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Новости за 29.10.2016


Trump tears into US judicial system

Donald Trump warned voters Saturday about the “cancer” of public corruption and argued the US judicial system is like that of a “third-world country” after new reports surfaced about disagreements between top officials at the FBI and Department of Justice. Trump picked up on the news reports to once again argue that there is a […]


Florida Democrat Patrick Murphy stands by claim his family never did business with Trump

Patrick Murphy, the Democrat in Florida trying to unseat Sen. Marco Rubio in November, is standing by his claim that his family has never done business with Donald Trump. Rubio has tried to deflect attacks on his own relationship with Trump by pointing to Murphy’s family business, Coastal Construction, which constructed two Trump-branded buildings in […]


Jose Fernandez had cocaine, alcohol in system during fatal boat crash

Miami Marlins star pitcher Jose Fernandez had cocaine in his system when he and two friends were killed in a boat crash last month off Miami Beach, the Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner’s office said Saturday. Associate Medical Examiner Kenneth Hutchins listed “boat crash” as the cause of death and also said Fernandez was legally drunk […]


Huma Abedin takes another reluctant turn in the spotlight

Huma Abedin has largely remained in the background during her decades-long work for Hillary Clinton as her right-hand woman at the White House, Senate, State Department and private life. But Abedin is in the spotlight in the final days of Clinton’s campaign. Newly discovered emails that FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Friday could be […]


World Series ticket prices sink as Cubs fans lose hope

After a tough loss for the Chicago Cubs on Friday night, World Series ticket prices have dropped. Just hours before the Cleveland Indians’ second shutout at Wrigley Field, Game 5 had been crowned the most expensive sporting event in history. Tickets averaged $6,548 — topping even the 2015 Super Bowl, according to ticket search engine […]


Tyra Banks: ‘Enough of the damn emails’

Model and TV personality Tyra Banks is on the campaign trail, encouraging voters in Georgia to vote for Hillary Clinton. But when asked by CNN’s Frederika Whitfield Saturday if reports of a new probe into Clinton’s emails had made campaigning more difficult, Banks quoted the Democratic presidential nominee’s former rival. “I actually don’t think there’s […]


Hamilton fights for title with pole in Mexico

Lewis Hamilton has qualified in pole position in the Mexico Grand Prix — reminding his team mate and fierce rival Nico Rosberg that he hasn’t given up on retaining the F1 crown. Hamilton finished two tenths ahead of Rosberg, who, despite struggling for pace throughout practice and most of the qualifying sessions, managed to haul […]


Lynch objected to Comey’s decision to notify Congress of email review

Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates objected to FBI Director James Comey’s decision to notify Congress about his bureau’s review of emails related to Hillary Clinton’s personal server, law enforcement officials familiar with the discussion said. Comey decided to disregard their objections and sent the letter Friday anyway, shaking the presidential […]


Female suicide bombers suspected in deadly Nigeria blasts

Female suicide bombers are suspected to be behind the twin explosions that rattled the northeastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri on Saturday near a refugee camp and a fuel depot, officials said. The attacks targeted the city’s Bakassi Internally Displaced Persons camp and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp.’s Mega Filling Station, the Nigerian army said in […]


Mo-Valley Paranormal Hosts “Lock-down” Investigation at Old Clearfield County Jail

CLEARFIELD – From the day its doors first opened in 1872, the Old Clearfield County Jail in Clearfield Borough has held a macabre fascination for residents and out-of-town visitors for centuries. According to various historical newspaper articles, the land where the old jail was built had been donated by William Bigler in 1870 and construction […]


Blair may be back, but he can’t save Britain from Brexit

When Tony Blair was Britain’s Prime Minister, he was master of controlling a narrative. Out of office, he can tell when one is unfolding in the wrong direction. Blair’s latest successor, Theresa May, has successfully managed to paint the 48% of the UK population who voted against leaving the EU as the 1% — an […]


Russian gamers race to prevent nuclear ‘war’

“Attention! Attention!” blares the Russian voice from a loudspeaker. “The nuclear bombs will be launched in one hour.” Inside a room styled as a Soviet-era nuclear bunker, a couple of Russians race to prevent a catastrophic strike on the United States. Their quest — the latest craze in Moscow — is to find the nuclear […]


Will Ferrell to campaign for Hillary Clinton in North Carolina

Hillary Clinton will get some help from comedian Will Ferrell on Saturday. The comedian will campaign for Clinton in Raleigh, Durham and Carrboro, North Carolina, headlining a series of events aimed at exciting young voters about the Democratic nominee. The “Old School” star will meet with students at the North Carolina State football tailgate in […]


25 people killed in clashes in Central African Republic

Twenty-five people have been killed in clashes in the Central African Republic this week, the United Nations said Saturday. On Thursday, 15 people were killed in clashes between Muslim Seleka rebels and Christian Anti-balaka militia, near the town of Bambari in the south of the country. In a separate incident on Friday, 10 people — […]


On the front lines: Mosul in sight

Through the haze and smoke, the brown and gray outline of Gogjali is just about visible. It’s an industrial suburb on the eastern outskirts of Mosul, just two kilometers (1.24 miles) from front line positions of the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Force (CTF), and it’s their next target. The Iraqi units send mortar fire into the […]


What are poll watchers and what are they allowed to do?

With early voting underway in a growing number of states and Donald Trump talking about a “rigged” election and warning about what he says will be voter fraud, there have been significant discussions about “poll watchers,” and concerns that certain individuals may try to intimidate their fellow voters. But what are the rules governing polling […]


At-risk Republicans revel in FBI’s Clinton email announcement

Vulnerable down-ballot Republican candidates seized on the news Friday that the FBI was reviewing new emails tied to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server, arguing the GOP must remain in charge of Congress so they can keep check on a potential Clinton presidency. “This decision shows exactly why we need strong […]


At least 9 people killed in two bomb blasts in Nigeria

At least nine people were killed and 24 injured in two explosions in the city of Maiduguri, in northeastern Nigeria on Saturday, according to the country’s National Emergency Agency. Pictures posted on NEMA’s Twitter account show rescue workers at the scene of the bombing, amid debris and destroyed cars. “Emergency workers have evacuated the injured […]


Madera K9 Search and Rescue Receives Certification

CURWENSVILLE – The Madera, Station 25, K9 Search and Rescue team took part in exercises and received certificates Oct. 23 at Curwensville Lake. It went to be professionally-certified in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a K9 Search and Rescue Team Oct. 16. There were four dogs certified in Search and Rescue and K9s are cross-trained […]


The Medical Minute: The Evolving Guidelines on Screen Time for Kids

Digital media changes so quickly that the American Academy of Pediatrics updated its recommendations on media use and screen time for children just a year after issuing its previous guidelines. “It’s such a rapidly evolving field that we’re trying to stay on top of what is out there and the information we have on how […]


Clearfield Rotary’s Pancake Dinner is Nov. 8

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Rotarians are shown while recently planning for their upcoming Election Day pancake dinner Nov. 8 at the Trinity United Methodist Church Parish House in downtown Clearfield The pancake and sausage dinner will be held from 4:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. Tickets are $6 each for eat-in or take-out. Please see any Rotarian […]


Shot Alaska officer dies after surgery

An Alaska police officer shot in the line of duty two weeks ago has died of complications after surgery. Sgt. Allen Brandt was shot on patrol after responding to reports of gunfire in Fairbanks early October 16. Brandt was wearing body armor, but was struck by bullets and shrapnel in the legs and an eye. […]


Salvation Army Program Brings Toys and Joy to Local Children

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Salvation Army has released additional sign-up dates for its seasonal assistance, “Treasures for Children,” program. Through the program, the Salvation Army helps children who are in need of holiday toys. “For many families, the joy of the holidays is lost in the burden of bills and stress of their financial situation,” […]


Day by day: Key moments from the Justin Ross Harris trial

A tragedy. A mystery. A front-page story. From the moment the news broke in Georgia, people couldn’t stop talking about it: Cooper Harris, 22 months old, was found dead on June 18, 2014, in the back of an SUV and his grieving father was devastated. But then the story took a turn. An investigation followed […]


Indians take control of World Series, spoiling Cubs’ return to Wrigley

The Cleveland Indians scored just one run, and their pitching staff once again made sure that was enough. Pinch hitter Coco Crisp had an RBI single in the top of the seventh inning, while four pitchers combined for the shutout, giving the Indians a 1-0 win against the Chicago Cubs in Game 3 at Wrigley […]

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Экология в России и мире

Мокрый фасад: как сделать отделку по технологии СФТК

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: на территории Польши и Прибалтики готовят атаки на восток

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Священнику, отпевавшего Навального, запретили носить рясу и крест

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Розенбаум

Розенбаум высказался о пластических операциях


Подмосковное УФАС выявило рекламу о займах с признаками нарушения

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