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Новости за 24.07.2018


Kim Kardashian gave her brother's ex Adrienne Bailon a shout-out while watching 'The Cheetah Girls' with North West: 'This could have been her auntie'

Valerie Macon/Getty Images

  • Kim Kardashian West revealed that her 5-year-old daughter North has a "new obsession" with the Disney Channel original movie "The Cheetah Girls."
  • This is particularly amazing because one of the film's main actresses, Adrienne Bailon, dated Kim's brother Rob Kardashian.
  • "Should I break the news to North that this could [have] been her auntie?!?!?!" Kim wrote in her Instagram story.

According to Kim Kardashian West, her... Читать дальше...


300 Flüge abgesagt: Flugbegleiter streiken bei Ryanair

Wegen eines Flugbegleiterstreiks in mehreren Ländern hat der Billigflieger Ryanair für diesen Mittwoch europaweit 300 Flüge abgesagt. Betroffen sind auch mehrere Verbindungen von und nach Deutschland, wie eine Flughafen-Umfrage der Deutschen Presse-Agentur ergeben hat. Gestreikt wird bis einschließlich Donnerstag an den Ryanair-Basen in Spanien, Portugal und Belgien.

Читать дальше...


A Costa Rican company just went public and is set to disrupt an outdated breast implant industry (ESTA)

Spencer Platt/Getty

  • Costa Rica-based company Establishment Labs, the maker of Motiva breast implants, went public last week.
  • It was the first IPO for the aesthetics sector in 2018, and the first breast aesthetics public offering in more than three years.
  • The company is trying to disrupt an industry dominated by just three players: J&J, Allergan, and Sientra.
  • The funding from the initial public offering will help the company advance through FDA clinical trials. Читать дальше...


20 NFL players who lost a ton of weight in retirement and how they did it

NFL Network

Former Cleveland Browns All-Pro left tackle Joe Thomas is the latest retired football player to lose a ton of weight, dropping 50 pounds in the first nine months of his retirement.

While many former athletes struggle with weight gain after their careers, some lose a ton of weight, and in many cases, are now nearly unrecognizable.

One common theme among many of these players is the position they played. Most of the players below were offensive linemen, suggesting... Читать дальше...


Ivanka Trump's controversial fashion company is shutting down

Andrew Harnik/Shutterstock

  • Ivanka Trump's fashion line is shutting down, with employees being alerted of the closure on Tuesday. 
  • The first daughter said in a statement: "My focus for the foreseeable future will be the work I am doing here in Washington." 
  • The fashion company has faced boycotts since President Donald Trump's campaign began, with backlash continuing into the Trump presidency.

Ivanka Trump's controversial fashion brand is shutting down. Читать дальше...


'There is no intention of spinning out Oath': Verizon affirms its commitment to its digital media business following reports CEO Tim Armstrong was considering a buyout

Scott Olson/Getty Images

  • Verizon explicitly rejected claims it would spin out its digital media business Oath on its second quarter earnings call.
  • Recently, advertisers have expressed doubt that Oath will be able to compete with Facebook and Google.
  • Outgoing CEO Lowell McAdam said Oath is on schedule with its planned integration.

Verizon is standing behind Oath.

On its second quarter earnings call it issued its most explicit repudiation to date... Читать дальше...


A former Wall Street CEO says the secret to negotiating is having no secrets

Noam Galai/Getty Images

  • Success in a negotiation means both parties winning and maintaining the relationship, according to Ellevest CEO and former Wall Street exec Sallie Krawcheck.
  • Krawcheck said her approach to negotiations is to be as transparent as possible about her goals.
  • That's because she said it cuts through the "macho, 'I want to win'" culture of negotiations.

The latest installment in the #AskSallie series on Instagram features Sallie Krawcheck... Читать дальше...


Google's Diane Greene announced a major win over Amazon: Target is using Google's cloud (GOOG, GOOGL)

Google/Business Insider screen capture

  • Google Cloud Platform CEO Diane Greene has officially announced that Target is a customer.
  • This is the kind of large company that Google's cloud needs to sign to show that it's a player.
  • It's also a kick in the shins from Google at the cloud computing leader, Amazon Web Services.

Google Cloud chief, Diane Greene announced Monday at Google's Next 2018 conference that Target, one of the country's largest retailers, is using Google Cloud Platform. Читать дальше...


This self-made billionaire built her fortune after fleeing communism in Romania in the 80s and building a salon beloved by Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian

Frazer Harrison/Getty

  • Anastasia Soare immigrated to Los Angeles in 1989 to escape the hardships of Romania's Communist government.
  • She worked as an aesthetician at a salon and quickly realized that no one was paying attention to eyebrows.
  • She used a mathematical principle, called the golden ratio, as her framework to shape eyebrows based on people's bone structure and natural eyebrow shape.
  • In 1992, Soare started her own grooming business in Beverly Hills... Читать дальше...


Bitcoin 101: Your essential guide to cryptocurrency

Thomson Reuters

Bitcoin is everywhere.

The cryptocurrency is seemingly in the news every day as investors and businesses try to understand the future of this digital finance.

But what is Bitcoin all about?See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:

  • China's EV industry will produce more losers than winners
  • Tariff threat grows to $500 billion
  • TV networks secure higher upfront ad prices


This is the Patriot missile defense system that Israel just used to shoot down a Syrian warplane

Screenshot via Twitter/Rosie Perper

Israel's military said on Tuesday that it fired two US-made Patriot missiles at and "intercepted" a Syrian Sukhoi fighter that entered its airspace.

The plane crashed in Syria near the country's border zone with Israel, and the fate of the pilot is unknown, according to The New York Times. The Syrian jet is thought to be a Russian-made Su-24 or Su-22.

Israel and Syria have a border dispute in the Golan Heights and have squared off in aerial combat before... Читать дальше...


Trump claims Russia will try to help Democrats in upcoming elections because 'no President has been tougher on Russia than me'

Chris McGrath/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he was concerned Russia would attempt to help Democrats in upcoming elections, claiming no president has been "tougher" on Russia than him. 
  • Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election and did so to bolster Trump's chances of winning, the US intelligence community has concluded.
  • Trump's tweet Tuesday marks another shift in his stance on Russian election interference and comes roughly a week... Читать дальше...


Ford is taking on Waymo and GM's Cruise by creating its own standalone self-driving division (F, GM, GOOGL)

Screenshot via YouTube

  • Ford announced on Tuesday that it will create a separate division to manage its self-driving efforts.
  • Ford will report second-quarter earnings on Wednesday, so CEO Jim Hackett will have an opportunity to explain investment opportunities in Ford Autonomous Vehicles LLC to Wall Street.
  • As with GM and its Cruise division, Ford Autonomous Vehicles LLC will be able to court outside investment.

Ford is making a move that's now familiar in the new-mobility world... Читать дальше...


5 iconic cities were turned into brainteasers filled with hidden objects — can you find them all?

Courtesy of Compare The Market

New York City, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, and Paris are five of the most culturally important cities in the world — they each have their own important landmarks, customs, and objects that are synonymous with their cultures.

Compare the Market created five different brainteasers, each with a cartoon depiction of each city filled with "cultural figures, cheesy tourist activities, and iconic foods/drinks from the area."

From an "I heart NY" shirt to a Buddhist monk... Читать дальше...


A prominent tech YouTuber says everyone is wrong about Apple's new Core i9 MacBook Pro controversy, and he's right — to an extent (AAPL)


  • The 2018 MacBook Pro with a Core i9 processor was initially found to perform worse than last year's model with a less powerful Core i7 processor.
  • The issue was blamed on the MacBook Pro's poor cooling design.
  • It's now been found that the Core i9 model actually performs better overall, despite insufficient cooling.
  • But the Core i9 model still doesn't reach its full potential, and those who buy them may not be getting their money's worth. 
... Читать дальше...


Trump is preparing billions in emergency aid for farmers caught up in his trade war

Pool/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump is preparing to provide billions in emergency aid for farmers who are caught up in the middle of his administration's trade battles.
  • The White House is expected to make the announcement of the $12 billion plan on Tuesday.

President Donald Trump is preparing to provide billions in emergency aid for farmers caught in the crosshairs of his administration's various burgeoning trade battles.

The White House is expected... Читать дальше...


Snap Inc. got rid of Snapcash — here's why it was a good decision for the company

Sean Gallup/Getty Images

  • Snapchat will shut down its peer-to-peer payment app, conceding to Pay Pal's Zenmo and Square's Zelle. 
  • Snapchat suffered due to competition from other peer-to-peer payment apps, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and public clashes with celebrities. 
  • Being able to transfer payments also complicated Snapchat's attempt to transition away from being labeled a sexting app as Snapcash mostly flourished in providing payment for erotic content. Читать дальше...


Victoria's Secret model Karlie Kloss is reportedly engaged to Jared Kushner's brother Joshua


  • Karlie Kloss and Joshua Kushner are reportedly engaged, according to People.
  • Kloss seemingly confirmed the news with an Instagram post.
  • The couple has been together for six years.
  • According to the outlet, Kushner proposed "a few weeks ago" while the couple was on vacation in upstate New York.
  • "They're both overjoyed and happily celebrating," a source told the outlet. "Their hearts are full and they're excited to build their... Читать дальше...


Relationship experts agree that dating apps can be useful — but not necessarily for finding love

Samuel Borges Photography /Shutterstock

  • Dating apps probably won't help you find a serious relationship, said Miami-based matchmaker Claudia Duran.
  • Duran said dating apps make you think there are infinite fish in the sea (there aren't) and give you an irresistible ego boost when you find out someone likes you.
  • Other relationship experts say dating apps are helpful precisely because they show you how many options are out there.

Talk to two people ... Читать дальше...


I have a 6-figure job and my husband stays home with the kids — here are the 10 best pieces of advice I can give you about money

Courtesy of Liz Gendreau

  • Liz Gendreau, the Chief Mom Officer, is a 38-year-old MBA who works as an IT program manager at a large company making a six-figure salary. Her husband, Todd, stays at home with their three boys, ages 14, 10, and 3.
  • She's been the primary breadwinner since shortly after they were married, over 16 years ago.
  • Personal finance has been one of her hobbies since she was a teenager.
  • She says everyone should know how to track their net worth... Читать дальше...


10 surprising facts about Queen Elizabeth's famous garden parties

Jack Taylor/Getty

  • Those lucky enough to snag an invitation should wear comfortable shoes as they might be waiting a while. The queen's trek to the Tea Tent takes 45 minutes.
  • Around 27,000 cups of tea, 20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 slices of cake are served at each garden party.

Each year the queen holds four garden parties each with more than 6,000 guests (and a menu brimming with some of her favorite foods). That may sound like a large group of people, but it is incredibly hard to snag an invite. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Греть и поливать. Во Дворце пионеров рассказали, как защитить растения от заморозков

Путин в России и мире

Политика: Эксперты назвали главные направления сотрудничества России и Узбекистана

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Стало известно, чем Лукашенко угощал Путина в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

"Он такое любит". В Киеве рассказали, как генералы обманывают Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Кристина Орбакайте

Мрачное настроение Кристины Орбакайте вызывает беспокойство: “Я молю тебя послать ангелов для защиты моей семьи”


Сергунина: Участники программы «Сделано в Москве» заработали более 110 млн. рублей с начала года

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