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Новости за 15.05.2016


Navy SEAL instructor temporarily reassigned following sailor’s death

A training instructor of Navy SEALs has been temporarily reassigned following the death of a sailor earlier this month, a Navy spokesman confirmed to CNN. “I can confirm that an instructor was assigned to duties not related to training,” Naval Special Warfare Center spokesman Lt. Trevor Davids told CNN. Seaman James Lovelace died May 6 […]


Mural of Trump and Putin kissing sparks attention

It looks like the 2016 election is entering the avant-garde. A mural depicting presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin kissing, along with the stenciled phrase “make everything great again,” now adorns the back of a Lithuanian barbeque joint, Keule Ruke. The image has gone viral, but the artist — Mindaugas […]


RNC chairman: Third-party run would be a ‘suicide mission’

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus says a third-party presidential campaign against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would be a “suicide mission.” “They can try to hijack another party and get on the ballot, but, look, it’s a suicide mission for our country because what it means is that you’re throwing down not just eight […]


Feds issue guidance on transgender access to school bathrooms

The Obama administration issued guidance Friday directing public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity. A joint letter from the Departments of Education and Justice went to schools Friday with guidelines to ensure that “transgender students enjoy a supportive and nondiscriminatory school environment,” the Obama administration said. The announcement comes […]


Obama knocks Trump at Rutgers: ‘Ignorance is not a virtue’

President Barack Obama took aim Sunday at presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump while delivering the commencement address at Rutgers University, telling graduates to tout their knowledge, not brag about their ignorance. Though he didn’t name Trump, Obama’s target was apparent. “In politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue,” he told the more […]


Andy Murray: Birthday boy beats Novak Djokovic in Italian Open final

Birthday boy Andy Murray gave himself the perfect gift as he defeated world No. 1 Novak Djokovic in the Italian Open final Sunday. It was the Scot’s first win over Djokovic on clay and only the second time Murray has tasted victory against his rival in their previous 14 encounters — his last coming in […]


Trump breaks with Obama on Brexit

Britain wouldn’t be hurt “at all” in terms of trade negotiations with the United States if it exited the European Union, Donald Trump says. “I don’t think they’ll be hurt at all. I mean, they’ll have to make their own deal. Britain’s been a great ally,” he said in an interview with ITV’s “Good Morning […]


Romney encouraged senator to launch independent bid against Trump, Clinton

Mitt Romney made an unsuccessful effort to recruit Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse as a third-party presidential candidate to challenge Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, a source with knowledge of the efforts confirmed to CNN Sunday. Sasse, the freshman Republican, has emerged as one of Trump’s foremost critics from the right. Romney and Sasse have talked, […]


Romney pushed senator to launch independent bid against Trump, Clinton

Mitt Romney made an unsuccessful effort to recruit Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse as a third-party presidential candidate to challenge Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, a source with knowledge of the efforts confirmed to CNN Sunday. Sasse, the freshman Republican, has emerged as one of Trump’s foremost critics from the right. Romney and Sasse have talked, […]


Manchester United: ‘Suspect package’ forces abandonment of key Premier League game

Manchester United’s final game of the English Premier League season had to be abandoned after a “suspect package” was found at its Old Trafford stadium Sunday. “Due to the discovery of a suspect package in the NW Quadrant of the ground, the match has been abandoned today on police advice,” said a statement on the […]


Manchester United match called off after suspicious package found

A Premier League soccer match in the United Kingdom between Manchester United and Bournemouth has been canceled after a suspicious package was found at Old Trafford stadium, according to the official Twitter account of the Premier League and team reports. The stadium is being evacuated, according to Manchester United Football Club. The game had implications […]


Top allies downplay Trump’s personal life, relationship to women

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Sunday Donald Trump “is going to have to answer for” his behavior around women — but said Trump’s presidential campaign isn’t being judged based on his personal life. The GOP leader was asked on ABC’s “This Week” about a New York Times report that Trump’s private conduct with […]


Ohio senator defends Hillary Clinton on trade

Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown deflected questions about his interest in becoming Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential nominee on Sunday as he defended Clinton’s positions on trade. Brown told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” he’s happy with his current job — even though he plans to help Clinton in the general election. “I will […]


Manafort: Trump wasn’t posing as his own publicist

A top Donald Trump adviser on Sunday stuck by the presumptive Republican nominee’s claim that he never posed as his own spokesman. Trump convention manager Paul Manafort told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” he believes Trump’s claim that 25-year-old recordings of a publicist named “John Miller” are not — as The Washington […]


America’s top 10 job-killing companies

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have slammed Carrier for cutting American jobs. In February, Carrier made headlines for announcing it would eliminate 1,400 jobs from a plant in Indiana and move them to Mexico. The company makes air conditioners and commercial refrigerators. “I bought a lot of Carrier air conditioners over my life. I’m not […]


‘Outlaw bikers’ open up about clubs, culture and deadly Waco shootout

From the time he was big enough to climb onto the back of his dad’s Harley, Jake Carrizal felt the pull of the open road. The summer he was 9, he rode on the back of his dad’s bike to Mount Rushmore and then on to Sturgis, the annual Super Bowl of biker rallies, in […]


Venezuela’s ‘state of emergency’: How the country slid into crisis

Protests rocked the Venezuelan capital of Caracas Saturday, as rival factions of pro- and anti-government activists took to the street to add their voices to President Nicolas Maduro’s latest attempt to exert some control and hold onto power. Addressing the nation Friday, Maduro declared a “constitutional state of emergency … to tend to our country […]


Graham Selected as Outstanding Staff Member at CCCTC

Kelly Graham of Woodland was selected as the 2016 Outstanding Staff Member at the Clearfield County Career & Technology Center. Mrs. Graham is a student aide. From left are Elizabeth Frankhouser, executive director; Kelly Graham; Jeff Shaffer, CCCTC Joint Operating Committee chairperson; and Ron Matchock, superintendent of record.


Brookville Y CARES for Kids to Hold Race Event July 30

Brookville Y CARES for Kids benefiting Western PA CARES for Kids eighth annual duathlon, 5K and community walk will be held on July 30, at Cook Forest State Park, Shelter 2. The pre-registration deadline is July 15. Those registered by June 26 are guaranteed a free T-shirt. Pre-registrations and waiver forms are available online at www.carescac.org and […]


Salvation Army to Host Super Summer Sale

CLEARFIELD – The Salvation Army, located at 119 Byers St., Clearfield, will host a super summer sale. Sale tables, vendors and food will be available beginning at 9 a.m. June 18. All Salvation Army sales benefit its service to the community. Personal sales and vendor tables can be rented for only $20. For More Information, […]


GANT RELOAD: Week of May 9

The GANT weekly reload gives readers a look back upon the most noteworthy stories of their work week.  It contains the big headlines, as well as a few stories you might have missed. It might even include a story or two of the lighter side. The GANT reload will be posted each weekend for your perusal. For most […]


Red Hot Chili Peppers singer hospitalized, concert canceled

Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis has been hospitalized, according to members of his band. The band also canceled their headlining performance Saturday night at a concert put on by KROQ, one of Los Angeles’ most popular radio stations. Chili Peppers bass player Flea announced the news on stage. “Anthony [Kiedis] is on his […]


5 dead in ISIS attack on Baghdad gas plant, police say

ISIS militants attacked a gas plant in Baghdad Sunday, killing five police officers and leaving tanks at the complex ablaze, police officials told CNN. Another 13 people were injured in the attack, which occurred in the Taji area of Iraq’s capital. The assault began with a suicide car bomb attack at the entrance of the […]


Five Australian terror suspects charged with trying to travel to Syria by boat

Australian police have charged five men suspected of planning to travel to Syria to join ISIS. The five men, who were on a terror watch list, were planning a journey that would have started in a small motor boat, taking them to Indonesia and the Philippines. They have been charged with foreign incursion offenses, according […]

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Экология в России и мире

Шашлыки и дача отменяются: аномальная погода на майские праздники в Москве, Питере и регионах

Путин в России и мире

Путин всё знал, но никого не предупредил: Немцы обвинили Москву в прорыве израильского Купола

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: Западу неинтересны планы Киева по атаке на Крымский мост

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)


Надежды Raiffeisen Bank покинуть Россию с деньгами таят на ...

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