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Новости за 22.03.2018


Trump has been summoned in a lawsuit alleging that he's violating the Constitution

Kevin Dietsch-Pool/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump received a summons in a lawsuit involving the attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, DC.
  • The lawsuit alleges Trump is violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

President Donald Trump was issued a summons in a lawsuit filed by the attorneys general for both Maryland and Washington, DC, alleging he is violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

The summons came as the... Читать дальше...


8 common math questions from the SATs everyone gets wrong

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The SAT doesn't just test how good you are at math, reading, and writing — it tests how good you are at taking the SAT.

Preparing for the math section of the test requires lots of practice and memorization of some formulas, but it's also important to know how to recognize trick questions, sift through unnecessary details, and remember simple tricks like reading the entire question through before starting to work on it.

Here are eight math problems from the SAT that people usually get wrong ... Читать дальше...


9 things to give up now for an instantly flatter stomach

There are certain foods and drinks that can instantly make you bloat giving the illusion of a not flat stomach.  Drinking alcohol, caffeine, and sports drinks can cause bloating.  Kale, cauliflower, and broccoli contain the same gas-inducing compound as beans and can make you bloat in the same way. You end up inhaling a lot of air when you smoke, and in turn, you bloat.  Kale and caffeine are just two of the surprising culprits behind why you're feeling fuller than a Macy's Thanksgiving Parade float. Читать дальше...


A Stanford professor explains how 'design thinking' can help you lose weight, stop worrying, and change your life


  • Bernard Roth is a professor of engineering at Stanford and the author of "The Achievement Habit."
  • In the book, he explains how design thinking can help you create meaningful changes in your life by getting to the heart of the problem and generating possible solutions.
  • A New York Times journalist used the design-thinking process to lose weight.

What's something you've always wanted to accomplish but never have?

Maybe it's launching your own company... Читать дальше...


Taco Bell is releasing chips inspired by its cult-favorite hot sauce — and you'll be able to buy them in grocery stores soon

  •  Taco Bell is releasing a line of tortilla chips flavored like its popular hot sauces. 
  • The chips will be available in grocery and convenience stores starting in May. 
  • The flavors available include Fire, Mild, and Classic.

Taco Bell has saved me on a Sunday one too many times. Just last weekend, I popped in and got a number 9—a Crunchwrap Supreme, a Crunchy Beef Taco, a Doritos Locos Taco—and an order or Nacho Fries. I was not messing around. I stocked up on the sauce packets as I usually do... Читать дальше...


Cereal-flavored peanut butter is apparently a thing now and breakfast will never be the same


  • Breakfast-cereal peanut butter just took the hassle out of making food in the midst of a busy morning. 
  • Cereously Good peanut butter comes in three varieties, including fruity crisp, cocoa puffed rice and cinnamon crisp. 
  • Gourmet peanut butter company The Peanut Principle is to thank for the new go-to quick breakfast. 

A familiar scenario: It’s 10 a.m., you’ve had two cups of coffee and you’re suddenly starving. So hungry that you can’t decide what to eat. Читать дальше...


It's impossible to know exactly what data Cambridge Analytica scraped from Facebook — but here's the kind of information apps could access in 2014 (FB)


  • We don't know exactly which information Cambridge Analytica obtained from as many as 50 million Facebook users.
  • But Facebook's old API, the software tool that gives third party apps access to Facebook user data, gives insight into what would have been possible before 2014, which is when Facebook changed its policies to prevent that sort of data scraping.
  • Back then, when users clicked "Allow" before using a third-party app, they were often giving... Читать дальше...


Twitter is flirting with its lowest close in over a month (TWTR)

  • Twitter shares fell as much as 4.22% Thursday.
  • Social media stocks have been getting whacked following news of a massive data breach at Facebook.
  • The breach is prompting concerns about future data regulation, that could hurt social media stocks.
  • Watch Twitter stock in real time here.

Twitter shares are sliding Thursday, down 3.33%, as social media stocks remain in the cross hairs following news of a massive data breach at Facebook. A close below $31.32 would be the lowest since February 12.

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CHATBOTS EXPLAINED: Why businesses should be paying attention to the chatbot revolution (FB, AAPL, GOOG)

bi intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Advancements in artificial intelligence, coupled with the proliferation of messaging apps, are fueling the development of chatbots — software programs that use messaging as the interface through which to carry out any number of tasks, from scheduling a meeting, to reporting weather, to helping users buy a pair of shoes. Читать дальше...


The 13 best documentaries about cults and controversial religions


“Wild Wild Country” is earning strong buzz on Netflix for investigating the rise and fall of a spiritual cult that made headlines in Oregon throughout the 1980s.

The documentary is one of many titles in the fascinating subgenre of controversial religious documentaries.

Scroll through the gallery for 13 real-life cults, secretive religions, and the documentaries you need to watch on each one.

Rajneesh movement — "Wild Wild Country"


Netflix’s six-part... Читать дальше...


The police officer poisoned with nerve agent is out of hospital, but says his life will 'never be the same'

Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images

The police officer poisoned with nerve agent wile investigating the Sergei Skripal case has been released from hospital, The Guardian reports. 

DS Nick Bailey was one of the first on the scene when the former Russian spy and his daughter Yulia Skripal were found unconscious in Salisbury, England, and subsequently fell ill and was hospitalised himself. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: BILL BROWDER: How sanctions on Russia... Читать дальше...


The 20 biggest celebrity breakups of the year so far

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

2018 may have recently started, but some celebrity couples have already broken up. Some pairs were together for a few months before calling it quits, while others were together for more than 10 years. 

From movie stars to reality TV stars, keep reading to see which celebrity couples have split so far. 

Julie Bowen and Scott Phillips

Rich Polk/Getty Images for Los Angeles LGBT Center

"Modern Family" actress Julie Bowen was married to Scott Phillips since 2004... Читать дальше...


The 19 biggest celebrity breakups of the year so far

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

2018 may have recently started, but some celebrity couples have already broken up. Some pairs were together for a few months before calling it quits, while others were together for more than 10 years. 

From movie stars to reality TV stars, keep reading to see which celebrity couples have split so far. 

Julie Bowen and Scott Phillips

Rich Polk/Getty Images for Los Angeles LGBT Center

"Modern Family" actress Julie Bowen was married to Scott Phillips since 2004... Читать дальше...


Wall Street is divided over whether stocks can storm back from their latest meltdown

US stocks reached new all-time highs in January before losing over 10% in just 9 trading days. Based on investor sentiment shifts over the past few months, Morgan Stanley says the equity market has probably already peaked for 2018. On the other hand, Fidelity sector strategist Denise Chisholm uses historical probability analysis to show that things often pick up after such a steep and fast correction. 

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These models recreated a Calvin Klein denim ad to prove that men of all sizes are 'handsome and worthy'

Tony Trott

  • A group of male models recreated a Calvin Klein ad to prove a point about diversity.
  • The picture is part of Darnel Ghram's "#WeAreBigAndTall" project.
  • "#WeareBigAndTall is a project I wanted to bring to life to shed some light on the under-representation & misconceptions of plus male models," Ghram wrote on his website. 
  • The pictures are inspirational.
  • Ghram spoke to INSIDER about his inspiration behind the campaign.

In the last year... Читать дальше...


These swirly churros are Turkey's best street dessert

See Also:

  • A restaurant in Toronto handmakes their udon noodles, and loads them with cream
  • A New Jersey pizza place known for its mashups has just debuted ramen pizza
  • The internet is full of people squatting with their dogs – meet the woman who started the fitness challenge


'Uber-for-helicopters' startup Blade just raised $38 million — here's what it's like to fly to the Hamptons

Madeline Stone / Business Insider

  • Blade is a transportation startup that offers on-demand flights to destinations like the Hamptons.
  • It just raised an additional $38 million in venture funding. 
  • We took a helicopter ride with Blade in 2015 — here's what it was like.

Getting to the Hamptons can be a real drag. Blade, an aviation startup cofounded by former Sony and Warner Music Group exec Rob Wiesenthal and GroupMe cofounder Steve Martocci, aims to make it a little easier on you. Читать дальше...


I bought a machine that boils my eggs for me and it was the best purchase I've made in a while

zaimoku_woodpile / Flickr

  • I bought an egg cooker and it changed my mornings.
  • It makes six perfect hard- (or soft-) boiled eggs at a time.
  • I can now eat a healthy, filling breakfast without having to waste any precious minutes of sleep.

I am not a morning person.

As much as I'd love my mornings to look like something out of the movies — a carafe of orange juice, a basket of pastries, the New York Times — that's just not happening. I need something that is fast... Читать дальше...


Bill Ackman reportedly cashes out of his Nike investment after making about $100 million

Markets Insider

  • Pershing Square CEO Bill Ackman has cashed out his stake in Nike after making about $100 million, according to Dow Jones. 
  • Ackman recently exited a years-long bet in Herbalife that reportedly cost him hundreds of millions of dollars. 
  • The apparel maker is set to report earnings after the market close on Thursday.

Bill Ackman has dumped his stake in Nike after making about $100 million, The Wall Street Journal's David Benoit reported on Thursday. Читать дальше...


Meghan Markle's wedding dress could cost half a million dollars — here's why the royal family probably won't be paying for it

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

  • People are speculating over what Meghan Markle's wedding dress will look like when she marries Prince Harry on May 19.
  • It's expected she'll go with a traditional design with a unique detail. 
  • Markle's friend and designer Roland Mouret is a likely option, while others speculate that Israeli designer Inbal Dror will create her gown.
  • The dress will most likely be paid for with private funds, and Markle might pay for it herself.
  • ... Читать дальше...


Police hunted down the suspected Austin bomber using his pink gloves and red SUV — and he used the alias 'Kelly Killmore' to ship packages

Associated Press/Eric Gay

  • Investigators tracked down the Austin bombing suspect after he entered a FedEx store in disguise, with his vehicle in view of the surveillance cameras.
  • He also turned on his phone Tuesday night, allowing authorities to pinpoint his location.
  • The suspect, 23-year-old Mark Anthony Conditt, died after he blew himself up in his vehicle as police approached him.
  • He left a tape confessing to the bomb-making, but police said there was no apparent motive. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

Путин в России и мире

Мария Захарова раскритиковала высказывание Нэнси Пелоси о Путине и протестах в США

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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