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Новости за 22.02.2016


Cruz asks spokesman to resign over ‘inaccurate’ Rubio video

Ted Cruz asked his communications director Rick Tyler to resign Monday after Tyler distributed a video that falsely depicted Marco Rubio dismissing the Bible. The incident comes a day before the Nevada Republican caucuses and in the wake of accusations from rival campaigns in recent weeks about Cruz’s campaign tactics. Donald Trump has called Cruz […]


House Republicans punt release of budget

House Republicans are punting plans to roll out their budget until next month, amid continued pushback from conservatives about the blueprint, according to multiple House Republican aides familiar with the discussions. The divisions inside the House GOP conference threaten to derail the process, as Speaker Paul Ryan faces the same problem his predecessor encountered — […]


Dispatch from Nevada: The town that gold saved

Many Americans listened to the sales pitch of the nation’s most powerful conservative voices during the last recession. And then they acted: They bought and stockpiled gold. This small town roughly half way between Reno and Salt Lake City would like to thank them for that. “Without the mines, we probably wouldn’t even be here,” […]


Peter Mondavi, Napa Valley pioneer, dies at 101

Napa Valley wine pioneer Peter Mondavi, Sr., has died at the age of 101. Mondavi, whose family owns the Charles Krug Winery, “was chiefly known for inexpensive jug wine, or ‘vin ordinaire,’ as he would refer to it,” his family said. In 1943 Mondavi’s parents bought the Charles Krug Winery, which was founded by Prussian […]


Kevin McCarthy: ‘I think it’s down to a two-person race’

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Monday he thinks the Republican presidential race has become a two-man race between businessman Donald Trump, and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. “Personally, I think it’s down to a two-person race,” McCarthy said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” The California Republican went on to say Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s virtual tie […]


Partial truce in Syria possible by weekend

A truce between some — but not all — of the groups fighting inside Syria could go into effect this weekend, a Western diplomat with intimate knowledge of the talks told CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh on Monday. The cessation of hostilities is the result of talks between the United States and Russia, as co-chairs of […]


GANT Weekend Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield State police received a report about an alleged incident of criminal mischief that occurred sometime Thursday or Friday on the Clearfield – Curwensville Highway in Pike Township. During the incident, someone allegedly used a pellet or BB gun and shot at the picture window at Tibbens Auto Sales. They then allegedly […]


Ford CEO: Our ‘customers own their data’

Ford CEO Mark Fields says the data being collected by automakers about their customers’ driving belongs to those customers. Fields told CNNMoney on Monday that Ford is closely watching the court fight between Apple and the FBI over whether law enforcement should be granted access to data on a terrorist’s iPhone. “Our view as a […]


Tata’s Zica car gets a new name: Tiago

Tiago is in and Zica is out. Tata Motors announced Monday it renamed its new hatchback car Tiago after executives decided they didn’t want the former name — Zica — to remind buyers about the Zika virus. The Indian car company had to scramble to rename the car ahead of its launch. It held an […]


Cancer-causing HPV plummeted in teens since vaccine, study finds

The human papillomavirus vaccine was first recommended for adolescent girls in the United States in 2006. Since that time, the prevalence of the cancer-causing virus has been dropping among young women, according to a new study. Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention compared the rates of HPV infection in women 14 to […]


Oil investment is weakest in 30 years

The oil price crash has squeezed investment in the industry to the weakest levels in 30 years. Capital expenditure on global oil exploration and production is expected to fall 17% in 2016, following a 24% drop in 2015, according to the International Energy Agency’s medium term outlook. That will be the first time since 1986 […]


Deadly caste protests in India choke Delhi water supply

Off and on throughout India’s history, the country’s caste system has provoked violence over rights and opportunities. But this time, the caste feeling aggrieved isn’t one of the disadvantaged, but rather the relatively prosperous Jat community — and it wants to be treated like those traditionally underprivileged. The demonstrators are angry at what they see […]


My heating oil savings are paying for a Disney trip

If you had any doubt about whether lower oil prices are benefiting American households, then you probably aren’t one of the 6.5 million homeowners who use heating oil. Nationwide, the average price of heating oil has fallen to around $2 a gallon, half the price it was at in early 2014. Natural gas has dropped […]


Lumber Liquidators stock plunges as CDC raises cancer risk of flooring

Lumber Liquidators shares plunged 15% early Monday in the wake of a government report that said certain laminate flooring posed an increased cancer risk. The Centers for Disease Control issued a report on Feb. 18 that raised its estimate of the cancer risk from formaldehyde in some laminate flooring. The CDC says it could result […]


Aniston cries, ‘Will & Grace’ cast jokes on James Burrows special

Jennifer Aniston teared up. The “Will & Grace” cast cracked jokes. And everybody praised James Burrows, the man who made it possible. NBC’s “Must See TV: An All-Star Tribute to James Burrows,” which aired Sunday, was full of emotional moments — usually of laughter but sometimes of tears. “Friends” star Aniston was shown drying her […]


Michigan shooting rampage: What we know and don’t know

For seven hours, the shooter drove from one target to another, police said, gunning down victims at random. And in between the shootings, he apparently picked up passengers for Uber. As families mourn the deaths of six people in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, one question looms above all else: Why did the gunman do this? Here’s […]


Top tips from China’s richest man, Wang Jianlin

China’s richest man, Wang Jianlin, is a pretty successful guy. At 61, he’s amassed a fortune of around $30 billion by building up his giant real estate firm, Dalian Wanda. He’s now dabbling in entertainment and sports — recent investments have included the Spanish soccer club Atletico Madrid and the Hollywood film studio Legendary Entertainment. […]


Woman, 106, dances with joy at meeting Obama and the Internet goes ‘Aww’

Virginia McLaurin waited all her life to see an African-American in the White House. So, when she finally got a chance to meet President Obama, the 106-year-old woman couldn’t contain her excitement. She squealed with delight. She waved her cane in the air. And she danced — busting moves that have made her the newest […]


El Chapo’s beauty queen wife says she fears for his life

The wife of Sinaloa cartel boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman says she fears for her husband’s life and that the Mexican government is using harsh conditions to “get even” with the drug lord because his escapes made them look bad. Emma Coronel Aispuro, a former beauty queen who holds both U.S. and Mexican citizenship, made […]


Kalamazoo shooting spree: What we know and don’t know

For seven hours, the shooter drove from one target to another, police said, gunning down victims at random. And in between the shootings, he apparently picked up passengers for Uber. As families mourn the deaths of six people in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, one question looms above all else: Why? Why did the gunman do this? […]


Deadly caste protests in Haryana choke Delhi water supply

Off and on throughout India’s history, the country’s caste-system has provoked violence over rights and opportunities. But this time, the caste feeling aggrieved isn’t one of the disadvantaged, but rather the relatively prosperous Jat community — and it wants to be treated like those traditionally underprivileged. The demonstrators are angry at what they see as […]


Fiji: Death toll from Cyclone Winston reaches 20 as full scope of disaster unfolds

Workers scrambled to reach hard-hit outer islands in Fiji on Monday to fully assess the scope of the devastating cyclone that struck the Pacific Island nation over the weekend, killing at least 20 people. Tropical Cyclone Winston, which lashed Fiji on Saturday night, is the most powerful storm on record in the Southern Hemisphere, authorities […]


China: We want no more weird buildings

Chinese architecture will now officially be less weird. A statement from China’s State Council Sunday, says new guidelines on urban planning will forbid the construction of “bizarre” and “odd-shaped” buildings that are devoid of character or cultural heritage. Instead, the directive calls for buildings that are “economic, green and beautiful.” China’s economic boom over the […]


FBI director says Apple encryption demand is ‘about the victims’

FBI Director James Comey says his agency’s demand that Apple break into the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters is “about the victims and justice.” “Fourteen people were slaughtered and many more had their lives and bodies ruined,” Comey wrote in a post on the Lawfare blog late Sunday. “We owe them a […]


Brexit: Mayor of London Boris Johnson to campaign for UK to leave EU

The charismatic, Conservative mayor of London Boris Johnson has announced he’s backing calls for Britain to leave the European Union. Johnson’s support for the “Vote Leave” campaign presents a serious headache for Conservative leader and British Prime Minister David Cameron. Cameron has been pushing for Britain to stay in the EU, and only last week […]

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: 9 мая в Москве еще будет кружить снег

Путин в России и мире

Председатель Госдумы Володин: Путин спас Россию

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о мгновенном ответе Минска на любую агрессию

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Симпл из NAVI выступил на концерте Моргенштерна* с фристайлом


Ольга Солнце отметила 20-летие шоу «Дом-2» на телестройке

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