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Новости за 20.07.2018


7 tattoos that go deeper than the surface

See Also:

  • An artist creates blinged-out belly casts for expecting moms
  • A dad makes costumes that turns his kids into Transformers
  • An artist from New Jersey makes fluid art with a sink strainer


As Trump continues to defend his Putin bromance, Mattis just signaled the US will continue arming one of Moscow’s biggest foes

Maks Levin/Reuters

  • The Pentagon on Friday announced it's giving $200 million to Ukraine to bolster its defenses as its conflict with pro-Russian separatists rages on. 
  • This move comes as President Donald Trump continues to face backlash over a recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 
  • The conflict in Ukraine has resulted in the deaths of roughly 10,000 people, including 3,000 civilians, and displaced roughly 1.7 million. 

The Pentagon... Читать дальше...


A waitress in Georgia body-slammed a customer who groped her — and she has a message for women everywhere


  • Emelia Holden, a 21-year-old waitress, was groped by a customer while at work in Savannah, Georgia.
  • Holden grabbed the man and body-slammed him into a nearby counter, screaming “You don’t touch me, motherf----!”  
  • Police arrived and arrested the man and charged him with sexual battery.  

Emelia Holden, a waitress at Vinnie Van Go-Go’s in Savannah, Georgia fought back when a man groped her while she was working.

Surveillance footage shows Holden... Читать дальше...


10 underrated TV shows that gave rise to some of today's most popular stars


  • Hollywood's top stars had to get their start somewhere. 
  • While you may not have watched "Two Guys, A Girl And A Pizza Place," you'll definitely recognize Ryan Reynolds.
  • Here's where some of your favorite A-listers got their start. 

Everyone starts somewhere. Talented actors come from all walks of life, and each of their journeys is worth telling, considering the result. Who wouldn't want to be a famous star in movies? Well, we're here to remember... Читать дальше...


10 flight attendants reveal what they always have in their carry-ons

Wikimedia Commons

Flight attendants and crew members are packing magicians. With hectic, unpredictable schedules that often times require flying around the world and back across the span of days, they have perfected what gives even the most seasoned travelers a headache: the art packing efficiently.

"Airline crews also learn to pack QUICKLY," Patrick Smith, an airline pilot, blogger, and author of Cockpit Confidential, told INSIDER. "If I’m headed out on a six-day assignment, I... Читать дальше...


Here's how fintech is taking over the world — and what's coming next

BI Intelligence

Digital disruption is affecting every aspect of the fintech industry.

Over the past five years, fintech has established itself as a fundamental part of the global financial services ecosystem.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:

  • How fintechs are targeting small- and medium-sized businesses and pushing incumbents to fight back
  • Fintech could be bigger than ATMs, PayPal, and Bitcoin combined
  • How fintechs are upending... Читать дальше...


Here's what it looks like when special operations forces launch raids from a submarine

US Navy/Mass Comm. Specialist 1st Class Daniel Hinton

On July 12, US soldiers and sailors and foreign counterparts blew up a retired US warship roughly 60 miles north of Hawaii, bludgeoning the decommissioned USS Racine with missiles and torpedoes as a part of the Rim of the Pacific exercise, a series of drills attended by 25,000 personnel from 25 countries around the Pacific between June 27 and August 2.

A few days before, the fast-attack submarine USS Hawaii carried out a much... Читать дальше...


Krispy Kreme just bought a cookie chain with a cult following on college campuses across America. Here's what it's like to eat there.

Business Insider/Jessica Tyler

  • Krispy Kreme announced that it had acquired a majority stake in Insomnia Cookies on Friday.
  • Insomnia Cookies is now part of JAB Holdings' coffee and café empire, which includes Krispy Kreme, Panera, Au Bon Pain, and Keurig.
  • Insomnia Cookies started in 2003 and has since grown to over 135 locations, most of which are near college campuses. 
  • We visited an Insomnia Cookies location in Manhattan to see what the hype was all about. Читать дальше...


The 'F-35 changes the game,' and the US and its European allies are making big plans for it

US Air Force photo

FARNBOROUGH, England (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin's F-35 fighter jet is arriving in growing numbers in Europe, and is poised to play a much broader role in missile defense and other warfare plans than conventional fighters, according to US and European officials.

After years of technical challenges and program delays, the F-35, the world's most expensive arms program, is rapidly gaining a foothold in the United States and Europe.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH... Читать дальше...


'Sleepless, sick, and terrified': Heartbreaking testimony from immigrant children describe their experiences in border facilities

Customs and Border Protection via Associated Press

  • Immigrant children described in first-hand accounts being hungry, abused, and fearful at border facilities.
  • The testimonies are part of a long-running lawsuit over the way the government treats detained immigrant children.
  • The Justice Department has defended conditions in the facilities, pointing to a recent government report declaring the conditions meet the proper standards.

A 13-year-old girl named... Читать дальше...


Inventor Richard Browning flew an 'Iron Man' jet suit over London — and you can buy your own, too

Paramount Pictures

  • Inventor Richard Browning flew a jet suit inspired by "Iron Man" over London.
  • The jet suit can reach a speed of 32 mph and fly as high as 12,000 feet.   
  • The suit is available at Selfridges, a London department store, for £340,000 ($445,860).

Your dreams of owning Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit have finally come true.

 See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: North Korean defector: Kim Jong Un 'is a terrorist'

See... Читать дальше...


Sanctions are crippling North Korea's economy

Korea Summit Press Pool via Reuters

  • North Korea's economy saw its sharpest decline in two decades last year.
  • The United Nations tightened sanctions against the country in August.
  • The sanctions look poised to remain in place until North Korea makes moves toward denuclearization.

The North Korean economy saw its steepest decline in 20 years in 2017, according to South Korea's central bank, as the isolated country faces mounting sanctions.

Real gross domestic product in North Korea fell by 3.


Andrew Lincoln confirms he will leave 'The Walking Dead' this season

Gene Page/AMC

Andrew Lincoln has made it official.

The "Walking Dead" star has confirmed he will be leaving the AMC zombie series during season nine.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: I tried the newest BlackBerry phone for a week

See Also:

  • The first trailer for 'The Walking Dead' season 9 is here and it teases the comic's next big villain
  • 7 'Star Wars' toys every fan will want at San Diego Comic-Con
  • Every 'Star Wars' fan... Читать дальше...


A CVS pharmacist refused to fill a transgender woman's hormone prescription

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

  • A transgender woman claims that a CVS pharmacist refused to fill her hormone prescription, giving no explanation for his refusal.
  • Hilde Hall detailed her experience in a blog post for the ACLU, which has since gained traction online.
  • In her post, Hall claimed that she reached out to CVS multiple times but got no response.
  • She also wrote that she has since filed a complaint with the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy.
  • According to reports... Читать дальше...


Director James Gunn has been fired from 'Guardians of the Galaxy 3' after offensive tweets resurface

Jesse Grant/Getty

  • Disney has fired the director James Gunn from the third "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie because of old offensive tweets of his that recently resurfaced.
  • "The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James' Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio's values, and we have severed our business relationship with him," Walt Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn said in a statement. 

The "Guardians of the Galaxy" franchise... Читать дальше...


How and why the payments industry will experience massive growth over the next five years

  • The payments ecosystem is undergoing a period of digital transformation, which will spur tremendous growth in money moved around the globe in the next five years.
  • Consumers and businesses will make 841 billion noncash transactions worldwide in 2023, up from 577 billion in 2018.
  • The next five years will mark a pivotal transformation in how companies and consumers handle payments.

The impact of payments’ digital transformation is rippling around the world... Читать дальше...


How brands can leverage artificial intelligence to improve personalization, enhance ad targeting, and make marketing teams more agile - CLONE

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Artificial intelligence (AI), often used as an umbrella term to describe types of technology that can simulate human intelligence, is one of today’s hottest topics across a number of business sectors. AI techniques teach computers to parse data in a contextual manner to provide requested information... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Метеоролог Шувалов рассказал, когда в Москве закончится снег и отступят холода

Путин в России и мире

Почему в Москве принимают Пашиняна после всех его скандальных заявлений о России: Политолог назвал пять причин

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: Белоруссия реагирует на обострение обстановки вблизи границ страны

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В США прокомментировали подготовку покушения на Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Жанна Агузарова

Жанна Агузарова начала петь в подземных переходах


Ветеран Лидия Черная поделилась воспоминаниями о войне

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