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Новости за 19.01.2017


A social network for money managers had a competition for trade ideas — here are the winners

Reuters/John Gress

Everyone on Wall Street wants to get ahead. 

Investors use algorithms, mathematical models, research, and their gut to come up with investment ideas that will deliver outsized returns.

SumZero, a professional network for investors, has recognized the crème de la crème of those ideas in its 2017 Top Stock Challenge.

According to SumZero, the contest represents the best of the best of forward-looking research from SumZero's community of money management professionals. Читать дальше...


Feds sue the biggest student loan company in the US alleging 'shortcuts and deception' against borrowers

Thomson Reuters

Federal regulators have sued Navient, accusing the biggest U.S. student loan company of making it harder for borrowers to repay loans by giving them bad information, processing payments incorrectly and failing to act on complaints.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau filed the federal lawsuit against Navient Corp. and two subsidiaries on Wednesday, seeking restitution for affected borrowers and money penalties. The agency said the company also cheated struggling... Читать дальше...


Feds sue the biggest student loan company in the US alleging 'shortcuts and deception' against borrowers

Thomson Reuters

Federal regulators have sued Navient, accusing the biggest U.S. student loan company of making it harder for borrowers to repay loans by giving them bad information, processing payments incorrectly and failing to act on complaints.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau filed the federal lawsuit against Navient Corp. and two subsidiaries on Wednesday, seeking restitution for affected borrowers and money penalties. The agency said the company also cheated struggling... Читать дальше...


Facebook is being accused of 'racially biased censorship' by the ACLU (FB)

Thomson Reuters

Nearly 80 rights groups on Wednesday accused Facebook of "racially biased censorship" and failing to be more transparent about its removal policies and cooperation with law enforcement, adding to criticism the company has faced in recent months over its management of content on its network of 1.8 billion users.

The sharp rebuke, sent in response to a December letter from Senior Vice President Joel Kaplan, reflected increasing impatience among advocacy groups that say... Читать дальше...


Facebook is being accused of 'racially biased censorship' by the ACLU (FB)

Thomson Reuters

Nearly 80 rights groups on Wednesday accused Facebook of "racially biased censorship" and failing to be more transparent about its removal policies and cooperation with law enforcement, adding to criticism the company has faced in recent months over its management of content on its network of 1.8 billion users.

The sharp rebuke, sent in response to a December letter from Senior Vice President Joel Kaplan, reflected increasing impatience among advocacy groups that say... Читать дальше...


How World War III could begin in Latvia

Lucas Jackson/Getty Images

Four years ago, I predicted Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Here’s my next prediction, which by now will strike many people as obvious: The Baltics are next, and will pose one of President-elect Donald Trump’s first and greatest tests. It probably won’t take the form of an overt invasion.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has a clear goal and a grand strategy. But it’s not the most realists perceive. Some argue that he is driven by fundamentally rational, defensive goals... Читать дальше...


How World War III could begin in Latvia

Lucas Jackson/Getty Images

Four years ago, I predicted Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Here’s my next prediction, which by now will strike many people as obvious: The Baltics are next, and will pose one of President-elect Donald Trump’s first and greatest tests. It probably won’t take the form of an overt invasion.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has a clear goal and a grand strategy. But it’s not the most realists perceive. Some argue that he is driven by fundamentally rational, defensive goals... Читать дальше...


Here's the science behind why you blush

Kevin Winter/ Getty Images

The INSIDER Summary:

• Blushing is caused by blood vessels dilating in response to stress-fueled adrenaline.
• Scientists still aren't sure why it happens, but believe it could be an evolutionary nonverbal apology.
• There's no real way to avoid it other than breathing deeply and letting it pass.

You call someone the wrong name, or accidentally shatter a glass on an unforgiving restaurant floor. Why does your face turn red when you least want attention... Читать дальше...


Here's the science behind why you blush

Kevin Winter/ Getty Images

The INSIDER Summary:

• Blushing is caused by blood vessels dilating in response to stress-fueled adrenaline.
• Scientists still aren't sure why it happens, but believe it could be an evolutionary nonverbal apology.
• There's no real way to avoid it other than breathing deeply and letting it pass.

You call someone the wrong name, or accidentally shatter a glass on an unforgiving restaurant floor. Why does your face turn red when you least want attention... Читать дальше...


Men and women are equally vulnerable to domestic abuse online

WOCinTech Chat/flickr

Domestic abuse is not a new problem in the U.S. On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner. And when it comes to sexual domestic violence, women are far more likely to be victims. But what happens when this domestic abuse moves online? 

The Data and Society Research Institute decided to take a closer look. They asked 3,000 Americans over the phone about whether they have experienced abusive behaviors by current or past romantic partners. Читать дальше...


Men and women are equally vulnerable to domestic abuse online

WOCinTech Chat/flickr

Domestic abuse is not a new problem in the U.S. On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner. And when it comes to sexual domestic violence, women are far more likely to be victims. But what happens when this domestic abuse moves online? 

The Data and Society Research Institute decided to take a closer look. They asked 3,000 Americans over the phone about whether they have experienced abusive behaviors by current or past romantic partners. Читать дальше...


Rubicon Project is shutting down the division associated with its $122 million Chango acquisition (RUBI)

Rubicon Project/YouTube

Ad tech company Rubicon Project is closing down the division it created following its $122 million acquisition of Toronto-based "intent marketing" company Chango after its performance did not meet expectations.

In an SEC filing on Wednesday, Rubicon Project said it was was shutting its intent marketing business and had instead entered into a partnership with digital marketing platform IgnitionOne.

(Rubicon Project also provided Business Insider a statement... Читать дальше...


Rubicon Project is shutting down the division associated with its $122 million Chango acquisition (RUBI)

Rubicon Project/YouTube

Ad tech company Rubicon Project is closing down the division it created following its $122 million acquisition of Toronto-based "intent marketing" company Chango after its performance did not meet expectations.

In an SEC filing on Wednesday, Rubicon Project said it was was shutting its intent marketing business and had instead entered into a partnership with digital marketing platform IgnitionOne.

(Rubicon Project also provided Business Insider a statement... Читать дальше...


'The 4-Hour Workweek' author says a 3-step process he learned from Tony Robbins drastically improved his life

Andrew "Drew" Kelly

In many ways, Tim Ferriss carries on a tradition well-established by Tony Robbins: finding people at the top of their fields, determining what makes them tick, and then passing those insights to a general audience.

After Ferriss, who authored bestseller "The 4-Hour Workweek," interviewed Robbins in 2014 for his podcast, he enrolled in one of Robbins' seminars — the four-day "Unleash the Power Within," with admission starting at around $800 — to get an experience of the events that made Robbins famous. Читать дальше...


'The 4-Hour Workweek' author says a 3-step process he learned from Tony Robbins drastically improved his life

Andrew "Drew" Kelly

In many ways, Tim Ferriss carries on a tradition well-established by Tony Robbins: finding people at the top of their fields, determining what makes them tick, and then passing those insights to a general audience.

After Ferriss, who authored bestseller "The 4-Hour Workweek," interviewed Robbins in 2014 for his podcast, he enrolled in one of Robbins' seminars — the four-day "Unleash the Power Within," with admission starting at around $800 — to get an experience of the events that made Robbins famous. Читать дальше...


NASA is in a strange and expensive pickle with the Russians

NASA/Joel Kowsky

NASA, in dealing with Russia's monopoly on human spaceflight, is hoping Boeing can help — that is, by buying tickets the company owns for rides aboard Russian rockets.

When NASA retired its last space shuttle in July 2011, it expected commercial carriers like SpaceX and Boeing to launch its astronauts into space by 2015.

But both companies hit snags with the development of their rockets and spaceships, causing the first planned launches to slip to 2018, according... Читать дальше...


NASA is in a strange and expensive pickle with the Russians

NASA/Joel Kowsky

NASA, in dealing with Russia's monopoly on human spaceflight, is hoping Boeing can help — that is, by buying tickets the company owns for rides aboard Russian rockets.

When NASA retired its last space shuttle in July 2011, it expected commercial carriers like SpaceX and Boeing to launch its astronauts into space by 2015.

But both companies hit snags with the development of their rockets and spaceships, causing the first planned launches to slip to 2018, according... Читать дальше...


Rolex is suddenly battling one of the biggest threats in history


1969 marked the beginning of a revolution in the watch industry.

That was the year Japanese watchmaker Seiko introduced the Seiko Quartz-Astron 35Q, the first watch to be powered by a electrical oscillator regulated by a quartz crystal.

It took nearly ten years and teams of engineers to develop. But as soon as it was released it immediately ushered in what is refer to by people in the watch industry as"the Quartz Crisis." 

Up until Seiko's Astron, Swiss watchmakers were king. Читать дальше...


Rolex is suddenly battling one of the biggest threats in history


1969 marked the beginning of a revolution in the watch industry.

That was the year Japanese watchmaker Seiko introduced the Seiko Quartz-Astron 35Q, the first watch to be powered by a electrical oscillator regulated by a quartz crystal.

It took nearly ten years and teams of engineers to develop. But as soon as it was released it immediately ushered in what is refer to by people in the watch industry as"the Quartz Crisis." 

Up until Seiko's Astron, Swiss watchmakers were king. Читать дальше...


Ukrainian president: US should 'be great again' by confronting the 'global threat' of Russia

Thomson Reuters

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called for a worldwide effort to counter the threat of Russian cyber warfare and urged the United States to "be great again" by demonstrating leadership on issues such as global security.

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's pledge to improve ties with the Kremlin and open admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin has put Ukraine, whose Crimea region was annexed by Russia in 2014, under the spotlight.

Poroshenko played... Читать дальше...


Ukrainian president: US should 'be great again' by confronting the 'global threat' of Russia

Thomson Reuters

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called for a worldwide effort to counter the threat of Russian cyber warfare and urged the United States to "be great again" by demonstrating leadership on issues such as global security.

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's pledge to improve ties with the Kremlin and open admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin has put Ukraine, whose Crimea region was annexed by Russia in 2014, under the spotlight.

Poroshenko played... Читать дальше...


Senegalese troops say they'll cross the border if Gambia's ousted president doesn't step down

By Elsa Portillo, US Marine Corps

Senegal's forces are at the Gambian border and will enter at midnight if the veteran president, Yahya Jammeh, refuses to relinquish power, the Senegalese army told Reuters on Wednesday.

Jammeh, who lost a Dec. 1 election to opposition leader Adama Barrow, says he will not step down, citing irregularities in the vote. His mandate is due to end at midnight (midnight GMT).

"We are ready and are awaiting the deadline at midnight. If no political solution is found... Читать дальше...


Senegalese troops say they'll cross the border if Gambia's ousted president doesn't step down

By Elsa Portillo, US Marine Corps

Senegal's forces are at the Gambian border and will enter at midnight if the veteran president, Yahya Jammeh, refuses to relinquish power, the Senegalese army told Reuters on Wednesday.

Jammeh, who lost a Dec. 1 election to opposition leader Adama Barrow, says he will not step down, citing irregularities in the vote. His mandate is due to end at midnight (midnight GMT).

"We are ready and are awaiting the deadline at midnight. If no political solution is found... Читать дальше...

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123ru.net — ежеминутные новости с ежедневным архивом. Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Не нравится, не хотите слышать — не читайте, читаете — будьте взаимно вежливы и корректны в своих высказываниях. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. 123ru.net — обозреватель новостей. Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть —онлайн с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии. 123ru.net — живые новости в живом эфире! Быстрый поиск от 123ru.net — это не только возможность первым узнать, но и преимущество сообщить срочные новости мгновенно на любом языке мира и быть услышанным тут же. В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость - здесь.

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Самые свежие новости Вашего города, а также полный архив ежедневных событий города с аналитикой, комментариями и прямыми ссылками на источники информации. Местные городские, авторитетные региональные и популярные федеральные новостные агентства и телеканалы — в одной ленте новостей, упорядоченные по времени публикации и с обязательным указанием первоисточника информации. Ничего лишнего. Всё о чём говорят, пишут в газетах и блогах, показывают по телевизору и транслируют в интернете — из первых рук.

123ru.net — самый полный календарь значимых и не очень событий Вашего города, в Вашем городе и о Вашем городе вчера, сегодня и прямо сейчас — от пользователей нашего сайта в режиме онлайн. А также — актуальные статьи и мировые новости.

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Экология в России и мире

Климатический апокалипсис? В Москве снег, в Сочи полярные сияния из-за сильнейших магнитных бурь

Путин в России и мире

Уроженец Кировской области с позывным Струна стоял на параде рядом с Путиным

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Святая миссия русского солдата

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Алла Пугачёва

Оставшиеся в России родственники Аллы Пугачевой погрязли в долгах и лишились квартиры


«Спартак» обыгрывает «Краснодар» после первого тайма благодаря голу Зобнина

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