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Новости за 23.02.2018


DROPBOX IPO FILING WARNS : We may never be profitable

Mike Blake/Reuters

  • Dropbox on Friday filed to go public.
  • The company has never made a profit and warned it may never, according to a filing.

Dropbox officially filed on Friday to go public on the Nasdaq exchange under the ticker 'DBX.'

It’s the first time the company has had to disclose its financial situation — and the details aren’t exactly pretty. The company lost $111.7 million in 2017 on revenues of $1.1 billion, and warned potential investors... Читать дальше...


Microsoft is rising after announcing that it's partnering with Xiaomi to make AI and cloud computing devices (MSFT)

Markets Insider

  • Shares of Microsoft jumped 2.39% after announcing that the Washington-based company has joined forces with Chinese tech giant Xiaomi in a close collaboration on cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and hardware.
  • The two companies signed a memorandum of understanding under which Microsoft will allow Xiaomi to leverage Microsoft's cloud computing products, including Azure, for Xiaomi's phones, laptops, and smart devices. The partnership will give Microsoft more access to the Chinese market. Читать дальше...


The most astonishing TV twists and turns of the 21st century, ranked


Television can offer magnificent surprises early, often, and anywhere in between. From series and pilots built around an unpredictable twist to moment-by-moment developments that’ll knock you for a loop, time is on TV’s side — and yours.

Great thrillers, mysteries, and other dramatic fair can deliver shocking moments on the regular, while more and more comedies are also getting in on the risk/reward ratio benefitting those who know how to play the odds.

If fortune favors the bold... Читать дальше...


The Marine Corps is testing the new sniper rifle the Army is buying — but it could miss the mark in some key ways

Lance Cpl. Gloria Lepko

The Marine Corps is throwing down cash to test-drive the same compact sniper rifle the Army has pursued in recent months. But while its 7.62mm rounds pack the punch required by scout snipers facing increasingly protected enemies downrange, its effective range falls well short of the sniper systems used by both foreign militaries and militants — a limitation that makes it unclear just what the Corps could do with this new weapon.

The Army’s proposed fiscal... Читать дальше...


Airlines want to start charging customers based on who you are — and it means everyone could be paying drastically different prices

Universal Pictures

  • According to Revenue management software company PROS, airlines may soon begin charging passengers different prices based on who they are.
  • Airline websites would be able to identify customers by their IP addresses and mine data for their flying history, then charging them accordingly. 
  • The airlines have some legal battles to face before they can implement this change. 

It’s common knowledge that passengers pay different prices for their seats. Читать дальше...


Trump blasts Russia's actions in Syria as 'a humanitarian disgrace'


  • President Donald Trump blasted Russia, Iran, and the Syrian government over their continued military campaigns in Syria, which has killed and injured thousands since the beginning of the year.
  • Trump was speaking at a press conference with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
  • It was perhaps one of Trump's sharpest critiques ever of Russia.

President Donald Trump blasted Russia, Iran and the Syrian government on Friday for their military... Читать дальше...


A prominent NYC venture capitalist says a floating pontoon bridge could be the answer to the looming L train nightmare

L-Ternative Bridge

  • In April 2019, New York City plans to shut down the L line between Brooklyn and Manhattan for 15 months to focus on repairs.
  • Many commuters who use the L line, particularly those who live in low-income neighborhoods, don't have many convenient alternatives.
  • A Kickstarter is attempting to fill the void raising money to build a pontoon bridge between Brooklyn and Manhattan.

In April 2019, New York City plans to shut down the L... Читать дальше...


The White House is on lock down after a vehicle hit a security barrier

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

  • The White House is on lockdown after a passenger vehicle struck a security barrier.
  • The female drive of the car was "immediately apprehended" and no one was injured in the incident.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is on lockdown after a passenger vehicle struck a security barrier.

The U.S. Secret Service tweets that the vehicle "did not breach the security barrier of the White House complex."See the rest of the story... Читать дальше...


Trump warns of 'very rough' 'Phase Two' against North Korea if sanctions don't work: 'Very, very unfortunate for the world'


  • President Donald Trump suggested a "Phase Two" in the US's strategy against North Korea if its sanctions were ineffective.
  • Trump did not say what that phase would entail.
  • Earlier in the day, Trump announced new sanctions against North Korea that would target its trading activity.

President Donald Trump proposed a strategy against North Korea if the US's latest sanctions were not effective in curbing the regime's provocations on Friday.

... Читать дальше...


A tipster warned the FBI in January that she was worried the Florida shooting suspect was 'going to explode'

South Florida Sun-Sentinel/Mike Stocker via Associated Press

  • The person who tipped off the FBI about the 19-year-old charged in the shooting at a Florida high school last week said she was worried he was "going to explode," according to a transcript reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.
  • The FBI acknowledged last week that it failed to follow protocol in investigating the tip.
  • Authorities have charged Nikolas Cruz with 17 counts of premeditated murder.
  • The... Читать дальше...


California school closed due to a threat linked to a former NFL player's Instagram post

Joel Auerbach/Getty Images

  • Two campuses of a school in Los Angeles were closed on Friday after a disturbing image was posted the Instagram account of former NFL player Jonathan Martin.
  • Martin was at the center of the NFL bullying scandal when he was a member of the Miami Dolphins.
  • The Instagram image read, "When you're a bully victim & a coward, your options are suicide, or revenge" and included a photo of a gun and shotgun shells.
  • The post tagged the school... Читать дальше...


Vaping instead of smoking still exposes you to toxic metals like lead — here's how worried you should be

Eduardo Munoz/Reuters

  • A new study found that people who vape may be inhaling potentially dangerous levels of toxic metals like lead.
  • However, the study did not directly compare the levels to those of conventional cigarettes — which some research suggests are higher and more worrisome.
  • Most research suggests that vaping is a healthier alternative to smoking — especially for adults who want to quit. But those studies have also revealed some of its potential downsides. Читать дальше...


Teen survivors of the Florida shooting are organizing a massive march for gun control in Washington

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

  • Student activists and survivors of the shootings in Parkland, Florida are organizing the "March For Our Lives," a national march in the name of gun control safety and legislative change.
  • On March 24, protesters will take over Washington D.C. as well as several other major cities for speeches, tributes, and musical performances.
  • Celebrities and politicians are getting involved and supporting the students. 

The tragic shooting at Parkland... Читать дальше...


Trump: It's up to John Kelly to decide whether Jared Kushner will keep his security clearance

  • President Donald Trump was asked whether his son-in-law Jared Kushner will be allowed to continue working at the White House under an interim security clearance.
  • Trump said the decision on Kushner's clearance is up to chief of staff John Kelly.
  • Kelly overhauled the security clearance rules for the White House after the Rob Porter domestic abuse scandal.
  • Kushner is reportedly worried that Kelly is directly targeting him with the new rules.

President... Читать дальше...


How many calories normal people actually burn doing 9 Winter Olympic sports

Getty Images

We can't all be Olympians. 

But we couch-bound Olympics-watchers can still reap serious health benefits from trying out some of the sports in play at the Winter Games.

We've rounded up nine of the most exciting winter sports to determine about how many calories you'd burn based on a metric called METs.

We calculated how much the average Joe and Jane USA might burn doing each Olympian-style sport for 60 minutes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention... Читать дальше...


Meet the teen Florida school shooting survivors fighting back against Trump and taking control of the country's debate over gun laws

Alex Wong/Getty Images

  • The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, which left 17 dead, has sparked debate over gun laws and mental health issues.
  • Many of the survivors of the massacre are leading the gun reform movement and spreading awareness through the hashtag #NeverAgain.
  • The Stoneman Douglas students have confronted their politicians, the NRA, and even President Trump in an effort to prevent more tragedy. 

With the grown-ups stalling, America’s... Читать дальше...


Asking yourself a single question could be the key to getting the job you want

juan ramos/Unsplash

  • Before beginning the job-search, as yourself "what makes me worth hiring?" 
  • It is essential to accurately assess and quantify your value in terms of your experience and past achievements. 
  • By branding yourself effectively, you will communicate your worth to prospective employers, and make a positive impression.  

Hillary spent seven months in 2017 looking for a job. She didn't get any interviews. She was convinced there was something wrong with her. Читать дальше...


Dropbox has filed for an IPO

REUTERS/Beck Diefenbach

  • Dropbox just filed for its IPO.

The file sharing unicorn Dropbox filed its S-1 on Friday, which means one of the most anticipated IPOs in tech is well on its way.

Here's what we know:See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: JIM ROSS: Here's who will take over WWE after Vince McMahon

See Also:


Here's what time the 2018 Winter Olympics closing ceremony starts where you live

Getty Images

  • The closing ceremony is happening on Sunday night.
  • Korea is 14 hours ahead of New York, so it means an early start.
  • Europe gets to watch at around midday instead.

The 2018 Winter Olympics is coming to an end and the closing ceremony will take place at the Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium on February 25.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: Why North Korea sent hundreds of cheerleaders to the Olympics

See Also:


Trump made a rare joke about his mysterious hair

Screenshot/Fox News

  • President Donald Trump joked about his infamous hair during a speech on the Conservative Political Actions Conference on Friday.
  • "I try like hell to hide the bald spot, folks," Trump said while looking himself at large video boards. "It doesn't look bad."
  • The moment came in a wild speech where Trump touted many of his accomplishments on the economy, tax reform, and healthcare.

President Donald Trump on Friday turned to large video... Читать дальше...


Scientists figured out which human ancestor made the first cave paintings — and it challenges one way we thought humans were unique

  • Long before early modern humans arrived in Europe, Neanderthals were painting in caves, leaving behind animal shapes and hand-prints.
  • They may also have been decorating shells before Homo sapiens did.
  • This indicates that the stereotype of the brutish Neanderthal is wrong — they were cognitively closer to us than many think.

We often think of art and culture as exclusively the domain of humans — specifically our particular species, Homo sapiens.

Читать дальше...


'Eating for two' during pregnancy is a myth — here's how to figure out the right calorie intake for you

screenshot via Friends

  • When it comes to eating during pregnancy, there's a lot more to it than simply "eating for two." In fact, that very concept is a myth.
  • Caloric intake needs vary based on the stage of pregnancy.
  • 2,200-2,900 calories per day is the recommendation for the average, healthy pregnant person.

During pregnancy, the body goes through many changes to support the growth of another life —and  because of that, your nutrition needs to change, too. Читать дальше...


THE POINT-OF-SALE APP MARKETPLACES REPORT: How payments firms are upgrading their service offerings to meet evolving merchant demands


In an increasingly digitized world, brick-and-mortar retailers are facing immense pressure to understand and accommodate their customers’ changing needs, including at the point of sale (POS). 

More than two years after the EMV liability shift in October 2015, most large merchants globally have upgraded their payment systems. And beyond upgrading to meet new standards, many major retailers are adopting full-feature, “smart” devices — and supplementing them with valuable tools and services ... Читать дальше...


Business Insider is hiring a paid distributed content intern. Apply now!

Sarah Jacobs/Business Insider

Business Insider is hiring a paid distributed content intern to assist with our freelance and partnerships program. 

If you're a news junkie with analytical skills and a passion for optimizing how stories are consumed online, this internship is for you. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: Here's what might happen if North Korea launched a nuclear weapon

See Also:

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Экология в России и мире

Бестопливные Neutrinovoltaic электромобили проектируются в Индии

Путин в России и мире

Амурские семьи могут попасть в кино и отправить особенную открытку благодаря душевному проекту

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский после приезда Блинкена в Киев сразу же стал выпрашивать у США дополнительные ЗРК Patriot

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Пианист-виртуоз Култышев исполнит редкие сочинения Баха и Брукнера на концерте в «Зарядье»


«Умираем, хотим русских». Закончив войну, горцы в Азии ждут туристов из РФ

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