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Новости за 16.04.2016


Nine Guantanamo detainees transferred to Saudi Arabia

The United States is transferring nine detainees from the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay to Saudi Arabia, the Pentagon said Saturday. The U.S. Department of Defense identified the men as Ahmed Umar Abdullah Al-Hikimi, Abdul Rahman Mohammed Saleh Nasir, Ali Yahya Mahdi Al-Raimi, Tariq Ali Abdullah Ahmed Ba Odah, Muhammed Abdullah Muhammed Al-Hamiri, Ahmed Yaslam […]


Steph Curry, Obama team up for mentoring PSA

Credit Steph Curry with an assist in President Barack Obama’s call to mentor young people. The President and the Golden State Warriors point guard appeared alongside each other in a public service announcement released Saturday that highlights the importance of mentoring a young person. The video is part of campaign by Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper […]


Nevada Gov. Sandoval to endorse Kasich

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval will endorse John Kasich for president, the Ohio governor told CNN. “He’s a great guy,” Kasich told CNN’s Dana Bash in an interview set to air Sunday on “State of the Union.” He added, “I like him very much and it’s a great endorsement. It really is.” Kasich did not provide […]


Inflatable ‘bedroom’ attached to space station

A prototype that may one day usher an era of space hotels has successfully been attached to the International Space Station, NASA said Saturday. Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) is the first test module to ever attach to the space station. The prototype was one of the highly anticipated experiments SpaceX launched into orbit earlier […]


Obituary Notice: Raymond L. Bezilla

Raymond L. Bezilla, 83, of Ginter-Morann Highway died Thursday, April 14, 2016 in Snyder Township as the result of a vehicle accident. Born May 31, 1931 in Morann, he was the son of Paul and Lenora (Resconsky) Bezilla. He was a member of the St. Barbara’s Polish National Catholic Church, Houtzdale, and several building trade […]


Trump increases attacks on GOP delegate process

Donald Trump is taking his attacks against Republican nominating conventions, such as Saturday’s in Wyoming and last weekend’s in Colorado, to a new level. Speaking at a rally in Syracuse, New York, Trump fired up the crowd by railing against how delegates to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland are being selected in some states. […]


Saudis warn of economic reprisals if Congress passes 9/11 bill

Saudi Arabia is warning it will sell off billions in American assets if the U.S. Congress passes a bipartisan bill that would allow victims of 9/11 and other terrorist attacks to sue foreign governments. Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir issued the warning to U.S. lawmakers last month during a visit to Washington, two senior State […]


RNC chair points to questionable 1860 convention to defend delegate rules

Defending the party nominating process which Donald Trump has repeatedly blasted as “rigged” by insiders, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Friday that the party is using the same process that elevated Republican icon Abraham Lincoln more than 150 years ago. “It was the same system that put Abraham Lincoln into office,” Priebus told […]


Florida zoo mourns keeper killed by tiger; investigation continues

Palm Beach zookeeper Stacey Konwiser dedicated her life to protecting an endangered subspecies. Colleagues describe the 38-year-old as a wife, a daughter and a sister to those with whom she worked. Konwiser was the lead tiger keeper at the Palm Beach Zoo. She was killed by a 13-year-old male Malayan tiger on Friday afternoon. “Our […]


Pope visits Greek island of Lesbos, takes 3 families back to Vatican

Pope Francis traveled to the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday to meet with migrants and refugees fleeing war and violence in the Middle East and North Africa — and took 12 of them back to the Vatican aboard the papal plane, the Holy See Press Office said. The Vatican will take responsibility for the […]


Bernie Sanders smashes the Israel status quo

Bernie Sanders is taking a sledgehammer to the political status quo on Israel. Sanders refused to back down Thursday night from his claim that Israel in 2014 used “disproportionate” force to respond to Hamas rocket fire from Gaza while calling for the United States to stop being “one-sided” in the conflict there. In doing so, […]


Ted Cruz looks for Wyoming sweep

Ted Cruz is visiting the Wyoming state GOP convention Saturday in hopes of wrapping up a near-sweep of delegates here. But his top opponent for the 14 delegates up for grabs isn’t Donald Trump or John Kasich, it’s a group of Wyoming Republicans pushing for a plan to send a slate of unpledged delegates to […]


Curwensville Capitalizes on Errors to Win Second-Straight Game

FLINTON — Just one day earlier, Tom Harzinski saw his Curwensville Golden Tide break into the win column with the best outing from his team in the early season.  Double-digit runs, plus double-digit hits, and a complete game pitched by one individual gave the team a lot of momentum.  What made it more special is […]


Pope meets migrants on Greek island of Lesbos

[Breaking news update at 8:44 a.m. ET] Pope Francis will take three migrant families from camps on the Greek island of Lesbos back to Rome with him on the papal plane, according to the Holy See Press Office. The Vatican will take responsibility for the three families — 12 people in all — the statement […]


‘Father … Please bless me:’ Pope meets migrants on Greek island of Lesbos

Pope Francis has traveled to the Greek island of Lesbos to meet with refugees fleeing war and violence in the Middle East and North Africa. The Pope’s visit was deeply moving to some of the refugees. Some broke down in tears, with one man shaking as he asked, “Father, bless me. Please, bless me.” Children […]


On Lesbos, a stark reminder of the peril of the migrant trail

The cemetery on the Greek island of Lesbos is small. It has ancient cypress and olive trees, marble mausoleums and angels carved from alabaster. There also are more than 120 dirt graves marked only with chunks of broken marble. These are the people who died on the crossing to Europe. Christos Mavrahilis is the garrulous […]


Clearfield Woman’s Club Holds Monthly Meeting

CLEARFIELD – On April 12 members of the Clearfield Woman’s Club held their monthly meeting at Aunt Lu’s Café. Sherry Wills, chairman of Ways and Means, gave a report on the success of a recent sticky bun fundraiser and thanked everyone who participated.  Plans were made for the May 2 blood mobile that will be […]


Royal 5K Set for June 12

CLEARFIELD – The fifth annual Queens for a Cause Royal 5K Run/Walk will be held June 12 at the Clearfield County Fairgrounds. Proceeds from the event benefit The Children’s Miracle Network. It will take place on a point-to-point course with rolling hills that wind through the beautiful West Side of town. It starts and ends […]


Rescue crews seek survivors of 2nd Japanese quake; at least 16 dead

Rescue crews scrambled through rubble Saturday in a race against time for survivors of a magnitude-7.0 earthquake that struck Japan’s Kyushu Island, the same region rattled by a 6.2 quake two days earlier. A total of 25 people have died in both earthquakes, according to current estimates. The death toll in the latest Kyushu earthquake […]


Georgia paddling video sparks corporal punishment discussion

A Georgia mother’s video of school administrators apparently paddling her 5-year-old son is causing a nationwide discussion on the merits of corporal punishment. Shana Perez of Covington posted the video of the principal and assistant principal trying to spank the boy. She admits she gave permission for her son to be paddled, but asserted she […]


Firefighter shot dead, another injured while responding to call in Maryland

A firefighter was shot and killed, and a second one critically injured while responding to a medical call at a home in Maryland, authorities said. John Ulmschneider, 39, died following the shooting Friday night in Prince George’s County, fire officials said. The firefighters were responding to a call from a “concerned citizen” about the occupant […]


Sanders supporters protest Clinton in San Francisco

Hillary Clinton flew to California on Friday for a series of weekend fundraisers, including two events hosted by George and Amal Clooney. Supporters of Bernie Sanders were ready. When Clinton’s motorcade turned up Washington Street in San Francisco’s posh Nob Hill area Friday night, protesters chanting at the 2016 candidate were standing atop the hill. […]


Firefighter shot dead, second injured while responding to call in Maryland

A firefighter was shot and killed, and a second one critically injured while responding to a medical call at a home in Maryland, authorities said. John Ulmschneider, 39, died following the shooting Friday night in Prince George’s County, fire officials said. The firefighters were responding to a call from a “concerned citizen” about the occupant […]


1 firefighters shot dead, second injured while responding to call in Maryland

A firefighter was shot and killed, and a second one critically injured while responding to a medical call at a home in Maryland, authorities said. John Ulmschneider, 39, died following the shooting Friday night in Prince George’s County, fire officials said. The firefighters were responding to a call from a “concerned citizen” about the occupant […]


Tornado kills 4, injures hundreds in Uruguay

A tornado ripped through the southwestern city of Dolores in Uruguay, killing four people and leaving hundreds injured, government officials said. More than 200 people suffered injuries and about 400 structures have been affected, said Uruguayan Sen. Guillermo Besozzi. Images from the city showed overturned cars piled on top of one other, shattered windows and […]

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Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

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Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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