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Новости за 08.10.2016


8 questions about the Donald Trump tape

1. Who leaked the “Access Hollywood” tape to the Washington Post? Why? The NBC entertainment show was working on a story about the tape. But the story was not going to air until next week at the earliest. So did an NBC staffer leak the tape to Post reporter David Fahrenthold to influence Sunday’s debate? […]


Where Republicans stand on Trump

Republican elected officials and party elders lined up Saturday to denounce Donald Trump’s incendiary remarks about women that he made in 2005. Some sitting members of Congress pulled their support entirely, while others blasted the remarks but continued supporting the GOP standard-bearer. Some said they wanted Trump to step aside so that his running mate, […]


Bachmann: Clinton coordinated Trump tape release

WARNING: This story contains graphic language. Former Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann insinuated on Saturday morning that the Clinton campaign was behind leaking the decade-old audio recording of Donald Trump spewing vulgarities about women. “I think what we’ve been hearing last Friday night is actually pretty predictable. The Clinton campaign had to change the conversation because […]


How Haiti can recover from Hurricane Matthew’s devastation

Haiti, which is still in the midst of a slow and painful rebuilding process in the aftermath of 2010’s historic earthquake, has experienced more heartbreak this week with the arrival of Hurricane Matthew. But sadly, for the Haitian people, the initial damage wreaked by environmental disaster has traditionally become a prelude to the disappointment of […]


Billy Bush: The other voice in the Donald Trump video

Is he really…? Yes. Billy Bush is a member of that Bush family. His father, Jonathan Bush, is a banker and GOP donor who is the brother of former President George H.W. Bush. That means Billy Bush is a cousin to former President George W. Bush, as well as failed 2016 presidential nominee Jeb Bush. […]


Officials: Saudi-led airstrikes hit Yemen funeral home; 155 dead

At least 155 people were killed in Saudi-led airstrikes that hit a funeral home in Yemen’s capital of Sanaa, two health ministry officials said Saturday. No other details were immediately available. The Saudi-led coalition, involving several Arab countries, began a military campaign in Yemen in March 2015 aimed at preventing Houthi rebels allied to Iran […]


Why Republicans can’t easily dump Trump off the ballot

The GOP is stuck with Donald Trump — but that isn’t stopping weary Republicans from looking at every way possible to remove him from the top of the ticket. News of Trump’s sexually aggressive remarks from 2005 is just the latest explosion to spur discussion of ways to break ties with the presidential nominee. The […]


Has Trump finally gone too far?

Warning: This article contains offensive language. On Friday, the Washington Post published a video from 2005 in which presidential candidate Donald Trump is heard talking to Access Hollywood then-host Billy Bush about how he would force himself on women and grab them between the legs; how he tried his best to sleep with a certain […]


Hurricane Matthew moves into South Carolina; serious flooding threatened

Category 1 Hurricane Matthew made landfall late Saturday morning over South Carolina’s central coast, and the storm’s sea surges and rainfall appeared poised to threaten life-threatening inland flooding for that state and North Carolina as the storm crawled to the northeast. Matthew’s center crossed near McClellanville, South Carolina, between Charleston and Myrtle Beach before 11 […]


Hurricane Matthew could help Zika fight

Hurricane Matthew started pounding the eastern coast of Florida as far south as Miami on Thursday afternoon. The storm has been described as historic and extremely dangerous. But there may be one benefit to the storm’s torrential rains: It could put a temporary halt on the mosquitoes that spread the Zika virus. To date, there […]


Chemnitz: German police hunt Syrian man over suspected bomb plot

Police in Germany are hunting a 22-year-old Syrian man in connection with a suspected planned bomb attack, Saxony Police told CNN on Saturday. He was named by police as Jaber Albakr, born 10 January 1994, from the Damascus countryside area. The details emerged as a large-scale police operation in the city of Chemnitz was winding […]


Hurricane Matthew: Death toll expected to rise in Haiti

Hurricane Matthew has left behind widespread destruction across Haiti and killed hundreds in its path, and officials fear the death toll could increase as aid workers scramble to gain access to some of the country’s hardest-hit areas. “The death toll is rising on an hourly basis,” CNN International Correspondent Shasta Darlington said. “It’s only now […]


Hurricane Matthew weakens to Category 1, batters South Carolina’s coast

A weakening Hurricane Matthew lashed South Carolina’s shores Saturday morning, as the Category 1 storm pushed — or was poised to push — dangerous amounts of seawater and rain along the coast of that state as well as Georgia and North Carolina. Matthew, a storm that left destruction and killed hundreds in the Caribbean and […]


Hurricane Matthew batters South Carolina’s coast

Hurricane Matthew’s dangerous eyewall was battering South Carolina’s southern shores Saturday morning, as the Category 2 storm pushed — or was poised to push — dangerous amounts of seawater and rain along the coast of that state as well as Georgia and North Carolina. Matthew, a storm that left destruction and killed hundreds in the […]


Rumery Accounts for Three Touchdowns in Bison Victory over Tyrone

TYRONE — The Clearfield Bison thus far in the 2016 season have seen it all when taking to the field.  Teams have thrown everything they could to throw the black and red-clad team off, and yet the Bison have found a way to come out on top in all but one of those contests. The […]


Ridgway Blanks The Golden Tide 28-0

RIDGWAY – It was a game that will go a long way to determine the seeding in the upcoming District 9 Class A playoffs that begin the first weekend in November. After 48 minutes of play Friday night in Ridgway it was the Elkers getting the upper hand in a 28-0 victory over Curwensville. Ridgway […]


Chemnitz: Major police operation ongoing in German city

Officers are carrying out a major operation in the German city of Chemnitz “because of the suspicion of a planned bomb attack,” Saxony police said on Saturday. No suspect has yet been detained, police said. An explosion heard at the scene “was a protective measure taken by the police,” the police force said via Twitter, […]


Japan: Mount Aso volcano belches out 11,000-meter ash cloud

The largest active volcano in Japan has erupted, sending a column of smoke and ash more than 11,000 meters (nearly 7 miles) into the air, the Japan Meteorological Agency reported early Saturday. Mount Aso, which stands 1,592 meters (a little over 5,200 feet) tall, is in Kumamoto Prefecture on the southwestern island of Kyushu. Images […]


Watch Live: Buck to be Honored at National Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service

GANT News will provide live web streaming of both the Fallen Firefighter’s Candlelight Service and the National Memorial Service. Click back on this article link at the time of each service. The 35th annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service will honor eight firefighters who died in the line of duty from Pennsylvania, including Jeffrey S. […]


Hurricane Matthew weakened but still dangerous

After battering Florida’s east coast, a weakened Hurricane Matthew churned slowly north early Saturday, bringing dangerous storm surges and heavy rain to Georgia and South Carolina. Matthew, which still packs 105 miles per hour winds, is expected to move into South Carolina Saturday morning and reach North Carolina by night. Storm surges could reach from […]


Trump issues defiant apology for lewd remarks — then goes on the attack

WARNING: This story contains graphic language. Donald Trump apologized early Saturday for lewd and sexually aggressive remarks he made a decade ago — and then made it clear he is girding himself for a nasty political battle. The GOP presidential nominee posted a defiant 90-second video just after midnight on social media, telling voters that […]


Source: Trump attempted boardroom kiss

Donald Trump is under fire for his vulgar comments about women in an “Access Hollywood” tape — and one woman alleges he exhibited similar behavior in at least one other incident. A friend whom CNN anchor Erin Burnett has known for years recounted an experience she had with Trump in 2010 that echoes his words […]


Trump apologizes for sexually aggressive remarks

WARNING: This story contains graphic language. Donald Trump issued a defiant apology Saturday morning for lewd and sexually aggressive remarks he made a decade ago — and then made it clear he is girding himself for a nasty political battle. The GOP presidential nominee posted a 90-second video just after midnight on social media, telling […]


Getting away with murder in Russia

She was shot twice in the chest, once in the shoulder, then once in the head at point blank range — a classic sign of a professional hit. Forensic teams who examined the body of Anna Politkovskaya, one of Russia’s most prominent journalists and Kremlin critics, say the first two shots struck near her heart […]


Chaffetz explains why he’s pulling support for Trump

WARNING: This story contains graphic language. Washington (CNN) — The Republican congressman who led the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server explained on Friday why he’s no longer voting for Donald Trump. Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz told CNN’s Don Lemon that he can no longer support Trump for President after his extremely vulgar comments […]

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Пётр Чайковский

Театр оперы и балета Удмуртии объявил о сборе средств на памятник Петру Чайковскому


6-летний сын актрисы Марианы Дердерьян погиб при пожаре из-за решеток на окнах

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