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Новости за 03.10.2016


Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump ‘contributing nothing to our nation’

Hillary Clinton laced into Donald Trump on Monday for living a billionaire’s lifestyle while “contributing nothing to our nation,” in her first public remarks about a New York Times report that revealed Trump might have avoided paying federal income taxes for close to two decades. Speaking at a campaign rally in Toledo, Ohio, the Democratic […]


Obama to cast early ballot in Chicago

President Barack Obama will cast his ballot for Hillary Clinton in Chicago this month, he told Democratic supporters in a fundraising solicitation on Monday. “Later this month, I’m going to head back to Chicago, walk into my local polling place, and cast an early vote for the next president,” Obama wrote. “I know who I’m […]


Lindsay Lohan’s finger and ‘Mean Girls’ Day

Happy “Mean Girls” Day! October 3 is famously known as such because of a scene in the beloved 2004 film. In “Mean Girls,” Lindsay Lohan’s character Cady is asked “What day is it” by her crush Aaron Samuels (played by Johnathan Bennett) and she responds “It’s October 3.” This one was a little bittersweet for […]


New Jersey train crash: Rear data recorder hasn’t worked since July

The event data recorder retrieved from the locomotive of a New Jersey Transit train that crashed last week had not recorded any data since July, according to a source with direct knowledge of the investigation. Thursday’s crash in a train terminal in Hoboken happened during the height of morning rush hour, killing a woman waiting […]


PA Gas Prices Average $2.33/Gallon

PENNSYLVANIA – Average retail gasoline prices in Pennsylvania have not moved in the past week, averaging $2.33 per gallon yesterday, according to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 5,269 gas outlets in Pennsylvania. This compares with the national average that has increased 1.5 cents per gallon in the last week to $2.22 per gallon, according to gasoline […]


Donald Trump: Military suicides happen to servicemembers who ‘can’t handle it’

Donald Trump suggested Monday that American soldiers and veterans who commit suicide do so because they can’t handle the post-traumatic stress of war. “When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of folks in this room have seen many […]


Amid water crisis, Flint faces a Shigellosis outbreak

Flint, Michigan, is dealing with another outbreak. This time it’s an infectious bacterial disease called Shigellosis, which can cause bloody diarrhea and fever and typically spreads when people don’t wash their hands. That’s exactly what’s happening in Flint, the county health director told CNN. A water crisis has plagued residents there for more than two […]


Netflix stock is as bulletproof as Luke Cage

So much for that brief Netflix outage on Saturday hurting its stock. Shares of the company proved Monday to be as bulletproof as Luke Cage, surging nearly 5% on heavy volume. It seems that investors are once again betting on a Netflix takeover. The two rumored bidders? Disney and Apple. Disney has often been mentioned […]


When is a juror too biased?

The upcoming Supreme Court term promises to be a sleeper. Still down a justice, the court isn’t slated to hear its usual blockbusters on the likes of abortion, affirmative-action or same-sex marriage. But its first day back in session does feature at least one intriguing controversy in the case of Peña Rodriguez v. Colorado. At […]


This key issue could tip the election

Education is rarely mentioned on the 2016 campaign trail. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump might be making a huge mistake not talking it up. That’s because education is consistently the No. 1 or No. 2 issue on the minds of a key voter bloc: Latinos, according to Pew Research. “Education was a big thing for […]


India’s tax dodgers still hiding hundreds of billions

India’s promise not to prosecute tax dodgers if they reveal their wealth has persuaded very few to come clean. More than $9.8 billion in previously undisclosed income was netted during a four-month amnesty that expired Friday. That could translate into $4 billion in extra revenue for the government. But the amount of money disclosed is […]


Parks Pit Report: Challenger Round-Citizen Soldier 400

It’s not very often when there is a crystal clear favorite in the title picture in NASCAR.  Maybe when it was 2011 and Tony Stewart was making history by winning half of the Chase races, and even needed the tie-breaker to determine the champion, but never this early. We are only three races into the […]


Bob Bradley: Former United States coach appointed by Swansea City

Bob Bradley became the first American coach to take charge of a soccer team in one of Europe’s major leagues Monday after being appointed by Swansea City. The former United States and Egypt arrives at English Premier League team Swansea City as a replacement for Italian Francesco Guidolin, who was relieved of his duties the […]


Yoshinori Ohsumi wins Nobel Prize for medical research on cells

The first of this year’s Nobel Prizes has been revealed, kicking off with the award for Physiology or Medicine. Biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi, of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, was awarded the medicine prize for his discoveries in autophagy — the process whereby a cell recycles part of its own contents. Scientists had been aware of […]


Rural Indian villages are about to get lifesaving treatment through an app

Lifesaving care for people in rural India will soon come through an app. Intelehealth, founded by students at Johns Hopkins University, makes an app that lets health workers in rural communities act as a proxy for doctors who are unable to work in underserved areas themselves. India has just one doctor for every 1,700 people, […]


Facebook goes after its next billion users with Messenger Lite

What’s one billion users when you can go after two billion? Facebook announced on Monday a slimmed down version of its popular messaging app called Messenger Lite, designed for users with slower internet speeds in emerging markets. The app caters to lower-end Android devices and takes up as little as 10 MB on smartphones and […]


Toyota wants this baby robot to be your friend

Lonely at the wheel? Toyota wants to sell you a talking robot to keep you company. Small enough to fit in the cup holder of your Corolla, the robot is described by Toyota as “a miniature communication partner developed to provide companionship.” Named Kirobo Mini, the 4-inch high gizmo can apparently chat away and even […]


At least 52 dead in Ethiopia after stampede at Oromo holy festival

More than 52 people were killed in a stampede in central Ethiopia after police fired warning shots at a holy festival Sunday, Communications Minister Getachew Reda said. “Troublemakers” at the Oromo Irreechaa festival in Bishoftu physically attacked elders who were making their way to the stage to say their blessings for the new year, Reda […]


Kim Kardashian West held at gunpoint in $10M robbery in Paris

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian West has left France after being held at gunpoint and robbed by men dressed as police officers in her private apartment in Paris, French officials said. A spokeswoman for Kardashian West said the celebrity was “badly shaken but physically unharmed” following the incident, which took place early Monday morning local […]


UN on Syria: ‘A level of savagery no human should have to endure’

Forces loyal to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are gaining ground in Aleppo, supported by airstrikes on rebel-held areas of the city. Government forces now control the strategic area around al-Kindi Hospital in northern Aleppo, pro-regime media and activists said, strengthening their push toward the eastern part of the city. Government warplanes have […]


Kim Kardashian West held at gunpoint in Paris, spokesperson says

Kim Kardashian West was held at gunpoint in her Paris hotel room Sunday night, according to her spokesperson. “Kim Kardashian West was held up at gunpoint inside her Paris hotel room this evening, by two armed masked men dressed as police officers. She is badly shaken but physically unharmed,” the spokesperson said. Kardashian West is […]


Spokesperson: Kim Kardashian West held at gunpoint in Paris

Kim Kardashian West was held at gunpoint in her Paris hotel room Sunday night, according to her spokesperson. “Kim Kardashian West was held up at gunpoint inside her Paris hotel room this evening, by two armed masked men dressed as police officers. She is badly shaken but physically unharmed,” the spokesperson said. Kardashian West is […]


Kim Kardashian West held at gunpoint in Paris

Kim Kardashian West was held at gunpoint in her Paris hotel room Sunday night, according to her spokesperson. “Kim Kardashian West was held up at gunpoint inside her Paris hotel room this evening, by two armed masked men dressed as police officers. She is badly shaken but physically unharmed,” the spokesperson said. Kardashian West is […]


Kim Kardashian held at gunpoint in Paris

Kim Kardashian West was held at gunpoint in her Paris hotel room Sunday night, according to her spokesperson. “Kim Kardashian West was held up at gunpoint inside her Paris hotel room this evening, by two armed masked men dressed as police officers. She is badly shaken but physically unharmed,” the spokesperson said. Kardashian West is […]

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Экология в России и мире

Мокрый фасад: как сделать отделку по технологии СФТК

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

VII Всебелорусское народное собрание: основные заявления Александра Лукашенко

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

В РПЦ отказались называть причины запрета в служении иерея Сафронова, отпевавшего Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Прокофьев

Мариинский театр 23 апреля отметит рождения композитора Прокофьева


Прием заявок на Russian Event Awards открыли в Подмосковье

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