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Новости за 25.05.2018


Macrons seltsames Schweigen bei Putin zeigt, wie schlecht es um Europa steht

Emmanuel Macron kam nach Russland und schwieg — zumindest zu den brisantesten Themen. Der französische Präsident verlor bei seinem Besuch bei Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin kein Wort zu Sergej Skripal, dem russischen Ex-Doppelagenten, dessen Vergiftung in England noch vor wenigen Wochen zur Massenausweisung russischer Diplomaten geführt hatte. Er sagte auch nichts zum Militärschlag des Westens in Syrien, der Russland erzürnt hatte. Lieber sprach Macron von „produktivem Austausch“ und „Versöhnung bei allen  europäischen Widersprüchen“. Читать дальше...


12 celebrities you didn't know were born rich

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images

Plenty of your favorite celebrities have a rags to riches story, but do you know about the ones that have gone from rich to richer? Sure, you've heard the stories about stars like Emma Roberts — whose aunt is Julia Roberts — and the infamous Barrymore family, but there are even more stars who were born into financially established families.

From parental politicians to fatherly pro athletes, here are 12 celebrities that were all about that dolla dolla bill... Читать дальше...


Google and Bing could be made to pay for showing snippets of news articles in Europe

Charles Platiau/Reuters

  • A proposal endorsed by the European Union ambassadors may make search engines like Google and Microsoft's Bing pay for showing news article clips.
  • The measure, which isn't final yet, would mean that publishers could ask search engines to pay them for showing their articles for up to one year after the article publishes.
  • The measure stems from an original proposal from the European Commission that foresaw giving publishers the option to ask search engines for payment for up to 20 years. Читать дальше...


Obama made a joke about ‘the modern presidency’ and people ‘going to jail’

  • President Barack Obama had a rule in his White House that no one would get in trouble for making a mistake as long as there wasn't "malicious intent" behind it, he said at a tech conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday.
  • Obama said this rule worked great, which is why his administration "didn't have scandals."
  • He then drove home the point by making a joke about the "modern" president and people "going to jail."  

When President Barack Obama was in office, he... Читать дальше...


7 surprising things you didn't know about North Korea


  • North Korea has a reputation for reclusivity, and is commonly called a "hermit kingdom" due to its reclusivity.
  • North Korea has one of the largest militaries in the world, employing approximately 4.7% of the total population. 
  • Drug use is rampant with an estimated 30% of North Koreans using substances ranging from marijuana to methamphetamines. 

Considering that North Korea — formally (and ironically) known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ... Читать дальше...


About 40 US soldiers held off hundreds of Russian mercenaries in a brutal firefight in Syria

Rodi Said/Reuters

  • Roughly 40 US commandos held off about 500 pro-Syrian government forces – including Russian mercenaries – in an intense firefight in early February, The New York Times reports. 
  • None of the US troops were harmed, but hundreds of the pro-Syrian government forces were killed. 
  • The firefight took place at an outpost next to a Conoco gas station in eastern Syria on February 7. 

Roughly 40 US commandos held off around 500 pro-Syrian government forces ... Читать дальше...


People are sharing their worst first date stories and they will make you laugh and cringe all at the same time


  • It's no secret that first dates can be rough, but a viral Reddit thread of horror stories might convince you to never date again. 
  • One person recalled how their date asked for advice on how to complete their tax return. 
  • Other people mentioned how they couldn't seem to get a single word in. 

First dates can be tough.

Plagued by awkward silences, rogue drink orders and cumbersome end-of-the-night fumblings, it's seldom a recipe for instant... Читать дальше...


13 food pairings to help you lose weight faster


  • There are certain foods that are much more beneficial when eaten together. 
  • For example, the vitamin C in strawberries enhances the absorption of kale’s iron content.
  • Pairing these particular foods together can not only increase your nutrient absorption but help you lose weight. 

The rule even applies to what you choose to put in your weight loss smoothies each morning. See, some ingredients work best à deux by boosting each others’ nutrient absorption or improving taste or texture. Читать дальше...


There's a real reason it's so hard to put down a pint of ice cream, and it has little to do with will power

Matt Valentine/Shutterstock

  • It turns out you're finishing the entire pint of ice cream does not come down to your lack of self-control. 
  • According to a Ben & Jerry's flavor guru, the ice cream is better as it gets warmer so each taste is better than the last. 
  • To reach optimal ice cream temperature, the flavor guru suggests taking the pint out of the freezer and popping it into the fridge for about 20 minutes.

We’ve all been there. You pick up a pint of ice cream... Читать дальше...


Former NFL offensive lineman Richie Incognito was reportedly in an 'altered, paranoid state' after being detained for throwing weights and tennis balls at a gym patron

Tom Szczerbowski/Getty Images

  • Former NFL offensive lineman Richie Incognito was taken into custody but not arrested after reportedly attacking a gym patron by throwing weights and tennis balls and verbally harassing him.
  • According to a police report, Incognito was found in an "altered, paranoid state," with erratic movements and speech and a belief the government was tracking him.
  • Incognito recently announced his retirement only to unretire weeks later.
... Читать дальше...


How to make your own wedding favors


  • Making your own wedding favors has become increasingly popular as more and more couples choose to DIY their weddings.
  • There are pros and cons to making your own wedding favors, if that’s something that you’re considering.
  • If you’re going to make your own wedding favors, these tips and tricks from experts will help you navigate the experience like a pro.

Wedding favors are fun and festive, but they’re also another potentially stressful... Читать дальше...


In two weeks, San Francisco will ban any companies renting out shared, dockless scooters unless they have a permit


  • Starting on June 4, San Francisco will ban all scooters unless they have a permit.
  • The SFMTA hopes to give out permits by the end of June, meaning that scooters will only be off the streets for a short period next month.
  • Under the new permit guidelines, five companies will be given permits for up to 500 scooters each.

Starting on June 4, San Francisco is will ban all shared, dockless e-scooters in the city unless the companies operating them have a permit. Читать дальше...


The FBI is advising people to reboot their routers after foreign cyber criminals hacked into them

Kacper Pempel/Reuters

  • The FBI is warning the public that foreign cyber criminals have compromised "hundreds of thousands" of router devices in homes and small offices around the world.
  • The FBI said the criminals used a VPNFilter malware to collect people's information and exploit their devices.
  • The criminals' motives are unknown, and the FBI is advising people to reboot their router devices.

The FBI warned on Friday that foreign cyber criminals... Читать дальше...


'Carrot hot dogs' are here for barbecue season — and people already hate them

NBCUniversal Television Distribution

  • It's Memorial Day Weekend in the US, which for many marks the beginning of summer — and perhaps more importantly — cookout season.
  • The Washington Post suggested that people add hot dog-shaped carrots to their barbecue lineup this year.
  • It did not go over well on Twitter.

It's Memorial Day Weekend in the US, which for many marks the beginning of summer — and perhaps more importantly — cookout season.

Across the country... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump says he's 'not familiar' with accusations against alleged sexual predator Harvey Weinstein

AP Photo/Evan Vucci; Steven Hirsch/New York Post via AP, Pool

  • President Donald Trump told reporters he wasn't familiar with the Harvey Weinstein case.
  • Weinstein has been accused of sexual misconduct by more than 80 women. He turned himself in to police Friday morning and is out on bail.
  • President Trump himself has been publicly accused of sexual misconduct by 19 women.

President Donald Trump told reporters today that he doesn't know much about the... Читать дальше...


Eco-friendly sunscreens may sound like a good idea, but dermatologists actually want you to avoid them

REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz

  • Hawaii is the first state to ban the sale of chemical sunscreens, which can be toxic to coral reefs and marine life.
  • The alternative to chemical sunscreens, with ingredients like oxybenzone and octinoxate, is mineral sunscreen; many consider it the greener option.
  • However, Hawaii has the highest rate of new melanoma diagnoses in the country, according to the most recent research from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
  • One dermatologist... Читать дальше...


How to ask for time off work and actually get it

Tropical studio/Shutterstock.com

  • You might think it's better to not ask for vacation time, so you can be a better asset to your company and not frustrate your boss and colleagues.
  • But time off is refreshing and restorative, and it benefits your productivity and the company at large.
  • Here's how to ask for time off in a way that respects your boss' and colleagues' schedules. 

More than half of Americans don't use all of their vacation days, according... Читать дальше...


LEBRON JAMES: How the king of the NBA spends his millions

Christian Petersen/Getty Images

On the court, LeBron James has won four MVPs, three NBA championships, and is the sixth-highest-paid player in league history.

Off the court, James is equally relentless. In late 2015, James signed a lifetime endorsement deal with Nike worth more than $1 billion — a move that was so big it is more like the merger of two corporations.

As a result of his success on and off the court, James has amassed amazing cars and houses and still has time for his surprisingly ordinary family. Читать дальше...


Here's how Amazon's and Apple's new smart speakers stack up with consumers (AMZN, AAPL)

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Smart speakers — Amazon's Echo, for example — are the latest device category poised to take a chunk of our increasingly digital lives. These devices are made primarily for the home and execute a user's voice commands via an integrated digital assistant. These digital assistants can play music... Читать дальше...


An artist painted what it might be like if Princess Diana had gotten the chance to meet her daughters-in-law — and the results will make you emotional

Hulton Archive/Getty

  • Princess Diana's absence did not go unnoticed at both Prince Harry and Prince William's weddings, but one artist took it upon herself to imagine what it would have been like had their late mother been there to meet her daughters-in-law. 
  • Autumn Ying posted paintings to her Instagram, which show Princess Diana alongside her family members. 
  • One painting shows Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton and Princess Diana in their wedding gowns. 
  • Another painting shows her with the brides... Читать дальше...


Gap plunges on earnings (GPS)

Ben Pruchnie/Getty Images

  • Gap is down almost 14% after missing its first-quarter earnings. 
  • The Gap brand continued to weigh on margins even as Old Navy and Athleta showed strong performance. 
  • Jefferies believes the company needs reduce exposure to the Gap brand at a faster pace and allocate capital to the Old Navy and Athleta brands instead. 
  • Watch Gap trade in real-time here.

Gap is down nearly 14% after reporting disappointing first-quarter results. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Мокрый фасад: как сделать отделку по технологии СФТК

Путин в России и мире

Киркоров и Пелагея спели для амурчан-бамовцев в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске открывается ВНС: что будет

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Запрещено в служении проводившему панихиду по Навальному священнику

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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