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Новости за 10.02.2016


Monsanto CEO returns $3 million in bonuses after accounting error

This CEO is giving back to his company in a big way. Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant voluntarily returned more than $3 million in bonuses and stock awards after an SEC investigation found Monsanto had misstated earnings from its Roundup herbicide. Former CFO Carl Casale also returned over $700,000 that he received during the years in […]


Tesla fixes its auto-park feature after Consumer Reports raises safety concern

Tesla has fixed its new automatic parking feature that Consumer Reports says posed a safety concern. “Summon,” a new feature that Tesla rolled out to its cars last month, will park your car or pull it out of a parking spot with the click of a button. Summon works on Model S or Model X […]


Elon Musk is having a really, really lousy year

Elon Musk is still a lot richer than you. And by you, I mean the average CNNMoney reader. If Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos or one of the Koch brothers happens to be reading this, then my bad! Musk is a destitute street urchin compared to you guys. But Musk is having […]


Marc Andreessen apologizes to India for colonialism tweet

Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen has apologized for a series of ill-advised tweets on India, colonialism and Facebook’s failed effort to expand Internet access in the former British colony. Andreessen, one of the most powerful men in Silicon Valley, used Twitter to express his dissatisfaction with a ruling by India’s telecom regulator that effectively killed “Free […]


Donald Trump to MSNBC hosts: ‘You guys have been supporters’

A day after his resounding victory in New Hampshire, Donald Trump made a point to thank two of his “supporters” — the hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “You guys have been supporters,” Trump told co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski at the end of an interview on Wednesday. “And I really appreciate it. And not […]


How Silicon Valley is dealing with mental illness

It was a less than a year ago that Adrienne Heinz lost her brother, Austen, who committed suicide after a lifelong battle with depression. Austen was a science geek and a risk-taker. He enjoyed hiking under the Redwoods and playing with his newborn nephew. He wore flip flops to investor meetings, and embodied the extremes […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at DuBois State police received a report about an alleged incident of burglary that occurred sometime between Jan. 25 and Monday at the Old Jackson China building in Falls Creek Borough. During the incident, someone allegedly broke into the garage and an aluminum piece belonging to a belt sander was taken from inside. […]


How the outsiders won — and the insiders crumbled

This story was reported by Dana Bash, Gloria Borger, Abigail Crutchfield, Jeremy Diamond, Chris Frates, Noah Gray, Ashley Killough, Betsy Klein, Elizabeth Landers, Phil Mattingly, Dan Merica, Sara Murray, Mark Preston, Manu Raju, Gabe Ramirez, Maeve Reston, Lauren Selsky, Sunlen Serfaty, Cassie Spodak, Gregory Wallace, and Jeff Zeleny. There was more than a hint of […]


Opinion: Donald Trump can win — and he must be stopped

Donald Trump defies his critics, which is one of the things his fans love about him. Loud, crude, philosophically ill-defined — he ought to have crashed and burned as a Republican presidential candidate weeks ago. Yet his big win in the New Hampshire primary finally proves that his national poll ratings can be turned into […]


German carmakers recall U.S. vehicles over airbags

German automakers Daimler and Volkswagen are recalling 1.5 million cars and vans to replace Takata airbags that may be defective. It is the latest is a series of recalls prompted by concerns about Takata’s airbags. Millions of cars have been recalled due to the risk of violent airbag explosions. But they were mostly older vehicles […]


South Korea to suspend joint-run Kaesong industrial complex

South Korea says it is suspending operations at an industrial complex run in cooperation with North Korea, in retaliation for a recent rocket launch and nuclear test by Pyongyang. The Kaesong Industrial Complex, situated in North Korea, was opened in 2004 as part of conciliation efforts between the two Koreas. More than 120 South Korean […]


How did a socialist kibbutz influence Bernie Sanders?

A small collective community in northern Israel, modeled after the communist ideals of the Soviet Union, may hold clues to the development of U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ political beliefs. Sanders is Jewish and a self-described “democratic socialist.” In the 1960s, he spent several months volunteering on an Israeli collective farm, or kibbutz, that functioned […]


Oprah Winfrey: What’s media mogul’s plan for $28 million equestrian farm?

Oprah Winfrey has paid almost $30 million for a sprawling equestrian estate on the California coast. But if the media mogul wants to add horses to her multimillion dollar purchase, she’ll have to buy them herself. The 23-acre farm in Montecito, Santa Barbara, comes complete with all the facilities you’d expect of a deluxe equestrian […]


Why investors are freaking out over European banks (again)

The world is once again growing nervous about the health of big banks — especially those based in Europe. Not only are bank stocks plummeting at an alarming pace, but investors are raising their bets that some could even default on their debt if the global economy sinks into recession or the crash in oil […]


Who is Donald Trump?

All eyes are once again on Donald Trump. The Republican front-runner who has dominated the polls and the airwaves since he launched his presidential bid in June clinched his first electoral victory on Tuesday night. But Trump’s road to New Hampshire has rarely been one of playing into expectations. Rather, Trump has consistently defied convention […]


Who is Bernie Sanders?

Bernie Sanders bested Hillary Clinton Tuesday night in the first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire. In doing so, he became the first Jewish candidate and first self-described “democratic socialist” to win a major-party presidential nominating contest. Sanders overcame a 40-percentage-point deficit when he entered the race in the spring to take a lead in the polls […]


Kanye West’s ‘Bill Cosby Innocent’ tweet sparks outrage

With just one tweet, Kanye West succeeded at creating yet another Twitter storm. The rapper caused an uproar on Twitter Tuesday, when he tweeted: “BILL COSBY INNOCENT !!!!!!!!!!” West gave no explanation as to how he got to such a conclusion or any context as to why he made such a controversial comment. In fact, […]


North Korea could recover plutonium ‘within weeks,’ U.S. intelligence says

North Korea has reactivated its Yongbyon enrichment facility and could begin to recover plutonium from the reactor’s spent fuel in a “matter of weeks or months,” according to the U.S. intelligence chief. In his annual World Threat Assessment, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said North Korea had threatened to “refurbish and restart” its reactors […]


Can Sanders woo black voters?

Hours after claiming a decisive victory over Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire primary, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is planning to meet in New York City with none other than the Rev. Al Sharpton, a move that is sure to rattle Clinton’s advisors and the candidate herself. Not because Sharpton directly controls a significant block […]


Ex-priest John Feit arrested in Irene Garza murder case from 1960

John Feit, a former Catholic priest, has been arrested in a 56-year-old murder case. Irene Garza was last seen alive the night before Easter 1960 when Feit heard her confession at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in McAllen, Texas. Five days later, searchers found the lifeless body of the 25-year-old former Miss South Texas face down […]


Traffic jam kept polls open late in Merrimack, New Hampshire

Even after the voting was supposed to be finished in New Hampshire on Tuesday night, a line of full of cars and voters were still waiting to get into a polling place in Merrimack. Town Moderator Lynn Christensen called it “a major fiasco,” blaming the bottleneck on a decision to create one-way traffic in the […]


First on CNN: Donald Trump describes New Hampshire victory

Donald Trump on Tuesday night touted his success across demographic lines after winning the New Hampshire primary. “I was so happy, I just looked at your report and it was right across the board … with men, with women, with young, with old, with, you know, everything,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper, adding later, “To […]


Bernie Sanders is first Jewish candidate to win a primary. Does he care?

Bernie Sanders just made history. His victory Tuesday night in New Hampshire broke a barrier as old as the republic: The Vermont senator became the first Jewish candidate to win a presidential nominating contest. But even as that path-breaking feat was in touching distance in the days before the primary, and attention increasingly focused on […]


New Hampshire primary: Trump, Sanders win; Kasich takes second

Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders cruised to early victories in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, while Ohio Gov. John Kasich is projected to finish second in the GOP race. Multiple Republicans, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, are now battling for a third-place […]


Bernie Sanders and a ‘communist’ community in Israel

A small collective community in northern Israel, modeled after the communist ideals of the Soviet Union, may hold clues to the development of U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ political beliefs. Sanders is Jewish and a self-described “democratic socialist.” In the 1960s, he spent several months volunteering on an Israeli collective farm, or kibbutz, that functioned […]

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Экология в России и мире

В СВАО Москвы реконструируют дорогу и построят мост

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Девушке сделали предложение на концерте Басты: "Бери кольцо"


Климатолог: аномально теплый апрель стал причиной ранних ураганов в Москве

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