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Новости за 19.08.2016


NBA moves 2017 All-Star Game to New Orleans

Almost a month after deciding that the 2017 NBA All-Star Game would be moved out of Charlotte, North Carolina, due to the state’s controversial transgender bathroom law, the league announced Friday that the game will be relocated to New Orleans. The news, which had been expected, was announced by the league in a statement Friday. […]


Images of Omran and Aylan reveal so much of Syrian horror

Omran Daqneesh is among the lucky ones — rescued alive after his home was turned to rubble in a bombing. But the photos and video of him, wounded and covered in dust yet sitting so silently, reveal a deeper truth. When you look at Omran’s face, this bloodied, impassive face, it hits you that the […]


Nancy Reagan’s jewelry headed to the auction block

Talk about regal. You can soon own a piece of jewelry worn by one of the most fashionable first ladies to ever live in the White House. Jewelry from the private collection of President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan is hitting the auction block at Christie’s in New York in September. “Mrs. Reagan’s jewelry is, above […]


Employees sue Morgan Stanley over 401(k) plans

Another day, another 401(k) lawsuit. Morgan Stanley was hit with a class action Friday, filed on behalf of 60,000 workers. The suit claims that the company mismanaged its own employees’ retirement plans by offering poorly performing funds and charging excessive fees. The suit also alleges that the company used the 401(k) plan as an opportunity […]


Bill Clinton’s birthday present from granddaughter Charlotte

Former President Bill Clinton turned 70 on Friday and his daughter, Chelsea Clinton, shared a picture of the present that his 1-year-old granddaughter, Charlotte Mezvinsky, got for her “Poppop.” “Here’s the balloon Charlotte got for Poppop. She hasn’t learned yet presents are for the person getting the gift…!” Clinton tweeted, along with a picture of […]


Ryan Lochte’s apology the latest in Rio swimmers saga

An international incident brewed all week after the reported robbery of four U.S. Olympic swimmers at gunpoint by men dressed as police during a night out in Rio de Janeiro. Latest developments 11:24 a.m. ET: US Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte on Friday described the events at a Rio de Janeiro gas station as stressful. “It’s […]


Pro athletes and the things they trademark

Olympians know what they’re worth. That’s why they trademark their names, catchphrases and logos — things they think might turn into money-making ventures down the line. Sprinter Usain Bolt, for instance, trademarked an icon of the “lightening bolt” stance he’s so well known for. And it’s not just Olympians — plenty of pro-athletes seek trademarks […]


New Jersey double bus crash leaves one driver dead

One person is dead and 18 others injured after a commuter bus t-boned another bus in Newark, New Jersey, Friday, authorities said. Shortly after leaving Irvington Terminal, the bus was headed up Broad Street near Military Park when it was t-boned by the No. 59 bus headed westbound, leaving the driver of the No. 59 […]


US moves forces from Syrian location after ‘unusual’ attack nearby

The military pulled US special operations forces from their northern Syria position after the Syrian military began bombing nearby, attacking Kurdish positions in and around the city of Hasakah, according to a US defense official Friday. The official indicated it was a relatively small number of US forces that moved out of their locations. It […]


What’s next for Gawker writers?

If there is a silver lining for writers and editors at Gawker Media’s flagship site, which will cease operations next week, it’s that, for now, they still have jobs. Beginning next week, Gawker.com’s writers and editors will begin work at the company’s other six sites, although there is an assumption that it will be temporary […]


Ruth Jebet: The steeplechaser trading countries to pursue Olympic gold

It’s the moment athletes the world over dream of: Stepping onto the podium at an Olympic Games as the national anthem plays, and feeling the weight of a gold medal hung around their neck. The thought of being able to drape themselves in their country’s flag at the end of a race well run, to […]


Campaign reboot: Trump expresses regret for saying ‘the wrong thing,’ doesn’t specify

Donald Trump on Thursday shelved his guiding mantra — never back down, never apologize — and did what he has refused to do in public in more than a year of campaigning. He expressed regret. Trump, reading from prepared remarks Thursday night, acknowledged that he sometimes says “the wrong thing” in an astonishing act of […]


America’s immigrant economy: more work, less pay

Immigrants in America work more, search for jobs more and get paid way less than native-born U.S. citizens. They’re a big chunk of the U.S. job market too. Documented and undocumented immigrants make up nearly 20% of America’s labor force, according to a report by Goldman Sachs. Immigrants have a lower unemployment rate (4.3%) than […]


This new stock exchange promises it’s not rigged

Brad Katsuyama’s business is about convincing investors that stock markets are rigged. And he just won a big vote of confidence. The Securities and Exchange Commission recently granted Katsuyama’s IEX approval to become a publicly traded exchange. It launches Friday. “What we’re trying to do is restore people’s faith that there are people on Wall […]


5 things for Friday, August 19: Ryan Lochte, Louisana, Olympics

Lochtegate, Louisiana and leverage. It’s Friday, and here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. 1. Lochtegate This is all getting weirder than Ryan Lochte’s hair. So it looks like Lochte’s story just doesn’t hold water. Brazilian police say he and three other swimmers weren’t […]


What a 5,300-year-old mummy wore to his grave

With goat-leather leggings and a brown bear fur hat, the 5,300-year-old mummy must have strutted the Alps with an eclectic style. Otzi the Iceman left behind his leather-heavy wardrobe and a slew of his accessories when he died in the Italian Alps several millenniums ago. Discovered in 1991 poking out of a glacier, Otzi is […]


Fireball Run to Film in Clearfield

CLEARFIELD – A local winery is bringing a live television production to Clearfield. At Thursday’s meeting, Kenn Starr of Starr Hill Vineyard and Winery spoke to the Clearfield Borough Council about the upcoming production of The Fireball Run, an “adventure-rally” series that will travel through New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut and Massachusetts. Starr said the […]


DASD Releases Back-to-School Information

DUBOIS – The DuBois Area School District has released its back-to-school information for the 2016-17 academic year. Aug. 25, 26 and 29 will be teacher in-service days. Aug. 30 will be the first student day. Key Personnel Acting Superintendent – Mrs. Wendy Benton Director of Curriculum and Instruction – Mrs. Anne Young Director of Assessment/Student […]


Auto Repair Shop Owner Accused of Deceptive Business Practices Waives Charges

CLEARFIELD – James Leroy Baldwin, 52, of Clearfield, who has been accused of deceptive business practices, F3, at his local auto repairs shop, waived his right to a preliminary hearing Wednesday. Baldwin has also been charged with theft by deception, M1, and receiving stolen property, M1. He owns and operates L & J Auto Repairs, […]


Larry Wilmore signs off ‘Nightly Show’ with assist from Jon Stewart

Larry Wilmore bid farewell to “The Nightly Show” on Thursday, with an assist from the guy who helped him land the job, Jon Stewart. Stewart — who had featured Wilmore as his “senior black correspondent” before he was spun off into his own vehicle — walked on in the middle of the opening, initially expressing […]


Indian Olympic wrestler banned for doping, cries sabotage

In a dramatic reversal of fortunes, Indian wrestler Narsingh Yadav has been ousted from the Olympics and hit with a four-year ban by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). The decision marks the end of a tumultuous road to Rio for the 27-year-old, who was originally suspended from competing at the Olympic games following […]


Lochte, Brazil police differ on robbery; 2 US swimmers heading home

A decorated American Olympian says he and three of his teammates were robbed at gunpoint. Brazilian police say that’s not true. Who’s right? After days of confusion about what actually happened to Ryan Lochte, James Feigen, Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz, there’s now video of much of the incident, which occurred at a gas station […]


Olympics: “Treble-treble” in sight for Usain Bolt

Olympic fans might want to look away now as there are just three days to go at the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro. It’s day 14 in Brazil and another D-day for Jamaica’s Usain Bolt as the sprinting superstar goes for a third gold of the Games in the 4x100m relay. The gold Bolt […]


Franco, Martinez lead Spikes past ‘Cuttters

Bladimil Franco and Jeremy Martinez collected three hits apiece to pace the State College Spikes’ offense as the Spikes extended their New York-Penn League Pinckney Division lead to 7 ½ games with a 5-4 win over the Williamsport Crosscutters on Thursday night at BB&T Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field.

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Экология в России и мире

Более 9 тыс сотрудников Росгвардии обеспечили безопасность в День Победы в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко высоко оценил организацию парада Победы в Москве

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Жанна Агузарова

Жанна Агузарова начала петь в подземных переходах


Суд заключил под стражу водителя влетевшего в Троицкий мост Петербурга Porsche

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