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Новости за 06.09.2017


Hurricane Irma: Powerful storm blamed for two deaths

[Breaking news update, published at 4:27 p.m. ET] At least two people have died and two others have been seriously injured in the islands of St. Barts and St. Martin after Hurricane Irma blew through Wednesday, French Overseas Affairs Minister Annick Girardin told reporters before boarding a flight to the French territory of Guadeloupe. [Previous […]


Florida’s struggling orange growers brace for Irma

The Florida citrus industry was already in big trouble even before Hurricane Irma started closing in. Now experts are worried that the storm could be the final straw that tips many growers into bankruptcy. The problem until now has not been storms but a disease, known as citrus greening. It’s spread by an insect, and […]


Blue states sue Trump over DACA

Conservative states may have boxed President Donald Trump into announcing an end for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — but Democratic state attorneys general are already fighting back. A coalition of 16 Democratic and nonpartisan state attorneys general filed suit in New York federal court on Wednesday to stop Trump’s sunset of DACA […]


Facebook under scrutiny for inflated ad reach in US

Facebook is in the spotlight for potentially inflating the size of its reach in the U.S. to advertisers. Facebook has claimed that its advertising platform can reach millions more young adults in the U.S. than are estimated to actually live in the country, according to Brian Wieser, an analyst with Pivotal Research Group. Facebook’s Ads […]


For Caribbean residents, Irma could last months

The 28 island nations that make up the Caribbean are accustomed to hurricane season, but the Category 5 storm bearing down on these popular vacation spots has plenty of residents worried. Travel and tourism contributed $56 billion to the total gross domestic product in the Caribbean last year — about 15% of the region’s total […]


Landmines placed in the path of Rohingya refugees on Myanmar border

Bangladesh summoned the Myanmar ambassador on Wednesday to urge an end to the violence that has engulfed the region and to raise concerns about reports of landmines being laid along the border between the two countries. At least 146,000 ethnic Rohingya Muslims have fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar since August 25, according to Mohammed Abdiker, […]


Donald Trump promised to only make the best deals. Um….

President Donald Trump cut a deal with Congressional leaders Wednesday that will raise the debt ceiling, keep the government open and funded and secure disaster relief dollars for Hurricane Harvey. The problem? He cut the deal with Democratic leaders — and expressly against the wishes of Republicans. Trump agreed to a three month extension of […]


Obituary Notice: Harold Ellsworth Vaughn

Harold Ellsworth Vaughn, 90, of Philipsburg died Monday, Sept. 4, 2017 at his home. Born March 19, 1927 in West Decatur, he was a son of the late Ellsworth Noel and Marjorie Joy (Wood) Vaughn. He spent most of his life working as a lumberjack. He had also worked at Navasky’s in Philipsburg and a […]


Florida preps for mass evacuations, braces for possible gridlock

Florida Gov. Rick Scott says to expect more evacuations across the state ahead of Hurricane Irma, the powerful Category 5 storm plowing through the Caribbean. “If you’re told to evacuate, get out quickly,” Scott said Wednesday. “We can expect additional evacuations as this storm continues to come near our state.” Based on Irma’s projected path, […]


Conservative pundit expected to join White House communications team

Mercedes Schlapp, who until recently worked as a Fox News contributor, is expected to join the White House communications team in a senior role, a White House official confirmed to CNN Wednesday. Schlapp, a veteran GOP communications strategist and conservative pundit, did not immediately return CNN’s requests for comment. White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said […]


Blue states begin suing Trump over DACA

Conservative states may have boxed President Donald Trump into announcing an end for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — but Democratic state attorneys general are already fighting back. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson will announce multi-state legal action on Wednesday, according to separate releases from […]


Obituary Notice: Edward L. Ream

Edward L. Ream, 92, a resident of the Mountain Laurel Nursing & Rehabilitation Center and formerly of Ginter, died Sept. 5, 2017. Born April 6, 1925 in Fernwood, he was the son of Thomas Clark and Susanna (Evans) Ream. He was married to the former Ethel M Smith.  He was a heavy equipment mechanic. He […]


Pharrell Williams reveals the skincare secret to his youthful look

Pharrell Williams has won Grammys, produced Oscar-nominated films and conquered the world of fashion. But with all of his career accomplishments, his youthful visage has been one of the things that has most impressed fans. At 44, Williams doesn’t look his age at all. In a recent interview with Dazed, the musical artist and entrepreneur […]


Trump Jr., Rice headed to Congress

Donald Trump Jr. and Susan Rice are headed to speak with lawmakers in Congress this week, according to separate sources with knowledge. Trump Jr., President Donald Trump’s eldest son, is expected to speak to the Senate judiciary committee behind closed doors Thursday, two Senate sources told CNN. He has already provided the committee with documents. […]


EU migrants are good for Britain’s economy

Britain wants to slash the number of low-skilled European Union workers coming to its shores after Brexit, according to a draft paper published Wednesday by the Guardian. If implemented, the policies risk acting as a drag on economic growth by denying entry to immigrants who contribute more to Britain’s economy than they take out. Business […]


Hurricane Irma slams Caribbean islands as it heads toward Puerto Rico

An extremely dangerous Hurricane Irma pounded tiny northern Caribbean islands Wednesday morning as one of the strongest storms recorded in the Atlantic — and is on a path to hit parts of the British Virgin Islands and perhaps skirt northern Puerto Rico later in the day. Irma’s core, with maximum sustained winds of 185 mph […]


Trump Jr. expected to speak with Senate judiciary committee Thursday

Donald Trump Jr. is expected to speak to the Senate judiciary committee behind closed doors Thursday, two Senate sources tell CNN. Trump Jr. has already provided the committee with documents. One source described Trump Jr. as being cooperative with the committee. His involvement in a Trump Tower meeting in June 2016 with a Russian lawyer […]


New ‘Dancing With the Stars’ cast revealed

A former teen pop idol, a part-time race car driver, two married couples going head-to-head and a real estate titan. The Season 25 cast of “Dancing With the Stars” was revealed Wednesday on “Good Morning America.” Competing for the Mirrorball trophy this time around are: • Paralympic swimmer Victoria Arlen with Val Chmerkovskiy • WWE […]


Officer involved in Utah nurse arrest fired from paramedic job

A Salt Lake City, Utah, detective who arrested a nurse after she refused to let officers draw blood from an unconscious patient has been fired from his job as a part-time paramedic. Detective Jeff Payne’s July arrest of Alex Wubbels, the charge nurse at the University of Utah Hospital burn unit, was captured on bodycam […]


Teen suspected of starting massive Oregon wildfire, state police say

Oregon State Police have identified a teenager they believe started the raging Eagle Creek Fire that has now merged with another fire, burning 20,000 acres and forcing hundreds of residents to evacuate. A 15-year-old male from Vancouver, Washington, is suspected of igniting the blaze, said police, who did not release the teen’s name. “It is […]


Hurricane Irma hits Caribbean island of Barbuda

The eye of Hurricane Irma is passing over the Caribbean island of Barbuda. The massive Category 5 storm was packing winds of up to 185 mph early Wednesday morning, the US National Hurricane Center said. It was aiming for several islands, including Puerto Rico, Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, and the US Virgin Islands. The […]


Experts: Trump Tower deal risked compromising Trump

Returning to Washington after a recess full of new Russia revelations, senators from both parties told CNN on Tuesday that as the Hill investigations ramp up this fall, they want to learn more about the Trump Organization’s efforts to do business in Russia during the presidential campaign. The newly detailed effort to license Donald Trump’s name to […]


Blood clot risk — and other problems — might be tied to how tall you are

How tall you are might hold clues to your risk of various health problems, such as blood clots, according to a new study. Height can be an independent predictor of your risk for venous thromboembolism, or VTE, also known as blood clots, according to the study, published Tuesday in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics. That […]


Bautista’s bomb gives Spikes walk-off win

In a game that featured the first-ever fog delay in Medlar Field at Lubrano Park history, Ricardo Bautista’s two-run walk-off homer gave the State College Spikes an 8-6 win over the Auburn Doubledays on Tuesday night.


Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi breaks silence on Rohingya

Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has made her first public comments on the fate of her country’s persecuted Rohingya minority since new violence broke out almost two weeks ago. Suu Kyi, who as Myanmar’s state counsellor is the country’s de facto leader, said her government was working to protect the rights of the Rohingya […]

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Экология в России и мире

Крылатчан попросили с пониманием отнестись к спортивному ориентированию

Путин в России и мире

Уроженец Кировской области с позывным Струна стоял на параде рядом с Путиным

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: тактическое ядерное оружие для Москвы и Минска — средство сдерживания

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