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Новости за 17.10.2016


Inside the battle for Mosul: Gunfire, car bombs and suicide attack

On a road several kilometers outside Mosul on Monday, a convoy of Peshmerga fighters got a taste of the resistance the Iraqi army and police are facing inside the volatile city. This stretch of road and the villages along it — once they’re fully cleared of ISIS militants — will represent a great prize for […]


Judge rules against riot charge for “Democracy Now!” host Amy Goodman

“Democracy Now!” host Amy Goodman fought the law, and won. On Monday, a North Dakota judge found there wasn’t probable cause to support a riot charge brought against Goodman related to her footage of protests over an oil pipeline in the state. A warrant had been issued for Goodman’s arrest last month, days after “Democracy […]


‘Walking Dead’ renewed for Season 8

It’s no surprise that “The Walking Dead” has been renewed for another season, but fans are still thrilled. AMC announced that Season 8 of its very successful zombie drama will be “premiering in late-2017 and kicking off with the 100th episode of the franchise.” The new season will feature 16 episodes and will be followed […]


Polls: Clinton leads Trump in key swing states

A handful of polls released Monday show that Hillary Clinton is leading Donald Trump in the key battleground state of Virginia, and has a slim lead in other key states, including Colorado, Florida, and Pennsylvania. The pair are neck-and-neck in Ohio, according to the slew of new polling. Here’s a state-by-state look: Virginia Clinton holds […]


Iran nuclear deal an unfolding disaster

When it comes to President Barack Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal with Iran, it has become difficult to keep track of the troubling new revelations that seem to surface almost daily. Outrageous, potentially illegal, actions by this administration have become so commonplace that many Americans have become numb to the recent news regarding this President’s policy […]


NFL teams mock league’s new social media policy

Looks like some NFL teams are openly mocking the league’s new social media policy on Twitter. The policy, which took effect on Wednesday, bars teams from posting official game footage to social media from kickoff until an hour after the game. It also imposes fines for any violations. In response, teams like the Browns and […]


Hurricane Sandy Fast Facts

Here’s a look at Hurricane Sandy, which was also called “Superstorm Sandy.” October 22-29, 2012 – Hurricane Sandy, as a hurricane and a post-tropical cyclone, is directly responsible for at least 147 deaths in the Northeast United States, Canada, and the Caribbean, according to the National Hurricane Center. The death toll in the United States […]


ExploreJefferson: Drive-By UTV Shooting in Jefferson County Sends Man to Hospital

PINECREEK TOWNSHIP – Punxsutawney-based state police are investigating a drive-by shooting that occurred Sunday along Sulgar Road in Pinecreek Township, Jefferson County. According to state police, around 1:50 p.m. a 64-year-old man was walking along Sulgar Road in Pinecreek Township when he observed a side-by-side utility vehicle traveling from one side of the road to […]


UKIP lawmaker quits leadership bid after ‘altercation’ lands him in hospital

A UK right wing lawmaker who wound up sprawled unconscious on the floor of the European Parliament after announcing his intention to run for his party’s leadership has resigned. “It is with deep sorrow and regret that I am aborting my leadership campaign and announcing my resignation from UKIP with immediate effect,” UKIP’s Steven Woolfe […]


Obituary Notice: Steven M. Williams

Steven M. Williams, 55, of Clearfield died Friday, Oct. 14, 2016 at Penn Highlands Clearfield. Mr. Williams was born Dec. 2, 1960, the son of Kenneth I. and Patricia (Trout) Williams of Clearfield. He graduated from Clearfield Area High School in 1978, where he was a regional wrestling champion. He studied at Lock Haven State […]


Trial begins in defamation suit over Rolling Stone ‘rape on campus’ story

Nearly two years since it was originally published, Rolling Stone’s discredited article about an alleged gang rape at a University of Virginia frat house will take center stage in court on Monday. The magazine is heading to trial in Charlottesville, Virginia in a defamation lawsuit brought by a UVA administrator named Nicole Eramo who says […]


GANT Weekend Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield State police received a report about an incident of criminal mischief that occurred Friday on St. Agnes Drive in Morris Township. During the incident, someone allegedly caused damage to a wooden fence that surrounds the cemetery at the St. Agnes Church. It’s believed someone damaged the fence in order to ride […]


Father, son arrested in death of Olympian Tyson Gay’s daughter

Police arrested two more men — a father and son — in the shooting death of Olympic track star Tyson Gay’s daughter, Trinity, who authorities say was hit by a stray bullet during a shootout in Lexington, Kentucky. Chazerae Taylor, 38, and D’markeo Taylor, 19, are each charged with wanton endangerment in the 15-year-old’s Sunday […]


Pilot spots sharks from above to save surfers

The Cape Cod National Seashore is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the United States, but it’s also known for its abundance of great white sharks. “Jaws” was filmed on nearby Martha’s Vineyard, adding to the local shark lore. Thousands of seals call the shoreline their home. And where seals go, sharks […]


Rep. Peter King: The election isn’t rigged against Trump

New York Rep. Peter King said on Monday that the presidential election is not rigged, despite Donald Trump’s claims. Starting last week and again on Monday, the GOP nominee has intensified his case that the election is being rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton, calling it “one big fix” and tweeting about “large scale voter […]


Why this expat can see beyond Trump’s personal flaws

American expats in London are generally a well-off bunch who have profited greatly from the global economy, either as owners of capital or the well-paid servants of it. At the mention of Donald Trump, they usually recoil in horror with remarks about the education, racism and misogyny of the candidate and his supporters. What they […]


Dad records video telling son: ‘Mommy died last night’

It’s news no parent wants to break to a child. Brenden Clark had to tell his 8-year-old son Cameron his mother had died from a drug overdose the night before. He recorded the moment, and posted it to his Facebook page — as a cautionary tale, he says. A week later, the video has over […]


Randy Travis sings ‘Amazing Grace’ three years after debilitating stroke

Randy Travis brought the Country Music Hall of Fame audience to tears Sunday night. The country music star, who was being inducted into the hall, took the podium and performed a few lyrics from “Amazing Grace.” Travis suffered a stroke three years ago which impaired his ability to walk and affected his vocal chords. Travis […]


Virginia poll: Clinton leads Trump by 15 points

A new poll of Virginia shows Hillary Clinton with a big 15-point lead over Donald Trump in a state that just a few years ago was considered one of the more competitive battlegrounds. According to the poll, released Monday by Christopher Newport University’s Wason Center, Clinton leads Trump 44% to 29% in a four-way race […]


Google and Amazon are in a race to $1,000

If you ask Alexa whether she thought Amazon or Google stock would get to $1,000 first, would she root for the home team and say Amazon? Shares of both Amazon and Google parent Alphabet are now trading above $800 a share. Amazon is slightly higher than Alphabet — but not by that much. Both stocks […]


Dozens dead in Aleppo airstrikes

Airstrikes have killed at least 45 people in two neighborhoods in the Syrian city of Aleppo. The Aleppo Media Center, an activist group, reported that airstrikes struck the eastern parts of the city Sunday and Monday. In recent days, hundreds of civilian have died amid the Syrian army’s renewed offensive on rebel-controlled sections of Aleppo. […]


Hoboken Terminal to return to full service after train crash

Hoboken Terminal will operate Monday at full service for the first time since a deadly New Jersey commuter train crash. During the height of rush hour on September 29, the train had hurtled past its stopping point at the Hoboken station and rammed through a passenger concourse, killing a woman waiting on the platform and […]


Inside the dark world of trophy hunting

“Why does a person go on holiday just to shoot an animal? What is the motivation behind it?” Ulrich Seidl, Austrian director and master of grotesque documentary, still doesn’t have a definitive answer to the question he’s posed. In fact, he’s sure there isn’t one. “Safari”, his latest film, fixes a stark and unflinching lens […]


Humanitarian crisis looms amid Mosul offensive

With the operation to liberate Mosul from ISIS under way, the fate of more than a million civilians in the city hangs in the balance. The fight is expected to last weeks, if not months, and if the battles to wrest Falluja and Ramadi from the militant group’s grip are indicators, Mosul will be a […]


Battle for Mosul: Iraqi forces close in

On the outskirts of Mosul, thousands of Iraqi-led forces have started to close in on the ISIS-controlled city. But entrenched ISIS forces, already bombarded from the ground and the air, are digging in for what could be group’s final stand for its last major stronghold in the country. In a televised statement Monday morning, Iraqi […]

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Экология в России и мире

Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Трофимов

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ


Оскар в фарме. Названы победители профконкурса «Платиновая унция»

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