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Новости за 14.08.2016


Obituary Notice: Isabelle Savage Gordon

Isabelle Savage Gordon, life-long resident of Clearfield, died Friday, Aug. 12, 2016, in Clearfield. She was born March 14, 1916, the daughter of Dr. John Weaver Gordon and Helen Della Savage Gordon. She was descended from many of the early settlers of the county. She lived at 10 N. Front St., for most of her […]


How to register to vote in every US state and territory

Voting: Some call it a civic duty, others a waste of time, but if you want to have your say at the ballot box there are a few things you need to know. Rules vary widely from state-to-state, and some requirements, like voter ID laws, are still being hashed out in the courts. If you […]


Fallen officers: 38 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016

Shooting deaths of police officers in the US are on the rise this year. It’s a disturbing trend in itself, but perhaps more disturbing is the most common manner in which these officers were shot: ambushes. So far this year, 14 police officers have been killed in ambushes, and while that number may seem low, […]


How to help Louisiana flooding victims

Southern Louisiana is being hit hard by deadly, historic flooding on top of the record floods the state suffered earlier this year. Impact Your World has identified charities on the ground providing support. The Salvation Army, which is dealing with flooding at its Baton Rouge facility, is helping thousands of residents who were forced to […]


Clinton ‘relentless’ in attacking Trump’s business record

Hillary Clinton goes after those Trump neckties. Donald Trump’s in a New York state of mind. And all eyes are on data and the ground game. Our reporters explore all this and more in this week’s “Inside Politics” forecast, where you get tomorrow’s headlines today. 1) Clinton’s slams Trump’s business record Donald Trump wears many […]


Adele won’t do Super Bowl: ‘I know I’m not Beyoncé, I can’t dance’

Adele dashed hopes that she will perform at the next Super Bowl. At a concert in Los Angeles on Saturday night, Adele told her fans that the NFL asked her to be a part of Super Bowl LI in Houston on February 5, 2017 — but she declined. “Come, on. That show is not about […]


Hillary Clinton must explain exactly what she’s fighting for

Hillary Clinton has been sitting back and just watching Donald Trump do his thing. With Republicans openly defecting from the GOP nominee and polls showing that Trump is performing poorly in solidly red states like Georgia, as well as swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio, there will be a strong temptation for Clinton to remain […]


Ryan Lochte, 3 other U.S. swimmers robbed at Rio Olympics, USOC says

Olympic medalist Ryan Lochte and three other U.S. swimmers were safe and cooperating with police Sunday after being robbed at gunpoint in Rio de Janeiro, the U.S. Olympic Committee said. One of the bandits reportedly put a gun to Lochte’s forehead. Lochte and fellow swimmers Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and Jimmy Feigen had left a […]


New book gives insight into Trump fervor

Thirty-one-year-old J. D. Vance is a former Marine, a graduate of Yale Law School and now a principal at an investment firm in San Francisco. But he wasn’t born into privilege. In his new memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy,” Vance chronicles his childhood in a poor Rust Belt town in eastern Ohio, and, in turn, documents a […]


Boko Haram video shows missing Chibok girls, dad says

The father of one of the missing Nigerian schoolgirls abducted from Chibok two years ago has told CNN he is overjoyed to see her alive on a new video released by the terrorist group Sunday. Yakubu Kabu confirmed to CNN that he saw his daughter speaking in the new video, which demands the release of […]


Sources: Congress to get Hillary Clinton’s FBI interview notes

Members of Congress will soon receive notes from Hillary Clinton’s interview with the FBI over her private email server and they could be sent as early as Monday, according to sources. The FBI does not have a complete transcript of the interview, FBI Director James Comey told Congress in long testimony earlier this summer. She […]


Swiss train attack: Man sets fire, kills passenger

A 34-year-old woman has died after a man stabbed several passengers on a train in Switzerland and poured a flammable liquid that caught fire, Swiss police said Sunday. The 27-year-old suspect also was injured in the fire Saturday, St. Gallen police said. He died Sunday morning. Several others were hurt in the attack, including a […]


Former Bush official supporting Clinton: Trump could be economic ‘disaster’

Former Bush administration official Carlos Gutierrez says he will be voting for Hillary Clinton, calling Donald Trump’s economic policies a “disaster.” The former commerce secretary under President George W. Bush said he looked at the “totality” of the choice between the two candidates and decided on Clinton. “I have one resume here for Donald Trump, […]


Man sets fire, kills passenger in attack on Swiss train

A 34-year-old woman has died after a man on a train in eastern Switzerland stabbed several passengers and poured a flammable liquid that caught fire, Swiss police said Sunday. Several others were hurt, including a 6-year-old boy, police said. In a statement on Facebook, St. Gallen police said the 27-year-old suspect was also injured in […]


BBC sportscaster keeps promise, appears on air in his underwear

At the very least, nobody can accuse Gary Lineker of not being a good sport. The retired soccer player and BBC sports presenter bravely stripped to his boxer shorts to present the program “Match of the Day” on Saturday. The stunt was the result of a promise Lineker made late last year. He vowed to […]


Manafort: Trump 2nd Amendment comments were not a threat

Donald Trump’s campaign chairman said Sunday the Republican presidential nominee’s comments last week that gun advocates could deal with Hillary Clinton should not be interpreted as a threat. “Most people did not interpret it that way, it was not at all meant to be a threat,” Paul Manafort told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of […]


Milwaukee reeling after deadly police shooting

A deadly shooting of an armed man by Milwaukee police has stirred anger, fear and disbelief as authorities restore calm in the city after a night of violent protest. Protesters burned several stores and threw rocks at police Saturday night on the city’s north side, leaving one officer injured and three protesters arrested. Milwaukee Mayor […]


Boko Haram: Video allegedly shows Chibok girls

A new video from Boko Haram purporting to show Nigerian schoolgirls abducted from Chibok two years ago was released Sunday. The video, more than 11 minutes long, is addressed to the “families of the Chibok girls.” In April 2014, Boko Haram militants kidnapped 276 teenage girls from their boarding school in Chibok. Some of them […]


Clearfield “Past-Your-Prime” Tournament Scoreboard

Saturday, Aug. 13 First Round Game 1 – (Group A) Bob Boob’s Garage – 9 Siegel Engraving/Buster’s Sports Bar -4 Game 2 – (Group B) Bedford Over-the-Hillbillies – 2 Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub – 0 Game 3 – (Group A) Potter’s Bricklayers – 7 Bob Boob’s Garage – 4 Game 4 – (Group B) Meatheads – 9 […]


Color no barrier: Simone Manuel steers Team USA to 1,000th Olympic gold at Rio 2016

Forget the green pool and the leaky bathrooms in the athletes’ village, Rio has delivered where it matters — the action. We’ve seen the good: Michael Phelps and his remarkable 23rd Olympic gold. The bad: The Egyptian judo competitor who refused to shake hands with his Israeli opponent. And the ugly: French gymnast Samir Ait […]


Georgia officer shot dead while responding to call

A police officer was shot dead while responding to a call of a suspicious person in south Georgia, authorities said. The shooting occurred Saturday night after the officer got the call of a suspicious person in a residential area in Eastman, according to special agent Scott Whitley of the Georgia Bureau of Investigations. While on […]


‘Not a hero’: Hundreds protest burial plan for former Filipino dictator

Hundreds crowded a park in the Philippines on Sunday to protest plans by President Rodrigo Duterte to bury former leader Ferdinand Marcos in the National Heroes’ Cemetery. The demonstration in Manila was held to protest the decision to re-inter Marcos, the dictator who ruled the Philippines with an iron fist for two-and-a-half decades. His preserved […]


Rio 2016: Big day for athletic and gymnast greats

It’s judgment day for some of the biggest names in Olympic sports Sunday, with the runners and gymnasts competing for gold at the Rio 2016 Games. Who will emerge as fastest man over 100 meters and 400 meters? Both events will be hotly contested amid more track action on day nine. It’s also the chance […]


Milwaukee violence: Protests break out after officer fatally shoots man

Angry crowds took to the streets in Milwaukee on Saturday night to protest the fatal shooting of an armed man by a police officer hours earlier. The incident started in the afternoon when two officers stopped two people in a car in the city’s north side, according to the Milwaukee Police Department. Shortly after, both […]


Rio 2016 Day 8: Phelps says goodbye; Bolt begins quest

The Olympics have reached a transitional point, midway through the program, where one marquee event — swimming — ends and another — athletics — begins. Where the world goes from the excitement of watching Michael Phelps wreck medal records to the fervent anticipation of watching Usain Bolt beginning his campaign to write his own history. […]

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Экология в России и мире

Пресс-релиз | CRYPTONIUM | Новая экосистема для заработка на криптовалюте | Арбитраж | Трейдинг | Обучение

Путин в России и мире

В городах России выступят летом юные вокалистки из Приамурья

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья Шмидт попросил защиты у Лукашенко и политического убежища в Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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