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Новости за 07.04.2016


WHO: Zika causes microcephaly and Guillain-Barre syndrome

The World Health Organization says the mosquito-borne Zika virus causes microcephaly and Guillain-Barre syndrome. “Based on a growing body of preliminary research, there is scientific consensus that Zika virus is a cause of microcephaly and Guillain-Barre syndrome,” the World Health Organization said in its weekly Zika virus situation report Thursday. Previously, the agency said there […]


1 who escaped Washington state psych hospital caught, 1 on the lam

One down, one to go. That was the sentiment in Washington state late Thursday morning, after authorities recaptured one of two escapees from a large psychiatric hospital who had been arrested for violent crimes. The arrest of 58-year-old Mark Alexander Adams in Des Moines, a city about 15 miles south of downtown Seattle, was cause […]


Poll: 30% Virginia Republicans unsure they will vote for Trump

A new Virginia poll is revealing a major loyalty gap between GOP and Democratic voters in a hypothetical general election match-up in the key swing state. The poll, conducted by the Wason Center for Public Policy, showed roughly 30% of likely Republican voters in Virginia are unsure whether they would vote for GOP front-runner Donald […]


Shirley MacLaine Fast Facts

Here is a look at the famous singer, dancer, best-selling author and Oscar-winning actress, Shirley MacLaine. Personal: Birth date: April 24, 1934 Birth place: Richmond, Virginia Birth name: Shirley MacLean Beaty Father: Ira O. Beaty, school administrator Mother: Kathlyn (MacLean) Beaty, drama teacher Marriage: Steve Parker (1954-1982, divorced) Children: Stephanie Sachiko Parker (Sachi), 1956 Other […]


Alvin Sentenced for Threatening to Shoot a Woman and Her Children

CLEARFIELD – A DuBois man who threatened to shoot a woman and her children was sentenced Tuesday during plea and sentencing court in Clearfield County. Joseph Francis Alvin, 32, 135 E. Weber Ave., DuBois, an inmate of the jail, pleaded guilty to simple assault and harassment. President Judge Fredric J. Ammerman sentenced him to 30 […]


John Kerry breaks record for secretary of state travel

John Kerry is now the most traveled secretary of state, breaking the record upon arrival in the Gulf nation of Bahrain Wednesday. The trip pushed Kerry past 1.06 million miles, edging out Condolezza Rice by roughly 1,000 miles. America’s top diplomat under George W. Bush, Rice held the previous record at 1.059 million miles. Kerry […]


Should food labels include exercise ‘equivalents’?

Imagine you’re choosing between two different boxes of cookies at the grocery store. One has a label informing you that you could burn off the calories in a serving by jogging for 10 minutes, while the label on the other box says you would have to jog for 20 minutes. Would that help you decide […]


ISIS captures hundreds of Syrian cement factory workers, report says

ISIS-affiliated militants captured more than 300 workers and contractors at a cement factory in Syria, state news reported Thursday. Al-Badiyeh Cement Co. said the militants were holding the workers and contractors from the plant near Damascus, according to the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency, citing a source in Syria’s Ministry of Industry. The company had […]


France: Prostitution now legal, paying for sex illegal

Paying for sex in France is about to get a lot more expensive. France has joined a growing number of European countries that criminalize clients of prostitutes. The French National Assembly outlawed the hiring of prostitutes while eliminating penalties for sex workers. Paying for sex services now carries a fine of 1,500 euros ($1,700). Repeat […]


Donald Trump makes Mexican mask factory great again

A Halloween mask factory in Jiutepec, Mexico, is busier than ever. And it’s all thanks to Donald Trump. The company, Caretas REV, has two factories in Jiutepec, a city of nearly 200,000 in the central Mexican state of Morelos. Trump’s fame in the United States — and infamy in Mexico — drove demand for the […]


Alan Rickman’s death ended plans for ‘Galaxy Quest 2,’ co-star says

Bye, Grabthar’s hammer. Plans were in the works for a sequel to the cult classic “Galaxy Quest,” but the death of star Alan Rickman put an end to the idea, co-star Sam Rockwell told Nerdist. “They were going to do a sequel on Amazon, and we were ready to sign up for it, and Alan […]


7 grand hotels with deep railroad roots

Hotels and railroads go way back. The relationship worked: Travelers needed somewhere to sleep, so railroad companies built hotels. Though the earliest railroad lodgings in the United States were primarily for railway workers, later hotels catered to the lavish lifestyles of Gilded Age travelers. “The people who are taking long-distance railroad excursions in the 1880s, […]


4 ISIS suspects arrested, weapons seized in Denmark, police say

Danish police seized weapons and ammunition in connection with the arrests of four people suspected of being radicalized by ISIS, Copenhagen police said Thursday. The four were arrested near Copenhagen, police spokesman Mads Jensen said. It was not immediately clear whether the suspects were actively plotting a terrorist attack. The arrests and seizures mark the […]


U.S. vows to crack down on shell companies as tax dodges

The U.S. Treasury Department is close to releasing a plan to shine a light on the owners of shell companies. The goal is to crack down on tax dodges and other financial crimes. New rules, long in the works, will require that banks know and reveal who is behind shell companies that have accounts. Currently, […]


Rare First Folio of Shakespeare plays authenticated, to academics’ delight

Imagine that a limited-edition collection of your writings was published a few years after your death. Then someone found a copy of that book after you had been dead for 400 years, and the world — or at least the academic community — went into paroxysms of joy. You might think your writing career had […]


In Bahrain, Kerry walks tightrope on human rights

Secretary of State John Kerry tread carefully on the issue of human rights in Bahrain — a key Gulf ally in the fight against ISIS — but whose government is accused of routine human rights abuses against political dissidents and discrimination against the country’s Shiite-majority. Kerry met with Bahrain Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed al […]


Taliban app surfaces on Amazon

In a game of whack-a-mole, a Taliban app banned by Google has become available on Amazon. The app, called “Voice of Jihad,” lets people keep up with the latest Taliban news, videos and updates. The version currently available on Amazon is in English. On Monday, Google removed a Pashto version of the app from its […]


2 ‘dangerous’ men escape from Washington state psychiatric hospital

Two men with arrests for violent crimes have escaped from a large psychiatric hospital in Washington state, possibly through a loose window. Lakewood, Washington, police described both Anthony Garver, 28, and Mark Alexander Adams, 58, as “dangerous.” “They got a considerable head start,” Lakewood police spokesman Chris Lawler told CNN affiliate KIRO-TV in Seattle. The […]


‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ trailer debuts

Welcome back to the galaxy far, far away. The trailer for “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” the first spinoff film in the “Star Wars” film franchise, debuted on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Thursday. With the brief teaser, Disney gave fans the first glimpse of the new “Star Wars” film starring Felicity Jones. It takes […]


Treadmills and bikes, indoors versus outdoors

It’s that time of year when the allure of a warm gym with comforting TV screens and a post-workout sauna might still seem appealing. But as spring blossoms and the outdoors calls, the question looms: Is it better to exercise indoors or out? There are pros and cons for both. Indoor workouts are cozy and […]


Elk County Catholic Bats Light Up in Victory Over Curwensville

CURWENSVILLE — After having to wait a few days to take to the diamond following Monday’s rain out, the Curwensville Golden Tide were looking to get on the positive side of the scoreboard on Wednesday.  Despite the temperatures being slightly cool, the skies were letting the sun’s rays onto the field as the Tide welcomed […]


ZTE shares plummet after tech giant says it could face U.S. charges

ZTE is having a terrible week. Shares of the Chinese tech giant plummeted by as much as 15% on Thursday as investors reacted to a management overhaul, disappointing financial results and a warning from the company that it could face charges in the U.S. ZTE shares had been suspended since early March, when the smartphone […]


‘Younger Games’: Hong Kong’s Joshua Wong launches new political party

One of Hong Kong’s most famous democracy activists has announced the formation of a new political party amid heightened tensions in the city over the alleged kidnapping of several booksellers and perceived interference by Beijing in official affairs. Joshua Wong says that his new party — Demosist? — “will demand self-determination” for Hong Kong. “This […]


Kerry meets with Gulf allies amid differences over Iran

Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Gulf state ministers Thursday as differences over Iran and a host of regional conflicts cloud the relationship between the countries. Kerry faces an uphill battle as he tries to shore up support for resolving key conflicts in the region from the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council, a group of […]


New government role created for Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi

Party leader and longtime democracy figurehead Aung San Suu Kyi has been given a position in Myanmar’s government — one created especially for her. The post of State Counselor was created by the Hluttaw, Myanmar’s parliament, over the objections of the military’s representatives, which hold a quarter of the body’s seats. It allows her to […]

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Экология в России и мире

В Кабардино-Балкарии стартует крупнейшая экологическая акция «Вода России»

Путин в России и мире

Путин сказал Алиеву: "Пора!". Новый БАМ пройдет через Кавказ. Транспортным коридором "Север — Юг" Россия и Азербайджан перешли дорогу Западу

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко убежден, что белорусы «никогда еще так хорошо не жили»

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Запрещено в служении проводившему панихиду по Навальному священнику

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Билли Айлиш

В Fortnite добавят Билли Айлиш, Снуп Дога и скины Metallica


Суд в Москве арестовал предпринимателя Фомина по делу о взятке Тимуру Иванову

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