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Новости за 26.08.2016


Obama to campaign for Hillary Clinton on September 13 in Pennsylvania

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will hit the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine in September, the Clinton campaign announced Friday. Obama, according to the campaign, will stump for Clinton in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 13, while Biden will campaign for Clinton in Ohio on September 1. Neither Clinton, nor […]


First known case of sexual Zika transmission without symptoms

A man who had no idea he had Zika has given the virus to his female partner during sex, the Centers for Disease Control announced today. It’s the first documented case of a person with no symptoms sexually transmitting the virus to a partner who had not traveled to an area of active Zika circulation. […]


More Patti LaBelle pies coming to Walmart

Patti LaBelle is making an encore. Her sweet potato pie was a smash-hit last year for Walmart, her exclusive retailer. Now she’s expanding her line to include five new pies: berry cobbler, apple cobbler, peach cobbler, apple pecan cake and sweet potato loaf. LaBelle’s sweet potato pie hit stores last August, but it wasn’t a […]


Time for more government spending?

The next president of the United States should be ready to work with Congress to spend more money. That’s the message from investors and economists, including Janet Yellen. The question is how much cash to drop — and when. About everyone agrees that if a crisis hits, government spending must be part of the rescue […]


Donald Trump campaign hires ex-Christie aide fired amid Bridgegate scandal

Donald Trump’s campaign has hired a former top aide to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie who was fired amid the Bridgegate scandal, a source with knowledge of the decision told CNN on Friday. Bill Stepien, Christie’s former campaign manager and deputy chief of staff, is joining the Trump campaign as its national field director, adding […]


Apple, Facebook, Target sign White House pledge on gender gap on Women’s Equality Day

Apple, Facebook and Target, along with 26 other American companies, have signed onto the White House’s Equal Pay Pledge, the Obama administration announced Friday, in an effort to eliminate the gender pay gap. The announcement — which was made on Women’s Equality Day — included a promise by employers to conduct a yearly analysis of […]


EpiPen outrage may fuel cheap generic in 2017

Help for parents outraged by skyrocketing EpiPen prices could be coming as soon as next year. A generic alternative for the lifesaving allergy treatment is being developed by Teva Pharmaceuticals. The company has indicated the generic treatment may arrive as early as next year, creating a cheaper alternative to EpiPen, which has cornered an estimated […]


Lewis Hamilton takes 30-place grid penalty, as Verstappen heats up Spa

Lewis Hamilton may have kept his powder dry in practice for the Belgian Grand Prix Friday, but the Mercedes driver will need all the pace he can muster to keep his title challenge on track this weekend. Hamilton, who leads the F1 championship by 19 points following the summer break, was 13th fastest on a […]


Trump campaign CEO was charged with domestic violence

Donald Trump’s newly appointed campaign chairman, Steve Bannon, faced multiple charges, including one for misdemeanor domestic violence, stemming from an incident involving his ex-wife more than 20 years ago. The case, which was first reported by Politico Thursday night, was eventually dismissed, and a spokesperson for Bannon has said that he has “a great relationship” […]


Domino’s delivers pizza by drone in New Zealand

In New Zealand, pizzas will soon be dropping from the heavens. Domino’s demonstrated its ability to deliver food via a drone Thursday in New Zealand and plans to test actual deliveries to customers next month. “It doesn’t add up to deliver a two kilogram package in a two-ton vehicle,” said Scott Bush, a general manager […]


3 reasons the French economy is slumping

More bad news for France: Economic growth ground to a halt in the three months through June. New data released Friday suggest the G7 economy will struggle to break out of the malaise that took hold even before the recent wave of terror attacks. Gross domestic product grew by 0% in the second quarter of […]


Pistorius prosecutors lose appeal for harsher sentence

A South African judge on Friday rejected a request by prosecutors seeking to appeal Oscar Pistorius’ six-year sentence for murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel argued that Pistorius’ sentence for the crime was “shockingly lenient” and that the state should be granted the opportunity to appeal for a stiffer sentence. Meanwhile, defense lawyer […]


5 things for Friday, August 26: Italy earthquake, nuns killed, Ryan Lochte

Happy Friday. First, an apology. A glitch on our part sent the newsletter to your inboxes not at 6 a.m. but at noon yesterday. Embarrassing! It’s all good now. And here are 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. 1. Italy earthquake The ground won’t stop shaking […]


On Women’s Equality Day, a look back at the early fight for equal rights

Friday marks the 45th anniversary of Women’s Equality Day, designated in 1971 to commemorate the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. But voting was only the beginning for some women’s rights advocates, who pivoted in the 1920s to the larger issue of enshrining equal rights in the Constitution. […]


Clinton aims to reframe 2016 debate

The speech that Hillary Clinton delivered on Thursday was the one that many Democrats had been waiting for. It was a blistering attack on Donald Trump’s divisive rhetoric that left no gaffe or alleged dog-whistle — unmentioned, framing him as a vessel for hate speech, a champion of conspiracy theories, and a representative of the […]


CIA declassifies thousands of Nixon, Ford daily intel briefings

On his first morning as president, the CIA told Gerald Ford that Richard Nixon’s resignation the day before had probably left many adversaries, including America’s Cold War nemesis, the Soviet Union, “in something of a state of shock.” “None of the potential trouble-makers has produced even a rumble,” according to the CIA. “It may be […]


Somalia attack: 10 killed after gunmen storm into restaurant

Gunmen raided a beach restaurant in the Somali capital of Mogadishu, killing 10 people and seizing hostages amid fierce battles with security forces, authorities said. The standoff started Thursday when attackers detonated a car bomb outside the restaurant , according to Bishar Abshir Ghedi, the Mogadishu police commissioner. Attackers then stormed into the restaurant with […]


Top South Korean exec found dead hours before prosecutor questioning

A top executive at a South Korean company facing a corruption investigation was found dead early Friday just hours before he was due to be questioned by prosecutors. Lee In-won, vice president of the conglomerate Lotte Group, was discovered lying on the ground with a necktie around his throat, according to local police. Police said […]


Sales spike for burkini makers after French crackdown

A French ban on the burkini — a swimsuit that covers the whole body except for the face, hands and feet — is boosting sales of the beachwear. Often worn by Muslim women to adhere to Islamic dress codes, burkinis are at the heart of a fierce debate over the French government’s ability to decide […]


Suspects charged in death of teen who protected friends from bullets

A 15-year-old jumped on top of his friends to shield them from a spray of gunfire. Zaevion William Dobson’s selfless act was his last. In December, Dobson, who was a sophomore high school football player in Knoxville, Tennessee, had been with his friends when two men approached the group and began firing. Dobson protected three […]


Trigger warnings, safe spaces: Your guide to the new school year

If it’s been a while since you went to college, or you tend to avoid Internet shouting matches, you may have missed the latest debate roiling higher education in recent years. Like freshman orientation, the debate is back for the new academic year, courtesy of a University of Chicago letter to incoming students. First reported […]


Turkey in Cognac Cream Sauce

I found this recipe in a magazine and over the years have adjusted it to suit my family’s taste. It is special enough for company and easy enough for a weeknight meal.—Virginia Anthony, Jacksonville, Florida View the recipe at TasteofHome.com >>


What has changed since the WDBJ shooting one year ago

On Friday morning the Roanoke, Virginia television station WDBJ will mark the one year anniversary of Alison Parker and Adam Ward’s deaths with a moment of silence on the air. There will be off-air tributes at the station as well. WDBJ is a changed newsroom after the televised ambush by an ex-employee that left Parker […]


‘I was frozen’: Woman missing for a month describes harrowing ordeal

The Czech couple knew they were in trouble. As heavy snow continued to fall, making the hiking trail they were walking on New Zealand’s south island slippery and treacherous, they decided to make for a small warden’s hut nearby. That was when tragedy struck. Ondrej Petr, 27, fell down a steep slope, becoming trapped in […]

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Экология в России и мире

Более 9 тыс сотрудников Росгвардии обеспечили безопасность в День Победы в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко высоко оценил организацию парада Победы в Москве

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Карди Би

Создала пробку: юбку Карди Би на Met Gala несли сразу девять ассистентов


Мигранты, пенсии, чиновники: План Мишустина озвучен, но уже на грани срыва

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