glp wrote:

Paul Bell a centre signed by dean bell in 2000 , he had played at perth and melbourne , he was released by leeds

Hang on, he was injured so early in his Leeds career, how do we know he was rubbish?

Statistics: Posted by Fallon — Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:40 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Future of the Game

Wanderer wrote:

Yes, they both left the Club after getting promoted via the League Two play offs in 2008, citing financial issues. Although some knew that Harrison was leaving, in fact he didn't attend the play off final, Hanley choosing to announce his decision as his post-match interview never sat well with me. The players should have been allowed their moment of glory without it being overshadowed. Hanley could have made his announcement in the days which followed.

He remains however... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos - southstander.com • Transfer Talk / Rumour Thread V3

Clearwing wrote:

Signed for Toronto

https://www.loverugbyleague.com/post/br ... m-watkins/

Not that it matters as he is nothing to do with Leeds these days but this move just confirms to me he wasn't going to cut it on the NRL. Shame for Watkins and at least he gave it a go but moving to Toronto just shows that the talk about wanting to be closer to home was a convenient story. I'm afraid that knee injury has really done for him by the looks of it.

Needless to say I wish his father well. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • The Long Road To Rugby League Return

Now confirmed re NRL.
Training from the 4th May with the 28th for the restart.


Statistics: Posted by BarnsleyGull — Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:05 pm — Replies 11 — Views 1200

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Fitness Now V Then

ploinerrhino wrote:

Its not all regarding the ground is it though as despite all the claims that are made that it was the building of the stand that was the problem , the other major problem was the wages paid to the players that were massive and not sustainable , hence the reason why Leeds nearly went bust buying the best players that were left after you had the elite . Trouble is you guys think that everybody else does not respect everything you won in that era (and you are right )... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos - southstander.com • Full Games on Youtube

DHM wrote:

Odd to reply to my own post but I was watching the scrap when Izzard went after Grima and at the end I saw Paul Hulme lying on the deck very, very worse for wear. I spent a few minutes trying to work out what happened to him and then there it was, Steve O'Neill knocking his own player out. Gary Lord had stuck one on O'Neill at the start of the fracas and as things were calming down O'Neill saw Lord come into range and swung one - unfortunately Hulme was stood between them and copped one flush on the chin. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Corona Virus

The issue with PPE from my perspective, as a private provider, is that the Govt told us they would be making drops at every service in the early days of this crisis - and that simply didn't happen; some got a delivery, but it was a pathetically small amount - but most didn't. The procurement helpline they provided us either rings out, or has no stock. And to be clear - I'm not looking for freebies - I was quite happy to pay market rates - but they just didn't have it in the way they described - and having spoken to other providers... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Re: Future of the Game

Donnyman wrote:

Apologies. You assumed a 14 club comp SL 2022 as there are possibly 14 English clubs prepared to dance to Superleague tune of running reserves to complement foundations and academies. However Salford may not qualify as they don't run an academy, and also as Superleague concede we need to have P & R and that means we need enough teams to BE in SL and enough teams to COMPETE TO BE in SL.. Leagues set at 10 or 12 will give a strong SL and strong clubs fighting for promotion and against relegation. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Re: Day 19: Who Am I?

If it hits a week without a correct guess, I’ll reveal it.

I’ll give an extra clue;

My initials are FD.

You should be able to get it now.

Statistics: Posted by SouthStander.com — Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:31 am

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Day 23: Who Am I?

Each day we will give you three clues to the identity of a player who has played in Super League (at some point since 1996). You have to work out who the player is from the clues and submit your guess. There may be more than one correct answer, but you have to get the one that we have sealed in a virtual envelope.

Once the player has been correctly guessed then we will post on the thread, the thread will stay open until he is guessed or everyone loses interest. We’ll keep a running tally of correct guessers. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • Gelling - gone?

Fantastic Mr Catpiss wrote:

its very 'against the spirit of the cap'

Pies have been doing that since it’s inception.

Statistics: Posted by rubber duckie — Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:59 am — Replies 17 — Views 4279

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

London Broncos • Re: Season resumption

Option 1 is not going to happen.

Restart in July possible, playing 3 games a week is possible, but strain on players, part-time clubs etc will be enormous, never mind crowds. I can understand why clubs want income streams, but not sure how realistic it all is? Very sad situation, not ate how many clubs will survive

Statistics: Posted by brian2 — Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:52 pm

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Экология в России и мире

В арктическую экспедицию Росатома может отправиться школьник из Приамурья

Путин в России и мире

Руководство Краснодара посетило китайский Харбин. Рассказываем подробности

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

НАТО оказалась не готова к войне с Россией. Тайное соглашение США и Киева: Враг нацелился на Белгород - источники

Навальный в России и мире

Раз нет протестов, будут санкции: как навальнисты и команда Ходорковского меняют стратегию борьбы с Россией

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт группы "Пикник" состоится 1 июня в Москве


33 года успеха – красноярское предприятие холдинга «Швабе» отмечает день рождения

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