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Новости за 28.02.2016


Donald Trump stumbles on David Duke, KKK

Donald Trump wouldn’t disavow former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke’s support for his presidential bid in an interview Sunday, saying that he knows nothing about the white supremacist leader. “Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke, OK?” Trump told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.” Trump was […]


Here’s what it would cost Apple to help the FBI hack an iPhone

It would cost Apple about $101,000 in labor costs to help the FBI hack an iPhone — although the company would likely spend millions more to prevent this hack from dangerously leaking into the open. In court documents filed on Thursday, Apple revealed what it would take to create a back door into one of […]


Donald Trump stumbles over David Duke, KKK

Donald Trump wouldn’t disavow former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke’s support for his presidential bid in an interview Sunday, saying that he knows nothing about the white supremacist leader. “Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke, OK?” Trump told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.” Trump was […]


Obituary Notice: Fred Ellsworth Barefield

Fred Ellsworth Barefield, 69 of Brockway, died Friday, Feb. 26, 2016 at his residence. Born Sept. 9, 1946 in DuBois, he was the son of the late Fred E. and Nellie Mae Shaffer Barefield. On Aug. 2, 1969, he was married to Marilyn G. Fremer and she survives. Retired, Mr. Barefield had been employed at […]


Clinton preaches ‘love and kindness’ at Memphis churches

Hillary Clinton took to two pulpits in Memphis on Sunday to preach a message of inclusion and a rejection of divisiveness, in the wake of her dominant win over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in South Carolina on Saturday Clinton made her oft used called for “love and kindness” at the two church stops, but did […]


Obituary Notice: C. Diane Neeper

C. Diane Neeper, 65, of Curwensville died Friday, Feb. 26, 2016 at her residence after a lengthy illness. Born Nov. 30, 1950 in Clearfield, she was the daughter of Edwin Harry and Ruth Chloe (Bell) Caldwell. Mrs. Neeper had been employed as a pharmacy technician for Rite Aid Pharmacy and also was a homemaker. She […]


Paging Superman: Voters looking for a savior

It’s too bad Superman is not running for president of the United States; this would have been his year. Americans, as we have discovered, are angry, frustrated, disillusioned — and yearning for a savior. This happened before, almost a century ago in Europe. It was a time of despair; a time when the old models […]


Bison Wrestlers Win District IV-IX Team Title; Crown Three Champs

HYDE — Hosting the 2016 District IV-IX Wrestling Championships turned in to a huge success for the Clearfield Bison, as they won the team title, crowned three champions, and moved 11 wrestlers on to the Northwest Regional tournament. Despite only a 4-7 record in the final session, the Bison were able to hold off runner-up […]


‘Spotlight’ journalists take a turn on the Oscars red carpet

The six journalists featured in “Spotlight” have spent the past three months answering questions instead of asking them. They’re ready to get back to their day jobs — but not before getting a taste of Hollywood life via the Academy Awards. “Spotlight,” a contender for Best Picture, has already been praised as the most influential […]


Dem. congresswoman quits DNC post, endorses Bernie Sanders

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is endorsing Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid, departing her post as the Democratic National Committee’s vice chair to support the Vermont senator. “There is a clear contrast between our two candidates with regard to my strong belief that we must end the interventionist, regime change policies that have cost us so much. This […]


Russian mine disaster death toll hits 36 after explosion during failed rescue effort

Russian authorities say the death toll from a mine disaster has risen to 36 after an explosion during an attempt to rescue trapped miners Sunday, according to state-run news agency RIA Novosti. Sunday’s blast killed six people, including five rescue personnel. In its wake, Russia’s Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Puchkov told reporters that there was […]


Pilot diverts flight to kick off rowdy bachelor party

Best men, take note. We know starting the bachelor party on the plane is a lot of fun, but sometimes it’s safer to just wait. One group of Britons learned that the hard way. Their onboard stag party got so rowdy, the pilot diverted the flight and kicked them off. According to German police, the […]


4-year-old girl missing in Montana; suspect in custody

A massive manhunt is underway to find a 4-year-old girl missing in Montana, authorities said. Maci Lilley was abducted Friday night from a housing complex in Wolf Point, the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office said. A suspect is in custody, but the girl is still missing. Authorities say people saw John “Billy” Lieba, 20, take the […]


Rights group reports airstrikes in Syria

Warplanes carried out several airstrikes in Syria despite a truce negotiated between rebels and the government, according to an international group monitoring the conflict. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said strikes were conducted in the Aleppo region, the southern countryside of Hama and near Raqqa, the de-facto capital of ISIS. It was unclear who […]


Central PA Outdoor & Sports Show to Return with a Bang

CLEARFIELD – The Central PA Outdoor & Sports Show will return with a bang this year, as new highlights and big-name presenters are added to the schedule. On the speaker list this year are a national finalist for the Field & Stream “Hero of Conservation” Award in 2014, Bill Anderson, and 15-time National and two-time […]


GANT RELOAD: Week of Feb. 22

The GANT weekly reload gives readers a look back upon the most noteworthy stories of their work week.  It contains the big headlines, as well as a few stories you might have missed. It might even include a story or two of the lighter side. The GANT reload will be posted each weekend for your perusal. For most […]


Blood Drives to Honor Doctors

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. At Penn Highlands Healthcare, the need for blood is very apparent. Doctors and nurses order blood products from the laboratories daily. To help supply the blood banks, Penn Highlands Healthcare regularly hosts blood drives throughout the region, but in March, its blood drives have two causes. […]


Thurston and Churner Address Clearfield Rotarians about Emergency Preparedness

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield County Sheriff Wes Thurston and Chief Deputy Mike Churner recently spoke to Clearfield Rotarians about individual responsibility for emergency preparedness and the interaction with the community services. They passed out a Family Preparedness Handbook that highlights a check list of items to maintain in homes, businesses and vehicles. They also presented information […]


Let It Go: Reaction to Stress More Important than its Frequency

UNIVERSITY PARK  — How you perceive and react to stressful events is more important to your health than how frequently you encounter stress, according to health researchers from Penn State and Columbia University. It is known that stress and negative emotions can increase the risk of heart disease, but the reasons why are not well […]


Indian man allegedly kills 14 family members with a knife, then hangs self

An Indian man allegedly killed 14 family members, including eight children, with a knife before taking his own life Sunday, a police spokesman said. Husnain Anwar Warekar, 35, put sedatives in his relatives’ food before slashing their throats with a knife, according to Gajanan Kabdule, a police spokesman in the western Indian city of Thane. […]


Virginia police officer killed a day after she is sworn in

A Virginia police officer was killed while responding to a domestic-related shooting a day after she was sworn in, authorities said. Prince William County police officer Ashley Guindon was killed Saturday night in Lake Ridge. She was sworn in Friday. Two other officers were injured in the shooting, authorities said. One was in critical condition […]


Mugabe celebrates 92nd birthday with lavish party as country suffers drought

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe celebrated his 92nd birthday with a lavish celebration Saturday, in a region of his country that is experiencing widespread drought and food shortages affecting 2.5 million of his people. This year’s festivities, held on Saturday, included concerts, parades and parties in his honor and reportedly cost $800,000. As many as 50,000 […]


Easy Slow Cooker Mac & Cheese

My sons always cheer, “You’re the best mom in the world!” whenever I make this creamy mac & cheese perfection. Does it get any better than that? —Heidi Fleek, Hamburg, Pennsylvania View the recipe at TasteofHome.com >>


Get out the black vote? Show us the jobs

Some may be tired of hearing that black lives matter, but it’s undeniable that in South Carolina and across the South in the states that vote on Super Tuesday and beyond, black votes matter. African-Americans were the major factor in Hillary Clinton’s landslide victory Saturday in South Carolina, where black voters accounted for more than […]


Virginia officer killed a day after she is sworn in

A Virginia police officer was killed and two others wounded when they responded to a call about a domestic-related shooting, authorities said. The Prince William County Police Department identified the fallen officer as Ashley Guindon, who was sworn in Friday. She was shot Saturday night in Lake Ridge. A second officer is in critical condition […]

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Экология в России и мире

В России замечен доступный кроссовер по цене Lada Granta: что о нем известно?

Путин в России и мире

Путин приехал в храм Христа Спасителя на пасхальную службу

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт "Русская душа"


МВД: в Ленобласти мужчина выстрелил в 3 нападавших у станции метро «Девяткино»

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