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Новости за 10.02.2018


There is actually a logical explanation for why there is an Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing and guns

Quinn Rooney/Getty Images

  • Every four years, there is one Winter Olympics sport that raises the most eyebrows — biathlon.
  • While most multi-discipline sports are meant to test overall athletic prowess (e.g. decathlon, triathlon), biathlon combines the endurance of cross-country skiing with shooting rifles at a target.
  • The sport actually has a logical explanation that traces back to hunting and military skills found in northern European countries.

Every four years... Читать дальше...


This simple technique can help you to take in more of what you read

Strelka Institute/Flickr/Attribution License

  • After reading something new, take time to reflect on the information you have consumed — that way, you are more likely to remember it.
  • There are several ways to reflect on piece of writing, from relating it to your own experiences, to noting down any important points mentioned. 
  • Studies show that by reading content in hard-copy, rather than through a screen, you are more likely to absorb the information you have read.

Whether it's Facebook content... Читать дальше...


Watch the adorable moment Idris Elba proposed to his girlfriend at a screening of his new film

Rich Fury/Getty Images

  • Idris Elba proposed to his beauty queen girlfriend Sabrina Dhowre at a screening of his new film 'Yardie.'
  • He got down on one knee on stage the morning before the movie preview. 
  • Twitter users who witnessed the happy event tweeted video of the moment and offered their best wishes.

Idris Elba has proposed to his beauty queen girlfriend at an east London screening of his new film.

The Rio Cinema in Dalston, where Elba was previewing Yardie... Читать дальше...


Kim Cattrall slams former 'Sex and the City' co-star Sarah Jessica Parker's condolence message: 'You are not my friend'

Dan Callister/Getty Images

  • Former "Sex and the City" co-stars Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker have reportedly not gotten along in years.
  • In an Instagram post Saturday, Cattrall slammed Parker and called her "cruel" and a "hypocrite." 
  • Cattrall appeared to post the message in response to a condolence message from Parker after the death of Cattrall's brother last week.

NEW YORK (AP) — Kim Cattrall has a message for Sarah Jessica Parker: Spare me your sympathy. Читать дальше...


Kim Cattrall calls former 'Sex and the City' co-star Sarah Jessica Parker a hypocrite: 'You are not my friend'

Dan Callister/Getty Images

NEW YORK (AP) — Kim Cattrall has a message for Sarah Jessica Parker: Spare me your sympathy.

Cattrall lashed out at her former "Sex and the City" co-star after Parker expressed support over the death of Cattrall's brother, Chris.

In an Instagram message posted Saturday, Cattrall wrote that Parker is not a friend and called her a hypocrite. The two actresses reportedly have not gotten along for years. In late 2017, a "Sex and the City 3" movie was canceled amid reports of fighting among the cast.


There are 2 reasons the stock meltdown is different from past ones

Reuters/Brendan McDermid

  • The market has been caught off guard by the ongoing stock market sell-off, which feels a lot different from past instances.
  • Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have been shocked at how quickly equities have sold off and have also bemoaned the lack of alternative options.

If you're staring at the red on your computer screen, thinking this market bloodbath feels different from past instances, you may be onto something.

For one... Читать дальше...


11 successful entrepreneurs and execs reveal how they use their downtime to be more successful

Sid Leigh/Unsplash

Hustle is important, but entrepreneurs are humans, not robots. Breaks, downtime and recuperation are key to staying hyper-focused over the long haul. Time-management titans and members of The Oracles share their top tips for using downtime to up your business game.

1. Get away

Courtesy of The Oracles

I always ask the real estate agents I coach to identify their "Why": their real, genuine motivation for working hard every day. Nothing reminds me of my "Why" more than getting away for a family vacation. Читать дальше...


THE MOBILE CARRIER LANDSCAPE: How AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint are overcoming slow user growth amid a fierce price war

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

It hasn't been smooth sailing for telecoms in recent years. Native voice and messaging services, which once accounted for the vast majority of telecoms' subscriber revenue, are struggling to compete with over-the-top (OTT) apps, like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Viber — and they're losing.See the rest of the... Читать дальше...


Hope Hicks emerges unscathed as the White House battles fallout from the domestic abuse controversy

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

  • Hope Hicks, the White House communications director, has come out relatively untainted as President Donald Trump's administration continues dealing with the abrupt exit of two key aides accused of domestic abuse.
  • The development comes amid reports that Hicks was instrumental in crafting White House chief of staff John Kelly's response to allegations against Rob Porter, the former staff secretary whom Hicks is said to be dating.
  • While Kelly and... Читать дальше...


The cops, the FBI, and the White House all knew about the allegations against Rob Porter — they just didn't care

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

  • The women who accused former White House staff secretary Rob Porter told family and church elders, friends, counselors, and FBI officers about their allegations.
  • Yet nobody did a thing about the allegations. Porter was given an interim security clearance.
  • Apparently "I didn't see it with my own eyes in the workplace," is the new "thoughts and prayers."

As it turns out, the first #MeToo story to actually trip up the White... Читать дальше...


A Wikipedia rival just landed $30 million from crypto investor Mike Novogratz


  • A Wikipedia rival just landed $30 million in an equity deal, partially funded by Mike Novogratz's new crypto merchant bank. 
  • Everipedia is moving onto the blockchain to create a crypto-twist of Wikipedia. 

A Wikipedia competitor that is moving onto the blockchain just landed $30 million in funding in an equity deal involving a number of investors, including a fund overseen by Mike Novogratz's new merchant bank Galaxy Digital.

Everipedia... Читать дальше...


Forget the Apple 'spaceship' and Salesforce tower — San Francisco’s most eye-popping wonder is the army of giant whales that navigate its waters, and it’s surprisingly easy to get up close

Reed Saxon/AP

Whale watching may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about things to do in Northern California.

Touring San Francisco? Definitely. Visiting wine country? Sure. Seeing Apple's new Spaceship headquarters? Maybe, if you're a tech geek.

But it turns out the area is also a splendid place to catch sight of the leviathans of the seas. Every year, several species, from orcas on up to the biggest of them all, blue whales, make their way down the California... Читать дальше...


Uma Thurman's brutal injury on the 'Kill Bill' set shows what happens when a director's power goes too far, according to a producer


  • Uma Thurman told The New York Times she was injured on the set of "Kill Bill" after director Quentin Tarantino allegedly made her do a car stunt.
  • The actress provided video to the Times of her crashing into a tree, which led to her injuring her knees and suffering a concussion, she said.
  • Producer Rebecca Green told Business Insider the accident would never have happened if the movie's producer had stepped up and stopped Thurman from driving the car.

On Saturday... Читать дальше...


Wynn Resorts is moving on from Steve Wynn

Reuters/Mike Blake

  • This marks the end of an era for the company.
  • Wynn's public statement did not allude to what regulators may (or may not) have said to the company about him. 
  • The company shouldn't change, and there shouldn't be a decrease in valuation. 

Late on Tuesday night, Las Vegas legend Steve Wynn resigned as CEO and chairman of the board of Wynn Resorts Ltd., the company he founded. The board of directors announced that Matt Maddox, Wynn Resorts' president... Читать дальше...


GOLDMAN SACHS: Here are the 3 areas of the stock market to buy following the meltdown

REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

  • Goldman Sachs still sees opportunities in the equity market following the major stock selloff that has thrown investors for a loop over the past few days.
  • The firm notes that the stock decline broke the S&P 500's 404-day stretch without a 5% drawdown, breaking the longest such streak in 90 years.

Following the massive two-day stock meltdown, your first instinct might be to stay far, far away from the equity market.

Goldman Sachs disagrees. Читать дальше...


A $1.6 trillion investment chief shares the biggest lessons that guide him through erratic markets


  • The stock market this week had its biggest decline since the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in June 2016. 
  • Such moves, and worse, are familiar to Tim Armour, the CEO of $1.6 trillion asset-manager Capital Group.
  • "The most important lesson I’ve learned over time is that you have to contain your emotions," he said. 

"Keep calm and carry on" is not exactly the kind of temperament traders are inclined to have when... Читать дальше...


Trump blows off exercise for golf — here's how other presidents stayed fit

Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Image

When President Donald Trump had his first physical as a presidential candidate in December 2015, Dr. Harold Bornstein did not shy away from exaggeration.

"If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency," he said.

In January, Rear Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson gave Trump another, somewhat more down-to-earth health assessment. Jackson gave the president high marks for cognition, heart strength... Читать дальше...


Watch F-15 fighter jets rip though the UK's 'Mach Loop' while making ultra low-level passes

Elwyn Roberts/Twitter

The "Mach Loop" in northwest Wales provides a perfect vantage point to watch fighter jets and other aircraft blitz through steep-sided valleys at almost eye level.

Earlier this week, amateur photographer Elwyn Roberts caught what appear to be US Air Force F-15 fighters from the 48th Fighter Wing based at RAF Lakenheath — home to the US Air Force in Europe's only F-15 fighter wing — making some thunderous passes through the Loop's snow-capped mountains.See the... Читать дальше...


15 years after 11 uber-wealthy heirs appeared in the controversial documentary 'Born Rich," here's where they are — from the White House to the Amazon

Pool/Getty Images

• The 2003 documentary "Born Rich" is 15 years old now.

• The film looks into the lives of incredibly wealthy young heirs and heiresses.

• Some of the film's participants regretted appearing in the controversial documentary.

Fifteen years ago, Johnson & Johnson heir Jamie Johnson came out with a documentary exploring what it's really like to inherit a fortune.

He delved into his own experience growing up wealthy, and also interviewed 10 other young, uber-rich heirs and heiresses. Читать дальше...


10 cities where it takes the most hours of work to pay rent

Solis Images/Shutterstock

  • Census Bureau data shows that over 46% of American renters are housing cost-burdened — and the problem is worse in big cities. 
  • SmartAsset reviewed the data to find the hours of work needed to pay rent in the 25 largest cities in the US.
  • They compared three metrics: average hours worked per year, average earnings per year, and average monthly rents. 
  • Out of the top 10 cities, renters in San Jose, California need to work 89.7 hours to cover monthly rent... Читать дальше...


Trump launches into morning tweetstorm on Russia and White House domestic abuse controversy

Chris Kleponis-Pool/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump tweeted about reports that a Russian with ties to the Kremlin sold purported dirt on Trump to US officials seeking to recover stolen cyberweapons.
  • He also alluded to the abrupt exits of two former White House aides following reports detailing domestic abuse allegations against them.
  • "I hope people are now seeing & understanding what is going on," he tweeted in response to the reports of US officials paying the Russian to recover hacking tools. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

Тема дня: Путин назвал сохранение духовных ценностей условием укрепления суверенитета

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: на территории Польши и Прибалтики готовят атаки на восток

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Проводивший панихиду по Навальному* священник запрещен в служении

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец Григорий Лепс откроет караоке-бар Leps Bar в Петербурге


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