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Новости за 08.04.2016


Gap stock plunges on weak sales

Gap shares plunged on Friday in the wake of another weak sales report. The stock price for Gap Inc. plunged 14% in afternoon trading, the day after the clothing retailer said that its sales had declined year-to-year for the five weeks that ended April 2. Net sales dropped more than 15% from $1.53 billion during […]


Programs Planned at Parker Dam

PENFIELD – A number of programs have been planned at the Parker Dam State Park for April 22 through May 1. Friday, April 22 All About Fishers:  7 p.m. – Campground Amphitheater Originally found in Penn’s Woods, the fisher has had a long journey to re-establishing itself in today’s forest.  Learn more about this furbearing predator […]


How Pope Francis makes change in the church inevitable

It was billed as the document that would change everything, but there were no bombshells in Pope Francis’s “Amoris Laetitia” (“Joy of Love”), which was released Friday morning. Instead, Francis stood by Catholic teaching and offered a beautiful, intensely pragmatic and deeply sensitive discussion of the joys and hardships of marriage and the family. It […]


ISIS releases hundreds of Syrian cement factory workers, report says

About 300 workers and contractors have been released days after ISIS-linked militants took over a cement factory in Syria, the ISIS-affiliated Amaq news agency reported Friday. The report has not been officially corroborated. The militants had taken over the massive plant near Damascus on Tuesday and Wednesday. Amaq reported that workers were released after being […]


Bill Clinton: ‘I almost want to apologize’ for sparring with protesters

Bill Clinton, while campaigning for his wife’s presidential bid Friday, addressed a fiery exchange with Black Lives Matter protesters earlier in the week, saying it bothers him when protesters drown him out but added that he “almost” wanted to apologize for his response. “We see all these rallies interrupted by people that are angry. Now […]


Under Armour is no longer an underdog

If Yogi Berra were alive (and young enough to still be playing baseball) today, maybe he’d wear Under Armour catcher’s gear? It’s deja vu all over again for the athletic apparel company this year — on the links and basketball court as well as Wall Street. Under Armour endorser Jordan Spieth was sitting atop the […]


Paris terror suspect Mohamed Abrini arrested in Belgium

Belgian authorities on Friday arrested Mohamed Abrini, suspected of driving those involved in the Paris terror attacks and of being part of the deadly bombing months later at Brussels airport. Eric Van der Sypt, a spokesman for the Belgian federal prosecutor’s office, said that Abrini was arrested along with Osama Krayem. Krayem may not be […]


What the ‘American Idol’ finale looked like from the inside

About 13.3 million people tuned in for the finale of “American Idol,” a retirement party that showcased the singers who owe their success to the Fox reality show. While the night didn’t go exactly according to plan — members of the studio audience noticed a snafu at the very end — the broadcast was a […]


Why remittances are good for America

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made headlines last year when he proposed building a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico. The proposal was met with widespread skepticism, especially his insistence that Mexico would also pay for the construction of such a wall. Undeterred, Trump this week explained how he would make this happen, outlining […]


Are your eyes really ‘bigger than your stomach’? Studies put it to the test

Here’s an experiment to test and tease your senses: Next time your partner or friend is making you dinner, put on a blindfold before the meal is served. How does not being able to see affect your dining experience? If you are like the people who have participated in studies exploring the relationship between seeing […]


Trump convention manager: ‘Winning isn’t enough’

Donald Trump’s convention manager, Republican strategist Paul Manafort, described his new role in the campaign Friday, saying his it shows the billionaire’s signature leadership style. “This is an example of Donald Trump managing, and the type of leadership he will bring to the presidency in November,” Manafort said in an exclusive interview with CNN’s Chris […]


Pope to church: Be more accepting of gays and lesbians, divorced Catholics

Pope Francis put his shoulder to the doors of the Catholic Church and shoved them open a little wider Friday, calling for the church to be more tolerant in practice while not changing any official doctrines. He urged priests around the world to be more accepting of gays and lesbians, divorced Catholics and other people […]


Victoria’s Secret is focusing on lingerie and Millennials

Victoria’s Secret is laying off workers and restructuring its business to streamline its focus on its famous lingerie, with an eye towards Millennials. The company said it’s restructuring into three business units: Victoria’s Secret Lingerie, Victoria’s Secret Beauty and PINK, a brand marketed as “a college girl’s must-shop destination for the cutest bras, panties, swim […]


Bernie Sanders on Hillary Clinton row: Have I mentioned the emails?

Bernie Sanders has a comeback when he’s being accused of landing low blows on Hillary Clinton: I am holding back. The Vermont senator was defending himself for a third day in a row Friday morning for calling Clinton not “qualified” to be president amid escalating rhetoric in the Democratic primary. “I am trying to stay […]


‘There’s no more land’

Wenceslaus Billiot, an 89-year-old with suede-soft eyes and a bayou-French accent, asked me to follow him onto the second-story balcony of his stork-legged house here in the southern Louisiana marshland. He held up a broom made of dried palmetto leaves and pointed way off into the distance. See that tiny water tower? he asked. The […]


13 North Korean restaurant workers defect

They’d left North Korea to work at a restaurant owned and operated by the reclusive Asian nation. And they’re not going back. Instead, these 12 women and one man defected after “feeling pressure from North Korean authorities” to send foreign currency back to their homeland, according to a South Korean government spokesman. “Our government decided […]


Bernie Sanders plays ‘Ya Bernt’ with Seth Meyers

The Democratic presidential primary may be getting serious, but Bernie Sanders took on a more humorous tone Thursday night when he played “Ya Bernt” with late night host Seth Meyers. The game is a campaign-inspired derivative of NBC’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers”‘ usual segment “Ya Burnt,” and this time the Vermont independent senator issued […]


Adobe rolls out emergency update to counter ransomware threat

Got Adobe Flash Player? Update it now. Adobe has released an emergency update to its Flash Player after security researchers discovered a bug that allows attackers to take over and then crash users’ machines. In a statement, Adobe called the flaw a “critical vulnerability” and urged users to update as soon as possible. Proofpoint, a […]


Firefighters rescue one of their own after he falls through burning roof

As fire Capt. Pete Dern lays in agony on a driveway surrounded by a half-dozen of his comrades, a neighbor’s cell phone camera rolls on what would become a viral video. “Pete, stay with me buddy!” shouts one of the firefighters. With Dern’s bare, burned legs now free from his melting fire gear, a firefighter […]


Stop the presses! ‘All the President’s Men’ and great journalism movies

Follow the money. That was the mantra that came out of “All the President’s Men,” released 40 years ago Saturday. In fact, those three words became such a common saying that, these days, people assume it was part of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s book. It wasn’t. Screenwriter William Goldman essentially coined the phrase for […]


Maverick Vinales: Top Gun by name, top rider by nature

If your name has any influence over your destiny, then Maverick Vinales’ future was written from day one. The 21-year-old MotoGP rider’s father was a huge fan of the movie Top Gun, and decided to take the name of Tom Cruise’s character — Maverick — for his son. “For sure, it’s a cool name,” says […]


Is there a way to protect Bangladeshi writers?

A young writer returning home after his evening classes was ambushed Wednesday evening. The attackers hacked Nazimuddin Samad with machetes and then shot him, leaving him dead in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Witnesses say they heard the attackers shout: “Allahu Akbar.” It was the sixth murder targeting intellectuals and writers who have challenged religious […]


Brazil crisis … in 2 minutes

Brazil is in the throes of a deep political and economic crisis at a time when the country needs to shine ahead of the fast approaching Olympics this summer. A shaky government seems to be on the brink of toppling, the economy is battling its worst recession in 25 years, and the country is ground […]


How to get by in Beijing without a wallet

In many places, if you leave the house without your wallet, you’ll be in a tough spot all day. No way to pay for food, transportation or any of life’s other necessities. But in China’s largest cities, you can definitely survive without carrying a pocket full of cash and credit cards — as long as […]


Sanders campaign says GE CEO ‘should take a good look in the mirror’

The spat between Bernie Sanders and the chief executive of General Electric is getting personal. “If the CEO of General Electric wants to know how his company is destroying the fabric of America, he should take a good look in the mirror,” Warren Gunnels, policy director for the Sanders campaign, told CNN on Thursday. The […]

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: 9 мая в Москве еще будет кружить снег

Путин в России и мире

А броня, как у вертолета: какие автомобили предпочитает Владимир Путин

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: Белоруссия реагирует на обострение обстановки вблизи границ страны

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Тепляков

Депутат ЗСК Виктор Тепляков провёл совещание по теме защиты дельфинов


Россиянина депортировали с Бали после семи лет тюрьмы за наркотики

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