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Новости за 11.05.2016


Volkswagen probe clears top executives

Volkswagen said an internal probe has so far cleared current and former top executives at the embattled automaker of any “serious and manifest” wrongdoing. The company, which has admitted that its diesel cars used illegal software designed to cheat emissions tests, has blamed the deception on a small group of unidentified engineers. Both its CEO […]


Biden says Trump-style rhetoric harming U.S. security

Without naming presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, Vice President Joe Biden insisted Wednesday that U.S. interests are damaged when politicians make blanket assessments about immigrants. “I understand what it means to compete in a heated election contest,” he said during remarks in Tampa, Florida. “But by insulting our partners throughout the hemisphere, by tarring all […]


Here’s why people are talking about Azealia Banks

You would be forgiven if you have no idea who Azealia Banks is or what she does. The rapper, who these days seems to drop more disses on Twitter than on wax, is well known to many in social media and on Wednesday her latest beef got her dropped from a British music festival. Here’s […]


Donald Trump: Rudy Giuliani for ‘radical Islam’ commission

Donald Trump would consider naming former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani to head of a commission on “radical Islam,” the real estate mogul said Wednesday. “It’s a real problem, so we’ll figure it out and we will get it going but we have to be extremely careful,” Trump said Wednesday on Fox News, in […]


How can Trump ‘print the money’?

Donald Trump says don’t worry, America will always be able to pay its debts because the government can simply print more money. “This is the United States government. First of all, you never have to default because you print the money,” Trump told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day” Monday. So how exactly do you […]


Trump resists calls to disclose his tax returns

Donald Trump continues to resist calls to release his tax returns. The presumptive Republican nominee told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday “there’s nothing to learn from them.” Trump’s resistance to releasing his tax returns leaves major questions for voters weighing a candidate who has staked his campaign on his business acumen and the […]


Fire that led to fatal Texas fertilizer explosion set on purpose

The fire that led to a deadly explosion at a West, Texas, fertilizer plant was intentionally set, authorities said Wednesday. The blast, which devastated the Texas town of West in April 2013, killed 15 people — including 12 first responders. Investigators determined the fire was deliberately set after conducting 400 interviews, the Bureau of Alcohol, […]


Navy SEAL student dies during pool exercise on first week of training

(CNN) — A 21-year-old Navy SEAL student died during his first week of basic training in California, authorities said. Seaman James Derek Lovelace of Crestview, Florida, died Friday after taking part in underwater demolition training in Coronado, California. Safety observers noticed he was having problems during the water familiarization exercise and pulled him out of […]


Nixon released his tax returns under audit. Why can’t Trump?

Donald Trump once again has said he won’t release his tax returns because they’re under audit. He indicated in an Associated Press story that he would do so after the audit ends, which may not happen before November. Yet here’s the thing: There’s nothing preventing Trump from releasing his tax returns now. Not the IRS, […]


ESPN’s The Undefeated is finally getting on its feet

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.” That quote from Maya Angelou serves as the basis for ESPN’s new website, The Undefeated, which has already faced its share of defeats. The website, which launches May 17, explores the intersection of sports, race and culture. It has been live since August 2013, […]


Marissa Mayer’s secret $23 million bet went bust

Marissa Mayer doesn’t exactly have the best track record for buying companies. But her latest failure was a head-scratcher from the beginning. A year ago, Yahoo bought a mysterious company for $23 million. Yahoo never revealed the name of the company, what it did or where it was located. In fact, the only thing we […]


Biden: ‘I would have been the best president’

Vice President Joe Biden said in an interview that aired Wednesday he would have been the “best president” had he run for the highest office in the land. “I think I would have been the best president, but it was the right thing not just for my family but for me,” not to run, Biden […]


Instagram analysis: Stay off the roads on Fridays in August

We know it’s a couple of months away, but set yourself a calendar reminder: Stay off the road at 6 p.m. on Fridays in August. That’s when the number of road rage incidents in America goes through our sun-baked, stuck-in-traffic SUV roofs. At least that’s the conclusion of the folks at the Auto Insurance Center, […]


Gene Simmons apologizes for calling Prince’s death ‘pathetic’

Kiss star Gene Simmons has a pretty famous tongue, and now he is apologizing for his “big mouth.” The musician said he was sorry for comments he made about the death of Prince. The star died April 21 at age 57. In an interview with Newsweek, Simmons hailed the late singer as “heads, hands and […]


Fentanyl: The new heroin, but deadlier

America’s addiction to opioid-based painkillers and heroin just got exponentially more dangerous. The most potent painkiller on the market, prescribed by doctors for cancer treatment, is being made illicitly and sold on the streets, delivering a super high and, far too often, death. The drug, fentanyl, has been around since the 1960s. Its potency works […]


Is this thing on? World leaders’ Top 10 hot mic gaffes

In the space of a day, Britain’s two most powerful people — Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister David Cameron — have been publicly reminded of the perils of a hot mic. Cameron was first, when his candid remarks to the Queen about Nigeria and Afghanistan — calling them “fantastically corrupt” and “possibly the two […]


Mitsubishi’s fuel test scandal just tripled in size

Mitsubishi Motors’ fuel test scandal just got a whole lot bigger. The automaker said Wednesday it was investigating falsified fuel efficiency tests on 13 models, up from a previously disclosed four. Nearly all models sold by Mitsubishi in Japan are now being examined. Mitsubishi said its initial investigation showed that company managers were under intense […]


Bison Come From Behind For Important 11-7 ML Win

HYDE — In a schoolboy baseball game that was far from a masterpiece, Clearfield scored five unearned runs in the bottom of the sixth inning to turn back Penns Valley 11-7 at the Bison Sports Complex Tuesday and stay in the Mountain League title chase, though in the outside lane. At 7-5, the Bison would […]


Players Championship: Golf’s $10.5 million weekend

It is known as golf’s unofficial “fifth major”, but the Players Championship has an identity problem. The prestigious event, with its famous island green 17th hole, has all the trappings of a major and is regularly touted as deserving equal status with the game’s big four tournaments. But — and there is always a but […]


Lady Tide Blast Kane 15-0

KANE – It took the Curwensville Area High School’s girls softball team just three innings to dismantle the Lady Wolves of Kane Tuesday afternoon, 15-0, in Kane. The victory for the Lady Tide gives them an overall record of 9-7 on the 2016 season. Curwensville had defeated the Lady Wolves earlier this season on […]


Former Brazilian soccer star: Don’t come to the Rio Olympics

With the Olympics set to begin in less than three months in Rio de Janeiro, one of Brazil’s most successful soccer players has a surprisingly ominous message for international visitors: Stay away. Brazil is getting “more ugly,” said Rivaldo, who was on the country’s 2002 World Cup-winning squad, forming part of a lethal attacking trio […]


Five terror suspects caught trying to flee Australia to Syria by boat

Five men on a terror watch list have been arrested on suspicion of trying to leave Australia by boat to join extremist groups in Syria, Australian police say. The men are suspected of “potential offenses against the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act, specifically those concerning incursions into foreign countries to engage in hostile activities,” according to […]


Cause of Texas fertilizer explosion that killed 15 to be announced

The cause of a fertilizer plant explosion that killed 15 people three years ago in Texas will be revealed at noon Wednesday, officials said. The news conference will be held by the Houston office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office. Twelve first responders were among […]


Navy SEAL student dies during pool exercise on first week of training

A 21-year-old Navy SEAL student died during his first week of basic training in California, authorities said. Seaman James Derek Lovelace of Crestview, Florida, died Friday after taking part in underwater demolition training in Coronado, California. Safety observers noticed he was having problems during the water familiarization exercise and pulled him out of the pool, […]


Spicy Corn Bread Squares

Corn bread captures the fabulous flavor of homemade bread without the hassle of rising and kneading the dough. Chili powder and red pepper flakes add zip to this hearty bread. View the recipe at TasteofHome.com >>

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Путин приехал в храм Христа Спасителя на пасхальную службу

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Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Баста назвал работу в шоу «Голос. Дети» на Первом канале тяжелейшим испытанием


Яд в банках: в популярных марках кофе Росконтроль выявил фальсификаты

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