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Новости за 20.01.2016


The cheapest gas in America is at this station…

There’s a gas station in Ohio pumping gas for $1.21 a gallon. That is the cheapest gas in America, according to data collected from customers by GasBuddy.com. It’s offered at a United Dairy Farmers in the town of Galloway, about a 15 minute drive southwest of Columbus, Ohio. The station’s manager, Michael, who declined to […]


India primed for 9% growth, says finance minister

India is the fastest growing major economy in the world, but its finance minister thinks the country could do even better. “Fastest is still not good enough for India,” said Arun Jaitley at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. He forecast that India’s economy could grow by as much as 9% a year, given […]


Space Shuttle Challenger Fast Facts

Here’s a look at what you need to know about the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. Facts: Seven crew members died in the explosion, including Christa McAuliffe, who would have been the first teacher in space. The explosion was a result of a rocket booster failure which ignited the fuel tank. Some of the objectives […]


Flint resident on water crisis: ‘We’ve lost public trust’

If Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder thought he’d calm fears and win over residents when he addressed the water crisis in Flint, he was wrong. “I want Gov. Snyder to solve the problem and basically get up out of office,” longtime Flint resident Tomeko Hornaday told CNN, echoing the sentiments of many of the governor’s critics. […]


Facebook makes an app that can bypass China’s censors

A tweak that Facebook made to its Android app will allow mobile customers in restricted places like China and Iran to connect to the social network. It’s a big step forward for human rights activists — and it could greatly expand Facebook’s reach into countries where its services are banned. China and Iran have a […]


Some fairy tales go back thousands of years, study says

Read “Jack and the Beanstalk” to your kids this evening, and you are probably putting them in touch with human sentiments that are thousands of years old. Same goes if you read them “Beauty and the Beast,” or maybe “Rumpelstiltskin.” A new study has found that classic fairy tales may be “much older than previously […]


At least 19 killed in attack on Bacha Khan University in Pakistan

Militants raided a university in northwest Pakistan Wednesday, timing their attack to a ceremony at the school to ensure maximum casualties. They slaughtered at least 19 people, authorities said. The scent of burning metal hung in the air a few hours after the attack as a CNN crew made its way through the building where […]


Lynch: Obama’s executive actions on guns are lawful

President Barack Obama’s recent executive actions on gun control laws are “well within existing legal authorities,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Wednesday. The measures, intended to curb violence by clarifying existing laws to enhance compliance and strengthen background checks to keep guns out of the wrong hands, are “consistent with the Constitution as interpreted by […]


U.S. forces can now pursue ISIS in Afghanistan

The Pentagon has now been granted new legal authority allowing the military go on the offensive against ISIS in Afghanistan. When the State Department announced the designation of ISIS in Afghanistan and Pakistan as a Foreign Terrorist Organization last week, it led to a change in the rules of engagement for U.S. forces, according to […]


Iran: We can work with Saudi Arabia

Iran is ready to talk to Saudi Arabia — or at least so it says. Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif said his country has “always been open to a dialogue” with the Saudis. “It takes two to tango, as they say,” he said at the World Economic Forum in Davos. “I believe our Saudi neighbors […]


New attack submarine named

The Navy unveiled the name of its newest Virginia-Class submarine Tuesday — the USS Utah. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus made the announcement during a ship-naming ceremony in Salt Lake City. Along with the ability to attack onshore targets with Tomahawk cruise missile, Virginia-class attack submarines conduct long-term surveillance of land areas and are used in […]


CNN to hold Iowa Democratic town hall

The Democratic presidential hopefuls will face voters in a CNN town hall on Monday in Des Moines — one week before the highly anticipated Iowa caucuses. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders will field questions from Iowa Democrats in this prime-time event hosted by the […]


Ball Control And Confidence Lead Lady Bison Past Huntingdon

HYDE — A mere 24 hours earlier, the Lady Bison of Clearfield were trying to get a grasp on how close they came to having back-to-back victories for the first time all season.  Only two points short of sending the game into overtime, the long bus ride home felt like an eternity. The one thing […]


Lady Tide Have Rough, Cold Road Trip, Lose To Ridgway 61-27

RIDGWAY – The Curwensville Area High School girls basketball squad traveled to Ridgway on Tuesday night, a very cold Tuesday night, and were beaten by the Lady Elkers 61-27. It was the second time this season that Ridgway beat the Lady Tide. The first time was on December 21, 47-28, at Curwensville. Ridgway had […]


Golden Tide Defeated 66-25 by Elkers

CURWENSVILLE — The Curwensville Area High School boys basketball team kept twice-beaten Ridgway in their sights for most of the first quarter, but a scoreless second period sent the Golden Tide spiraling to a 66-25 defeat in Patton Hall Tuesday night. All five starters had points, including a three-pointer by Curtis Linsenbigler, as the hosts […]


US stocks set for rough day amid oil crash

Welcome to red Wednesday, brought to you by crashing oil prices. Investors were seeing red in Tokyo, where the Nikkei has entered bear market territory. There was more red in Europe, where commodity shares are suffering. In oil markets, too, prices are falling. U.S. stock futures are also sharply lower. Here are the five things […]


New attack submarine commissioned

The Navy unveiled the name of its newest Virginia-Class submarine Tuesday — the USS Utah. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus made the announcement during a ship-naming ceremony in Salt Lake City. Along with the ability to attack onshore targets with Tomahawk cruise missile, Virginia-class attack submarines conduct long-term surveillance of land areas and are used in […]


Trump and Sanders using anger against big money to build their movements

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders may have little in common on policy, but they have one message that has fired up both their respective bases: The system is rigged and I’m the only one who’s not in the pockets of big-money donors. Good government crusaders who have long sought champions for getting big money out […]


Against 2016 backdrop, Senate to vote on Syrian refugees

In a significant vote Wednesday that has both national security and 2016 campaign ramifications, senators will decide whether to take up a controversial bill that would curb the flow of Syrian and Iraqi refugees to the United States in order to prevent terrorists from slipping in. Concern about the refugees is a dominant political issue […]


Airlines charged more in UK despite falling oil prices

Falling oil prices do not always translate into lower airfares. Airfares for passengers flying in and out of Britain jumped 46% from November to December, the Office of National Statistics revealed in its inflation report for 2015. The monthly increase was the largest since 2002, and considerably higher than the 19% jump over the same […]


Investigators think tennis officials ignored evidence of match fixing, report says

Investigators who looked into suspicious betting patterns on professional tennis matches feel strong evidence they found was ignored, the BBC and BuzzFeed reported. After a nine-month inquiry that began in 2007, the investigators turned over their report to officials from the Association of Tennis Professionals. One of the investigators, Mark Phillips, told the BBC: “The […]


Asian stocks plummet as oil drops below $28 a barrel

Asian stocks fell sharply Wednesday as oil sank below $28 a barrel to its lowest level in more than 12 years. The Hang Seng in Hong Kong plunged 3.8%, while Japan’s Nikkei lost 3%. The crash in crude oil prices keeps getting worse, heightening concerns about the health of the world economy. Oil in the […]


Detroit schools crisis: Fixes needed now, governor says; more sick-outs set

Detroit’s schools are in a crisis and the “time to act is now,” Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder said Tuesday night in his State of the State address. “The Detroit schools are in need of a transformational change,” he told lawmakers. “… Not all Detroit students are gaining the education they deserve.” The Republican governor says […]


Search suspended for Marines missing in Hawaii helicopter crash

The U.S. Coast Guard will suspend the search for 12 Marines who went missing when the two helicopters carrying them apparently crashed off the coast of Hawaii. No survivors have been found nor bodies reported recovered. “A decision to suspend searching without finding survivors is extremely difficult given the depth of its impact. … Our […]


Oscar-winning star of anti-dolphin hunt documentary Ric O’Barry held in Tokyo

The animal-rights activist and star of the “The Cove,” which highlighted Japan’s controversial annual dolphin slaughter in the town of Taiji, has been detained at Tokyo’s Narita International Airport, his lawyer says. Takashi Takano told CNN that Ric O’Barry has been detained in a deportees’ facility at the airport on Monday and that he had […]

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Экология в России и мире

Ежемесячную денежную выплату получают более 1,6 млн пострадавших от радиации

Путин в России и мире

Aurus Путина получил обновленный дизайн: новая версия авто представлена журналистом Павлом Зарубиным

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Анастасия Волочкова

Кудрявцева отправила сообщение Волочковой с призывом бросить пить алкоголь


Мария Багреева: Москва провела 50 тыс. закупок у МСП на портале поставщиков

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