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Новости за 12.05.2016


Obamacare premiums in California may rise 8% next year

California’s health insurance exchange estimates that its Obamacare premiums may rise 8% on average next year, which would end two consecutive years of more modest 4% increases. The projected rate increase in California, included in the exchange’s proposed annual budget, comes amid growing nationwide concern about insurers seeking double-digit premium hikes in the health law’s […]


Trump, Ryan tout unity in wake of meeting

Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan concluded their highly anticipated meeting Thursday amid early signals that the Republican Party will work to piece itself together after a fractious primary. “While we were honest about our few differences, we recognize that there are also many important areas of common ground,” Trump and Ryan said in […]


Study: Acetaminophen dulls your pain — but also your empathy

The side effects of popping a pain reliever containing acetaminophen are well-known: You may get stomach pains. You might feel nauseated. Well, add another possible one to the list: You’ll feel less inclined to empathize with your fellow man. A new study by researchers at Ohio State University found that acetaminophen — the main ingredient […]


Michael Schumacher’s ‘strength’ can help him recover, says ex-Ferrari chief

Trends come and go but the “KeepFightingMichael” hashtag remains a daily prayer on social media. It is more than two years since Michael Schumacher suffered head injuries in a freak skiing accident but his fans are still urging their stricken hero to recover. It is a sentiment shared by the seven-time Formula One world champion’s […]


‘Game of Thrones’ author releases new chapter

Winter is still coming. George R.R. Martin has released a chapter from “The Winds of Winter,” but fans are going to have to wait for the book. Martin recently announced the sample chapter over on his “Not A Blog” site along with a taste of “High Stakes” a book he has coming out in August. […]


Why Mark Zuckerberg is excited about Nigeria

You know you’re doing something right When Mark Zuckerberg namechecks you. That’s exactly what happened to Jobberman founders Opeyemi Awoyemi, Olalekan Elude and Ayodeji Adewunmi on May 10 when the Facebook founder used the three men as an example of innovation in Nigeria. Awoyemi, Elude and Adewunmi founded the job site in their dorm room […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield On Wednesday state police were contacted regarding a false, drug-free urine sample from a known Grampian man on Legion Hill Road in Penn Township. During the incident, he allegedly attempted to provide a false urine sample to his parole officer. Charges will be filed against him, state police said. State police […]


Google launches time-saving keyboard for iPhones

Google is building a new home for itself on the iPhone, in the form of a new keyboard app called Gboard. Gboard lets you search as you type, without having to switch out of whatever app you’re currently using. For example, if you’re looking for a coffee shop for your afternoon meeting, you can do […]


Woody Allen: ‘I’ve said all I have to say about’ assault claims

At the Cannes Film Festival on Thursday, Woody Allen sidestepped questions from reporters about Ronan Farrow’s essay calling him a “predator.” Allen told a group of reporters that he hasn’t read it and won’t ever read it. “I’ve said all I have to say about” the controversy, the filmmaker said, according to Variety. On Wednesday, […]


Dilma Rousseff calls Brazilian Senate vote ‘coup’

[Breaking news alert, posted at 10:50 a.m. ET Thursday] “It’s a coup,” Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff said Thursday in her first public remarks since senators voted to begin an impeachment trial against her. “My government has been the objective of sabotage.” Rousseff called the impeachment process against her a “farce.” “This process is a fragile […]


What sequester? Defense stocks near all-time highs

Big defense stocks have been on fire lately. Are investors pricing in more spending on the military by either a President Hillary Clinton or President Donald Trump? Perhaps. Both Clinton and Trump have stressed the importance of a strong military during the presidential campaign. Leading defense companies appear to be betting on a Clinton victory. […]


Karen Michael Appointed District Executive for PennDOT’s North Central Engineering District

CLEARFIELD – Karen Michael has been appointed as the District Executive for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) Engineering District 2, which covers nine counties in the North Central region. “I’m very pleased that this region will be guided by Karen’s decades of experience,” said PennDOT Secretary Leslie S. Richards. “Her leadership, with the dedication […]


CPCA Receives Food Supplies, Cash Donations from Clearfield Co. Farm Bureau

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Farm Bureau collected items and money for the central Pennsylvania food pantries in Karthaus, Westover, and Burnside/Mahaffey. The collection was a part of the Farm Bureau’s Farmers Care Program, where farmers show they care about their communities by collecting donations to help those in need. Pictured are Ralph McClarren and Mary Snyder […]


12 More Cases of CWD in PA: State Gears Up for Additional Control Measures

The Pennsylvania Game Commission during 2015 found 12 additional white-tailed deer infected with chronic wasting disease (CWD) – all in Disease Management Area 2 (DMA 2), located in south-central Pennsylvania. DMA 2 is the only area of the state where CWD has been detected in free-ranging deer. The latest cases bring to 22 the total […]


Karthaus Center for Active Living to Present Hiking the Appalachian Trail Program

The Karthaus Center for Active Living, in cooperation with Scott McKenzie, will be presenting a program about McKenzie’s adventures hiking the Appalachian Trail on May 20 at 11 a.m. at the Center located at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 3637 Main St. Karthaus. Everyone is welcome to attend the program, which is free.  Lunch […]


Jeff Tech Student Finishes First at State Skills USA Competition

HERSHEY – Skills USA is a competition where career and technical education students come together from the state of Pennsylvania to compete in shop-related skills. Students who competed at the state level had to first win at the district level. This year’s state competition was held in Hershey from April 13-15. Jeff Tech had a […]


Suicide bombers kill 3 officers at Baghdad police station

Three Iraqi officers were killed and 10 others wounded when two suicide bombers blew themselves up at a police station in western Baghdad, authorities said. Police said two men wearing suicide vests targeted the al-Entisar police station in the Abu Ghraib district early Thursday. So far, there have been no claims of responsibility. Security officials […]


Are flying robots the perfect co-workers?

The year is 2020. A group of warehouse workers are locking up for the weekend. As the lights go off, a swarm of buzzing drones fly into the darkness. Over the coming days, they will zoom up and down the aisles, updating the inventory for when their human colleagues return on Monday morning. This isn’t […]


Nissan to sink $2.2 billion into scandal-ridden Mitsubishi

Nissan just became Mitsubishi Motors’ biggest ally in trying to pull the beleaguered automaker out of a massive fuel-efficiency scandal. Nissan plans to spend 237 billion yen ($2.2 billion) to take a 34% stake in Mitsubishi, making it the company’s single largest shareholder. “We are determined to preserve and nurture the Mitsubishi Motors brand,” Nissan […]


Couple who lost three children in MH17 crash welcome new baby

An Australian couple who lost three children in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 have had a new baby. Marite ‘Rin’ Norris and Anthony Maslin announced their daughter, Violet May, saying in a statement she had brought them “love and light, hope and joy.” She was born Tuesday, May 10. The couple’s three other […]


Planned Parenthood shooting suspect ruled incompetent

He believes the FBI cuts holes in his clothes and leaves feathers in his home. That Robin Williams told a joke about President Obama, the “antichrist,” and committed suicide two weeks later. That President Obama will declare martial law and rebuild himself as the antichrist. Those are just some of the “delusional beliefs” accused Colorado […]


Everest summit reached for first time in two years

For the first time in two years, climbers have reached the summit of Mount Everest, the world’s tallest mountain. On Thursday, “9 Sherpa using supplemental oxygen became the first to summit on the South Side of Everest in the past 3 years [sic],” climber Adrian Balinger posted on Instagram. [Editor’s note: An earlier version of […]


Jail time set for ‘affluenza’ teen Ethan Couch

“Affluenza” teen Ethan Couch will see 720 days behind bars — nearly two years — as a condition for his continued probation for a 2013 drunken-driving crash that killed four people and seriously injured two others. A Texas judge in April had ordered the jail time but had given his legal team time to make […]


Breaking down the mythical ‘Maya city’ discovery

We’re all suckers for a great story, and “Teen finds lost Maya city” definitely sounds promising. Throw in some ancient cosmology, a little help from the Canadian Space Agency and some satellite sleuthing, and the movie offers practically write themselves. Sadly, the reality may not be as cinematic as promised. Experts say the “city” found […]


As Democrats’ battle wages on, the White House signals end is near

He may be vowing complete neutrality until the bitter end of his party’s prolonged primary process, but President Barack Obama and his allies appear ready to declare a winner. “I think everybody knows what that math is,” Obama told reporters last week, referring to the raw delegate count that shows scant opportunities for Sen. Bernie […]

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Цой

У могил Горшка и Виктора Цоя на Богословском кладбище появилась защита от вандалов


Стартовал международный детский конкурс AI Challenge

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