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Новости за 03.04.2020

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Weird and Amazing facts RL related

wigginswarrior wrote:

I vaguely recall that at a match at Knowsley Rd sometime in the eighties the whole Wigan team came out in the Saints away strip for the second half because you couldn't tell one side from the other because of the muddy conditions, and Wigan hadn't brought enough spare shirts!
True or false, I don't know and I can't find any reference to it.

Don't recall it happening in RL but it's happened many times in football for various reasons, so I'm sure it will have happened in RL. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Featherstone Rovers • Something to do if you or a relative is now self isolating.

For all those people now faced with the prospect of having to self isolate and wondering how best to spend the time, can I suggest something that is interesting, educational, enjoyable and cheap. It is to try to write a novel based on your own life and times.
This is something that I started to do in 1988. It was inspired by three things: firstly my interest and knowledge of rugby league, its history and its many characters, having a family tree going back to 1777 and the old saying about work that "They could write a book about this place.

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Did Covid kill Rugby League?

MorePlaymakersNeeded wrote:

IMO, the standard of RL has been plummeting for the past 20 years. The game is a pale shadow of itself, with so very little creativity left in it.
Athletes they may be, but the skill factor and excitement our product had has long gone. Which (pre Covid19) had led us to a state where the next Sky deal was very likely to less than the current one.
Who knows what our next TV deals going to look like now. Like I said before, a semi pro SL isn't that far fetched as things stand today. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Halifax - FaxFans.co.uk • Something to do if you or a relative is now self isolating.

For all those people now faced with the prospect of having to self isolate and wondering what to with all their time, can I suggest something that is interesting, enjoyable, educational and cheap. It is to write a novel based on their own life and times. It is something that I started doing in 1988 and just after I had been made redundant from Crosrol.
It was inspired by three things: firstly my interest and knowledge of rugby league, its history and its many characters, having a family tree going... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos - southstander.com • OT | Yorkshire Carnegie

Whilst ever there is a lack of top flight union in the North that can only be good for R.L

Statistics: Posted by ploinerrhino — Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:53 pm — Replies 56 — Views 14700

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Bit Of Fun?

Always thought that Hull FC fans tended to be more humourous than malicious. and generally quite generous in there criticism. I tended to find that usually the women were more foul-mouthed than the blokes though.
i recall back in the old Boulevard days we dared enter a packed pub on the Hessle Road. Having got inside and noticing that we were the only Trinity fans there we got a little apprehensive. We were immediately asked what we were drinking and had a real good hour or so with them

Statistics... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos - southstander.com • Re: Transfer Talk / Rumour Thread V3

Corey Harawira-Naera would have had his proper break out year this year I think in the NRL after being picked for New Zealand at end of last year and was one of Canterbury form players all last season when they had another poor year in NRL Harawira-Naera would be a good second rower in SL. He and Okunbour haven't done anything illegal in the eyes of the law but I'm sure if they came to Super League they'd get some not welcomed names shouted at them by opposition fans ( when fans are allowed back into stadiums). Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos - southstander.com • Transfer Talk / Rumour Thread V3

Corey Harawira-Naera would have had his proper break out year this year I think in the NRL after being picked for New Zealand at end of last year and was one of Canterbury form players all last season when they had another poor year in NRL Harawira-Naera would be a good second rower in SL. He and Okunbour haven't done anything illegal in the eyes of the law but I'm sure if they came to Super League they'd get some not welcomed names shouted at them by opposition fans ( when fans are allowed back into stadiums). Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Sin Bin • Re: Where is Boris ?

IR80 wrote:

again, we ask for proof, and again, we get nothing but your addled mumblings. I never wish anyone harm, but I do wish we could organise a localised power outage for you, we should be able to zero in on your tinfoil hat. How you get wireless in a Faraday cage is beyond me. Keep safe, another one for the idiot list...

What, You want proof of borises ample backside?

Should’ve gone to spec savers, blind batty.

Statistics: Posted by Superblue — Fri Apr 03... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • When the season resumes

We need if poss to get the season back on track in any format we can.People are forgetting if we don't there will be no Sky money for the clubs and on top of that we have to sort a new contract in the not two distant future.

Statistics: Posted by Blueblood — Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:01 pm — Replies 25 — Views 1896

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • Coronavirus

There will also be a knock on effect of an increase in deaths due to other areas, for example cancer. This comes from the cancellation of certain tests being postponed as they are deemed to being non essential at the present.

The government has been criticised with it's response to Covi19, but it's difficult to get a handle on what would be the most effective way of dealing with this disease.
Only time will tell which countries government appeared to have deployed the most effective tactics. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Ironic

Hope everyone is well and coping the best they can in these difficult times, it does seem weird even contemplating the dates etc when sport returns, maybe some will find it insensitive etc to talk about such things which is completely understandable. Having read what has been said by Gary Hetherington etc, I do find it slightly amusing about him saying players shouldn't start whining and moaning if they have to play 3 games per week, when we would be now entering the Easter period having dropped... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • Out of Contract Players

Harvey Livett
Ellis Robson
Declan Patton
Matt Davis
Samy Kibula

I think that is all, together with your two. BMM of course is going anyway which I think will be a loss. Its a pity the season will not complete as Livett's progress at HKR was looking promising. The cynic in me is a bit suspicious of Jason Clarke's performance this year, but props seem to be in short supply. I would agree about Currie, it's just a pity again that the season will not complete as he was certainly looking a lot better than last year. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Sin Bin • Who's Gonna Pay?

I know I'm a tad previous but, when the dust has settled & everything goes back to relative normality, who's going to pick up the tab?

Presumably we will be in for another ten years of "austerity" with the Government citing Covid-19 Ad infinitum.

But ultimately the final bill is going to be colossal, only yesterday they wiped off £13bn of N.H.S. debt, God only knows how much it's going to cost to pay shed loads people to sit on their @rses month after month, never mind the lost revenue from tax etc. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Sin Bin • Where is Boris ?

Matt Hancock is now back in the public eye, having spent 7 days in isolation and was at pains to point out that after 7 days, everyone is "good to go" and was "safe" to be out in public.
However, our leader is still in isolation.

Has someone got the criteria wrong or, is Boris hiding (again) - scrutiny was never his strongest attribute.

Statistics: Posted by wrencat1873 — Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:23 am — Replies 15 — Views 149

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

London Broncos • No Relegation

For any business it makes sense to furlough staff if they have no income.
But on topic, despite talk in the RL press about plans for season resumption and going into next year possibly with need to conclude the season due to contractual reasons, cant see it happening!
Latest thoughts out are this thing will roll on 6 to 9 months, lockdown will be eased and tightened as needed.
It's going to be 12 months before large gatherings to watch sport is allowed.
SL clubs with a large wage bill... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Re: Did Covid kill Rugby League?

100% Warrior wrote:

When will people stop the comparison to the wars? It’s irrelevant and unhelpful at best. If you cannot see the dire financial straits RL finds itself in then you need to take your blinkers off and turn off your Vera Lynn record.

Its not me that need to take the blinkers off, but those who it would appear like yourself, who cannot face the reality of the current situation in which the longer it goes on will result in far bigger financial straits for... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об усилении совместных усилий России и Китая по борьбе с загрязнением пластиковым мусором

Путин в России и мире

Президент Путин вернулся в Москву и встретился в Кремле с главой Ингушетии

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко назвал рецепт своего фирменного салата "Молодость", которым угощал Путина в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

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