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Новости за 27.05.2018


LEBRON JAMES: How the king of the NBA spends his millions

Christian Petersen/Getty Images

On the court, LeBron James has won four MVPs, three NBA championships, and is the sixth-highest-paid player in league history.

Off the court, James is equally relentless. In late 2015, James signed a lifetime endorsement deal with Nike worth more than $1 billion — a move that was so big it is more like the merger of two corporations.

As a result of his success on and off the court, James has amassed amazing cars and houses and still has time for his surprisingly ordinary family. Читать дальше...


Cape Town is running out of water — I visited and saw what the financial problems of 'Day Zero' look like on the ground

Business Insider

  • Cape Town, South Africa, is experiencing a massive drought, preparing for "Day Zero," when the city's water supply is depleted.
  • Residents are only allowed to use 50 liters of water a day, meaning toilets go unflushed, showers are under three minutes long, and agriculture is suffering.
  • I visited Cape Town, and saw how the drought is having significant societal consequences, including a weakened economy and rising inequality.

In South Africa... Читать дальше...


One area of Syria is shielded from the worst of the brutal war

Khalil Ashawi/Reuters

  • Syria has estimated 511,000 deaths since war began in 2011.
  • The Bashar al-Assad regime has gained power, and outside involvement from other countries suggests the conflict will only get worse. 
  • Yet, there's one area in Syria that remains comparatively stable — the Quneitra province and the adjacent part of  Daraa province.
  • These regions have seen significantly less fighting, extremist groups do not have the upper hand, and consistent... Читать дальше...


How banks rank on offering the features consumers say are critical for choosing a bank

BI Intellgence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. This report is exclusively available to enterprise subscribers. Check to see if your company has access. 

Banks are going to new lengths to attract and retain customers with mobile features. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


LeBron James' early-season declaration that he would stand for the national anthem reportedly had a big impact around the NBA

Andy Lyons/Getty

  • When the 2017-18 NBA season started, LeBron James said he would stand for the national anthem.
  • According to one report, the NBA league office breathed a sigh of relief because James' words carry weight in the league and other players were likely to follow his lead.
  • While commissioner Adam Silver said he expected players to stand, the NBA didn't have any players protesting during the national anthem.

At the start of the 2017-18 NBA season... Читать дальше...


A woman allegedly held captive by her boyfriend in Florida escaped with a secret note telling their vet to 'call the cops'

Volusia County Corrections

  • A Florida woman was beat and held captive by her boyfriend who threatened to kill her, according to the charging affidavit.
  • The woman convinced her boyfriend to take their dog to the vet, where she reportedly slipped a note telling a staff member to "call the cops."
  • The woman was taken to the hospital and treated for multiple injuries while her boyfriend was arrested without bail.

Some smart thinking and a trip to the veterinarian helped a woman escape her boyfriend... Читать дальше...


4 times you should never open a store credit card — and 3 times you should

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

  • According to credit experts, there are only a few times when you should consider opening a store credit card.
  • If you can earn rewards, or gain access to discounts and special sales, then you can consider opening a store credit card.
  • You should never open a store credit card if you already have several credit cards open — it can negatively affect your credit score.
  • You should also never open a store credit card if you can't afford what that retailer sells... Читать дальше...


What it was like to play Fortnite for the first time

Chental-Song Bembry

  • Fortnite is a third-person shooter video game where you battle it out with 99 other players from around the world — and the last one standing wins.
  • Over 45 million people play the game, as of May 1.
  • I decided to give the hottest game of the year a try — here’s what it was like to play Fortnite for the first time.

In March, during a speech to a group of elementary school students, I asked a boy in the audience to name a hobby he... Читать дальше...


Terry Crews explains how the X-Force joke in 'Deadpool 2' was pulled off, including shooting a scene they knew would never be in the movie

20th Century Fox

  • Terry Crews plays Bedlam, a member of X-Force, in "Deadpool 2."
  • But this version of a team of more edgy X-Men mutants doesn't last long in the movie.
  • Crews explains how the X-Force sequence in "Deadpool 2" turned out to be a huge practical joke on the audience.

Warning: MAJOR spoilers below if you haven't seen "Deadpool 2."

The birth of the X-Force was in the trailers, posters, and almost all other marketing for "Deadpool 2."See... Читать дальше...


The new breed of bank threatening to beat retail banks at their own game


This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Weighed down by a sluggish global economy, turbulent capital markets, and heavier regulation after the 2008 financial crisis, many big banks have scrimped on innovation.

In doing so, they've failed to keep up with customers' embrace of and demand for all things digital and mobile. That's opened... Читать дальше...


How 'media snacks' like HQ Trivia are transforming the workplace

  • Games like HQ Trivia and Candy Crush have grown attraction in the workplace as a welcome, brief escape from monotonous tasks at hand. 
  • Oftentimes played in teams or with co-workers, these apps can enhance camaraderie and add to the ways workers navigate the work day.
  • Some research has found that short web surfing breaks during the day have restorative benefits that improve productivity, offer stress relief, or fill downtime between projects.

When Snow White... Читать дальше...


US officials are negotiating with North Koreans in the DMZ after South Korea's president says Kim Jong Un is committed to a Trump summit and 'complete denuclearization'

South Korea Presidential Blue House/Yonhap via Associated Press

  • South Korea's president said Saturday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is committed to a US summit and "complete denuclearization."
  • South Korean President Moon Jae-in met Kim at the border on Saturday to discuss the summit, which Trump canceled this week.
  • Trump said Saturday that talks between the nations were "going along very well" and that tentatively scheduled summit would still be set for June 12 in Singapore. Читать дальше...


GOP senator calls Trump's 'so-called Spygate' a 'diversion tactic'

Evan Vucci/AP

  • Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona criticized Trump's claim of an FBI "spy" being planted in his 2016 campaign as a "diversion tactic".
  • Flake, who has not ruled out running against Donald Trump for the White House, was appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday.
  • Echoing the label Trump tweeted earlier this week, Flake said "Spygate" could be groundwork for a potential "constitutional crisis."
  • Other senators reacted to the president's unsubstantiated... Читать дальше...


George HW Bush hospitalized in Maine

Associated Press/David J. Phillips

  • Former President George HW Bush was hospitalized in Maine on Sunday.
  • Bush was previously hospitalized in January 2017 and April 2018.

(Reuters) - Former U.S. President George HW Bush, 93, was taken to a hospital in Maine on Sunday after experiencing low blood pressure and fatigue, a family spokesman said on Twitter.

Bush, the oldest living former U.S. president, will likely remain at Southern Maine Health Care for a few days for observation... Читать дальше...


Insiders say MoviePass is both a blessing and a curse to independent movie theaters (HMNY)

Business Insider

  • Though the major multiplexes say they can't stand MoviePass, independently owned movie theaters are willing to play ball.
  • Chains like Landmark Theatres and Studio Movie Grill have partnered with the app.
  • However, there are others that just tolerate MoviePass because their audiences use it.

When MoviePass announced a radical change to its business model last summer — offering monthly subscriptions for around $10 a month to see a single movie at a theater... Читать дальше...


These are the top five trends shaping the future of digital health


The healthcare industry is in a state of disruption. Digital solutions are becoming a necessary part of the new global standard of care for patients and regulation is being fast-tracked to catch up to digital health innovation.

These rapid changes will have ripple effects across the entire healthcare system, impacting incumbents and new entrants alike.

Based on our ongoing analysis, understanding of industry trends, and conversations with industry executives, Business Insider Intelligence... Читать дальше...


Ivanka Trump blasts rule she says penalizes Serena Williams at the French Open for having a baby

Clive Brunskill/Getty

  • News that Serena Williams will be unseeded at the French Open following her maternity leave has generated significant controversy.
  • Ivanka Trump joined those criticizing the decision, calling on the Women's Tennis Association to change its rules concerning maternity leave. 

The Women's Tennis Association has been generating controversy following news that Serena Williams will be unseeded at the French Open following her maternity leave ... Читать дальше...


Here's how much energy Americans used last year

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

  • A quad is a massive unit used in measuring national energy consumption.
  • The transportation sector used 28.1 quads of energy last year, which is more than a quarter of total consumption.
  • About 68% of all consumption involved rejected energy, or energy that gets wasted through various inefficiencies.

Every year, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a federal research facility funded by the Department of Energy and UC Berkeley... Читать дальше...


10 underrated, record-breaking destinations that everyone should visit


  • There are a number of spectacular travel destinations across the world that are lesser-known record-breakers. 
  • Russia is host to two such spots — Lake Baikal, the deepest lake in the world, and Kronotsky Zapovednik, the world's most remote national park. 
  • For record breaking travel, look no further than the NYC subway, which boasts more stops than any other metro system. 

As travelers, we're often drawn to the rare and extraordinary. Читать дальше...


Tom Brady was reportedly working out with his health guru, and the location looked like a resounding message to the team

Mike Ehrmann/Getty

  • Tom Brady had been working out with his trainer Alex Guerrero at the TB12 Sports Therapy Center during the Patriots' OTAs.
  • The TB12 Sports Therapy Center is located within Patriots Place, and a short walk away from Gillette Stadium, where the team is practicing.
  • Brady's decision to work out with Guerrero, who has limited access to team facilities and players, instead of the team appears to be a resounding message to the Patriots.

Tom... Читать дальше...


How actors fake cry in movies

Have you ever wondered how actors cry in movies and on television? Some of the greatest scenes in history are largely thanks to the actor's ability to conjure real tears. However, sometimes they need help. That's where the makeup department comes in. Arielle Toelke, a Local 798 Makeup Artist who works in tv and film showed us four different methods that achieve four different crying results. Following is a transcript of the video.

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Экология в России и мире

Опыт проведения Всероссийской акции «Вода России» представлен на межведомственном заседании в Ташкенте

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Ивлеева

Суд рассмотрит 25 апреля протокол на Ивлееву за дискредитацию ВС России


«Проклятье на несколько поколений»: почему нельзя желать болезни даже в шутку

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