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Новости за 14.07.2018


Haiti's prime minister resigns following violent protests that killed at least 7

Dieu Nalio Cherry/AP

  • Haitian Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant resigned Saturday amid widespread unrest following his failed attempt to increase fuel prices.
  • Riots erupted from July 6-8 to protest the government's attempt to raise fuel prices by up to 51%.
  • At least seven people died and dozens of businesses were looted or destroyed.

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Haitian Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant resigned Saturday amid widespread unrest following his failed attempt to increase fuel prices.


2 Georgia police officers used a coin flip app to decide whether to arrest a woman

Roswell Police Department

  • Two police officers were put on administrative leave for using a coin flip app to decide whether to arrest a driver they pulled over.
  • The driver didn't know about the coin toss until 11Alive investigators sent her body camera footage from the scene.
  • The driver said the prosecuting attorney dismissed the case against her.

Two police officers were put on administrative leave and a prosecutor dropped charges against a driver... Читать дальше...


How evolving merchant demands are pushing POS terminal providers to up their game in an increasingly competitive environment

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

The downfall of US brick-and-mortar commerce is overblown — despite sharp gains in e-commerce, which will nearly double between now and 2021, the lion’s share of purchasing continues to take place in-store. And that’s unlikely to change anytime soon, since the online environment can’t... Читать дальше...


Silicon Valley's biggest foundation shows what can go wrong when charities are obsessed with growth


  • The Silicon Valley Community Foundation formed in 2007 and has grown to be one of the largest charities in the US.
  • Reports have emerged of an extreme culture at the foundation characterized by an obsession with growth, bullying and sexual harassment, and a high employee turnover rate.
  • If the growth-above-all mentality continues to spread, it will surely erode the public's confidence in The Silicon Valley Community Foundation and nonprofits in general. Читать дальше...


How insurtechs are tackling this notoriously tricky area of insurance

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Life insurance is a fundamentally hard product to sell, as it requires people to think about their deaths and promises no immediate rewards.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


Our favorite new royal duo Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton stepped out solo together for the first time

Clive Mason/Getty Images

  • Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle attended day 12 of the Wimbledon tennis tournament together on Saturday.
  • This marked the first time Middleton and Markle stepped out for a solo trip since the royal wedding that took place in May 2018.
  • They were present to support Serena Williams, who the Duchess of Sussex is good friends with. 
  • Based on their facial expressions, Middleton and Markle had an enjoyable time.

Kate Middleton... Читать дальше...


An Adobe executive once accidentally leaked plans to the press before discussing them with the CEO — and it was the best thing to happen to the company’s productivity


  • In 2012, Adobe was a decades-old company shifting its technology into the 21st century but having a tough time retaining employees. 
  • The reason, VP of HR Donna Morris was sure, was an antiquated review process, and she had big plans to make the necessary changes — plans she shared with a reporter from the India Times.
  • The story kicked the changes into high-gear — and that same year, Adobe welcomed a new process called Check-in that decreased the number of people quitting drastically. Читать дальше...


The White House reportedly canceled John Bolton's interview with CNN after Trump attacked the network during a press conference


  • The White House canceled national security adviser John Bolton's appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," according to host Jake Tapper.
  • Tapper said Bolton was "fully prepared to do the interview" but that the White House ditched the appearance after President Donald Trump attacked a CNN reporter during a UK press conference.
  • During the exchange, CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta sought to ask Trump a question after he attacked the network, and Trump... Читать дальше...


China just slammed massive tariffs on $34 billion worth of US goods — here's what will get hit

REUTERS/Fred Dufour/Pool; Alex Wong/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump and China are engaged in a nasty trade war, with both sides hitting the other with large tariffs on a variety of goods.
  • In response to Trump's tariffs on Friday, China released a tariff list that will apply to $34 billion worth of US exports to China.
  • The list of goods affected by the tariffs includes soybeans, pork, fish, orange juice, and whiskey.
  • Here's a rundown of the major goods subject to the new tariffs. Читать дальше...


Citi is deploying robots to help the world's biggest companies collect cash from customers — boosting a key $8.5 billion business for the bank (C)

Jae C. Hong/AP

  • Citi is partnering with fintech company HighRadius to automate a key money-collection process for businesses.
  • The companies have launched Citi Smart Match, which applies artificial intelligence and machine learning to the process of matching open invoices to received payments — painstaking and costly task known as "cash application."
  • The new feature enhances Citi's crucial and highly lucrative Treasury and Trade Solutions (TTS) business, which provides... Читать дальше...


This striking chart shows how much bigger Kylie Jenner's net worth is than sister and fellow mogul Kim Kardashian West's

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

  • Forbes estimated that Kylie Jenner is worth $900 million, while her half-sister Kim Kardashian West is worth $350 million.
  • Jenner's makeup company alone is estimated to be worth $800 million.
  • Forbes said Jenner could become the youngest self-made billionaire ever in another year.
  • The chart below shows just how much more Jenner is worth than Kardashian West.

At just 20 years old, Kylie Jenner is worth over 2.5 times her half-sister Kim Kardashian West... Читать дальше...


These newlyweds transformed a grain silo into a gorgeous tiny home — and they say it’s done wonders for their relationship

Matt Winquist for Zillow

One Phoenix couple put their own spin on "tiny living" when they transformed a 366-square-foot grain silo into their home.

Among the challenges of adapting the metal structure was when the pair, Shauna Thibault, a stylist and boutique owner, and architect Christoph Kaiser, moved into the mini dwelling as newlyweds.

"It makes you confront issues more and it brings you together — there's camaraderie there that I don't think would be otherwise," Kaiser told Zillow... Читать дальше...


If you shopped at these 15 stores in the last year, your data might have been stolen

Thomson Reuters

  • At least 15 retailers were hacked and likely had information stolen from them since January 2017.
  • Many of these were caused by flaws in payment systems taken advantage of by hackers.

At least 15 separate security breaches occurred at retailers from January 2017 until now. Many of them were caused by flaws in payment systems, either online or in stores.

Data breaches are on the rise for both retailers and other businesses. According to Business Insider Intelligence... Читать дальше...


Goldman Sachs says the rest of Wall Street is underestimating Twitter's turnaround (TWTR)

Reuters / Brendan McDermid

  • Twitter's turnaround from its spam struggles and the 2016 election is going faster than Wall Street has noticed, Goldman Sachs says. 
  • The bank raised its price target to $55 — 25% above current prices.
  • Shares rose 2% following the bank's price-target increase.
  • Follow Twitter's stock price in real-time here. 

Twitter has been a tear this year — with shares soaring 82% to hit their highest price in over three years ... Читать дальше...


Trump has access to a little-used tool that could lower oil prices

Susan Walsh/AP

  • President Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed concerns about energy costs.
  • Rising gas prices could create a political headache for Republicans ahead of the midterm election.
  • Some analysts think Trump could turn to an emergency US oil reserve.


That was President Donald Trump's message to OPEC last week, adding that "gas prices are up & they are doing little to help." See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH... Читать дальше...


Inside billionaire Warren Buffett's unconventional marriage, which included an open arrangement and 3-way Christmas cards

Scott Olson / Getty Images

  • Warren Buffett married Susan Thompson in 1952.
  • She ultimately left Warren to pursue a singing career, but they remained amicably married until her death in 2004.
  • Susan also introduced her husband to Astrid Menks, who became his companion. Buffett and Menks married in 2006.

Warren Buffett has had a less-than-conventional marriage for much of his life.

While the investment guru remained married to his first wife... Читать дальше...


Here's how much the typical millennial, Gen X, and baby-boomer worker earns in every US state

Sebastiaan ter Burg/Flickr

  • Older Americans tend to have a higher income than younger Americans, and this holds in most US states and Washington, DC.
  • Business Insider found the median income for full-time, year-round workers in each state among three generational age groups: millennials, Gen Xers, and baby boomers.
  • The gap in median income between millennials and baby boomers ranged from the older generation making 25% more than millennials in DC to 91% more than millennials in Alaska. Читать дальше...


9 natural disasters that took the lives of hundreds of thousands


  • Natural disasters have taken the lives of millions of people throughout history.
  • China is home to some of the deadliest natural disasters of all time.
  • The 2004 tsunami in Indonesia killed 227,898 people.

Natural disasters claim the lives of thousands of people in the world every year.

It's hard to say which natural disaster is the most deadly. Hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes each have their own classifications, but there is no denying that they all cause major destruction... Читать дальше...


The relationship expert at one of the most popular affair websites says there are 2 distinct types of cheating among modern couples


  • Ashley Madison is a website for married people seeking affairs. Their resident relationship expert is sex therapist Tammy Nelson.
  • Nelson said there are, generally speaking, two types of affairs: those in which people want to leave their primary relationship and those in which they don't.
  • Other experts say people in the second category are sometimes more dissatisfied with themselves than they are with their primary relationship.

There... Читать дальше...


Inside the surreal capital city of Brunei, a tiny nation of unimaginable wealth where oil money pays for everything and half the population lives in a floating 'water village'

Mark Abadi

  • Brunei is tiny, but it's one of the richest countries in the world.
  • Its wealth is on full display in its capital city, Bandar Seri Begawan, where oil money pays for glittering mosques and extravagant architecture.
  • Much of the city's population lives in a floating village, where the houses, schools, and restaurants are all on stilts.

Brunei is one of the smallest countries in the world — at 2,200 square miles, it's smaller than Delaware... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Валерий Гергиев

Валерий Гергиев — о судьбе театров после объединения Мариинки и Большого


Таня Василькова и ее презентация книги «Как прожить в браке без брака»

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