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Новости за 31.05.2016


Texas man pays $212 traffic ticket in pennies

Brett Sanders fought the law and the law won. Namely two buckets full of pennies. More than 22,000 of them. The Friso, Texas, man was incredulous the city police cited him for going nine miles over the speed limit. And he was livid that a jury decided he deserved the ticket. So, when the city […]


Obama administration to appeal immigration records ruling

The Obama administration will appeal a federal judge’s order that it turn over immigration records of almost 50,000 people and require Justice Department lawyers attend ethics courses. The Justice Department on Tuesday said that the Texas federal judge who last year temporarily blocked President Obama’s controversial executive actions on immigration had exceeded “the scope of […]


Fire Causes More Than $500K Worth of Damage at Dixon Precast

BOGGS TOWNSHIP – A fire destroyed a section of a commercial building at Dixon Precast Inc., located at 740 Laurel Run Rd., in West Decatur, Boggs Township, on Monday night, according to state police. The Pennsylvania State Police Fire Marshal and the Philipsburg Fire Department investigated the origin and cause the fire. The fire destroyed […]


PHOTOS: Alex Vezza/Clearfield Elks BPOE 540 Memorial Trout Stocking

CLEARFIELD – The Alex Vezza/Clearfield Elks BPOE 540 Memorial Trout Stocking was held Saturday at the Raftsman Memorial Dam. The Vezza family released the trout with the assistance of Squirrel Tails for Trout, the Clearfield County Sheriff’s Posse, as well as members and officers of the Clearfield Elks. All photos are by GANT photojournalist Steven […]


Trump: Sessions ‘absolutely’ to be considered for VP

Donald Trump on Tuesday said Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions is “certainly someone I would consider” for his vice presidential running mate. Speaking at a news conference in Trump Tower in New York, Trump called Sessions — who in February became the first sitting senator to endorse Trump — a “fantastic person” who would “absolutely” be […]


WHO revises sex guidelines for Zika prevention

If you’ve traveled to any country with a current outbreak of Zika, you should wait a full eight weeks to have unprotected sex or attempt to conceive a baby, even if you have no symptoms of the disease, the World Health Organization said today. Previous guidance suggested taking precautions or abstaining for only four weeks. […]


‘Roots’: Snoop Dogg’s not a fan — and you?

Before “Roots” premiered on the History Channel Memorial Day, there was plenty of discussion among fans about whether there should be a remake of the iconic miniseries. Even rapper T.I., who has a role in the series as a slave named “Cyrus,” told the Huffington Post that he was initially leery. “I will admit that […]


North Korean state media op-ed calls Trump ‘wise,’ Clinton ‘dull’

A North Korean state media website on Tuesday published an op-ed praising Donald Trump, who said two weeks ago he would be willing to speak directly to Pyongyang’s young leader, Kim Jong Un. Writing in DPRK Today, a self-described Chinese North Korean scholar named Han Yong Mook called the presumptive Republican nominee “wise” and and […]


Kristol, Trump trade fresh blows after talk of independent candidate

Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol and Donald Trump on Tuesday traded fresh blows after the conservative commentator had suggested that an “impressive” independent conservative presidential candidate is forthcoming. Speaking at a news conference in Trump Tower in New York on Tuesday, Trump repeatedly called Kristol a “loser.” He said The Weekly Standard publication was “failing” […]


Venezuela is running out of everything: Bread, sugar, toilet paper…

Venezuela is running out of just about everything. Food, medicine, electricity, toilet paper, condoms — you name it. And over the weekend at least two large international airlines — Lufthansa and LATAM — said they will suspend service to Venezuela in the coming months due to the economic crisis. The widespread scarcities and fleeing businesses […]


Amber Heard denies she’s blackmailing Johnny Depp

Amber Heard is fighting back against claims that her allegations of abuse by Johnny Depp were made to gain an upper hand in their pending divorce. On Sunday, The Wrap published a guest column from comedian and Depp friend Doug Stanhope in which he alleged that Depp told him and Stanhope’s girlfriend, Bingo, that “Amber […]


Trump University ‘playbooks’ to be revealed

Trump University will come under new scrutiny Tuesday as a federal court is expected to release documents that Donald Trump’s attorney fought to keep private. The documents include “playbooks” that detail scripts for enrolling prospective students in real estate investing classes. Most of the documents are expected to be released at noon ET, although some […]


Facebook and Twitter pledge to remove hate speech within 24 hours

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft are teaming up with the European Union to crack down on online hate speech. The internet giants signed up to a new set of rules designed to stop racist, violent and illegal content from going viral. They agreed to review a “majority” of flagged content within 24 hours. They’ll remove […]


First on CNN: Clinton campaign’s plans to subvert Trump’s veterans press conference

Hillary Clinton’s campaign on Tuesday will launch a multi-pronged communications effort to trash Donald Trump’s record on veterans’ issues and undermine the billionaire’s news conference touting the money he’s raised for veterans’ causes in recent months. The campaign will host a national press call, release statements and unleash surrogates in key battleground states armed with […]


Poland seeks to revive extradition of Roman Polanski over child sex conviction

Poland’s government will appeal a court’s decision to block Roman Polanski’s extradition to the United States, an official said Tuesday, reviving prospects the aging filmmaker could face justice over a decades-old child sex conviction. Zbigniew Ziobro, Poland’s attorney general and minister of justice, will submit his appeal to the Supreme Court, his spokesman told CNN. […]


How bad deal will make life worse in Puerto Rico

When I read the details of Congress’ latest proposal to address Puerto Rico’s debt challenges, I came away feeling a sense of déjà vu: Once again, politicians are galloping down a path that rewards avarice, greed and the rich, while at the same time blaming and punishing millions of regular people. Some facts: Puerto Rico […]


India: Where 7.9% growth still isn’t good enough

India has done it again. The country’s economy outpaced all other major markets during the most recent quarter, further cementing its reputation as a bright spot in an otherwise gloomy world economy. India’s gross domestic product expanded by 7.9% in the quarter ended March 31, a better-than-expected performance that trumps the 6.7% growth posted by […]


Pizza Hut is dropping two chemicals from its food

Pizza Hut has pledged to drop two preservatives and reduce its use of antibiotics as part of an effort to improve food quality. By the end of July, the restaurant chain will stop serving meat with butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) or butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). The Food and Drug Administration considers the chemicals “safe for use” in […]


It’s time for GOP to reinvent itself

What do women, minorities, young adults and college students have in common? Among other things, they are all constituencies alienated by the Republican Party and its ascendant candidate for the presidency, Donald Trump. The 2016 presidential election should have been an opportunity to improve the party’s relationship with these constituencies, but now the party’s entire […]


Airstrikes in Syria kill 23

At least 23 people were killed in airstrikes Monday night in the Syrian city of Idlib, according to a humanitarian group. One of the strikes hit near a local hospital, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Earlier reports that the hospital was struck directly were incorrect, said the Observatory’s Rami Abdulrahman. A Syrian, […]


Sanders: Warriors win ‘very good omen’ for campaign

As if protestors jumping the barricade at his rally in Oakland, California, wasn’t exciting enough, Bernie Sanders added to the adrenaline rush Monday by sneaking the last half of the Golden State Warriors’ 96-88 comeback victory into his schedule. The Democratic presidential candidate cheered from the stands as the Warriors beat the Oklahoma City Thunder […]


Kidnapped Mexican soccer star Alan Pulido alerts police for own rescue

A professional soccer player who was kidnapped in Mexico Saturday night has been rescued by authorities, according to state officials — largely thanks to his own heroics. Mexican international and Olympiacos striker Alan Pulido was kidnapped Saturday night in Ciudad Victoria, the capital of Tamaulipas state, and managed to call police and alert them to […]


Katie Couric takes responsibility for ‘misleading’ part of gun violence doc

Katie Couric says she regrets a “misleading” portion of “Under the Gun,” a new documentary that she produced and narrated. “I take responsibility for a decision that misrepresented an exchange I had with members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League,” Couric said in a statement on Monday night. The pivotal edit in the documentary made […]


Battle for Falluja rages on

The battle to retake the ISIS stronghold of Falluja has begun. Though some some villages on the outskirts of the strategic city are now under Iraqi control, the next step is to push into the heart of the city and drive the terrorists out. Iraqi forces, in conjunction with Iraqi and coalition air support, started […]


‘Mayhem’ as authorities try to capture 137 tigers at Thai temple

Authorities armed with tranquilizer guns are still trying to capture dozens of tigers at a controversial Buddhist temple in Thailand after monks allegedly set some free to delay the process. “Yesterday was mayhem,” Wildlife Conservation Office (WCO) director Teunjai Noochdumrong told CNN Tuesday. “When our vet team arrived, there were tigers roaming around everywhere,” Noochdumrong […]

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Экология в России и мире

При каких обстоятельствах может затопить Петербург и Москву? Отвечает гидролог

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Ольга Бузова

«ТНТ, где мой дом?» Ольга Бузова потребовала главный приз реалити-шоу «Дом-2» в программе «УТРО. ТНТ»


Психолог Хакимов: к работе после майских праздников стоит готовиться заранее

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