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Новости за 23.08.2016


Public safety or prejudice? Georgia county fights plans for mosque

Eleven years ago, when Mohammad Islam decided to open his mosque, he built his modest house of worship inside a ranch house on a quiet street in Doraville, Georgia. Over a decade’s time, Al Maad Al Islami grew slowly from a handful of members who prayed there five times a day to more than 200 […]


What Rio means for NBC and the future of its Olympics coverage

Much has been made of the disappointing ratings garnered by NBC’s coverage of the Rio Olympics, and with good reason. But there’s one very important group that, surprisingly, doesn’t seem to be complaining: advertisers. “I know from my clients that they were very happy to be advertising within the games and to have a vehicle […]


Obama to meet families of Alton Sterling, slain officers during Louisiana tour

President Barack Obama — while on a trip to survey flood damage in Louisiana’s capital region on Tuesday — is expected to meet with relatives of men killed and injured in two high-profile Baton Rogue shootings involving police officers, the White House said. Obama will meet with the family of Alton Sterling — a black […]


‘Law & Order’ actor Steven Hill dead at 94

Steven Hill, best known for playing District Attorney Adam Schiff on NBC’s “Law & Order,” has died, his son Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Hill confirmed to CNN. He was 94. Hill died in Monsey, New York, according to The New York Times. Hill was part of the “Law & Order” cast for 10 years until he […]


Ohio can cut ‘Golden Week’ early voting, federal appeals court rules

A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that Ohio does not have to reinstate its so-called “Golden Week” — a week-long period in the state where people can both register to vote and cast a ballot at the same time. The opinion is a defeat for the Ohio Democratic Party, among others, which had argued that […]


Cheap gas helps fuel surge in traffic deaths for second year in a row

Cheap gas and an improving economy have been blamed for a soaring number of traffic deaths for a , second straight year. Traffic deaths nationally jumped 9% in the first six months of 2016 compared to the same period last year, according to preliminary numbers from the National Safety Council. That’s 19,100 deaths overall. The […]


Wildly popular Prisma app just made a major breakthrough

Prisma, the wildly popular photo editing app, has made a major breakthrough in mobile technology. Over the past two months, its team of nine developers has made it possible for the app to run offline, without connecting to its servers. The update, available Tuesday for iOS devices, is a big deal because Prisma previously needed […]


Rare recovery: Florida teen survives brain-eating amoeba

Sebastian DeLeon, 16, has survived a rare brain-eating amoeba, doctors at Florida Hospital for Children in Orlando said Tuesday. “He’s done tremendously well. He’s walking, he’s speaking, he went outside for the first time to get some fresh air — he’s ready to go home,” Dr. Humberto Antonio Liriano, a critical care physician, told reporters. […]


EpiPen cost soars, but it’s not the only drug to

On a hot and sticky summer day in Manhattan, Nicole Levin was leaving a dentist appointment when it happened. The 41-year-old New Yorker exited a subway train, walked up a flight of concrete stairs to the bustling city street, and suddenly felt her tongue and throat swell. She started to sweat. She felt nauseous, short […]


Battle looming: Iraqi troops, militia inch toward ISIS-held Mosul

The Iraqi Army Humvees barreled across the Nineveh province moonscape toward the town of al-Qayyara, the next front line in the military quest to dislodge ISIS from the sprawling city of Mosul. ISIS tries to decrease the advancing soldiers’ visibility by burning up oil tankers and flooding the air with smoke. But the troops pushed […]


‘This Is How We Do It’ for James Corden’s birthday

We’re kind of buzzed, and it’s all because Montell Jordan popped up on “The Late Late Show.” James Corden was blown away when the singer surprised him Monday with a performance of “This Is How We Do It” in honor of the talk show host’s birthday. It began with a video of well wishes for […]


US service member killed in Afghanistan

A US service member was killed Tuesday by an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province, NATO coalition authorities said. The US service member who was killed in Lashkar Gah was part of the existing 500 troops already in Helmand Province working to do counter terrorism training and advise missions, according to a coalition official. […]


State Police Searching for Missing Person in Bradford Twp.

BRADFORD TOWNSHIP – State police at Clearfield are seeking the public’s assistance with locating a missing person. The missing person has been identified as Marvin L. Swoope, 18, of Woodland. He left his residence at 2 a.m. Tuesday for unknown reasons. According to state police, he was wearing a T-shirt, shorts and no shoes. He […]


Report: Russell Wilson, Ciara moved wedding due to NC transgender law

The wedding planner for Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson and singer Ciara said the couple moved their wedding out of North Carolina because of the state’s transgender bathroom law. In an interview with The Knot, wedding planner Mindy Weiss said Paris was the second choice, but there was a conflict because of Fashion Week. “We […]


Turkey strikes ISIS, Kurds in northern Syria

Turkey’s military bombarded ISIS targets in northern Syria for the second consecutive day Tuesday after mortars from Syria struck two Turkish border towns, a senior Turkish official and state media reported. On Tuesday, two mortar bombs struck a residential area in Karkamis, a Turkish town about a mile across the border from the ISIS-held Syrian […]


Jennifer Lawrence is once again the highest paid actress

Jennifer Lawrence is, once again, the highest paid actress in the world, according to an annual list from Forbes. “The Hunger Games” star banked $46 million before taxes over 12 months, making her the highest-paid actress for the second year in a row. She can thank Katniss Everdeen, the archer survivalist she plays in “The […]


Britney Spears giving clothes off her back for Louisiana

Britney Spears has never forgotten her Louisiana roots. Now the superstar, who grew up in the city of Kentwood, is raffling off the outfit she’ll wear at the upcoming MTV Video Music Awards to help Louisiana residents affected by the devastating floods. “I’ve teamed up with American Red Cross and CrowdRise to raise funds for […]


Too much homework? Not in this class. None at all. None all year

Students in a second-grade class in Texas are catching a break on homework. They won’t get any — all year long. Brandy Young, a teacher in the Godley Independent School District, sent home a letter to the parents of her second grade class announcing the new homework policy. “I am trying something new,” Young wrote […]


Silicon Valley throws big money at Clinton and virtually nothing at Trump

Tim Cook will mark his five-year anniversary as the CEO of Apple by doing something that his predecessor Steve Jobs typically avoided: hosting a fundraiser for a presidential candidate. On Wednesday, Cook and Lisa Jackson, Apple’s head of environmental initiatives, will host an event in California to raise money for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Those […]


Triple-digit weight loss opens new world for traveler

Looking down at a vivid lake and miles of deep-green forests from atop a glacier, John McGraw realized he had achieved his dream. The 41-year-old from Michigan loved to travel and dreamed of going to places like Glacier National Park in Montana, but he knew there were things his body just couldn’t do when he […]


LGBT rights: The national battle of the bathroom

The battle over transgender rights has exploded into the mainstream in 2016, with the issue of bathroom access taking the forefront. Mississippi and North Carolina sparked anger in the LGBT community and among its supporters by passing legislation restricting access. Last month, Massachusetts became the first state this year to go in the opposite direction. […]


Battle looming: Iraqi troops, militia inch towards ISIS-held Mosul

The Iraqi Army Humvees barreled across the Nineveh province moonscape toward the town of Qayyarah, the next front line in the military quest to dislodge ISIS from the sprawling city of Mosul. ISIS tries to decrease the advancing soldiers’ visibility by burning up oil tankers and flooding the air with smoke. But the troops pushed […]


Aleppo doctors save baby pulled from injured mother’s womb

Birth is, at the best of times, an intense experience. But birth by emergency cesarean section, after the mother is seriously injured by a bomb in war-torn Aleppo, is something else altogether. Mayissa has just been the victim of an airstrike on her way to the hospital in a Syrian city under siege, with just […]


James Carville: People will die if the Clinton Foundation is shut down

Democratic strategist and long-time Clinton supporter James Carville said Monday if there is a complete shutdown of the Clinton Foundation, people will die. “The press has decided that we’re going to go after this and shut it down,” Carville said. “You are probably going to be successful. There will be people that are going to […]


Fox News faces another sexual harassment lawsuit

Former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros filed a lawsuit on Monday alleging that she was sexually harassed by former network chief Roger Ailes and host Bill O’Reilly. The suit, which describes Fox News as a misogynistic, sex-fueled cult, also alleges that newly appointed Fox News co-president Bill Shine encouraged her to drop her harassment claims. […]

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Экология в России и мире

"Погода идёт на поправку": Синоптик прогнозирует долгожданное потепление в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Как Россия побеждает в Африке: Волна военных переворотов приносит Путину новых союзников

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мечтающего по победе Киева Макаревича* проверят на экстремизм

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Людвиг ван Бетховен

Миф об отравлении Бетховена свинцом окончательно опровергнут, уровень токсина в крови был недостаточным


Исследование: более половины москвичей обращаются к врачу лишь при наличии серьезных проблем

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