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Новости за 23.01.2016


Motorists stranded on Pennsylvania Turnpike

Motorists who’d been stuck on I-75 in Kentucky finally got to roll again Saturday, but people were still stranded on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Claire Jackson, 17, told CNN on Saturday morning that her bus had been at an “absolute standstill” on the turnpike since 8 p.m. Friday. “I just see cars,” said Jackson, who was […]


Trump: I could ‘shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters’

Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street. “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” Trump said at a campaign rally here. After the event, Trump declined to […]


Trump asks if he should sue Cruz ‘just for fun’

Donald Trump on Saturday floated the idea of suing his presidential rival Sen. Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada, over his eligibility to run for president. “Should I do it just for fun?” Trump asked at a campaign rally here. “It’s so nasty though,” Trump added. “Ugh, I’m so good at that stuff.” Trump […]


Panda, others find major winter storm bearable

As a major blizzard blankets the Northeast and parts of the South, people caught in the storm are trying to make the best of a snowy situation. Those who did not get stranded on roads woke up on Saturday to piles of snow. Many got a day off from work, including the pandas at the […]


Blizzard strikes East Coast; 30 inches possible in New York

A massive winter storm clobbered the eastern United States on Saturday and in some places appeared poised to dump more snow than expected — including up to 30 inches in downstate New York and up to 4 feet in Maryland and West Virginia, officials and forecasters said. With snow falling as fast as 3 inches […]


Patriot pandering? 2016 hopefuls show support for football team at New Hampshire confab

As the New Hampshire Republican primary looms, many attendees at a GOP gathering in Nashua on Saturday had their minds on a contest coming up even sooner: The AFC title game on Sunday featuring the New England Patriots and the Denver Broncos. And presidential candidates Marco Rubio and John Kasich, who were campaigning in the […]


Bloomberg seriously considering White House bid

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is seriously considering a possible independent presidential run and is looking at making a decision sometime in March, two sources familiar with Bloomberg’s thinking told CNN on Saturday. One source said aides to the three-term mayor are looking at ballot access issues, but the source refused to speak […]


Trump says he could shoot people and still wouldn’t lose voters

Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street. “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” Trump said at a campaign rally here. After the event, Trump declined to […]


Dov Charney wants American Apparel back

American Apparel founder Dov Charney, who was fired from his own company two years ago, is trying to win it back. Charney has been in federal bankruptcy court as American Apparel moves through its Chapter 11 proceedings. American Apparel filed for court protection from its creditors in October, hoping to restructure and turn the store […]


Chinese President bolsters ties with Iran on his first Mideast tour

Chinese President Xi Jinping capped a three-nation tour of the Mideast by blessing sweeping agreements with Iran on regional politics, nuclear energy, trade and military communication, officials said Saturday. Iran was the final stop of Xi’s itinerary that earlier included Egypt and Saudi Arabia. He arrived in Iran on Friday to cement better relations, the […]


Relax. We are not heading for a global meltdown

Yes, the global economy is facing a dangerous cocktail of risks. But there is room for optimism too. Slowing China, rising U.S. interest rates, crashing commodity prices, and jittery emerging markets could all tip the world into a painful economic chaos. But leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos say that if handled properly, […]


Bronze Age village yields ancestral secrets

“It feels almost rude to be intruding. It doesn’t feel like archeology any more. It feels like somebody’s house has burned down and we’re going in and picking over their goods,” Mark Knight says. Knight is the director of a remarkable project: the excavation of the best-preserved Bronze Age village ever found in Britain. Lost […]


PennDOT Reduces Speed Limit on Interstate 80 in North Central PA

CLEARFIELD – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has temporarily reduced the speed limit on Interstate 80 in Clinton, Centre, and Clearfield counties. This speed reduction is in addition to the reduction already in place for Route 322 in Mifflin and Juniata counties. PennDOT is urging motorists to avoid unnecessary travel but those who must head out […]


Lady Bison Fight Back Multiple Times To Achieve Win over Bellefonte

HYDE — When the Lady Bison of Clearfield took to the court of the Bison Gym on Friday night, they had momentum.  Having won three of their last four games, the squad could feel things heading their way.  Communication, execution, and perseverance defined what they have done all season.  Taking to the court in their […]


Frigid Golden Tide Topped By Brockway 56-27

BROCKWAY – Although the forthcoming “Snow of the Century” had yet hit outside or inside the Brockway Area High School gymnasium, it was still frigid. At least for the Curwensville boys basketball team. Scoring just 27 points, only 10 in the second half , the Golden Tide were defeated by the Rovers 56-27. Tide […]


Third Quarter Key as Lady Rovers Top Lady Tide 42-32

CURWENSVILLE — Most, if not all, coaches will stress to their athletes how crucial the first few minutes of the second half can be, especially in a tight game. The Curwensville Area High School girls basketball team paid to learn that lesson with a loss to Allegheny Mountain League South Division rival Brockway in Patton […]


Blizzard strikes East Coast; motorists stranded for hours in Kentucky

A massive winter storm clobbered a huge swath of the eastern United States on Saturday, pounding cities from Washington to New York with snow and stranding hundreds of motorists from Kentucky to Pennsylvania on icy interstates. Up to 85 million people are in the storm’s path. Officials in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast — much of […]


Nigel Sears, coach and Andy Murray’s father-in-law, collapses at Australian Open

Andy Murray’s father-in-law, Nigel Sears, collapsed at the Australian Open on Saturday, prompting a stoppage in play at the year’s first major. Sears was coaching Ana Ivanovic on Rod Laver Arena as she faced American Madison Keys in the night session but proceedings came to a halt when the 58-year-old collapsed with Ivanovic leading 6-4 […]


Borough Tax Collector May Have Job Conflict

CLEARFIELD – Kathy Miller asked for an audience with the borough council at Thursday night’s meeting to determine the status of her position as Clearfield Borough Tax Collector. Miller said she had not heard anything at all and hoped she might get some answers from council at the meeting. Borough Solicitor F. Cortez “Chip” Bell […]


Kansas lawmaker prohibits women from testifying in skimpy clothes

Three years ago, a Kansas lawmaker imposed a dress code on women testifying before a state committee: no low-cut tops, no miniskirts. This week, it made news and raised some hackles. But Republican state Sen. Mitch Holmes defended his choice. Holmes wrote an 11-point guideline for the Senate Ethics and Elections Committee, which he chairs. […]


Canada shooting: Four killed in Saskatchewan school; suspect arrested

Police arrested a suspect in a shooting that left four people dead in a small town in northern Saskatchewan, Canadian authorities said. A call came in Friday afternoon about a shooting at a school in La Loche, said Maureen Levy, chief superintendent of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Officers went to the La Loche Community […]


Cinnamon Swirl Apple Pie

My kids love anything with apple and cinnamon. This scrumptious apple pie is loaded with cinnamon, and refrigerated cinnamon rolls add an easy crust. —Barbara Curran, Lebanon, New Jersey View the recipe at TasteofHome.com >>


Flint hospital reports finding Legionnaires’ bacteria in water

A hospital in Flint, Michigan, reported Friday that low levels of Legionnaires’ disease bacteria were discovered in its water system. The discovery came after the city switched its water supply and the medical staff noticed an increase in people coming in for treatment who were diagnosed with Legionnaires,’ McLaren Hospital said. Legionnaires’ disease is a […]


Au revoir and shalom: Jews leave France in record numbers

Yoav Krief remembers the day he knew it was time to move to Israel: January 9, 2015. It was a Friday. Four Jews had just been killed in the Hyper Cacher, a kosher supermarket in Paris, two days after the Charlie Hebdo attack. One of them was Krief’s friend. “I was not good, really not […]


Trump: Cruz ‘could be Canadian prime minister’

Donald Trump has a fallback option for his main GOP opponent, Ted Cruz, in case the Texas senator comes up short in his bid to capture the Republican nomination for president of the United States: become Canada’s prime minister. At least that’s what the GOP front-runner tweeted Friday night in his latest swipe at his […]

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Изменение климата обойдется человечеству в 35 трлн долларов в год

Путин в России и мире

Что действительно говорил В. Путин о Нагорном Карабахе?

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Ольга Бузова перепела песню "Show Must Go On" группы Queen


Актриса Галина Давыдова ушла из жизни в 48 лет

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