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Новости за 23.02.2016


Millions of Mars and Snickers bars recalled

Mars is recalling chocolate bars in 55 countries because some of them may contain pieces of plastic. The recall includes millions of Mars, Snickers and Milky Way chocolate bars produced in Netherlands. Mars Netherlands said it decided to issue the voluntary recall as a “precautionary step” after receiving a consumer complaint about a piece of […]


Kasich, Rubio knock Obama’s Gitmo plan, Sanders offers praise

It didn’t take long for candidates hoping to replace President Barack Obama to weigh in on his plan to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. Republican presidential candidate John Kasich said Tuesday he “profoundly disagrees” with the proposal. “These are people, some of them are the worst of the worst. Why would we send […]


It’s Grimsby for FIFA: Sacha Baron Cohen pokes fun at soccer body

It hasn’t been the greatest of years for FIFA — and now comedian Sacha Baron Cohen has joined the throng in poking fun at world football’s governing body. Baron Cohen, who plays a football fan who teams up with his super-spy brother in new film Grimsby (called The Brothers Grimsby in the U.S.), took a […]


Take that, Donald Trump? Macy’s making a comeback

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump called for a boycott of Macy’s after the retailer dumped his clothing line following the controversial comments he made about Mexican immigrants last year. But Macy’s may be having the last laugh. For now, at least. The company’s stock was up 2.5% in late morning trading Tuesday after reporting results […]


Boston Globe editorial: ‘Stop Trump now’

The Boston Globe’s editorial board published Tuesday a scathing piece urging Massachusetts voters to unite against Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump. Titled “Massachusetts voters must stop Donald Trump,” the authors wrote that “stopping Donald Trump is imperative — and not just for his fellow Republicans.” Massachusetts voters will weigh in March 1, as one of […]


Egypt: Officials claim mistaken identity after toddler sentenced to life

Family members of a 3-year-old Egyptian boy sentenced to life in prison last week say they feel relieved after receiving assurances from officials that neither the boy nor his father will be arrested. The boy’s father, Mansour Qorany Sharara, has returned to the family home in the southern Egyptian province of Fayyoum after nearly 18 […]


Democratic Party superdelegates are undemocratic

You might think, from their title, that superdelegates are better than regular delegates. Actually, they’re worse. The process for presidential elections in the United States is governed by the Constitution. Primary elections, however, are not. They are controlled by the political parties themselves. In fact, until the 1820s, members of Congress chose the presidential nominee […]


Oscar odds: Favorites and longshots for Hollywood’s big night

The odds are that Leonardo DiCaprio is going home with the best actor Oscar this Sunday. The movie he starred in, “The Revenant,” is also favored to win Best Picture, according to online betting site PaddyPower.com. The thriller directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu is currently holding 8-to-15 odds to win. The 20th Century Fox film […]


McConnell: Senate won’t act on Obama Supreme Court nominee

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued his most definitive statement on Tuesday: There will be no Supreme Court nominee confirmed in President Barack Obama’s final year in office. In a sharply worded statement on the Senate floor, McConnell bluntly warned the White House that the GOP-controlled Senate would not act on anyone he chooses to […]


This German city just banned coffee pods

Sorry, Nespresso and K-Cup lovers. The German city of Hamburg has banned coffee pods from government-run buildings. In an attempt to become more environmentally friendly, the city said it will no longer spend taxpayer money on products that don’t meet its high sustainability standards. Coffee capsules, like those sold by the Nestle, Keurig and other […]


Bison to Host District IV-IX AAA Wrestling Championships; Garner Four Top Seeds

HYDE — On Saturday February 27, for the first time ever, the Arthur J. Weiss Gymnasium will host the District IV-IX AAA Wrestling Championships. Action will begin at 9:00 a.m. with the preliminary and quarterfinal rounds. The first round of consolations will immediately follow, then the semifinals and second round of wrestle-backs will begin afterwards. […]


Valeant stock drops following earnings fumble

Valeant will have to restate its earnings after it booked millions of dollars in sales at the wrong time. The pharmaceutical firm said in a statement late Monday that roughly $58 million in sales to now defunct pharmacy Philidor will have to be shifted to 2015 from 2014. This means Valeant will delay filing its […]


Will Saudi Arabia be sucked into Syria?

To understand Northern Thunder, the biggest war games exercise in the Middle East, which is taking place this month, you have to start much further north — above the Arctic Circle. So dangerous has the Syrian civil war become, and so desperate the millions of people displaced by it, that thousands are trekking, often on […]


Kalamazoo shooting suspect may have switched cars the night of rampage

Jonathan Brian Dalton, the man suspected in the weekend shooting spree in Kalamazoo, Michigan, now faces six counts of murder. But even his arraignment hearing shed no light on his motive. As the investigation proceeds, bits and pieces of information are clearing the murky picture — but not by much. Here’s the latest on what […]


The Glass Eye: Penguin Update

(NOTE – article was written on 2/19) The last time I wrote about the Pens, they were in turmoil – they were languishing in the standings, the offense was among the worst in the league, and they had just fired their coach. They have now played an equal number of games (28) under each coach […]


Egypt: Toddler sentenced to life in apparent case of mistaken identity

A 3-year-old Egyptian boy has been sentenced to life in prison for a crime he allegedly committed when he was 16-months-old. In what appears to be a bizarre case of mistaken identity, a military court last week found Ahmed Mansour Qorany Sharara — and 115 others — guilty of killing three people and sabotaging public […]


Kalamazoo suspect shot victims ‘simply because he could,’ prosecutor says

Jonathan Brian Dalton, the man suspected of the weekend shooting spree in Kalamazoo, Michigan, now faces six counts of murder. But even his arraignment hearing shed no light on his motive. As the investigation proceeds, bits and pieces of information are clearing the murky picture — but not by much. Here’s the latest on what […]


Komonczi: Visit Clearfield County to Hold Open House at New Office Location

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield County’s tourism promotion agency, Visit Clearfield County, has a new home, and the staff members are excited to introduce it to visitors to the county as well as local residents.  The office move took place on Jan. 20. The new office is located at the Save A Lot Plaza, close to Interstate […]


CASD Hears from Gearhart on CAST’s Request for Equipment at Former Middle School

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Area School Board of Directors met last night and approved various items and also heard updates and a request from the public. Gayle Gearhart, former English and theater teacher at the school, and now artistic director at Clearfield Arts Studio Theatre, spoke to the board about some equipment, which may still […]


Clearfield Borough Police Investigating Hit-and-run

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Borough Police Department is investigating a hit-and-run accident that occurred at approximately 10 p.m. Sunday on South Second Street. According to police, the suspect vehicle is believed to be a Scion XB and possibly a 2004-2006. Also, it is a dark gray or metallic black in color. The suspect vehicle was […]


Donald Trump on protester: ‘I’d like to punch him in the face’

Donald Trump said he wanted to punch a protester “in the face” after a man was escorted out of Trump’s rally Monday night. “I’d like to punch him in the face,” Trump said, remarking that a man disrupting his rally was escorted out with a smile on his face. “He’s smiling, having a good time.” […]


‘Biden rules’ cited in GOP senators’ wrangle over Supreme Court nomination

A pair of moderate Republican senators broke ranks with their party leaders Monday and said President Barack Obama’s potential Supreme Court nomination should receive a hearing. The No. 2 Senate Republican, John Cornyn, flatly disagreed with them, however, siding with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and GOP leaders have seized on a Joe Biden speech […]


Anger as Afghan troops pull out of parts of Helmand province

Afghan troops have pulled out of parts of Helmand province, the site of some of the fiercest fighting in the long battle against Taliban forces, according to an Afghan government spokesman. A senior military official said troops withdrew from the districts of Nawzad and Musa Qala over the weekend in what he called a “tactical” […]


Johnny Manziel: A timeline of the troubled NFL star

Johnny Manziel’s turbulent time with the Cleveland Browns likely is over. The quarterback is expected to be cut by the Browns when the new NFL year begins, which is March 9. After two years in the league and the latest accusation against him, Manziel’s NFL career could flame out almost as quickly as he rose […]


Donald Trump: Ted Cruz “is sick”

Donald Trump on Monday night once again ratcheted up his attacks on Sen. Ted Cruz, calling his GOP presidential rival “sick.” “This guy is sick. There’s something wrong with this guy,” Trump said Monday night as he slammed Cruz for the senator’s campaign tactics, including the attack ads Cruz and his allies have run against […]

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Экология в России и мире

Собянин сообщил о планах создания отечественной платформы электромобиля

Путин в России и мире

Передовые идеи. Что известно об Андрее Белоусове

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мечтающего по победе Киева Макаревича* проверят на экстремизм

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Бато Багдаев

Дети из Узбекского землячества Бурятии увидели театр кукол «Ульгэр»: Россия и Культура


Ирина Винер поддержала кандидатуру Михаила Дегтярева на пост министра спорта

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