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Новости за 21.03.2018


30 photos of abandoned amusement parks around the US that will give you the chills

Seph Lawless

A photojournalist known as Seph Lawless has made a career of documenting urban decay and abandoned places in America and beyond.

Over the years, he's visited a number of abandoned theme parks in the US — and the photos are haunting. Check out the 30 photos below to see the eerie remains of 10 different neglected parks for yourself.

The Enchanted Forest Playland in Ohio only ran for five years before shutting down.

Seph Lawless

Amateur builder R.W. Bishop... Читать дальше...


4 intense ways US troops keep themselves awake in the field

U.S. Army / Spc. Ryan Hallock

Not all deployments are created equal. Some troops primarily work at a desk performing critical operational tasks, while others are out and about undertaking various missions in the bush. Regardless, both schedules usually consist of long hours and a heavy workload which can run anybody down.

No matter the nature of the mission, staying in the fight and being alert is the key for any personnel deployed.

So if you’re worried about falling asleep when you need to be at your best... Читать дальше...


I've never enjoyed sex and I finally gave it up — here's why you shouldn't be afraid to do the same

Rebecca Sloane

  • I've always experienced a certain degree of pain during sex, regardless of who it was with or what the circumstances were.
  • I felt insecure, self-conscious and uncomfortable talking to other people about it, but once I confided in close friends, I learned I wasn't alone.
  • The stigma around sex changed for me, as I made a conscious decision to stop having sex because I felt like I had to.
  • My standard of living, going out, and socializing has... Читать дальше...


Reuters photographed 17 Russians voting multiple times in the presidential election — check out the crazy photos


Ludmila Sklyarevskaya, a Russian hospital administrator, voted on Sunday in an election that gave Vladimir Putin another term as Russia's president.

Then she went to another polling station and voted again, according to Reuters reporters who witnessed her movements.

Sklyarevskaya, who denied any wrongdoing, was among 17 people who were photographed by Reuters apparently casting ballots at more than one polling station Sunday in the town of Ust-Djeguta, southern Russia. Читать дальше...


9 habits your gynecologist wants you to stop immediately

Columbia Pictures

  • Gynecologists often see hundreds of patients a year and have seen their share of habits they want them to stop.
  • Canceling your appointment because of your period isn't necessary and won't affect the accuracy of your results.
  • Screening for cervical cancer often saves lives so refusing to get tested does a lot more harm than good for your body.

You worry about your grooming

Your ob-gyn only has about 7 to 11 minutes each visit with you... Читать дальше...


Trump doubles down on praise for Putin amid blowback for congratulatory phone call

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump defended his decision to congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday for his lopsided victory in the country's election last week.
  • Trump said the "fake news media" was "crazed" over his comments because it wanted him to "excoriate" Putin, but added that getting along with Russia "is a good thing, not a bad thing."
  • The comment is the latest indication of the president's unwillingness to confront Putin on... Читать дальше...


Snap is gaining on a tough day for tech stocks (SNAP)

Markets Insider

  • Snap is far outperforming the Nasdaq Wednesday. 
  • Tech stocks are flat to down, after news of a Facebook data breach sparked a rough two days for the entire market.
  • Watch Snap stock move in real time here. 

Snap shares are up almost 4% Wednesday, to a high of almost $17 apiece. Many of the large tech stocks are flat or down in contrast, after a Facebook data breach revealed over the weekend scared investors.

Snap, like Facebook... Читать дальше...


Gold spikes after the Fed hikes rates

Markets Insider

  • The Federal Reserve's policymaking committee raised its key interest rate Wednesday from 1.25% to 1.50%.
  • The dollar fell following the decision, and gold spiked.
  • Follow gold in real time here. 

Gold is rallying Wednesday, up 1.73% at $1334 an ounce, after the Federal Open Market Committee raised its benchmark interest rate 25 basis points to a range between 1.50% and 1.75%. 

The dollar fell after the Fed's decision as the central... Читать дальше...


9 foods that nutritionists will never order at fast food restaurants

Melia Robinson/Business Insider

  • Nutritionists will remind you that just because something is the "healthiest" option on a fast food menu, it doesn't mean that it's actually good for you.
  • Burritos are loaded in calories and sodium, and the seasonings that are used are terrible for you.
  • Low-fat yogurt parfaits can contain massive amounts of added sugars, so you're better off making your own at home.


Taryn Varricchio / INSIDER

"The burritos... Читать дальше...


The 'Breaking Bad'-inspired gang of students who made $1 million selling drugs on the dark web have been jailed


  • A gang of former student drug dealers from Manchester, England have been jailed for a combined 56 years.
  • The men, who were students at Manchester University, sold LSD, Ecstasy, and other drugs on the dark web, according to the UK's National Crime Agency.
  • They were inspired by the TV show "Breaking Bad," and made more than $1 million.

A "Breaking Bad"-inspired gang of British drug dealers who began selling drugs online to make money as students have been jailed for years. Читать дальше...


Toyota will temporarily stop its self-driving-car tests after fatal autonomous Uber accident


  • In response to Sunday's fatal accident involving a self-driving Uber vehicle, Toyota will temporarily stop testing its Chauffeur autonomous-driving program in the US.
  • Toyota had been testing the fully autonomous Chauffeur system in California and Michigan.
  • The automaker was rumored to be in talks to purchase Uber's self-driving technology, though it's unclear if Sunday's accident will hurt the chances of a potential deal.

In response to... Читать дальше...


7 ways to impress hiring managers in the first 5 minutes

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Fllickr

  • An interview for a job is a chance to showcase your unique skills and stellar personality.
  • The first few minutes of an interview are key for making a positive impression on the hiring manager.
  • Some simple strategies for wowing the hiring manager include making eye contact and being open to small talk.

First impressions can be hard to shake — and that's especially true in a 30-minute job interview. Читать дальше...


Everything we know about the 23-year-old Austin bombing suspect, Mark Anthony Conditt


  • Citing law-enforcement officials, multiple news outlets have identified Mark Anthony Conditt, 23, as the suspect in recent bombings in Austin, Texas.
  • Conditt blew himself up early Wednesday after being pursued by police.
  • Officials believe the suspect was responsible for all the bombings in and around Austin this month.
  • Authorities have not yet publicly identified a motive for the spate of bombings.

Law-enforcement officials have... Читать дальше...


THE PAYMENTS INDUSTRY EXPLAINED: The Trends Creating New Winners And Losers In The Card-Processing Ecosystem

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Digital disruption is rocking the payments industry. But merchants, consumers, and the companies that help move money between them are all feeling its effects differently.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


Apple’s privacy stance is a huge ‘competitive advantage’ over Facebook and Google (AAPL)

Justin Sullivan/Getty

  • Apple has been largely insulated from privacy concerns because of its focus on monetizing hardware, not software which is dependent on ads, UBS Analyst Steven Milunovich explains.
  • He believes this gives the company a "competitive advantage" compared to other tech giants like Facebook and Google who have faced lots of criticism over how it protects users' data.
  • You can view Apple's stock price here. 

With all the hullabaloo surrounding... Читать дальше...


15 signs you're about to get a job offer

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

• Job offers are tricky — you never want to get your hopes up too much.

• At the same time, there are a number of subtle signs that good news will be coming your way soon.

• From an extended interview to early salary negotiations, here's what to watch out for.

Job offers can be an ideal stepping stone to better opportunities and a brighter future.

They're also a nice ego boost. But they're pretty stressful to wait on. Читать дальше...


One of the Trump Organization's India partners is accused of swindling investors out of $150 million

Kevin Dietsch-Pool/Getty Images

  • A Trump Organization partner is accused of running an elaborate fraud.
  • The partner is alleged of swindling roughly $150 million from investors.
  • The Trump Organization is not named in the complaint.

One of the Trump Organization's partners in an Indian project was accused of running an elaborate real estate scam, cheating investors out of roughly $150 million, according to complaints filed with Indian authorities. Читать дальше...


Elizabeth Olsen called out her 'Infinity War' magazine cover for making her look unrecognizable

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

  • Elizabeth Olsen posted a photo of the Empire "Avengers: Infinity War" cover noting how the poster didn't look like her. 
  • The actress’ overly contoured face isn’t the only issue with the covers — many have also pointed out that Chris Evans’ Captain America’s beard was poorly added.
  • The movie will be released on April 27. 

Elizabeth Olsen points out her weird looking photo on the "Avengers: Infinity War Empire" cover. Читать дальше...


Trading up in the NFL Draft for a QB is a huge risk — here's how it has worked in the past

Al Bello/Getty Images

No position in the NFL is more important than quarterback, and over the years, teams have tried numerous times to trade up in the draft to secure the future of their franchise.

Most recently, the New York Jets traded a boatload of picks for the right to jump up to the third pick in the 2018 NFL Draft.

In a draft loaded with QBs, it's a move that suggests the Jets will be aiming at their quarterback of the future. It will be a while before we know if the Jets' move was worth it... Читать дальше...


Bank stocks surge after the Federal Reserve raises rates

Chip Somodevilla/Getty

  • Bank stocks rose following news that the Federal Reserve had raised interest rates.
  • The Federal Reserve voted to increase rates by 25 basis points, marking the sixth rate hike since 2015.

Bank stocks were lifted by news that the Federal Reserve had raised rates yet again.

The Federal Reserve voted Wednesday to lift its federal funds rate by 25 basis points to a range of 1.50% to 1.75%. It marked the sixth time the Federal Open Market Committee has raised rates since 2015. Читать дальше...


The Fed just raised interest rates — here's how it happens and why it matters

Mark Wilson/Getty; Samantha Lee/Business Insider

  • The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised its benchmark interest rate for the sixth time since late-2015.
  • The Fed adjusts the interest rates that banks charge to borrow from one another, which is eventually passed on to consumers.

Banks give out money all the time — for a fee.

When we borrow and then pay back with interest, it's how banks make money.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH... Читать дальше...


5 times people swore that dogs looked like celebrities

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images/Kimchee The Maltipoo/Instagram

  • Dogs and other animals tend to go viral.
  • Sometimes dogs go viral because fans are totally convinced they resemble celebrities. 
  • We rounded up all of the times the internet thought they'd found a doggie doppelganger for a celeb. 

It's pretty much every day that a dog or other animal goes viral online for one reason or another. But sometimes, a photo goes viral because a dog has so much undeniable star power... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Бывший глава центра оценки техногенного воздействия при Росприроднадзоре Новиков арестован в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Александр Симонов: С таким Президентом, который чтит, сохраняет и укрепляет веру и силу духа своего народа, хочется учить и воспитывать мощное будущее поколение

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о мгновенном ответе Минска на любую агрессию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В США прокомментировали подготовку покушения на Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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