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Новости за 07.09.2017


Nuclear plants in Hurricane Irma’s path are shutting down

Two Florida nuclear power plants in the path of Hurricane Irma are shutting down to brace for the Category 5 storm’s devastating wind and rain. Florida Power & Light announced on Thursday it will shut down the Turkey Point and St. Lucie nuclear plants ahead of Irma’s expected arrival this weekend. Both sites are on […]


Cities already want to host Amazon’s second headquarters

Cities are already eager to be the new home for Amazon’s second headquarters. Amazon on Thursday announced plans to open a second headquarters in North America. Dubbed “HQ2,” the facility will cost at least $5 billion to construct and operate and will employ as many as 50,000 workers. Cities and regional economic development organizations have […]


The ridiculous idea that conservatives could oust Paul Ryan as speaker

A trio of powerful House conservatives huddled with Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday to voice their dissatisfaction with his leadership, according to The Washington Post’s Bob Costa. Writes Costa: “Several people close to [former White House chief strategist Steve] Bannon and [House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark] Meadows said on Wednesday that the two men, who […]


DeVos announces review of Obama-era sexual assault guidance

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said Thursday that the Trump administration believes Obama-era guidance regarding sexual assault on college campuses denied due process against accused perpetrators and is planning to overturn those guidelines. “In order to ensure that America’s schools employ clear, equitable, just and fair procedures that inspire trust and confidence, we will launch a […]


Senator: Trump Jr. interview not helping Russia concerns

The President’s eldest son is meeting with congressional investigators Thursday, but at least one member of the Senate judiciary committee is saying Donald Trump Jr.’s interview is doing little to ease their concerns. Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who sat in on Thursday’s meeting with committee staff, told CNN Trump Jr. has not put concerns to […]


‘Mama Rosie’ cares for Cape Town’s AIDS orphans

When Rosie Mashale moved to Khayelitsha — Cape Town, South Africa’s largest township — she was alarmed to see children in the dump near her home, scavenging for something to eat. One day in 1989, she invited some of them over. “I called them in, and we sang rhymes, and I gave them bread and […]


Sanofi stops work on Zika vaccine while others forge forward

French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi SA paused development of a Zika virus vaccine candidate in response to funding cuts by the US government, the company said in a statement on its website last week. The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, a division of the US Department of Health and Human Services, informed Sanofi’s vaccine unit […]


Gary Cohn unlikely to get tapped as Fed chair

President Donald Trump is unlikely to tap his top economic adviser Gary Cohn to chair the Federal Reserve, two sources close to the President told CNN. A GOP source close to the White House also told CNN’s Jake Tapper that Cohn is “more likely to get electric chair than Fed Chair.” Cohn, the National Economic […]


Floridian trapped on St. Martin: ‘I’m not sure where to go’

A Florida woman trapped on St. Martin survived that island’s battering by Irma, but now she’s not sure if she should go home — where Irma is headed this weekend. Loren Ann Mayo first appeared on CNN’s “New Day” via Skype on Wednesday, showing anchor Alisyn Camerota what Hurricane Irma looked like from her vantage […]


Thai police probe teen’s claim that 40 men raped her

Police in Thailand are investigating the alleged gang rape of a 14-year-old student last year. The victim from Koh Raed, a small island in Thailand’s Phang Nga province, first reported the sexual assaults in March, the province’s deputy governor Eggarat Leesen told CNN on Thursday. The girl told authorities she was attacked multiple times between […]


Amazon wants to open a $5 billion second HQ in North America

Amazon has announced plans to open a second headquarters in North America that will employ as many as 50,000 workers. The company announced Thursday that it is searching for a city to host the new “HQ2” facility, which will cost at least $5 billion to construct and operate. “We expect HQ2 to be a full […]


Fight to keep Kentucky’s last abortion clinic gets underway in court

The last abortion clinic in Kentucky is fighting to stay open. After receiving a notice from the state government last March that the clinic’s abortion license was deficient, EMW Women’s Surgical Center sued Kentucky Governor Matthew Bevin and state officials. The federal hearing in the case began Wednesday with lawyers on both sides trying to […]


ISIS’ retreat accelerates, but reports of its demise are exaggerated

Syrian troops broke ISIS’ three-year siege of Deir Ezzor — a strategic city in the eastern part of the country — on Tuesday, marking the latest in a series of setbacks for the terror group. In recent weeks, ISIS has been driven from one refuge to the next as its territory in Iraq and Syria […]


Brexit: Pressure mounts on Theresa May as EU divorce gets real

The summer is over and Britain’s lawmakers are back in Westminster, with Brexit taking center stage. Over the next few months, Britain’s departure from the European Union will start to gather pace as MPs vote on a host of bills and amendments. The debate on what’s known as the European Union (Withdrawal) bill — designed […]


The formerly conjoined McDonald twins’ amazing journey home

Nicole and Christian McDonald entered their boys’ hospital room for a final time. In a corner room of Blythedale Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, New York, Jadon and Anias had recovered for the past nine months of extensive rehabilitation after the surgery to separate the formerly conjoined twins. The two boys captivated millions around the world […]


Russia cloud follows Donald Trump Jr. meeting on Capitol Hill Thursday

The Russia probes circling Donald Trump move ever closer to the President Thursday, as his own flesh and blood, in the person of his oldest son, appears for an interview before staffers of a key congressional committee. The cloud formed by claims that members of Trump’s White House campaign colluded with a Russian election meddling […]


DACA debate could send a political shockwave through 2018 and beyond

As Congress grapples with a six-month window to save a program that protects young undocumented immigrants, another date is looming in the back of politicians’ minds: November 6, 2018. Foremost in the debate over President Donald Trump’s decision to end DACA, the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, is the fate of the roughly […]


Prince George unfazed as he arrives for first day of school

Prince George arrived for his first day of school with his father Prince William on Thursday, but illness prevented his mother from joining them. The Duchess of Cambridge, the former Kate Middleton, is suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, which involves nausea and vomiting more severe than the typical morning sickness many women suffer during early pregnancy. […]


5 things for September 7: Irma, Trump, Russia, Australia vote, Michael Bennett

After recent deadly collisions, there are new concerns over the readiness of the US Pacific fleet. Here’s what else you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. (You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox daily. Sign up here.) 1. Hurricane Irma Historic. Unprecedented. Devastating. No word […]


Rolf-Goran Bengtsson: Why Casall Ask is my horse of a lifetime

Casall Ask’s farewell to showjumping was fairytale stuff. The legendary stallion, 18, emerged victorious at this year’s Hamburg LGCT leg in his final ever appearance on the tour. No wonder he’s Rolf-Goran Bengtsson’s horse of a lifetime. “It was a happy, happy end,” Bengtsson tells CNN Sport, visibly emotional as he recalls that triumphant day […]


Women in midlife aren’t sleeping enough, study says

Women going through midlife aren’t getting enough sleep, according to a new government report. More than one in four middle-aged women reported experiencing difficulty falling and staying asleep four or more times during the week. More than one in three women reported getting fewer than seven hours of sleep per night, on average. Of those, […]


Richard Branson rides out Hurricane Irma in wine cellar

Richard Branson braved Hurricane Irma on his private island in the British Virgin Islands. Specifically, the billionaire Virgin founder planned to brave the worst of the powerful storm in his wine cellar. “We are expecting to get the full force of the hurricane in around five hours’ time, when we will retreat to a concrete […]


Mnuchin: Sanctions on countries trading with NK ready for Trump to sign

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has prepared an executive order that would allow President Donald Trump to sanction any country that continues to trade with North Korea if the United Nations doesn’t pass broad new sanctions under consideration, he said Wednesday. “I have an executive order prepared that’s ready to go to the President that would […]


DNA test shows woman is not Salvador Dali’s daughter

New DNA test results have refuted claims by a Spanish woman that surrealist artist Salvador Dali was her biological father. According to a statement released by the Dali Foundation Wednesday, a court-ordered test on the exhumed body of the famous artist “exclude Salvador Dali as the biological father of Maria Pilar Abel Martinez.” A Spanish […]


Are we ready for Hurricane Irma?

As I write, Irma is a category 5 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 185 miles per hour. It has already sustained that extreme intensity for longer than any past Atlantic storm. The first reports of Irma’s impacts are just trickling out of the islands of Antigua, Barbuda, and St. Martin, which suffered direct hits […]

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Симпл из NAVI выступил на концерте Моргенштерна* с фристайлом


В Москве на выставке расскажут о судьбах советских евреев-участников ВОВ

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