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Новости за 25.01.2016


Police: Fight possibly staged before California jail escape

A manhunt is underway in California for three inmates, including one who is accused of murder and another accused of torture, who escaped an Orange County jail Friday, authorities said. “This was a very sophisticated escape. They cut through a quarter-inch metal plate,” Orange County Sheriff’s Lt. Jeff Hallock said Monday. “They crawled through unsecured […]


First on CNN: Sanders to introduce TV ads in South Carolina this week

The Bernie Sanders campaign will introduce television ads in South Carolina later this week, state director Chris Covert told CNN. Sanders’ campaign already has television ads playing in early voting states like Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. South Carolina will be the last of the early states to hit the airwaves. The campaign has previously […]


Walter Scott lawyer flips from Clinton to Sanders

The Bernie Sanders campaign is set to announce that the lawyer for Walter Scott, the black man who was shot and killed by a South Carolina police officer last year, is changing his endorsement of Hillary Clinton to the Vermont senator. Justin T. Bamberg, a South Carolina state lawmaker and lawyer for the Scott family, […]


Will Australia ditch the Queen?

Is it time for Australia to ditch its British royal rulers? Or as chairman of the Australian Republican Movement Peter FitzSimons described the monarchy in an impassioned speech this week: “One family of aristocrats living in a palace in England.” “It is our hope and belief that sometime in the next five years, Australia can […]


Blizzard will cost up to $3 billion

The storm that hit the East Coast over the weekend likely cost businesses and residents about $2.5 billion to $3 billion. That estimate comes from Moody’s Analytics, which estimates most of the cost of the storm is from businesses that lost sales and employees that lost wages when they could not get to work. Those […]


Blizzard cleanup keeps parts of Northeast shut down

Latest developments: Millions were making their way back to work Monday after a weekend snowstorm that socked the Northeast. Here’s what you need to know: • Washington’s mayor tells residents it will be days before snow removal is over. • At least 27 people were reported dead as a result of the storm. • Pooling […]


Historic blizzard sent singles to dating apps

A lot of people were looking for hyperlocal connections during Jonas, the storm that hammered the East Coast this weekend. New York City got 27 inches of snow over the weekend — and singles were using dating apps in droves. Messaging was up 139% from the weekend prior on Happn, a dating app that matches […]


News org: Delay in Clinton email release robs voters of key information

The State Department’s proposal to delay the release the last of Hillary Clinton’s official emails until February 29 — after the initial presidential primaries — would “cause grave, incurable harm,” attorneys for VICE News and journalist Jason Leopold told a federal judge Monday. Should Judge Rudolph Contreras accept the State Department’s new proposed timetable, they […]


Broncos, Patriots had highest rated AFC championship game in 29 years

The only thing inflated in Sunday’s AFC Championship game were the ratings. CBS’s telecast of the Denver Broncos’ thrilling 20 to 18 win over the New England Patriots brought in the highest rating for an AFC Championship game in 29 years. The NFL game saw two of the league’s best quarterbacks — Peyton Manning and […]


Broncos, Patriots had highest rated AFC championship in 29 years

The only thing inflated in Sunday’s AFC Championship game were the ratings. CBS’s telecast of the Denver Broncos’ thrilling 20 to 18 win over the New England Patriots brought in the highest rating for an AFC Championship game in 29 years. The NFL game saw two of the league’s best quarterbacks — Peyton Manning and […]


Bison Are Runner-up Team at 8th Annual Bison Duals; Montoursville Cruises to Title

HYDE — Despite the treacherous weather to portions of the state on Friday in to Saturday, nine of the 13 teams slated for the 8th Annual Bison Duals were in attendance at Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School on Saturday. When three teams (Altoona, Penn Cambria, and Southern Huntingdon) were forced to pull out on Friday, […]


Oil and stocks resume their slide

It’s a new week, but the same old January jitters remain on Wall Street. Here are the four things you need to know before the opening bell rings in New York: 1. Oil and stocks resume slide: The price of oil is dropping again, which is putting pressure on U.S. stock futures and European markets. […]


Winkler Selected as Finalist in Biltmore Wine Label Design Contest

Nestled in the heart of Asheville, NC is the 8,000-acre Biltmore Estate, which was built by the Vanderbilt family between 1889 and 1895. The house remains an excellent example of architecture from the Gilded Age and is famous the world over. In recent years the estate has sponsored an art contest. The Biltmore Wine Label […]


U.S. Rep. Glenn Thompson Visits Penn State DuBois

DUBOIS – U.S. Rep. Glenn Thompson (R) visited Penn State DuBois on Friday as part of his Listening and Leading Tour. The tour, which is making 36 stops in 16 counties over a five-day period, kicks off Thompson’s campaign for re-election to Pennsylvania’s 5th Congressional District, spanning north central Pennsylvania. At Penn State DuBois, Thompson […]


Obituary Notice: Patricia J. Allen Riss

Patricia J. Allen Riss died peacefully in her home Friday, Jan. 22, 2016 in the presence of her children. She was born in DuBois on May 11, 1926, the daughter of the late Charles W. Allen and Emma Lou (Smith) Allen. On July 12, 1949, she married Lloyd F. Riss.  He preceded her in death […]


Amateur Performers Sought for Friday Night Live!

CLEARFIELD – Have you ever wanted to try “stand-up comedy?” Do your friends and family say you’re funny? Do you enjoy making people laugh? If you want to see what it’s like to be a stand-up comedian, organizers of Friday Night Live! have the opportunity for you. Friday Night Live! is an open mic, variety […]


Obituary Notice: Edith M. Kolivoski

Edith M. Kolivoski, 89, of Curwensville died Friday, Jan. 22, 2016 at the Penn Highlands Clearfield Hospital. Born Oct. 21, 1926 in Point Pleasant, NJ, she was the daughter of the late Charles H. and Delia C. Frazee Reid. Mrs. Kolivoski was a member of the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Karthaus. She was […]


Then and Now: Locust Street, Clearfield

Shown, at top, is an old-time photo of Locust Street in Clearfield. Then, shown, at bottom, is a current photo of Locust Street as captured by GANT photojournalist Steven McDole. Readers can submit their old-time photos for the GANT Then & Now project to editor@gantdaily.com or news@gantdaily.com.


Obituary Notice: Pastor David Earl Bish

Pastor David Earl Bish, 54, of Treasure Lake, DuBois, went home to be with his Lord and Savior on Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016. Born March 27, 1961 in New Kensington, he was the son of Bill and Miriam (Neal) Bish.  His mother preceded him in death; his father survives and lives in Smicksburg. On June […]


Obituary Notice: Mary K. Mains

Mary K. Mains, 80, DuBois died Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016 at her home. Born April 13, 1935 in Baltimore, Md., she was the daughter of the late Karl and Margaret (Marando) Beiser. On Aug. 1, 1953, she married William A. Mains Jr.  He preceded her in death on June 13, 2011. She retired as the […]


Denver Broncos, Carolina Panthers advance to Super Bowl 50

Peyton Manning isn’t done just yet. Now, the 39-year-old quarterback has another chance to win an NFL championship With Manning’s two touchdown passes to tight end Owen Daniels and a late escape by the Denver Broncos defense, the Broncos defeated the New England Patriots 20-18 in the AFC Championship Game at Sports Authority Field at […]


Shaq, Florida officer surprise kids with a basketball game

When Florida police officer Bobby White played street basketball with a group of neighborhood kids this month, he promised he’d return for a rematch. He showed up Saturday, this time with a full-court press. It included fellow officers and one especially large backup: 7-foot-1 Shaquille O’Neal of NBA fame. White, a Gainesville Police Department officer, […]


ExploreJefferson: Man Ejected from Vehicle After Car Goes Airborne Over Stream

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP (EYT) – A 37-year-old man was seriously injured in a crash late Sunday afternoon in Washington Township, Jefferson County. DuBois-based state police say the accident happened around 4:35 p.m. on Airport Road (state Route 830), just west of Anderson Drive. According to state police, 37-year-old James R. Horner of Falls Creek was traveling westbound on […]


In age of ISIS, will you lose web freedoms of Arab Spring?

“If you want to liberate a society, just give them the Internet,” Egyptian revolutionary and Internet executive Wael Ghonim told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer five years ago. Ghonim spoke from experience. Back then, he ran a Facebook page that served as an information hub for the protesters who brought down the regime of dictator Hosni Mubarak […]


ISIS releases new video of Paris attackers

ISIS has released a gruesome new propaganda video that purports to show final messages from the Paris attackers. The terror group has claimed responsibility for the November attack, which left 130 people dead. The roughly 18-minute tape starts with a montage of various news outlets reporting on the Paris attacks. It is highly produced and […]

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Экология в России и мире

РЭО выступит информационным партнером фестиваля Eco Friendly Fest в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о перспективном развитии соцполитики государства

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Блинкен и Зеленский обсудят ситуацию на фронте и обязательства США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Модель Оксана Самойлова и рэпер Джиган снялись в туристическом аббатстве во Франции


Семак подпишет новый контракт с "Зенитом" 25 мая

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