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Новости за 18.01.2016


Swedish doctor charged with drugging, kidnapping, raping woman

A Swedish doctor has been charged with drugging, raping and kidnapping a woman he allegedly imprisoned for six days in a windowless cement bunker, Stockholm’s chief prosecutor says. The doctor told police the reason he built the sound-proofed bunker was because “he wanted to have a girlfriend,” Stockholm chief prosecutor Peter Claeson told CNN. Horrific […]


Trump cites ‘Two Corinthians,’ sparks laughter at Liberty

Donald Trump tripped over himself on Monday as he attempted to quote from the Bible to connect with the crowd of students at one of the most prominent Christian universities in the country. “Two Corinthians, 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame,” Trump said, drawing laughter from the crowd of students at Liberty University, who knew Trump […]


Avalanche kills 5 soldiers on military exercise

Five soldiers were killed in an avalanche Monday while taking part in military training in the French Alps, a representative of the prefecture of Savoy told CNN. Four other soldiers were injured when they were swept away, and two are being treated for hypothermia. All of the victims are from southeast France’s 2nd Foreign Engineer […]


Hundreds may be dead after ISIS abductions in Deir Ezzor

The city of Deir Ezzor in northern Syria has seen more than its share of conflict and suffering since the Syrian insurgency began. But the last few days have seen unprecedented horror, including suicide bombings, mass abductions and arbitrary killings, according to human rights activists. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported Sunday that at […]


Chris Christie: Marco Rubio ‘still learning where the men’s room is in the senate’

While trying to gain ground in New Hampshire, Chris Christie continued to take shots at Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, calling him “a first term senator who’s still learning where the men’s room is in the Senate.” The New Jersey governor appeared on Fox News on Monday and discussed the ongoing feud between the Republican primary […]


Slack CEO: It’s shameful that there had to be a ‘civil rights movement’

Talk about leading by example. Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield penned a heartfelt message to employees about why the company’s San Francisco office is closed on Monday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. “Dr. King accomplished much individually, but it is fitting to think not only of him, but also of the millions of others, and of […]


Health effects of artificial sweeteners: Where do we stand?

Sugar — how can something so good be bad for us? Actually, it’s not, if you keep to the newest dietary guidelines recently announced by the USDA: only 10 teaspoons of sugar a day for the average person. Unfortunately, that equals just one 16-ounce bottle of regular soda. Most Americans eat much more sugar than […]


European firms already making Iran deals

Iran is open for business, and European firms are already moving in. “We plan to quickly resume our [truck] business activities in the market there,” Wolfgang Bernhard of Germany’s automaker Daimler said Monday. Europe removed many of its economic sanctions on Iran Saturday after the Atomic Energy Agency announced Iran has complied with a deal […]


Cuban migrant crisis spells trouble for Marco Rubio

The Cubans are coming — and the timing couldn’t be worse for Marco Rubio. As the Florida senator tries to fend off attacks from left and right about his stance on immigration, about 8,000 Cuban migrants are making their way to the United States’ southern border, with the first dozens recently reaching the Texas border. […]


Will Netflix top 75 million subscribers? It better

75 million subscribers. That’s the number Netflix probably needs to report on Tuesday to keep investors happy. Netflix will release its fourth quarter results after the closing bell on Tuesday. But let’s cut all the pretense. Nobody is really going to care about Netflix’s revenues or profits. This is a stock that lives and dies […]


Deal may keep horse-drawn carriages in New York

Looks like horse-drawn carriages may remain in New York after all, but only in Central Park. That’s the result of a deal announced Sunday between New York City and the horse carriage industry. The proposed deal, which still must be approved by the city council, restricts operation of horse-drawn carriages to just Central Park by […]


Former Pakistani president acquitted of murder

Pakistan’s former president Pervez Musharraf and two other former officials have been acquitted by an anti-terrorism court in the killing of a Baloch nationalist leader. Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, a popular tribal leader in the volatile province of Balochistan, was killed by security forces in Balochistan’s Kohlu district in 2006. Bugti’s son, Jamil Bugti, accused […]


Fultz Will Stand Trial for Allegedly Giving Beer to Minors, Intimidating Witness

DUBOIS – A DuBois woman will stand trial for allegedly giving beer to minors and offering to pay one of them to withhold information from police. Stephanie Marie Fultz, 31, 42 W. Scribner Ave., DuBois, currently an inmate of state prison, was charged by DuBois City police with a felony count of intimidation of witness, […]


Teens Accused in Camp Party Assault Case Waive Hearings

DUBOIS – Two Reynoldsville teens accused of assaulting people at a camp party waived their rights to preliminary hearings Friday during centralized court at District Judge Patrick Ford’s office in DuBois. Dylan Michael Tapper, 19, 357 S. 14th St., Reynoldsville, and Darren Mark Foradori, 18, 501 Jackson St., Reynoldsville, are both charged with two counts […]


CCAAA Inc. Volunteer Program to Sponsor Sock it to Me Campaign

CLEARFIELD – You can help others put their best foot forward. The CCAAA Inc. Volunteer Program will kick off its 13th annual “Sock it Me” campaign on Jan. 20. Over the past years, they have collected 1,000’s of pairs of new socks for men, women and children, which are distributed through the local sneaker closets, […]


Conservation District Holding Annual Tree sale

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Conservation District is now accepting orders as part of its annual tree sale to help fund its conservation education programs. The CCCD offers a wide variety of evergreen and deciduous tree seedlings, fruit trees, blueberry bushes, mountain laurel bushes and azaleas. CCCD staff members encourage planting trees and shrubs not […]


Obituary Notice: Kathryn L. Murdock

Kathryn L. Murdock, 87, of DuBois died Friday, Jan. 15, 2016 at Christ the King Manor. Born Aug. 24, 1928 in Reynoldsville, she was the daughter of the late Eugene and Nell (O’Donnell) Nocerini. She retired from the Chrysler Corp. in Detroit, Mich., after many years of service. She was a past member of the […]


Obituary Notice: Marylouise Moskel ‘Tiny’ Pittman

Marylouise Moskel ‘Tiny’ Pittman, 66, of Albuquerque, NM and formerly of Clearfield, died in Panama City, Fla. She was born March 20, 1949 in Clearfield, a daughter of the late Wasco Moskel and Wanita Wilson and step-father, William Wilson. She attended the Clearfield Area High School and had earned her GED. She held a real […]


Fierce battles for strategic Syrian city reportedly leave hundreds dead

The city of Deir Ezzor in northern Syria has seen more than its share of conflict and suffering since the Syrian insurgency began. But the last few days have seen unprecedented horror, according to human rights activists, with suicide bombings, mass abductions and arbitrary killings. Most of the city has been controlled by ISIS for […]


Democratic debate: Clinton, Sanders clash on guns

The final Democratic presidential debate before voting begins quickly turned personal Sunday as Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton traded barbs on gun control and health care. Clinton slammed Sanders for voting “with the NRA, with the gun lobby numerous times,” and reeled off a list of occasions when she said the Vermont senator sided with […]


Democratic debate: Clinton, Sanders clash

Democratic presidential candidates are meeting Sunday for their final debate before voting begins next month as a polling surge by Bernie Sanders hands him a realistic chance to beat front-runner Hillary Clinton in the first two nominating states. The clash has the potential to be more contentious and personal than the previous three Democratic debates, […]


Hours before debate, Sanders releases Medicare-for-all plan

Bernie Sanders released his Medicare-for-all health care plan Sunday, detailing how he’d implement a decades-old liberal dream just two hours before Democrats start their final debate before the February 1 Iowa caucuses. The Vermont senator’s plan would funnel all Americans into a government-run health insurance program similar to the Medicare program that already covers senior […]


Democratic debate: Clinton, Sanders poised to clash

Democratic presidential candidates are meeting Sunday for their final debate before voting begins next month as a polling surge by Bernie Sanders hands him a realistic chance to beat front-runner Hillary Clinton in the first two nominating states. The clash has the potential to be more contentious and personal than the previous three Democratic debates, […]


Asian stock markets start week with a drop

Stock markets are off to another bad start to the week. Amid plunging oil prices and worries over the state of China’s slowing economy, Asian indexes fell in morning trade Monday. The Shanghai Composite dipped 1.8%, the Hang Seng in Hong Kong shed 1.2%, and Japan’s Nikkei lost 1.7%. Oil is coming under further pressure […]


Iranian prisoners released in swap: Who are they?

A group of Iranians was released from U.S. prisons on Sunday as part of a swap with the Middle Eastern nation, with President Barack Obama describing the move as a “one-time gesture.” Like the Americans who’ve now been freed from prison in Iran, secret negotiations won them freedom, and some of them had spent years […]

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время в пути от Москвы до курортов Черного моря

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Алла Пугачёва

Гитарист Пугачевой рассказал о проблемах со здоровьем певицы после Чернобыля


Появились кадры пожара в детской поликлинике на Бульваре Рокоссовского

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