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Новости за 28.04.2016


Will Smith killing: Cardell Hayes indicted on 2nd-degree murder charge

Cardell Hayes has been indicted on four charges, including second-degree murder, in the death of former New Orleans Saints defensive end Will Smith, prosecutors said Thursday. The other charges are attempted second-degree murder, aggravated criminal damage and aggravated criminal assault with a firearm. Smith’s wife, Racquel, was wounded in the shooting. Prosecutors announced the charges […]


Trump’s Muslim backers celebrate his success

Sajid Tarar, like many Donald Trump supporters, appreciates the unconventional Republican presidential candidate’s strong stances on security, illegal immigration and political correctness. Tarar, a Muslim, downplays the GOP front-runner’s less-than-flattering comments about his faith as having been “twisted” and is pushing ahead with his effort to get the billionaire businessman elected. He recently founded the […]


One of Apple’s biggest cheerleaders is selling

Apple’s terrible week just got worse. Carl Icahn, one of its biggest cheerleaders, has dumped the iPhone maker’s stock. Icahn told CNBC Thursday that he has sold his huge position in Apple largely due to concerns about company’s ability to navigate the treacherous Chinese market. “A lot of people have tried and a lot of […]


Up to 16 servicemen to be disciplined following hospital air strike in Afghanistan

The Pentagon plans to announce Friday that up to 16 members of the military will be disciplined for their role in the October air strike against a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, that killed as many as 42 people. None of the military personnel involved are expected to face criminal charges, two U.S. officials confirmed. A […]


Baltimore police: Officers ‘compelled’ to chase 13-year-old with BB gun

Baltimore police on Thursday defended the shooting a day before of a 13-year-old carrying a replica gun, saying authorities had little option but to pursue the boy when they saw him walking down the street with what looked for all the world like a deadly handgun. “I would argue our police officers were compelled to […]


Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech earns praise in Russia

After Donald Trump gave a much-anticipated foreign policy speech Wednesday, some of the most glowing reviews that he received were from a place that doesn’t often see eye-to-eye with American politicians. Trump’s speech was more than well-received in Russia. In Moscow’s Red Square, passersby speaking to CNN praised the New York tycoon. And Russian politicians […]


Will Smith killing: Cardell Hayes indicted for 2nd degree murder

[Breaking news update, posted at 2:41 p.m. ET] Cardell Hayes has been indicted on four charges, including second-degree murder, in the death of former New Orleans Saints defensive end Will Smith, prosecutors say. Prosecutors announced the charges at a preliminary hearing Thursday. The other charges are attempted second-degree murder, regarding Smith’s wife, Racquel; aggravated criminal […]


Wounded officer: Last chance for candidates to condemn hateful rhetoric

Last month, I asked Donald Trump at a Republican town hall debate in Wisconsin what he would do to protect Sikh and Muslim Americans who have been unfairly targeted in hate crimes in the wake of recent terrorist attacks. The question is personal. Hate violence has directly affected my life. On August 5, 2012, I […]


Paul Ryan invites India’s Modi to address Congress

House Speaker Paul Ryan announced Thursday that he has invited India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address a joint session of Congress this summer. Modi will be the fifth prime minister of India to visit Congress, and is the first announced foreign leader to address a joint meeting of the House and Senate under Ryan’s […]


Kerry expresses outrage after 27 killed in strike on Syrian hospital

An airstrike on a pediatric hospital in Syria has killed 27 people, rights groups say, as the U.N. warns that the situation in Aleppo has become “catastrophic” amid intensified fighting in recent days. The U.N. special envoy to Syria, Staffan de Mistura, told reporters in Geneva Thursday that Syria’s nationwide “cessation of hostilities” is under […]


Alabama city: Use bathrooms that match biological sex or face 6 months in jail

Transgender people in Oxford, Alabama, could now face six months in jail for using restrooms labeled for the gender they identify with. The Oxford City Council passed the ordinance this week after the retail giant Target announced it would allow transgender employees and customers to use the restrooms they feel comfortable with. Target has a […]


Priceline CEO out over affair with employee

Priceline CEO Darren Huston resigned on Thursday after an investigation found that he had an improper relationship with an employee. The investigation determined Huston acted contrary to the online travel company’s code of conduct and “engaged in activities inconsistent” with that expected of executives. Priceline didn’t say who the “personal” relationship was with other than […]


Obama, the IMF and OECD are all wrong about Brexit, these economists say

A group of economists has just made a bold claim: President Obama, the International Monetary Fund and just about every big Wall Street bank have got their sums wrong about Britain’s prospects if it exits the European Union. Rather than hitting trade and slowing growth, a so-called Brexit would boost the U.K. economy by 4%, […]


Conservative Arthur Brooks breaks with Trump on deporting undocumented immigrants

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants is immoral and unrealistic, according to Arthur Brooks, the conservative president of the American Enterprise Institute. “It’s not realistic to think that he would kick (out) 11 million people … and I actually don’t think that Donald Trump thinks that that’s going to […]


Next to nothing: U.S. economy only grows 0.5% in Q1

America nearly ground to a halt at the start of 2016. The U.S. economy only grew 0.5% in the first quarter of the year. Tepid consumer spending, global headwinds, a struggling manufacturing sector and weak business investment all weighed down growth. Growth was even lower than economists’ anemic expectations of 0.7%. It follows the very […]


After life-changing shooting, teen’s spirit shines through

Abigail Kopf winces, nuzzling the side of her head into her Batman pillow. She needs relief. “Stop it, Abbie,” her mother, Vickie, snaps. “My head itches,” Abbie moans, her voice reaching the familiar whine of a 14-year-old girl. “I know, honey.” Vickie’s voice softens, weary with repetition. She straightens the black cap on her daughter’s […]


Fiorina: Trump hasn’t scored ‘touchdown’ yet

Ted Cruz’s new running mate, Carly Fiorina, said Thursday that Donald Trump can’t declare victory until he’s crossed the goal line for the Republican nomination. “If the Steelers are on the five-yard line it’s close, but it’s not a touchdown. So Donald Trump can get close, but it’s not a touchdown until you have 1,237 […]


Ford reports record earnings

Ford Motor’s profits more than doubled during the first three months of the year, giving the 113-year old automaker its best first quarter in its history. Ford’s results were lifted by strong U.S. sales and a continued turnaround in Europe. Ford’s European profit during the first quarter topped all of the company’s European earnings collected […]


Obama: I know I hurt the feelings of ‘fat cat’ bankers

It looks like President Obama and Wall Street bankers will just have to agree to disagree on their status as “fat cats.” Early in his presidency, Obama famously described bankers who received bonuses during the financial crisis as “fat cats,” a diss that set off years of tit-for-tat recriminations and undermined his relationship with financial […]


Michael Phelps: ‘I don’t know if I’m an alcoholic,’ says 18-time gold medalist

Michael Phelps, the most decorated athlete in Olympic history, has a checkered and well-publicized history with alcohol and drug use. But is the 22-time Olympic medalist an alcoholic? “I don’t know,” was his candid response when the question was put to him. “I honestly don’t know.” “I know I probably have moments where I have […]


Bank of Japan shocks investors with vote against more stimulus

The Bank of Japan has dashed investors’ hopes for a boost in its stimulus efforts, sending stocks plummeting. The central bank on Thursday left interest rates unchanged and held off from expanding its big asset purchase program. Stocks in Tokyo, which had gained 1.4% in morning trade, plunged into negative territory after the bank’s lunchtime […]


Report: Nigeria sees nearly one pirate attack a week

Crime on the high seas has nearly halved in the last five years but there is one region bucking that trend. Pirate attacks off Nigeria are seeing a resurgence, at a rate of nearly one a week in the past three months, new numbers show. A report released Wednesday from the International Maritime Bureau (IMB), […]


In Bangladesh, sons follow murdered fathers’ footsteps

Something deadly and frightening is happening in Bangladesh. Gangs armed with machetes have been hunting down and killing liberal activists and outspoken critics of Islamist extremism. This month alone, killers in Bangladesh have murdered a university professor, an atheist blogger, and two gay rights activists. The assassinations are occurring with alarming frequency. U.S. officials counted […]


Fed myth busters: 35 bankers were sent to prison for financial crisis crimes

The idea that no bankers went to prison for crimes related to the financial crisis is a myth, according to the watchdog overseeing the federal government’s bailout fund. There have been 35 bankers sentenced to prison, said Christy Goldsmith Romero, the special inspector general for the Troubled Assets Relief Program (SIGTARP), in a report to […]


Afghan heroin addicts seek recovery in a former NATO base

The sound of a bare razor, scraping hair off an unwashed scalp. The shuddering foot of someone struggling with the agony of withdrawal. The endless racks of expensive internet cables that once connected the building to satellites in space but now gather dust. Months ago, this was Camp Phoenix. A large and tidy NATO military […]

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец SHAMAN расплакался на концерте в Уфе после исполнения песни «Мама»


Российские космонавты завершили первый в 2024 году выход в открытый космос

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