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Новости за 18.01.2017


For the second time in a month, Jewish centers across the US are getting bomb threats

CBS Miami

Several Jewish community centers in different U.S. states reported receiving false telephone bomb threats on Wednesday in the second wave of promised attacks to target American Jewish facilities this month.

The Jewish Community Center Association, a network of the health and education centers, said on Twitter it was aware of a number of threats and was working with local authorities to ensure people's safety.

In Miami Beach, a center received a call at 9:54 a.m. (1454 GMT) and was evacuated... Читать дальше...


Senate Armed Services Committee approves retired General James Mattis as secretary of defense


The Senate Armed Services Committee has overwhelmingly approved President-elect Donald Trump's pick for defense secretary.

The Republican-led panel voted 26-1 Wednesday to recommend that the full Senate consider the choice of retired Marine Gen. James Mattis to run the Pentagon.

Mattis retired from military service in 2013 after a 41-year career in uniform.

Congress last week approved legislation that grants a one-time exception for Mattis from the law that bars... Читать дальше...


25-year-old Lions running back says he's spending his offseason doing medical research on rats because it's good 'for the brain'

Chris Keane/AP

Detroit Lions running back Zach Zenner had a strong finish to the 2016 season, totaling 311 yards and three touchdowns in the final four games.

So while it looks like he has a future in the NFL ahead of him, he's going to continue to pursue a career after football by spending his offseason doing medical research.

According to Dave Birkett of the Detroit Free Press, Zenner will again spend his offseason at a hospital in Detroit, this time doing a study that involves ultrasounds on rats. Читать дальше...


Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff sees a huge sales opportunity under Trump's administration (CRM)


Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff is a master salesman who can turn any conversation into a selling opportunity.

So when Yahoo Finance's Andy Serwer asked if Benioff would be open to working with President-elect Donald Trump, who he famously opposed during the election, the billionaire CEO didn't hesitate to bring up an idea for a potential deal.

Benioff said:

“One thing that I certainly hope he does is to take a good, hard look at how all of our agencies operate. Читать дальше...


30 Easter eggs you may have missed in 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'

Netflix, Jacob Shamsian/INSIDER

Warning: Spoilers ahead for "A Series of Unfortunate Events" books and Netflix show.

The book series "A Series of Unfortunate Events" is filled with sly literary references, wordplay, and other small hints that make reading the book — despite the unfortunate subject matter — a pleasant experience.

The Netflix television show adaptation is no different.

Daniel Handler, who wrote the book series, also wrote the script for the show. He imbued it with the same mischievous... Читать дальше...


The 21 best comedy shows you can watch on Netflix right now

The INSIDER Summary: 

•Netflix is there for us at the end of a long day, when you're having trouble falling asleep, and when you're in need of a good laugh.
• "Scrubs," "Friends," "How I Met Your Mother," and other comedies are now on Netflix for your viewing pleasure and to brighten your day. 

Who needs real friends when there are Friends available to stream at any time, friends who are likely much funnier than your actual friends (and also come with their very own laugh track)? Читать дальше...


The government is suing Oracle for discriminatory hiring practices — Oracle says it's 'politically motivated'

Business Insider

The US Department of Labor is suing Oracle, alleging that the database giant "has a systemic practice of paying Caucasian male workers more than their counterparts in the same job title," resulting in women and people of color getting paid less for the same work. 

Additionally, the lawsuit claims that Oracle has a bias toward hiring Asian-Americans in technical roles, passing over other groups. 

As a federal contractor, Oracle is required by law to comply with anti-discrimination regulations... Читать дальше...


Marijuana is about as popular as Donald Trump in these 5 red states

Sean Gallup/Getty

The results of the 2016 election tell us being a Republican and a marijuana legalization advocate are no longer mutually exclusive, if the labels ever were to begin with.

Eight US states voted on marijuana legalization ballots in the 2016 Election. Five of them — Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Montana, and North Dakota — turned red for Trump. Of those five, four states also legalized cannabis in some form, the Marijuana Business Daily reports.

"In each case... Читать дальше...


Trump's pick for the top healthcare official defends past votes supporting 'Confederate History Heritage Month'

Alex Wong/Getty Images

President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services faced questions about resolutions he supported earlier in his career lauding the Confederate States of America. 

Tom Price, a US representative from Georgia and former Georgia state senator, was asked by Sen. Tim Kaine about his support for a number of resolutions in the Georgia Senate supporting celebrations of the Confederacy.

"When you were a member of the Georgia legislature... Читать дальше...


Israel upgrades missile defenses with Israel 'Star Wars' interceptor system

Thomson Reuters

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's upgraded ballistic missile shield became operational on Wednesday, in a "Star Wars"-like extension of its capabilities to outer space where incoming missiles can be safely destroyed.

The Defence Ministry said the U.S.-funded Arrow 3 system, jointly developed by state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries and U.S. firm Boeing Co., was handed over the Israeli Air Force.

The Arrow 3, together with the Arrow 2, which has been operational since 2000... Читать дальше...


I tried 3 side gigs that don't require special skills, experience, or tools to make some extra cash

Vivek Prakash/Reuters

Selling crafty projects on Etsy, pitching creative skills on Fiverr, or picking up jobs through TaskRabbit may require skills we don't have (or work we don't really want to do).

But who couldn't use a little extra money? Enter a different class of side gigs, where you get paid just for you being you. No particular skills, experience or equipment required.

Too good to be true? To find out, I signed up for a few myself. Here's what I learned — and earned ... Читать дальше...


FED: Wages are going up 'modestly' across most of America

Thomson Reuters

The Federal Reserve says workers across much of the US are seeing modest wage gains, according to its Beige Book released on Wednesday.

The Beige Book is a compilation of anecdotes on the economies in the Fed's 12 districts.

This document is the Fed's first in-depth look at the economy since the Federal Open Markets Committee raised rates for just the second time since the financial crisis at the conclusion of its December 13-14 meeting. The Boston Fed prepared this edition. Читать дальше...


The most shocking Scientology revelations according to the season finale of Leah Remini's show

"Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath"/A&E

After the success of its first season and its first Reddit "ask me anything" session, "Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath" ended its season one run on Tuesday with more answers to Reddit users' questions.

Leah Remini and former Scientology spokesperson Mike Rinder were joined by a few guests, including Lawrence Wright, the author of "Going Clear," the groundbreaking book on Scientology. But before they got to answering questions... Читать дальше...


Top Republican congressman: Here's why Trump is smart to call NATO 'obsolete'


DAVOS, Switzerland — President-elect Donald Trump is using a smart tactical ploy when referring to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as "obsolete," a top Republican congressman told Business Insider.

Trump has rattled NATO with a recent proclamation that the alliance is "obsolete," echoing a word he used on the campaign trail. It has garnered attention from corners including the organization itself, which has pushed back, and from Russia, where a top spokesman to President... Читать дальше...


'Will & Grace' is officially coming back for a new season on NBC

"Will & Grace" is getting another life on NBC.

The network announced an official green light for a 10-episode season of the hit comedy that ran from 1998 to 2006. The new season will air at some point during the upcoming 2017-2018 TV season.

“We’re thrilled that one of the smartest, funniest, and most defining comedies in NBC history is coming back,” NBC Entertainment Chairman Robert Greenblatt said in a statement. “This groundbreaking series for everything from gay rights to social and political commentary ... Читать дальше...


The creator of Timehop now works for Snapchat


Timehop cofounder and CEO Jonathan Wegener has joined Snapchat to work on product design, a Snap spokesman confirmed to Business Insider.

Wegener joining Snap may seem odd given that Timehop is all about remembering your old photos and Snapchat was created with ephemeral messaging in mind. But Wegener's expertise could aid the development of Snapchat's Memories feature, which lets you save photos and videos you shoot in the app for later.

Recode's Peter Kafka first... Читать дальше...


$3.8 billion Slack is making a little change to solve a big problem with its business

Sometimes, it's the little things that make the biggest impact. 

For instance, when $3.8 billion work chat app Slack announces on Wednesday that it's adding threaded conversations, it's not just adding a much-requested feature that makes it easier to keep team conversations on-topic and get things done.

It's also signaling a move to address its biggest and most common criticisms, as it seeks out larger and more lucrative customers, even as pressure from new competitor Microsoft begins to mount. Читать дальше...


A week in New York City on a $50,000 salary

Ruth Hartnup/Flickr

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking millennial women how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we're tracking every last dollar. (Thanks, New York mag, for the inspiration.)

Today, a woman hosting a dinner party while training for a half-marathon.

Industry: Performing arts/media

Age: 30

Location: NYC

Salary: $50,000

Paycheck Amount (Every Two Weeks)... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В 2024 году исполняется 140 лет созданию в Москве первой общедоступной публичной бесплатной библиотеки

Путин в России и мире

Собянин: к 2030 году на долю Москвы придется 35–40% туристов в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Театра кукол «Ульгэр» в Улан-Удэ проводит етс фотосессию детям


Конкурс с призом! – задачка про китайскую приблуду (и как обойтись без нее)

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