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Новости за 25.09.2017


Obituary Notice: Monnabelle Edna Youstic

Monnabelle Edna (Coble) Youstic, 89, of Lanse went to be with the Lord at her daughter Cynthia’s home in Lanse on Sept. 25, 2017. Born April 21, 1928 in Kylertown, she was the daughter of the late Percy and Mildred Welker Coble. On Nov. 26, 1945, she married Alex Youstic, who preceded her in death […]


Nike sides with NFL players in Trump showdown

Nike stands with NFL players who took a knee during the playing of the National Anthem. “Nike supports athletes and their right to freedom of expression on issues that are of great importance to our society,” the company said in a statement. The apparel maker weighed in amid a public showdown between President Trump and […]


Zimbabwe slaps vocal pastor with more subversion charges

A prominent critic of President Robert Mugabe is facing 20 years in jail if convicted of multiple counts of subverting Zimbabwe’s government. After posting a series of videos calling on Zimbabweans to demonstrate against fuel shortages and sudden price hikes, Pastor Evan Mawarire was arrested Sunday. In a court appearance Monday, Mawarire pleaded not guilty […]


Newest Graham-Cassidy bill has a pretty sweet deal — for Cassidy

Republican senators released a new version of their health care proposal Sunday night aimed at winning support from a handful of still undecided senators. But, there was also a pretty sweet deal for the state of Louisiana, home of one of the bill’s sponsors Sen. Bill Cassidy. The legislation includes language that gives states that […]


iOS 11: Secret features you’re probably not using

If you’re still dismissing pop-ups from apps asking for reviews, or writing your Wi-FI password on a Post-It note, you’re not living your best life. In addition to a new design and big features like augmented reality support, Apple has added a number of solid smaller changes and settings options to iOS 11, the latest […]


Conservatives accuse the Pope of spreading heresy

Several dozen conservative Catholic scholars and priests have charged Pope Francis with spreading heresy, a bold but perhaps futile salvo against Francis and his reform-minded papacy. The widely publicized, theologically dense letter was delivered to the Pope with 40 signatures on August 11, according to its organizers. It has since gained 22 more signatures and […]


Poll: New Jersey voters say Sen. Menendez should quit if convicted

A majority of likely voters in New Jersey believe Sen. Bob Menendez should resign if convicted of federal bribery charges, according to a new poll Suffolk University conducted for USA Today that was released Monday. Menendez is accused of doing political favors for his wealthy friend, Dr. Salomon Melgen, in exchange for rides on private […]


Here’s everything you need to know about the Alabama Senate race

Sen. Luther Strange and Roy Moore have one final day of campaigning before Republican voters in Alabama will take to the polls in a GOP primary to decide who they want to run against Democrat Doug Jones in the special election to fill a US Senate seat. Strange, who was appointed by then-Gov. Robert Bentley […]


Obituary Notice: Denise N. Bienus

Denise N. Bienus, 47, of Philipsburg died Sunday, Sept. 24, 2017 at her home. Born April 18, 1970 in Bellefonte, she was the daughter of Roger L. Cartright of Sandy Ridge and the late Linda L. (Clutter) Cartright. She married David A. Bienus on Aug. 2, 1991 in Fayetteville, NC. He survives at home. She […]


Obituary Notice: James H. Couturiaux

James H. Couturiaux, 76, of Philipsburg died Sunday, Sept. 24, 2017 at his home. Born Dec. 15, 1940 in Philipsburg, he was the son of the late Henry and Florence (Myers) Couturiaux.  He married Jean (Carson) Couturiaux on Jan. 27, 1962 in Philipsburg. She survives at home. He was of the Christian faith and retired […]


JPMorgan devotes $10 million to fight poverty in Washington D.C.

Washington D.C. is home to some of America’s most powerful people and institutions. And yet nearly one-fifth of the District’s population is living in poverty. That’s because some of the poorest parts of Washington D.C. have been left out of the city’s recovery from the Great Recession. JPMorgan Chase is hoping to ease this inequality […]


‘Despacito’ singer: Puerto Rico needs your help

Musician Daddy Yankee, who guest stars on the smash international hit “Despacito,” is appealing for help for his native Puerto Rico after the island was battered by Hurricane Maria. “A lot of people don’t know I’m from Puerto Rico,” he told CNN Monday. “I have my family there, I have my wife, my daughter, and […]


On health care, let’s do the impossible

Pleading for passage of his version of the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, Sen. Lindsey Graham is the one who, unintentionally, has telegraphed the lasting impact of the 2016 Democratic presidential contest. “It’s either this,” he said of the Graham-Cassidy bill in a radio interview with Breitbart News, or “we’re going to Obamacare and […]


14 issues Trump is sidelining to focus on the NFL

President Donald Trump devoted much of the online portion of his weekend to attacking NFL player-protesters and boosting calls for a boycott of the league. This latest round of culture war controversy began in Alabama, where Trump asked supporters on Friday night, “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects […]


Sarah Silverman ‘in awe’ of Billie Jean King, Colin Kaepernick

In “Battle of the Sexes,” Sarah Silverman plays a woman who stands with tennis champ Billie Jean King in the fight for women’s rights, and in real life, the actress and comedian applauds other sports figures she thinks are taking similarly worthy stands. “[King] just wanted to be the best tennis player in the world, […]


NASCAR says U.S. allows people ‘right to peacefully express’ themselves

NASCAR said it respects both the national anthem and that the U.S. Constitution protects the right to free speech. The anthem has elicited strong reactions throughout the sports world. In the NFL, the WNBA, MLB and even in the world of pro tennis, athletes have taken a knee during the performance of the Star-Spangled Banner […]


Sanders briefly suggests NFL players should protest police, not the flag

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders suggested Monday that NFL players protesting police brutality should focus their protests on police officers on the sidelines of NFL games rather than kneeling during the national anthem. “I think if this — the debate is really for them about police brutality they should probably protest the officers on […]


Bob Costas: ‘Preposterous’ to say criticism of NFL kneeling protests not tied to race

Longtime NBC Sports broadcaster Bob Costas on Monday dismissed the idea that criticism of NFL players protesting during the national anthem has nothing to do with race, calling it “preposterous.” President Donald Trump created a firestorm while campaigning Friday night in Alabama when he suggested NFL owners fire any “son of a bitch” who kneels […]


Federal response to Hurricane Maria slowly takes shape

The federal response to a ruinous storm in Puerto Rico began to take shape Monday as the scope of devastation on the US territory came into view. Top aides to President Donald Trump, including homeland security adviser Tom Bossert and the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator Brock Long, touched down on the island Monday to […]


Ford: We respect the right of NFL players to protest

Ford, a sponsor of the National Football League, has voiced support for NFL players exercising their right to free speech and peaceful protest after President Donald Trump urged fans to consider a boycott. “We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,” the company said on Monday. “That’s […]


Hurricane Maria is sending high winds, surf along East Coast

The East Coast is bracing for high winds and treacherous surf from Hurricane Maria, which is still churning in the Atlantic days after the storm caused widespread devastation in the Caribbean. Maria will weaken to a tropical storm by Tuesday night, according to the National Hurricane Center. The dangerous core of the storm is expected […]


We can say goodbye to a stable Germany

Don’t be deceived by the placid news that Angela Merkel just won re-election to Germany’s top job. Sunday’s election was an earthquake. You won’t detect the tectonic movement by looking at who came in first, Merkel’s conservative Christian Democratic Union, or at the second-place finisher, the center-left Social Democratic Party. It is the strong showing […]


Ivanka Trump spearheads $200M STEM effort

President Donald Trump will direct the Education Department to invest a minimum of $200 million in grant funding each year to expand STEM and computer science education in schools, the White House announced Monday. The effort, which will include a “substantial pledge” from the private sector in an announcement coming Tuesday, was spearheaded by Ivanka […]


US homicide rate spiked nearly 8% in 2016, FBI report finds

The US homicide rate increased by nearly 8% last year, driving an increase of violent crime in the country for the second year in a row, according to new data released by the FBI on Monday. Between 2014 and 2016, the nationwide homicide rate has increased more than 20%, and the 3.4% increase in the […]


GANT Weekend Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield State police received a report about an incident of disorderly conduct that occurred Saturday on Goodrow Lane in Bradford Township. During the incident, a Woodland man was “worshiping on his loud speakers while using profanities” with children nearby. State police seized the man’s loud speakers to prevent future incidents. Charges were […]

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Дружба» подвело итоги деятельности в сфере экологической безопасности

Путин в России и мире

Путин 22 апреля проведет в Москве переговоры с президентом Азербайджана Алиевым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Семён Слепаков

Никита Михалков назвал Слепакова талантливым артистом и пожалел его


Адвокат Молохов: из дела Стрелкова пропало согласие о заключении контракта

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