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Новости за 21.02.2018


'Alto's Odyssey': How the team behind 'Alto's Adventure' came up with one of the best smartphone games ever made


  • The sequel to the critically acclaimed "Alto's Adventure," called "Alto's Odyssey," released this month after almost three years of development.
  • The game builds on its predecessor's mechanics, but expands on them significantly while still maintaining the soul of the original game that players fell in love with.
  • The resulting game, "Alto's Odyssey," might just be the best iPhone game around, if not the best mobile interactive experience outright.
... Читать дальше...


Ashton Kutcher says he went into the mountains and fasted for a week after splitting with Demi Moore — and it's an odd but potentially effective way to get over a breakup

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty

  • Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore divorced in 2013.
  • After the divorce, Kutcher went alone into the mountains and fasted for a week.
  • That might not be the best strategy to get over a breakup because it gives you lots of time to brood, and not many distractions.

Right after his divorce from Demi Moore in 2013, Ashton Kutcher took off for the mountains.

All he had with him were water, tea, a pen, and a notepad.See the... Читать дальше...


The conspiracy theory around one of the Florida school shooting survivors is getting even more insane


  • Conspiracy theorists keep targeting Florida high school shooting survivor David Hogg.
  • Hogg has responded to the theorists.
  • They've made a number of false claims about him.

Far-right conspiracy theorists are now targeting Florida school shooting survivor David Hogg with both a blatantly false attack involving a yearbook photo they claim proves he did not attend the high school and another false claim that he is actually a 26-year-old who was once arrested in South Carolina. Читать дальше...


These Amazon HQ2 finalist cities could have an edge on the competition, according to experts


  • In early 2018, Amazon unveiled a list of 20 finalist cities for its second headquarters, HQ2.
  • The company listed a highly educated workforce as an important factor in its decision.
  • The Brookings Institution conducted a study that analyzes which HQ2 finalist cities have the most educated millennials.
  • Boston, Massachusetts; Washington, DC; and New York, New York ranked highest in the study.

In January, Amazon narrowed down its top 20... Читать дальше...


Warren Buffett brilliantly explains how bubbles are formed

Paul Morigi/Getty Images

  • Warren Buffett gave a crystal-clear explanation of how financial bubbles form in a 2010 interview with the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC).
  • "You can get in a whole lot more trouble in investing with a sound premise than with a false premise," he said.
  • With housing, for example, the trouble starts once people begin to buy because they really believe prices would go up.

Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway's CEO... Читать дальше...


Independent filmmakers are irate after Amazon slashed royalties by 60% on its self-distribution platform

Brand New Day Entertainment/Freebird Entertainment

  • Amazon Video Direct allows filmmakers, free of charge, to upload their work (movie, TV series, shorts) on Amazon for customers to buy, rent, or watch on Prime Video.
  • However, beginning March 1, filmmaker royalties for projects that are on Prime will decrease 60%.
  • Filmmakers are outraged and some in the industry believe Amazon is taking advantage of artists who desperately need the service, as it's one of the few outlets for their work. Читать дальше...


There are 6 major choices for streaming live TV over the internet — here's how they compare

Jeff Dunn/Business Insider

Everyone's ditching cable.

An increasing number of tech companies are trying to attract the millions of "cord-cutters" who have ditched traditional cable TV for internet-based replacements.

Relative newcomers like Hulu and Google's YouTube are breaking in, while old-school heavies like Sony, Dish Network, and AT&T have been fighting it out for months now.

So, which is right for you?

Since this is the TV industry in America, figuring out what's what is complex. Читать дальше...


A dad biked 10,000 miles just to see his son compete in the Olympics, and the pictures from his year-long journey are incredible

David Ramos/Getty Images

  • The father and stepmother of skier Mischa Gasser biked more than 10,000 miles to see him compete in Pyeongchang. 
  • The couple left their home outside of Zurich last February and biked nearly every day for the past year, passing through 20 countries to get to South Korea. 
  • Guido Huwiler used Instagram and his blog to document their incredible year-long journey. 
  • Gasser's father and stepmother are planning another cycling trip to return home from the Olympics. Читать дальше...


Warren Buffett thinks the 'elite' have wasted $100 billion ignoring his best investment advice

Scott Olson/Getty

  • Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway will publish its annual letter to shareholders on February 3.
  • In his letter last year, Buffett said that the "elite" have wasted $100 billion ignoring his best investment advice.
  • The 2018 edition could shed light on Berkshire Hathaway's healthcare initiative with Amazon and JPMorgan, and Berkshire's interest in doing big acquisitions. 
  • Business Insider will covering Buffett's 2018 letter over the weekend, so check back for updates. Читать дальше...


Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle are modern royals — and their lives couldn't be more different from Queen Elizabeth's at their age

WPA Pool / Pool / Getty Images

  • Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle are both 36 years old. Queen Elizabeth II was 36 in 1963.
  • Queen Elizabeth's life then looked a lot different than Middleton's and Markle's lives look today.
  • For example, Markle and fiancé Prince Harry don't yet have kids — Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip were already married for 15 years and expecting their fourth child.

Being a member of the British royal family today is a drastically... Читать дальше...


There's a ride at Disney that will never shut down, no matter what — here's why


  • Many of the rides at Disney have become iconic over the years.
  • The Carousel of Progress is less flashy, but will never shut down — no matter what.
  • Walt Disney himself conceived of the ride, and it will live on in his honor.

Disney is full of magical foods everyone should try in their lifetime, but one of its biggest allures is its rides. While some fan-favorites are bound to stick around forever — we don't foresee the Haunted Mansion going anywhere soon ... Читать дальше...


Talk show host Wendy Williams announces she's been diagnosed with Graves' Disease

Getty Images

  • Talk show host Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with Graves' Disease.
  • She announced the news on her show "The Wendy Williams Show," and said that she is taking three weeks off to focus on her health.
  • Graves' Disease is an autoimmune disease that causes overactivity of the thyroid gland.

Talk show host Wendy Williams revealed Wednesday that she has been diagnosed with Graves' Disease, and that her show will be taking a hiatus.See the... Читать дальше...


Thousands of students scold lawmakers in Florida and Washington over gun violence ahead of planned national school walkout

Associated Press/Matt Wallheiser

  • Students across the US are rallying for stricter gun-control measures after the shooting in a Florida high school last week that killed 17 people.
  • Students planned walkouts and staged protests and rallies in Tallahassee, Florida, and Washington, DC.
  • Lawmakers are under pressure to act on gun-control measures, and President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he intended to ban "bump stock" devices for semiautomatic firearms.
... Читать дальше...


Thousands of students across the US are walking out of their schools to protest gun violence and push for change after the Florida shooting

Associated Press/Matt Wallheiser

  • Students across the country are rallying for stricter gun-control measures after a mass shooting in Florida last week killed 17 people.
  • Students planned school walkouts and staged protests and rallies in Tallahassee, Florida and Washington, DC.
  • Lawmakers are under pressure to act on gun-control measures, and President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he intended to ban "bump stock" devices for semi-automatic firearms.

Students... Читать дальше...


Watch Gus Kenworthy give the anchors of the 'Today' show a skiing lesson

Ker Robertson/Getty

  • The "Today" anchors aren't very experienced skiers, so they decided to get lessons from Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy. 
  • First, the pair had to get proper ski boots and make sure they knew the proper "ski swagger." 
  • Hoda had just a bit of difficulty getting off the chairlift. 
  • The pair learned the "pizza" technique for controlling their speed. 
  • Gus made the "executive decision" to put Savannah on his back for a ride down the hill. Читать дальше...


San Francisco's housing market is so dire, people need to make over $300,000 a year to afford the typical home

Melia Robinson/Business Insider

  • The household income required to buy a typical home in San Francisco is now $303,000, according to a report from Paragon Real Estate.
  • Only 12% of households in the city can afford the median-priced home.
  • The high cost of living is making it harder for tech companies and non-profit organizations to recruit and retain employees in San Francisco.

Being part of San Francisco's middle class doesn't mean you can afford middle-class... Читать дальше...


THE DIGITAL COMMERCE AND GEN Z REPORT: How retailers and brands can reach and appeal to the next generation of consumers

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Generation Z, also known as iGen or Centennials, is arguably the most pivotal generation to the future of retail. By 2026, the majority of Gen Zers will reach adulthood, and their spending power will reach new heights. Retailers and brands need to start establishing relationships with Gen Zers now to ensure success in the years to come. Читать дальше...


One of the teen survivors of the Florida shooting says he's quitting Facebook because of death threats from 'NRA cultists'

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

  • Cameron Kasky, one of the survivors of the Florida school shooting, is being harassed online.
  • He says he's quit Facebook because of death threats from anti-gun control advocates.
  • He and other survivors of the attack have been harassment targets since the attack.

Shortly after the February 14 school shooting at Marjory Douglas Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida, the survivors started getting harassed online.See the rest... Читать дальше...


A woman who’s worked in venture capital for 25 years shares her best career advice — and why it was worth being the first and only woman on her team when she started out

Canaan Partners

  • Wende Hutton has been a venture capitalist for 25 years. 
  • Throughout her career investing in early-stage biotech companies, she's brought her children to board meetings, coexisted with a "band of brothers," and mentored future female leaders.
  • Hutton shares her career advice with Business Insider, which includes staying curious, and avoiding making investing a solo sport. 

It's rare to find women in venture capital. And it's even... Читать дальше...


Some Fed officials worry inflation will stay below their target

Yuri Gripas/Reuters

  • Some Fed officials see an "appreciable risk" that inflation remains below their 2% target, according to the minutes of their January meeting released on Wednesday.
  • Wall Street has been focused on inflation since that meeting. Concerns about it — and higher interest rates — helped plunge the stock market into a correction.
  • The Fed was otherwise upbeat on the economy, and expects tax cuts to support growth.

Some Federal Reserve... Читать дальше...


Cardi B debuted blonde hair and it completely transforms her look

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

  • Cardi B debuted long, blonde hair at the NBA All-Star Weekend.
  • The "Bodak Yellow" rapper has worn her hair blonde in the past, but this time she's opted for a more natural shade.
  • Celebrity stylist and wig maker Tokyo Stylez is behind her new look. 

Cardi B is the latest celebrity to jump on the blonde hair bandwagon. 

On Sunday, the rapper debuted her golden waist-grazing locks on Instagram, and kept the... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве прошел ливень «летней интенсивности»

Путин в России и мире

Париж решил показать, что такое ядерное сдерживание России по-французски

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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